Ebola Proven In Medical Studies To Be Air Transmitted, The Studies They Do Not Want You To Read

Do you believe after reading this article Ebola can be Air Transmitted?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • No

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I voted yes. Not in the sense of a cold virus or the flu..........But even these germs can get onto any surface and simple contact with the germs can give you the cold or flu.

According to what I'm reading, it's that the airborne particles are heavy and will not float around like other types of viruses which they consider of the airborne variety.

If you are near a sick person and they are sweating, or sneezing I see no reason why these droplets could land on something you touch and you could touch the same surface and get the virus because now you have had contact with the fluids. While it is not on the same level as Flu or Colds, the disease can stay alive for weeks on that surface.

I think they are downplaying the possibilities of the spread to keep a lid on the Political back lash associated to this disease. It has started in one country over there and has quickly spread to the entire region.
I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against this disease touching any readers or members of USMB or their families! I believe God to cover you people and your families from this wicked disease and that it will not touch you or your families! That is what I am praying today!

Uh, wouldn't Jesus be all about laying on hands to heal people with ebola. And wouldn't then he contract it so that if his blood then got on us, covering us, we'd get infected? :)

Jesus can heal through prayer - even over the internet - and he can protect through prayer over the internet too! I have already seen Him do it! My God can do anything! He is the One true God! He is the Lord God Almighty! The Blood of Jesus Christ is powerful! My God answers prayer! I know He does.

Oh. Well then we shouldn't be fearful of it now should we. We can just ask Jesus to heal people with it instead of limited their travel or locking them away somewhere.

I think travel from the infected nations should be stopped immediately. I do believe God keeps his own and I also know He answers prayer and as you don't - buy some protective suits and your own oxygen supply, Delta. Living in fear is not something I plan on doing.

I've stated the same. Travel should be banned, unless they do blood tests on those coming here from Ebola Land. I don't care about the economic effects or the pain in the butt to those that would have to be tested. The World response should be COMPLETE containment of the virus in the Hot Zones.

PC culture need not apply when dealing with a deadly disease that only gets worse by spreading it to other parts of the globe. Those saying this is BS are stating it's only 1 case..........but I'd say that is 1 too many given the potential of exponential expansion of the virus should those infected do what has happened in Ebola Land.

I'm not a medical examiner, or medical professional. It shows how the experiment was done. The pigs were infected.....Monkeys were placed in the cages. The monkeys contracted the disease, and then they did the autopsies on the pigs and Monkeys showing where the Ebola had spread and gave percentages of damaged organs due to the virus.

In the other article, it stated that they put Monkeys in the cages and monkeys infected with the virus in similar surroundings without the same results as used on pigs.

The pigs snort and they say have a better capability to blow out the heavy droplets than other animals.....namely the monkeys.

But it does show that a sneeze of an infected person could spread it.

Why do I believe this...........Anyone who hasn't ever had a POWER SNEEZE where you sneezed so hard that you splattered out as a result of the sneeze, I would consider unworthy of the truth. And I'd think if someone sneezed that blew out onto anything........chair...armrest with the disease could infect anyone touching that surface.
They are now saying they are going to screen at our airports for Ebola virus by taking the temperature of people arriving here. Problem with that is that the man who died had his temp taken and they said it was normal - they also say passengers could falsify their reports. Yikes.
They are now saying they are going to screen at our airports for Ebola virus by taking the temperature of people arriving here. Problem with that is that the man who died had his temp taken and they said it was normal - they also say passengers could falsify their reports. Yikes.

And 4 days later they get the symptoms, while not showing anything in these tests.........So they have basically not stopped anything. While it gives out information on what to watch for.......but by then it may be too late and they could actually have already spread the disease.........

We will not know if more are going to get it as a result of Duncan for another week or so..........Hopefully, the CDC and WHO are correct about it's hard to spread and no one else gets sick.

I'm not a medical examiner, or medical professional. It shows how the experiment was done. The pigs were infected.....Monkeys were placed in the cages. The monkeys contracted the disease, and then they did the autopsies on the pigs and Monkeys showing where the Ebola had spread and gave percentages of damaged organs due to the virus.

In the other article, it stated that they put Monkeys in the cages and monkeys infected with the virus in similar surroundings without the same results as used on pigs.

The pigs snort and they say have a better capability to blow out the heavy droplets than other animals.....namely the monkeys.

But it does show that a sneeze of an infected person could spread it.

Why do I believe this...........Anyone who hasn't ever had a POWER SNEEZE where you sneezed so hard that you splattered out as a result of the sneeze, I would consider unworthy of the truth. And I'd think if someone sneezed that blew out onto anything........chair...armrest with the disease could infect anyone touching that surface.

