
Ravi assumes that all black people are stupid.

She assumes
that this Liberian national, despite the fact he cared for two people (possibly more) who died of ebola in his presence, thought their deaths were "pregnancy related" and therefore not in any way, shape or form related to the huge ebola outbreak that is going on.

I'm sure his family thought he had a "pregnancy related" illness when they were frantically screaming as he was vomiting, and every time they contacted the CDC to report that they thought he had ebola.

Cuz black folks is stupid.

just look how you love to lie... :rolleyes: ravi simply asked the logical question.

aren't you the one who thinks black people were too stupid know who they should vote for??
maybe he had no idea how she ended up... :dunno:

if Liberian authorities knew she had died of ebola, why did they not quarantine those who had been in contact with her?
I don't know the answer to either.

seems like the authorities are passing the buck trying to blame him...

unless he did know and lied on the questionnaire...but again, IF he knew, they knew too, and they should have kept him quarantined and never been put into the position where he could get into the airport, lying on a questionnaire probably to save his life...?

I can't see how the authorities could know unless they had specific knowledge of him or his associations while there in Liberia and that he actually came into contact with an infected person's bodily fluids.

How could they have known that unless he told them?

I don't know.
Ravi assumes that all black people are stupid.

She assumes
that this Liberian national, despite the fact he cared for two people (possibly more) who died of ebola in his presence, thought their deaths were "pregnancy related" and therefore not in any way, shape or form related to the huge ebola outbreak that is going on.

I'm sure his family thought he had a "pregnancy related" illness when they were frantically screaming as he was vomiting, and every time they contacted the CDC to report that they thought he had ebola.

Cuz black folks is stupid.

just look how you love to lie... :rolleyes: ravi simply asked the logical question.

aren't you the one who thinks black people were too stupid know who they should vote for??

Er, no, that's Ravi too.

She didn't ask a logical question. She said she thought the guy lied when he got on the plane because he assumed the woman he watched die of ebola (and then the man he watched die...and all the other people in the street he watched die)....were suffering from PREGNANCY complications.

Cuz black ppl from Liberia just ain't very smart, right Ravi?
Yeah, he had no clue there was an ebola epidemic in Liberia, and he had no clue he was exposed:


"The Ebola virus is spreading exponentially across Liberia as patients fill taxis in a fruitless search for medical care, the World Health Organization said Monday."

Ebola Spreading Exponentially as Patients Seek Beds in Liberia - NBC News
They say he lied on his airport health questionnaire.

Liberia To Prosecute Man Who Brought Ebola To U.S.
If he thought her illness was pregnancy related, how did he lie?

did he know she ended up dying from ebola?

  • On Wednesday, in the Monrovia neighborhood where Mr. Duncan lives, neighbors and the parents of Marthalene Williams, 19, a woman who died of Ebola on Sept. 16, said Mr. Duncan had helped the family take her to and from John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital a day earlier after she started convulsing.


He knew she was more seriously ill than from a pregnancy.
Ravi assumes that all black people are stupid.

She assumes
that this Liberian national, despite the fact he cared for two people (possibly more) who died of ebola in his presence, thought their deaths were "pregnancy related" and therefore not in any way, shape or form related to the huge ebola outbreak that is going on.

I'm sure his family thought he had a "pregnancy related" illness when they were frantically screaming as he was vomiting, and every time they contacted the CDC to report that they thought he had ebola.

Cuz black folks is stupid.

just look how you love to lie... :rolleyes: ravi simply asked the logical question.

aren't you the one who thinks black people were too stupid know who they should vote for??

Er, no, that's Ravi too.

She didn't ask a logical question. She said she thought the guy lied when he got on the plane because he assumed the woman he watched die of ebola (and then the man he watched die...and all the other people in the street he watched die)....were suffering from PREGNANCY complications.

Cuz black ppl from Liberia just ain't very smart, right Ravi?

she merely asked how could it be a "lie" if he didn't know the cause of her condition.

you're a delusional who constantly makes things up just cuz it suits your agenda. :eusa_liar:

They say he lied on his airport health questionnaire.

Liberia To Prosecute Man Who Brought Ebola To U.S.
If he thought her illness was pregnancy related, how did he lie?
I don't care. You're both the same piece of work and make me gag. When I gag I'm afraid I may have contracted ebola, so kindly stop talking now.
They say he lied on his airport health questionnaire.

Liberia To Prosecute Man Who Brought Ebola To U.S.
If he thought her illness was pregnancy related, how did he lie?

Read this and then tell us what you think.

"Ms. Williams, who was seven months pregnant, was turned away from the hospital for lack of space in its Ebola treatment ward, so Mr. Duncan helped carry Ms. Williams from a taxi to her home, holding her legs, after she grew too weak to walk, the family and neighbors said.

She died around 3 a.m., hours after she arrived home, said her parents, Amie and Emmanuel Williams. Mr. Duncan left Liberia three days later, flying out of Monrovia to Dallas after a layover in Brussels.

