
What do you expect when the CDC is telling everybody not to worry, that it's not all that contagious?

They downplayed themselves into a pickle. Go figure. The group that works overtime to justify the killing of babies doesn't count it as a great tragedy if the entire Liberian/Somalian population of Dallas goes tits up.

Which is nuttier - you or a fruitcake?
I just heard this live on CNN: Man goes to hospital in Texas and tells them he is sick and just returned from Liberia. They gave him antibiotics and pain pills and sent him home. 48 hours later he returns and they admit him for Ebola. This is crazy.

BTW, Sanjay Gupta said antibiotics are useless for Ebola.
Yep, antibiotics don't cure viruses. But tell that to the masses. Antibiotic abuse is more deadly than Ebola in the long run.
What do you expect when the CDC is telling everybody not to worry, that it's not all that contagious?

They downplayed themselves into a pickle. Go figure. The group that works overtime to justify the killing of babies doesn't count it as a great tragedy if the entire Liberian/Somalian population of Dallas goes tits up.

Which is nuttier - you or a fruitcake?
Considering she thinks a Canadian veterinary association is the cdc I guess her.
Obama doesn't give a shit about your security, your life....unless he thinks it will damage Democraps in the polls.

Most people have no clue Obama has some evil people working for him that believe in wiping out millions of people to "save the planet." Ebola wiping out a couple million here and there would be what they want....
Obama doesn't give a shit about your security, your life....unless he thinks it will damage Democraps in the polls.

Most people have no clue Obama has some evil people working for him that believe in wiping out millions of people to "save the planet." Ebola wiping out a couple million here and there would be what they want....


Listen to the left cackling about how funny it would be if Texas was wiped off the face of the earth...how funny they think it is that ebola can be transmitted, between SPECIES...in the air.

Seriously. They don't even try to hide their objective.
I hate to see people suffer - but Texass is expendable. Their savior Rick Perry will protect them. Coward Ted Nugent has probably already fled the state. Cruz and Louie Gomer will stay in D.C.
Thanks for proving my point, again.

As I said. Progressives love it when people die.

You do realize that it's going to be minorities living in housing projects that are going to be affected by this, right?

Of course you don't. You're a retard.
Well, Texass wants to secede. That's fine with me. After all, it was stolen from Mexico.
Yep, antibiotics don't cure viruses. But tell that to the masses. Antibiotic abuse is more deadly than Ebola in the long run.

Ebola has made it to the U.S., and everyone is freaking out. They shouldn’t be—at least not until they’ve sufficiently freaked out about these 104 things that, according to nationwide data, are even more likely to kill them.

104 Things More Likely to Kill You Than Ebola - Health - Boston.com

Maybe you should suck Patient Zeros cock
Yep, antibiotics don't cure viruses. But tell that to the masses. Antibiotic abuse is more deadly than Ebola in the long run.

Ebola has made it to the U.S., and everyone is freaking out. They shouldn’t be—at least not until they’ve sufficiently freaked out about these 104 things that, according to nationwide data, are even more likely to kill them.

104 Things More Likely to Kill You Than Ebola - Health - Boston.com

Maybe you should suck Patient Zeros cock

that's nice frank..right on par with your level of intellect...

hey rav, check that list of 104 things you're more likely to die from and you will find child birth. don't tell allie the vast majority have zip to do with cancer though, she gets kinda emotional. :lol:
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For one man in texas, it's most likely he will have two firsts, first infected and the first dead.

Obama's open border policy has brought Ebola to the USA, liberalism gets people killed.
Yep, antibiotics don't cure viruses. But tell that to the masses. Antibiotic abuse is more deadly than Ebola in the long run.

Ebola has made it to the U.S., and everyone is freaking out. They shouldn’t be—at least not until they’ve sufficiently freaked out about these 104 things that, according to nationwide data, are even more likely to kill them.

104 Things More Likely to Kill You Than Ebola - Health - Boston.com

Maybe you should suck Patient Zeros cock

that's nice frank..right on par with your level of intellect...

hey, rav check that list of 104 things you're more likely to die from and you will find child birth. don't tell allie the vast majority have zip to do with cancer though, she gets kinda emotional. :lol:

When a black professor is wrongly arrested, when a black kid high on Purple drank is killed in self defense, when a black thug attacking a cop is killed, Obama is all over it. We have a genuine Level IV Slate Cleaner Virus in the USA and Obama is fiddling, probably have gay sex while the USA starts to burn.

Nero may or may not have fiddled but he used the burning of Rome to recreate it more to his liking, I think this is the Fundamental transformation Obama was talking about.

Earlier a poster mentioned Putin and how he would handle an outbreak. All I know for sure is Putin loves and adore the country he runs and is doing everything he can to make it stronger, Obama is not.

Obama is a bioterrorist and should be treated accordingly
Obama has failed to protect the people, impeach Obama.
Democrat poll numbers are falling one month before the elections.
Dr. Rick Sacra, the 51-year-old family physician from Worcester who contracted the deadly Ebola virus in Liberia five weeks ago, has recovered and was released from Nebraska Medical Center Thursday morning in Omaha. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed that there is no sign of the Ebola virus remaining in his bloodstream.

Mass. Doctor Recovered From Ebola Released from Nebraska Hospital - Health - Boston.com

who doesn't love a happy ending... :thup:
For the next two months his semen can still infect another person, further, the end is not here, we are watching children in Dallas for the disease, they are not happy.

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