Ebola Proven In Medical Studies To Be Air Transmitted, The Studies They Do Not Want You To Read

Do you believe after reading this article Ebola can be Air Transmitted?

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I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against this disease touching any readers or members of USMB or their families! I believe God to cover you people and your families from this wicked disease and that it will not touch you or your families! That is what I am praying today!

Uh, wouldn't Jesus be all about laying on hands to heal people with ebola. And wouldn't then he contract it so that if his blood then got on us, covering us, we'd get infected? :)

Jesus can heal through prayer - even over the internet - and he can protect through prayer over the internet too! I have already seen Him do it! My God can do anything! He is the One true God! He is the Lord God Almighty! The Blood of Jesus Christ is powerful! My God answers prayer! I know He does.

Oh. Well then we shouldn't be fearful of it now should we. We can just ask Jesus to heal people with it instead of limited their travel or locking them away somewhere.

Jesus left the building a long time ago.

Only if he wanted too

I'm not a medical examiner, or medical professional. It shows how the experiment was done. The pigs were infected.....Monkeys were placed in the cages. The monkeys contracted the disease, and then they did the autopsies on the pigs and Monkeys showing where the Ebola had spread and gave percentages of damaged organs due to the virus.

In the other article, it stated that they put Monkeys in the cages and monkeys infected with the virus in similar surroundings without the same results as used on pigs.

The pigs snort and they say have a better capability to blow out the heavy droplets than other animals.....namely the monkeys.

But it does show that a sneeze of an infected person could spread it.

Why do I believe this...........Anyone who hasn't ever had a POWER SNEEZE where you sneezed so hard that you splattered out as a result of the sneeze, I would consider unworthy of the truth. And I'd think if someone sneezed that blew out onto anything........chair...armrest with the disease could infect anyone touching that surface.
Is it common for people with Ebola to sneeze? Like it would be common for a person with a cold or the flu to sneeze...I'm not certain that is the case with people infected with Ebola?

Also, passing the disease through being close to a pig that snorts out the bodily fluids or close to a human with the disease that sneezes out fluids, does not mean it is an airborne passing disease, right?

And how long does the virus live on a surface? 1 day? 1 hour? two weeks? 6 months, before dying?

What kills it on surfaces? Bleach? Vinegar?

Do you truly believe the nurse in France wasn't all suited up, when she saw the known patient with ebola, or did she catch it, before the patient was identified as having it???

Letting the virus spread in those countries in Africa with the bulk of the cases, is MORE of a threat to us than you seem to give consideration...

we could stop flights from Africa, but we would also need to stop all the cargo ships from there entering our ports, and we would need to stop all airlines from coming to the USA, all ships, all trains from across the border, because who is to say some one like that nurse in France couldn't come here to the USA.... other countries obviously already have a case or two, just like the usa, and if in the USA it could rapidly spread then in France and all countries in the world, it could spread as well....

basically, stopping travel from just those countries is not a guaranteed protection for us....and doesn't help with getting the aid to these sick people over there....

WE need to focus on the experimental cure drug and in finding a vaccine....that is our best bet in surviving or rather nipping in the bud, a possible worldwide epidemic....imo.
We need to do everything you listed and more Care4all. We should certainly stop the travel and the export / import with those countries. No question about it.
I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against this disease touching any readers or members of USMB or their families! I believe God to cover you people and your families from this wicked disease and that it will not touch you or your families! That is what I am praying today!

Uh, wouldn't Jesus be all about laying on hands to heal people with ebola. And wouldn't then he contract it so that if his blood then got on us, covering us, we'd get infected? :)

Jesus can heal through prayer - even over the internet - and he can protect through prayer over the internet too! I have already seen Him do it! My God can do anything! He is the One true God! He is the Lord God Almighty! The Blood of Jesus Christ is powerful! My God answers prayer! I know He does.

Oh. Well then we shouldn't be fearful of it now should we. We can just ask Jesus to heal people with it instead of limited their travel or locking them away somewhere.

Jesus left the building a long time ago.

Only if he wanted too
Jesus said where two or more are gathered in His Name He is there. Jesus is most definitely on this board. Whether he likes it or not.
They are now saying they are going to screen at our airports for Ebola virus by taking the temperature of people arriving here. Problem with that is that the man who died had his temp taken and they said it was normal - they also say passengers could falsify their reports. Yikes.

And 4 days later they get the symptoms, while not showing anything in these tests.........So they have basically not stopped anything. While it gives out information on what to watch for.......but by then it may be too late and they could actually have already spread the disease.........

We will not know if more are going to get it as a result of Duncan for another week or so..........Hopefully, the CDC and WHO are correct about it's hard to spread and no one else gets sick.