Here is what I was thinking about. Some time ago - perhaps a year or two? There was a few soldiers who made their own youtube videos to out the military who they said were doing drills - preparing /training them to do checkpoints - which would require all americans desiring to travel outside of their state to be given a vaccination - if they refused they were to be taken to a FEMA camp - this was what the soldiers said they were being trained for - as they were Christians they were deeply upset about what they were being told and decided to go on youtube and tell others about it. To be honest with you - I think this Pope is far more dangerous than the Ebola virus. Far more.
They are now saying they are going to screen at our airports for Ebola virus by taking the temperature of people arriving here. Problem with that is that the man who died had his temp taken and they said it was normal - they also say passengers could falsify their reports. Yikes.

And 4 days later they get the symptoms, while not showing anything in these tests.........So they have basically not stopped anything. While it gives out information on what to watch for.......but by then it may be too late and they could actually have already spread the disease.........

We will not know if more are going to get it as a result of Duncan for another week or so..........Hopefully, the CDC and WHO are correct about it's hard to spread and no one else gets sick.

I think considering that 2017 is drawing near (Kissinger said every man, woman and child would be chipped with RFID chip by 2017) they need a major crisis and would undoubtedly let this reach epedemic proportions before doing anything. Between this, ISIS and major changes such as today an announcement that we will not longer celebrate Christopher Columbus day but rather now they are calling it Indigenous day - is a sign of great trouble ahead for America.
I voted yes. Not in the sense of a cold virus or the flu..........But even these germs can get onto any surface and simple contact with the germs can give you the cold or flu.

According to what I'm reading, it's that the airborne particles are heavy and will not float around like other types of viruses which they consider of the airborne variety.

If you are near a sick person and they are sweating, or sneezing I see no reason why these droplets could land on something you touch and you could touch the same surface and get the virus because now you have had contact with the fluids. While it is not on the same level as Flu or Colds, the disease can stay alive for weeks on that surface.

I think they are downplaying the possibilities of the spread to keep a lid on the Political back lash associated to this disease. It has started in one country over there and has quickly spread to the entire region.
I voted yes also.

I'm not a medical examiner, or medical professional. It shows how the experiment was done. The pigs were infected.....Monkeys were placed in the cages. The monkeys contracted the disease, and then they did the autopsies on the pigs and Monkeys showing where the Ebola had spread and gave percentages of damaged organs due to the virus.

In the other article, it stated that they put Monkeys in the cages and monkeys infected with the virus in similar surroundings without the same results as used on pigs.

The pigs snort and they say have a better capability to blow out the heavy droplets than other animals.....namely the monkeys.

But it does show that a sneeze of an infected person could spread it.

Why do I believe this...........Anyone who hasn't ever had a POWER SNEEZE where you sneezed so hard that you splattered out as a result of the sneeze, I would consider unworthy of the truth. And I'd think if someone sneezed that blew out onto anything........chair...armrest with the disease could infect anyone touching that surface.

Here is what I was thinking about. Some time ago - perhaps a year or two? There was a few soldiers who made their own youtube videos to out the military who they said were doing drills - preparing /training them to do checkpoints - which would require all americans desiring to travel outside of their state to be given a vaccination - if they refused they were to be taken to a FEMA camp - this was what the soldiers said they were being trained for - as they were Christians they were deeply upset about what they were being told and decided to go on youtube and tell others about it. To be honest with you - I think this Pope is far more dangerous than the Ebola virus. Far more.

I don't know about this and it isn't the same as the Ebola virus...While I was in the service we did CBR training which is Chemical, Biological, or Radioactive warfare procedures. It was standard training on how to don the suits, wear the MK 5 mask, how to get out of the suit without touching the outer surface, and standard decontamination procedures.

Example of one of these systems..........

I don't know about the army's training, but would imagine they were training for CBR as well........Protocols for Biological Warfare would be very similar to a deadly virus outbreak............

The military does have training on how to stop the spread of biological weapons, which I'm sure have now turned to training for virus containment.

If you are trying to Isolate a region, and people try to get out anyway and risk possible spread then it would be reasonable to detain those trying to flee a restricted zone. And this being done to prevent further spread of the disease.
This is a very short excerpt from about a 4 page article on this, which links to the US and Canadian government studies that refute the current "official" line on air transmission of Ebola. With the Spanish nurse in full protective gear getting Ebola and the NBC cameraman getting it within two days in Liberia without touching any patient. It is pretty clear it is airborne. There are charts of the history of Ebola and a video. I suggest looking at the complete article before voting in the poll. The article has more concentrated info about Ebola airborne transmission than likely any other. It is at: Ebola Proven in Medical Studies to be Air Transmitted The Studies They do not Want You to Read AUN-TV

AUN-TV has found multiple medical studies that prove Ebola can and has been air transmitted. Before this issue became “politicized”, such information was not suppressed. We will provide in this article a history of Ebola (a very new disease) and a review of the studies and evidence that Ebola is air transmitted, with links to the source documents.
The Canadian Government through the Public Health Agency of Canada states on their website, “In laboratory settings, non-human primates exposed to aerosolized ebolavirus from pigs have become infected”. On the same website they recommend respiratory protection and positive pressure suits, further indicating it can be air transmitted. It should be noted that Ebola did not originate with people, and that in new outbreaks like this one, people get it from animals first, then it spreads between people.

