
A black man goes to the emergency room, feeling very ill. His sister states that he is from Liberia. The emergency room sends him home without doing any tests. Now that is the present American Health Care System at it's finest. And, fittingly, in Texas.

^ Racist

Just because he's black you suspect Ebola and want to quarantine him
A black man goes to the emergency room, feeling very ill. His sister states that he is from Liberia. The emergency room sends him home without doing any tests. Now that is the present American Health Care System at it's finest. And, fittingly, in Texas.
A clear cut example of political-correctness.

He's black so we must bend the rules to accommodate his ethnicity and his dignity.

If he had been quarantined you'd be saying he was profiled cuz he's black.
Ted Cruz of TEXAS for President.

Dr. Ben, who slammed the original decision to bring Ebola patients from Africa to be treated here but was roundly criticized by Libs, for VP. He has to learn the ins and outs of Washington, DC. but we can benefit from his wisdom and sound judgment while he has Cruz to learn from.

Cruz/Carson FTW in 2016.
Ted Cruz of TEXAS for President.

Dr. Ben, who slammed the original decision to bring Ebola patients from Africa to be treated here but was roundly criticized by Libs, for VP. He has to learn the ins and outs of Washington, DC. but we can benefit from his wisdom and sound judgment while he has Cruz to learn from.

Cruz/Carson FTW in 2016.

Wow, that's even better than Palin/Nugent. Go for it...
A black man goes to the emergency room, feeling very ill. His sister states that he is from Liberia. The emergency room sends him home without doing any tests. Now that is the present American Health Care System at it's finest. And, fittingly, in Texas.
A clear cut example of political-correctness.

He's black so we must bend the rules to accommodate his ethnicity and his dignity.

If he had been quarantined you'd be saying he was profiled cuz he's black.

You are stating it would have been against the rules for them to test him for ebola? Now that is an intelligent position.
"The longer the Ebola epidemic continues infecting people unabated the higher the chances it will mutate and become airborne, the UN's Ebola response chief has warned.

"Anthony Banbury, the Secretary General's Special Representative, has said there is a 'nightmare' prospect the deadly disease will become airborne if it continues infecting new hosts.

"His comments come as organisations battling the crisis in West Africa warn that the international community has just four weeks to stop it before it spirals 'completely out of control'.

He also admitted the international community had been late to respond to what was the worst disaster he had ever witnessed."

"He said: 'In a career working in these kinds of situations, wars, natural disasters – I have never seen anything as serious or dangerous or high risk as this one.'

Read more: UN Ebola chief raises nightmare that virus could become airborne Daily Mail Online
"The longer the Ebola epidemic continues infecting people unabated the higher the chances it will mutate and become airborne, the UN's Ebola response chief has warned.

"Anthony Banbury, the Secretary General's Special Representative, has said there is a 'nightmare' prospect the deadly disease will become airborne if it continues infecting new hosts.

"His comments come as organisations battling the crisis in West Africa warn that the international community has just four weeks to stop it before it spirals 'completely out of control'.

He also admitted the international community had been late to respond to what was the worst disaster he had ever witnessed."

"He said: 'In a career working in these kinds of situations, wars, natural disasters – I have never seen anything as serious or dangerous or high risk as this one.'

Read more: UN Ebola chief raises nightmare that virus could become airborne Daily Mail Online

its like you get to troll the world now
Poor peeballs, I have faith that someday you'll make sense to someone outside your own head.
A black man goes to the emergency room, feeling very ill. His sister states that he is from Liberia. The emergency room sends him home without doing any tests. Now that is the present American Health Care System at it's finest. And, fittingly, in Texas.

How many Black medical officials were responsible for his being undiagnosed?

We all know that in any Emergency room there is a healthy (if not P.C.) mixture and variety of employees from every and any racial background and make up.

Are you saying non-Whites have a racial bias against Blacks?

And who do you suppose are the majority of patients being seen at the hospital?



The idea that this ebola patient was untreated/mistreated due to his race is the ridiculous notion of America haters and Libs (the same thing?).
If you were a jihadist eager to die for Allah, Paradise and VIRGINS! VIRGINS! VIRGINS!!! especially if it meant killing hundreds or more of the infidels, wouldn't your devotion even extend to actually drinking or eating an infected Ebola patient's virulent body fluids knowing it will result in your miserably unpleasant demise if you were certain you would be infecting hundreds of people on a plane...thousands of Kaffirs at a concert...at a shopping center...at a college campus...at THE BOSTON MARATHON...

And millions of Americans in a month?

Wouldn't you be willing to do it?

If I were a Jihadist, I'd jump at the chance.

Just as OBL was surprised that the airliners flown into the WTC would actually result in the buildings' coming down, I can imagine the thrill a Jihadi might experience contemplating the POSSIBILITY that he might personally result in the deaths of MILLIONS of Americans!