I think considering that 2017 is drawing near (Kissinger said every man, woman and child would be chipped with RFID chip by 2017) they need a major crisis and would undoubtedly let this reach epedemic proportions before doing anything. Between this, ISIS and major changes such as today an announcement that we will not longer celebrate Christopher Columbus day but rather now they are calling it Indigenous day - is a sign of great trouble ahead for America.
They let it reach America? How do you know that wasn't planned? How do you know they didn't engineer this strain of Ebola? How do you know, when the time is right, they aren't going to dump it from airplanes, you know, like chem-trails? Once you dive down that rabbit hole brother, why not go all the way? :tinfoil:

It could be all that and more. Or not.
I guess we'll find out when we find out, eh?
In the meantime, it's nice to keep an eye on the Lucifarians. They think that they can control creation. Silly little creatures.

BOOM: Top Ebola Scientist Joked About Culling Humanity with Engineered Virus
Activist Post BOOM Top Ebola Scientist Joked About Culling Humanity with Engineered Virus
While this comment was made prior to the current Ebola outbreak fears, it is unsettling given the high level projects Dr. Arntzen has worked on for DARPA, as well as private biotech research. Among these are storable genetically engineered Anthrax vaccines for use during a biological attack, an edible vaccine with genetically engineered medicine/vitamins grown into foods like bananas and even work supporting efforts by EpiCyte to create a spermicidal anti-bodies grown in corn to slow human reproduction.

Statements like these hardly convey trust in a process that is already less than transparent and prone to speculation, various states of unrest and panic on the part of the public. The Daily Mail reported that much of the local population in Sierra Leone have been distrustful of medical workers there and blamed the deaths on a 'government conspiracy'

Someone casually remarking on culling some 25% of the population with a bioweapon is THE LAST PERSON you'd want to trust with creating an already dangerous countermeasure to Ebola, which carries a death rate as high as 90%.

And just so we know, that these ARE indeed the droids we're looking for, and not some lame conspiracy theory. . . .

Defensive measures: toward a vaccine for Ebola
The Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University News
On August 26, 1976, a time bomb exploded in Yambuku, a remote village in Zaire, (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo). A threadlike virus known as Ebola had emerged, soon earning a grim distinction as one of the most lethal, naturally occurring pathogens on earth, killing up to 90 percent of its victims, and producing a terrifying constellation of symptoms known as hemorrhagic fever.

Now, Charles Arntzen, a researcher at the Biodesign Institute ® at Arizona State University, along with colleagues from ASU, the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix, and the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Fort Detrick, MD, have made progress toward a vaccine against the deadly virus.
The Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University People
Yup. Same guy. Boy, I don't know about you guys, but that doesn't instill a lot of confidence in me. A scientist that wants to "cull" the population is the one that is in charge of making the vaccine.

And we are wondering WHY the infection has been allowed to spread over here? REALLY? Hmmmm. . . . . :eusa_think:
This belongs in the conspiracy section. You guys must be morons. Do you realize that if the disease was actually airborne it would be infecting people at a way faster rate? Thats not to say it cant mutate and start doing so but if that happens you can kiss it all goodbye. However, I cant think of a virus that has ever made the jump from non airborne to airborne.
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Yeah, that was sort of MY point. Until it IS proven to by an airborne contagion, it is sort of a conspiracy theory.
Why would the CDC withhold such information from the public?

You crazy-ass nut balls.

The same reason for most other matters.... 'We don't have a need to know'.

Makes me think o f the movie Soylent Green. Never liked crackers much after that.


I'm not a medical examiner, or medical professional. It shows how the experiment was done. The pigs were infected.....Monkeys were placed in the cages. The monkeys contracted the disease, and then they did the autopsies on the pigs and Monkeys showing where the Ebola had spread and gave percentages of damaged organs due to the virus.

In the other article, it stated that they put Monkeys in the cages and monkeys infected with the virus in similar surroundings without the same results as used on pigs.

The pigs snort and they say have a better capability to blow out the heavy droplets than other animals.....namely the monkeys.

But it does show that a sneeze of an infected person could spread it.

Why do I believe this...........Anyone who hasn't ever had a POWER SNEEZE where you sneezed so hard that you splattered out as a result of the sneeze, I would consider unworthy of the truth. And I'd think if someone sneezed that blew out onto anything........chair...armrest with the disease could infect anyone touching that surface.
Is it common for people with Ebola to sneeze? Like it would be common for a person with a cold or the flu to sneeze...I'm not certain that is the case with people infected with Ebola?

Also, passing the disease through being close to a pig that snorts out the bodily fluids or close to a human with the disease that sneezes out fluids, does not mean it is an airborne passing disease, right?

And how long does the virus live on a surface? 1 day? 1 hour? two weeks? 6 months, before dying?

What kills it on surfaces? Bleach? Vinegar?

Do you truly believe the nurse in France wasn't all suited up, when she saw the known patient with ebola, or did she catch it, before the patient was identified as having it???

Letting the virus spread in those countries in Africa with the bulk of the cases, is MORE of a threat to us than you seem to give consideration...

we could stop flights from Africa, but we would also need to stop all the cargo ships from there entering our ports, and we would need to stop all airlines from coming to the USA, all ships, all trains from across the border, because who is to say some one like that nurse in France couldn't come here to the USA.... other countries obviously already have a case or two, just like the usa, and if in the USA it could rapidly spread then in France and all countries in the world, it could spread as well....

basically, stopping travel from just those countries is not a guaranteed protection for us....and doesn't help with getting the aid to these sick people over there....