It should not be surprising that it is airborne transmitted. The most recent case of an American getting Ebola is Ashoka Mukpo who tested positive for Ebola just two days after he was hired to join an NBC medical crew covering the epidemic in Liberia, which included medical correspondent Nancy Snyderman. His father, Mitchell Levy, is a Providence, R.I., physician! So how can the son of a doctor who is part of an NBC medical Ebola experts team get Ebola in two days just by filming the medical crew? Does that match what the CDC and Obama have said about how hard Ebola is to transmit, about how easy it is to contain? What does it say about the danger Obama is putting the US military in by sending them to Ebola areas? What does it say about CDC (Centers for Disease Control, US Government) assurances that it will not spread here, because our knowledge and practices are so much better than Africa’s?
The evidence does not match the rhetoric. It appears quite easy to transmit.

First the history of Ebola:
A study by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) entitled “Transmission of Ebola Virus from pigs to non-human primates” shows that Zaire variant of the Ebola virus (current outbreak is Zaire) can be transmitted between pigs and from pigs to macaques without direct contact. This study was done in 2012.
In the study by CFIA researchers, scientists inoculated six week old piglets with the Zaire Ebola Kikwit 95 (ZEBOV) oro-nasally. The piglets were then transferred to pig pens in the same room where four cynomolgus macaques were housed in two levels of individual cages, separated from the piglets by a wire barrier 20 centimetres (8 inches) in front of the bottom level of cages to prevent direct contact between the two species.
All four of the macaques were healthy until seven days after exposure, however at eight days after exposure, two of the macaques developed petechial hemorrhages on their skin and along internal surfaces of their arms and legs and were euthanized. The other two macaques remained healthy until twelve days after exposure when they showed clinical signs of Ebola infection. When they were euthanized, examination of their internal organs showed that there was damage to the lungs and liver. Both lungs show a pattern of lesions that suggested infection of the lungs due to the spread of the virus. It is also important to note that it appears that the piglets were able to remain symptom-free at the same time as they transmitted the disease to the macaques. Macaques were used to simulate humans without killing people.
Some Ebola experts are coming forward pointing out the obvious about the risk.
Dr. C.J. Peters, who battled a 1989 outbreak of the virus among research monkeys housed in Virginia and who later led the CDC’s most far-reaching study of Ebola’s transmissibility in humans, said he would not rule out the possibility that it spreads through the air in tight quarters.
“We just don’t have the data to exclude it,” said Peters, who continues to research viral diseases at the University of Texas in Galveston.

"Demonstration of fatal aerosol transmission of this virus in monkeys reinforces the importance of taking appropriate precautions to prevent its potential aerosol transmission to humans."

Who wrote this report that refutes the CDC, Obama and the rest that claim zero percent chance of air transmission? It was their own NIH (National Health Institute). Lethal experimental infections of rhesus monkeys by aerosolized Ebola virus, NIH.gov
On another issue as to the assurances by the CDC, they say that unless an air traveler from disease-ravaged West Africa has a fever of at least 101.5 degrees or other symptoms, co-passengers are not at risk.

“At this point there is zero risk of transmission on the flight,” Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said after a Liberian man who flew through airports in Brussels and Washington was diagnosed with the disease last week in Dallas.
Really? So the CDCs Frieden would be fine sitting next to someone who has had the Ebola virus for 15 days and has a temperature of 101.4 degrees for 6 hours on a flight? Would he allow his daughter to do the same? Would any of us sit next to a 101.4 degree Ebola infected person on a flight? We all know the answer to this question. The CDC’s claim of zero risk is absurd and only further erodes their credibility.

Remember what the Canadian study proved: “It is also important to note that it appears that the piglets were able to remain symptom-free at the same time as they transmitted the disease to the macaques.”

no need to worry the government tells ya

it is only transmitted through bodily fluids

I don't know about the army's training, but would imagine they were training for CBR as well........Protocols for Biological Warfare would be very similar to a deadly virus outbreak............

The military does have training on how to stop the spread of biological weapons, which I'm sure have now turned to training for virus containment.