Say, wasn't OBL given religious 'permission' to kill 4,000,000 Americans?

Well, the Fatwa is still valid.

And we thought, at the time, that the 4,000,000 would be killed with a suitcase nuke.

Well, they don't care how they kill us.

Oddly, Libs and Obamabots are more concerned with protecting Obama, the Democrats and Liberals than they are with protecting Americans.

These assholes are using us for their own benefit.

Send them home.

And the only reason we found out about it is that the nurse's union spoke up and out about it!!!

Patient in isolation at Queen’s Medical Center, officials say Ebola a possibility

By Kristine Uyeno and Web Staff
Published: October 1, 2014, 4:10 pm Updated:October 1, 2014, 9:55 pm
The Department of Health has confirmed a patient is currently in isolation and undergoing testing in Honolulu.

The Hawaii Nurses Association said the person is being treated at The Queen’s Medical Center.

Officials told KHON2 Ebola is a possibility, however the patient has yet to be specifically tested for the virus.

“We are early in the investigation of a patient — very, very early — who we’re investigating that might have Ebola,” said Dr. Melissa Viray, deputy state epidemiologist. “It’s very possible that they do and they have Ebola. I think it’s also more likely that they have another condition that presents with similar symptoms.”

Dr. Viray said the patient could have a number of illnesses including Ebola, flu, malaria and typhoid.

Dr. Viray wouldn’t confirm any details about the patient, symptoms, or if the person had recently traveled to West Africa. But she did say red flags for Ebola include fever and recent travel to that area.

“Why is this person being isolated?” KHON2 asked.

“What we’ve asked the hospitals to tell us about is anyone with a travel history, and anyone with a fever. And when those things come together, we’ve asked them to be very careful and in an abundance of caution while you’re working, for whatever else might be going on, also make sure you isolate against Ebola, just in case,” she said.

“So it sounds like this person does have a fever and recently traveled to West Africa,” KHON2 asked.

“Again, I can’t be the one to confirm that,” Dr. Viray said.

The patient is currently being kept in a regular room, and anyone who goes in or out must wear protective gear, officials said.

“They’re monitoring who goes in and out of that room, and making sure that everybody is as safe as possible, while the patient is being evaluated for Ebola and what other conditions that patient might have,” Dr. Viray said.

“Should the public concerned?” KHON2 asked.

“No, absolutely not. Like I said, this is a possible case we’re investigating. We don’t know if this is Ebola or a number of other conditions,” she said.

Health officials say it’s too early to say if the person will be tested for Ebola.

There are 1,400 nurses assigned to work at The Queen’s Medical Center. The hospital has assured them that procedures are in place to protect them while the patient is being monitored.

A message sent to all employees Wednesday said that the hospital is “evaluating a patient for possible symptoms that may be consistent with Ebola.”

The union that represents the nurses was tipped off about the message Wednesday afternoon.

Joan Craft, president of the Hawaii Nurses Association, immediately contacted the hospital for assurance that safety procedures are in place to protect her members.

“Blood and fluid procedures are safe, but there are a lot of contagious things you can come in contact with,” she told KHON2. “Ebola is very frightening, but procedures are safe, and we just want to make sure everyone knows that.”

The HNA also wanted to make sure that if someone is pregnant or otherwise uncomfortable dealing with the patient, that he or she does not have to be involved in the monitoring of the patient.

Experts gave us that reassurance last month and said then that unless you traveled to an area that was experiencing an outbreak, the risk of contracting Ebola is very low.

There is no room designed specifically for Ebola at The Queen’s Medical Center, but the hospital says it is equipped to deal with the virus if needed.

“If someone showed up in the ER with suspected Ebola symptoms, they would immediately be placed in an isolation room,” Erlaine Bello, The Queen’s Medical Center infectious disease specialist, previously told KHON2. “The door would be closed at all times. There would be a facilities log kept of everyone who entered the room and anyone who entered the room at a minimum would be wearing gloves, eye protection, goggles and a mask, and impermeable gown.”

Dr. Bello said major hospitals and the health department have a good relationship with the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and that the state itself has the resources and the expertise to handle a case of Ebola if it were to appear here in the islands.

Patient in isolation at Queen 8217 s Medical Center officials say Ebola a possibility KHON2
Oh I've no doubt he knew he was going to get ebola, and that is exactly why he came to the US.

I'm sure it's why all the people from that area are coming to the country. They know they're infected, and they want a chance of survival..that they won't get in their own countries, where people are turned away from the hospitals to die in the streets.
It is happening. Texas is ordering that 20 people exposed to the Ebola positive patient have been ordered to stay in their homes and have no visitors. Violations of these orders mail result in jail.

It is almost martial law. Just wait, if Ebola cases keep turning up the Feds will make similar orders to vast sections of the electorate, mainly in red states. This is the perfect opportunity for a bloodless coup.

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