Mr. Duncan, who is a family friend and also a tenant in a house owned by the Williams family, rode in the front passenger seat of the taxi, her family said. Ms. Williams, her father and her brother, Sonny Boy, shared the back seat.

Sonny Boy Williams became symptomatic about a week ago, around the same time that Mr. Duncan first showed symptoms of Ebola, on Sept. 24. He died on Wednesday shortly after an ambulance came to pick him up from the family home.

In addition to the two men, Ms. Williams spread the virus to two other women in the cluster of houses near her family home, volunteers in a local Ebola task force said. One of those women also died on Wednesday."

Ravi assumes that all black people are stupid.

She assumes
that this Liberian national, despite the fact he cared for two people (possibly more) who died of ebola in his presence, thought their deaths were "pregnancy related" and therefore not in any way, shape or form related to the huge ebola outbreak that is going on.

I'm sure his family thought he had a "pregnancy related" illness when they were frantically screaming as he was vomiting, and every time they contacted the CDC to report that they thought he had ebola.

Cuz black folks is stupid.

just look how you love to lie... :rolleyes: ravi simply asked the logical question.

aren't you the one who thinks black people were too stupid know who they should vote for??

Er, no, that's Ravi too.

She didn't ask a logical question. She said she thought the guy lied when he got on the plane because he assumed the woman he watched die of ebola (and then the man he watched die...and all the other people in the street he watched die)....were suffering from PREGNANCY complications.

Cuz black ppl from Liberia just ain't very smart, right Ravi?

she merely asked how could it be a "lie" if he didn't know the cause of her condition.

you're a delusional who constantly makes things up just cuz it suits your agenda. :eusa_liar:

They say he lied on his airport health questionnaire.

Liberia To Prosecute Man Who Brought Ebola To U.S.
If he thought her illness was pregnancy related, how did he lie?

Read my most recent previous post, above. (#191)

There's your answer.

He knew she had died.
I don't care. You're both the same piece of work and make me gag. When I gag I'm afraid I may have contracted ebola, so kindly stop talking now.

of course you don't... you only care about your delusions.

btw, i'm typing, not talking... and i'll continue to type what i want, when i want, unkoshergoon. :itsok:
This is so typical. There is a possible major health crisis on the horizon and the libs think the first thing they should do is circle the wagons around Obama.

It's their PRIME DIRECTIVE. Protect the first Black POTUS from everything.

Rush nails it. I can't easily find Rush's transcript, but Obama's failed at everything! Read this, from Peter Wehner (THE Peter Wehner) for Commentary Magazine, which is what Rush was quoting from:

Obama’s Staggering Record of Failure
Peter Wehner 04.24.2014 - 3:15 PM

The same story could be said of the Obama presidency on issue after issue, in foreign policy and on domestic matters. The lofty expectations and grand pronouncements of Obama–unmatched by any presidential candidate in my lifetime–have crashed against reality time and time again.

It’s not simply that Mr. Obama has fallen short of what he promised; it’s that he has been, in so many respects, a failure.

Choose your metrics.

Better yet, choose Mr. Obama’s metrics:

Job creation.

Economic growth.

Improving our health-care system.

Reducing the debt.

Reducing poverty.

Reducing income inequality.

Slowing the rise of the oceans.

Healing the planet.

Repairing the world.

The Russian “reset.”

Peace in the Middle East.

Red lines in Syria.

Renewed focus on Afghanistan.

A new beginning with the Arab world.

Better relations with our allies.

Depolarizing our politics.

Putting an end to the type of politics that “breeds division and conflict and cynicism.”

Working with the other party.


No lobbyists working in his administration.

His commitment to seek public financing in the general election.

The list goes on and on.

By now, nearly five and a half years into the Obama presidency, objective people can draw reasonable conclusions, among which are these: Barack Obama was among the least prepared men to ever serve as presidency. It shows. He has been overmatched by events right from the start. He is an excellent campaigner but unusually inept when it comes to governing.

By temperament and experience, based on skill set and ability, Mr. Obama is much better equipped to be a community organizer than to be president of the United States.

For the sake of our nation and much of the world, I wish he had stayed on Chicago’s South Side.

Obama s Staggering Record of Failure Commentary Magazine

Just some images and captions which caught my eye from the NYT.

Top News
Remember how I said the next step is to stop identifying/diagnosing ebola?

"Health officials are refusing to answer growing questions about their response to the first Ebola case in the United States.

"Under intense questioning from reporters, officials with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Texas health department and the City of Dallas repeatedly declined Thursday to provide details about the steps being taken to prevent an outbreak."

This is how the CDC deals with pandemic. They help it along.

Health officials clam up about effort to contain Ebola in Texas TheHill
Why We Won't Have An Ebola Cure Or Vaccine For Years

The world has known about Ebola for almost 40 years, yet there's no cure or vaccine on the market.

That could change amid worldwide attention to the ongoing outbreak of the virus in West Africa, which has claimed more than 3,000 lives already, and the first diagnosis of a patient with the disease in the United States. But not for a few more years -- at least.

More: Why We Won't Have An Ebola Cure Or Vaccine For Years


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