If you are trying to Isolate a region, and people try to get out anyway and risk possible spread then it would be reasonable to detain those trying to flee a restricted zone. And this being done to prevent further spread of the disease.

I think the point with the soldiers coming out on youtube was that they felt the govt was planning to first create a situation and then use it to haul people off to the FEMA camps - create checkpoints at all borders - all a plan to strip Americans of their freedom - that was what I got from watching them. It has been over a year - I am going by what I remember of seeing the video.
They are now saying they are going to screen at our airports for Ebola virus by taking the temperature of people arriving here. Problem with that is that the man who died had his temp taken and they said it was normal - they also say passengers could falsify their reports. Yikes.

And 4 days later they get the symptoms, while not showing anything in these tests.........So they have basically not stopped anything. While it gives out information on what to watch for.......but by then it may be too late and they could actually have already spread the disease.........

We will not know if more are going to get it as a result of Duncan for another week or so..........Hopefully, the CDC and WHO are correct about it's hard to spread and no one else gets sick.

I think considering that 2017 is drawing near (Kissinger said every man, woman and child would be chipped with RFID chip by 2017) they need a major crisis and would undoubtedly let this reach epedemic proportions before doing anything. Between this, ISIS and major changes such as today an announcement that we will not longer celebrate Christopher Columbus day but rather now they are calling it Indigenous day - is a sign of great trouble ahead for America.
They let it reach America? How do you know that wasn't planned? How do you know they didn't engineer this strain of Ebola? How do you know, when the time is right, they aren't going to dump it from airplanes, you know, like chem-trails? Once you dive down that rabbit hole brother, why not go all the way? :tinfoil:
They are now saying they are going to screen at our airports for Ebola virus by taking the temperature of people arriving here. Problem with that is that the man who died had his temp taken and they said it was normal - they also say passengers could falsify their reports. Yikes.

And 4 days later they get the symptoms, while not showing anything in these tests.........So they have basically not stopped anything. While it gives out information on what to watch for.......but by then it may be too late and they could actually have already spread the disease.........

We will not know if more are going to get it as a result of Duncan for another week or so..........Hopefully, the CDC and WHO are correct about it's hard to spread and no one else gets sick.

I think considering that 2017 is drawing near (Kissinger said every man, woman and child would be chipped with RFID chip by 2017) they need a major crisis and would undoubtedly let this reach epedemic proportions before doing anything. Between this, ISIS and major changes such as today an announcement that we will not longer celebrate Christopher Columbus day but rather now they are calling it Indigenous day - is a sign of great trouble ahead for America.
They let it reach America? How do you know that wasn't planned? How do you know they didn't engineer this strain of Ebola? How do you know, when the time is right, they aren't going to dump it from airplanes, you know, like chem-trails? Once you dive down that rabbit hole brother, why not go all the way? :tinfoil:

It could be all that and more. Or not.
I guess we'll find out when we find out, eh?
As far as them not wanting us to know it is spread through the air, or what the PTB don't want us to know. . . . I think I agree, what they aren't telling us, is usually far worse than what they are. :wtf:

They are now saying they are going to screen at our airports for Ebola virus by taking the temperature of people arriving here. Problem with that is that the man who died had his temp taken and they said it was normal - they also say passengers could falsify their reports. Yikes.

And 4 days later they get the symptoms, while not showing anything in these tests.........So they have basically not stopped anything. While it gives out information on what to watch for.......but by then it may be too late and they could actually have already spread the disease.........

We will not know if more are going to get it as a result of Duncan for another week or so..........Hopefully, the CDC and WHO are correct about it's hard to spread and no one else gets sick.

I think considering that 2017 is drawing near (Kissinger said every man, woman and child would be chipped with RFID chip by 2017) they need a major crisis and would undoubtedly let this reach epedemic proportions before doing anything. Between this, ISIS and major changes such as today an announcement that we will not longer celebrate Christopher Columbus day but rather now they are calling it Indigenous day - is a sign of great trouble ahead for America.
They let it reach America? How do you know that wasn't planned? How do you know they didn't engineer this strain of Ebola? How do you know, when the time is right, they aren't going to dump it from airplanes, you know, like chem-trails? Once you dive down that rabbit hole brother, why not go all the way? :tinfoil:

It could be all that and more. Or not.
I guess we'll find out when we find out, eh?

One thing we can always count on, the faithful will always find peace and the wicked will reap what they sow.
I plead the Blood of Jesus Christ against this disease touching any readers or members of USMB or their families! I believe God to cover you people and your families from this wicked disease and that it will not touch you or your families! That is what I am praying today!

Uh, wouldn't Jesus be all about laying on hands to heal people with ebola. And wouldn't then he contract it so that if his blood then got on us, covering us, we'd get infected? :)

Why do that when we need the infected to teach us how to cure?

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