WE need to focus on the experimental cure drug and in finding a vaccine....that is our best bet in surviving or rather nipping in the bud, a possible worldwide epidemic....imo.

This not getting aid to Africa if we ban flights is beyond stupid. We would still fly military flights for the aid workers.

Uh, wouldn't Jesus be all about laying on hands to heal people with ebola. And wouldn't then he contract it so that if his blood then got on us, covering us, we'd get infected? :)

Jesus can heal through prayer - even over the internet - and he can protect through prayer over the internet too! I have already seen Him do it! My God can do anything! He is the One true God! He is the Lord God Almighty! The Blood of Jesus Christ is powerful! My God answers prayer! I know He does.

Oh. Well then we shouldn't be fearful of it now should we. We can just ask Jesus to heal people with it instead of limited their travel or locking them away somewhere.

Jesus left the building a long time ago.

Only if he wanted too
Jesus said where two or more are gathered in His Name He is there. Jesus is most definitely on this board. Whether he likes it or not.


Exodus 23:25
Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you,
Why would the CDC withhold such information from the public?

You crazy-ass nut balls.

The same reason for most other matters.... 'We don't have a need to know'.

Makes me think o f the movie Soylent Green. Never liked crackers much after that.



How many people at the CDC know that Ebola is airborne? What is your guess?
Why would the CDC withhold such information from the public?

You crazy-ass nut balls.

The same reason for most other matters.... 'We don't have a need to know'.

Makes me think o f the movie Soylent Green. Never liked crackers much after that.



How many people at the CDC know that Ebola is airborne? What is your guess?

So let me project your next question- If X number of people know, how can it be kept a secret?

I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against this disease touching any readers or members of USMB or their families! I believe God to cover you people and your families from this wicked disease and that it will not touch you or your families! That is what I am praying today!

Uh, wouldn't Jesus be all about laying on hands to heal people with ebola. And wouldn't then he contract it so that if his blood then got on us, covering us, we'd get infected? :)

Why discount or deflect from someone's heartfelt prayer. Prayer certainly won't make the matter any worse so maybe you should give it a go.
Site with the supposed study is a conspiracy site. Historically, not the most credible source for such information.
It's absolutely amazing that any sensible human being, especially a supposedly educated American, would believe that the government actually wants an ebola outbreak in America and thus is deceiving the public about the disease. These people seem to have no ability to think rationally.
Site with the supposed study is a conspiracy site. Historically, not the most credible source for such information.
It's absolutely amazing that any sensible human being, especially a supposedly educated American, would believe that the government actually wants an ebola outbreak in America and thus is deceiving the public about the disease. These people seem to have no ability to think rationally.

Well, the poll results being 7 to 3 seem to bear out most figures: 70 percent of Americans are preternaturally stupid, 30 aren't. :)
Site with the supposed study is a conspiracy site. Historically, not the most credible source for such information.
It's absolutely amazing that any sensible human being, especially a supposedly educated American, would believe that the government actually wants an ebola outbreak in America and thus is deceiving the public about the disease. These people seem to have no ability to think rationally.

"Somehow liberals have been unable to acquire from birth what conservatives seem to be endowed with at birth: namely, a healthy skepticism of the powers of government to do good."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Jesus can heal through prayer - even over the internet - and he can protect through prayer over the internet too! I have already seen Him do it! My God can do anything! He is the One true God! He is the Lord God Almighty! The Blood of Jesus Christ is powerful! My God answers prayer! I know He does.

Oh. Well then we shouldn't be fearful of it now should we. We can just ask Jesus to heal people with it instead of limited their travel or locking them away somewhere.

Jesus left the building a long time ago.

Only if he wanted too
Jesus said where two or more are gathered in His Name He is there. Jesus is most definitely on this board. Whether he likes it or not.


Exodus 23:25
Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you,
I understand the sentiment but the bible has been proven to be fairytales based on historical events.
Yeah, that was sort of MY point. Until it IS proven to by an airborne contagion, it is sort of a conspiracy theory.

Whats funny is that there is a thread that says Ebola was invented by white guys to kill off Black people and I bet the same people who claim its airborne and the CDC is hiding it would be vigorously denying it was deliberately introduced to wipe out Black people

Did The White Man Invent The Ebola Virus US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Site with the supposed study is a conspiracy site. Historically, not the most credible source for such information.
It's absolutely amazing that any sensible human being, especially a supposedly educated American, would believe that the government actually wants an ebola outbreak in America and thus is deceiving the public about the disease. These people seem to have no ability to think rationally.

"Somehow liberals have been unable to acquire from birth what conservatives seem to be endowed with at birth: namely, a healthy skepticism of the powers of government to do good."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Even if this were true, what reason would the US government have to conspire to mislead the populous about Ebola and create a pathway for an Ebola outbreak in the US? What would be their motive nut girl?

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