
I'm sick of liberals sticking up for Obama's blunders. We warned about this and got called names from the likes of you.

EXACTLY what was President Obama's "blunder"?
I don't have the time to post them all.

You said this is because of POTUS' "blunder".

EXACTLY what was the "blunder" that led to this case of ebola?
Okay I will make it short and sweet. If Obama cannot handle his OWN PERSONAL SECURITY TEAM. IN HIS OWN HOUSE. How in the hell can he take care of America's security?

Okay, so in your imaginary world, the fact that the SS did do their job, proves that Obama caused this ebola case.


If he cannot control his personal security, then why should I trust him with mine?
EXACTLY what was President Obama's "blunder"?
I don't have the time to post them all.

You said this is because of POTUS' "blunder".

EXACTLY what was the "blunder" that led to this case of ebola?
Okay I will make it short and sweet. If Obama cannot handle his OWN PERSONAL SECURITY TEAM. IN HIS OWN HOUSE. How in the hell can he take care of America's security?

Okay, so in your imaginary world, the fact that the SS did do their job, proves that Obama caused this ebola case.


If he cannot control his personal security, then why should I trust him with mine?
Haven't you heard? Its actually The First Lady's garden that caused the SS not doing their job.
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Wow, that has to be a record. 34 deleted posts in 5 pages. Keep your responses addressing the OP.
My post was addressing the OP.

Apparently @koshergrl wishing ebola on fellow US citizens is too.
I don't have the time to post them all.

You said this is because of POTUS' "blunder".

EXACTLY what was the "blunder" that led to this case of ebola?
Okay I will make it short and sweet. If Obama cannot handle his OWN PERSONAL SECURITY TEAM. IN HIS OWN HOUSE. How in the hell can he take care of America's security?

Okay, so in your imaginary world, the fact that the SS did do their job, proves that Obama caused this ebola case.


If he cannot control his personal security, then why should I trust him with mine?
Haven't you heard? Its actually The First Lady's garden that caused the SS not doing their job.
Well if somebody breaks in my house and goes through half my house and is not shot. I've gone golfing!
It was only a matter of time before Ebola showed up here. The idiots that keep traipsing to that area to "volunteer" with help, then drag the nasty back here without a concern for his/her own country. Don't even get me started on tourists that go to ISIS held territories and wind up being beheaded. Morons. The whole lot of them.
Wow, that has to be a record. 34 deleted posts in 5 pages. Keep your responses addressing the OP.
My post was addressing the OP.

Apparently @koshergrl wishing ebola on fellow US citizens is too.
I don't have the time to post them all.

You said this is because of POTUS' "blunder".

EXACTLY what was the "blunder" that led to this case of ebola?
Okay I will make it short and sweet. If Obama cannot handle his OWN PERSONAL SECURITY TEAM. IN HIS OWN HOUSE. How in the hell can he take care of America's security?

Okay, so in your imaginary world, the fact that the SS did do their job, proves that Obama caused this ebola case.


If he cannot control his personal security, then why should I trust him with mine?
Haven't you heard? Its actually The First Lady's garden that caused the SS not doing their job.
Gay humor is so lame.
It was only a matter of time before Ebola showed up here. The idiots that keep traipsing to that area to "volunteer" with help, then drag the nasty back here without a concern for his/her own country. Don't even get me started on tourists that go to ISIS held territories and wind up being beheaded. Morons. The whole lot of them.

I agree that it was and is inevitable but it really is because our planet has shrunk. As much as some might want to put up a fence around our entire country, there is simply no way to suddenly wall off a given area.

And its just plain stupid to blame the president. There is no way he can control the movements of the world's population. No one could. No one can.
Smaller world or not...stupid people not thinking is the cause of this. STUPID people. And yes..I do blame Obama. Or borders are open and we are being invaded by shitloads of people with all kinds of diseases. Obama doesn't give a shit because HIS kids aren't subjected to the crap...WE on the borders ARE.

Anyone coming or going to african nations with ebola...one, don't let them in, two, don't let them go. Pull their passports. Those coming in, don't let them board the plane or ship. It really isn't that hard.
Smaller world or not...stupid people not thinking is the cause of this. STUPID people. And yes..I do blame Obama. Or borders are open and we are being invaded by shitloads of people with all kinds of diseases. Obama doesn't give a shit because HIS kids aren't subjected to the crap...WE on the borders ARE.

Anyone coming or going to african nations with ebola...one, don't let them in, two, don't let them go. Pull their passports. Those coming in, don't let them board the plane or ship. It really isn't that hard.
That's sounds suspiciously like let the Africans die because helping is too scary. Containing Ebola is relatively easy in a developed nation with adequate sanitation and health care, quit acting as if it is a doomsday virus Chicken Little, the sky is not falling.
It was only a matter of time before Ebola showed up here. The idiots that keep traipsing to that area to "volunteer" with help, then drag the nasty back here without a concern for his/her own country. Don't even get me started on tourists that go to ISIS held territories and wind up being beheaded. Morons. The whole lot of them.
this didnt happen
Ok. Y'all just poo pooh it off. Until one of your loved ones comes home sick and then is told they have ebola and are locked up in quarantine then dying there.
A potential case of ebola has been discovered in Texas. So liberals what did you say? We have nothing to worry about? That republicans are just scared. Well I have one thing to say to you. We fucking told your stupid asses this could happen and probably would, but instead you had to blow Obama and protect him. Maybe Obama should attend his briefings in the morning. Liberals own this if this epidemic is started here in the United states.

That what could happen? Someone could get on a plane and fly somewhere? How prophetic. Obammy doesn't have squat to do with it.Nor could anyone have stopped it.
Up yours libs...........World policy should have been to restrict all in and out traffic to the hot zones in West Africa.

The CDC has a patent on testing for Ebola....Even in early stages.......Anyone in and out of West Africa should get the test before leaving the area to ensure they don't spread the virus to other areas of the globe.

Countries can shut down travel from these places given the circumstances........and they have testing ability for those flying.

World Health Organisation said this sort of thing doesn't actually help much.

How many cases are there of ebola being passed on from someone travelling from Africa to a first world country then giving it to other people within the first world country?
It was only a matter of time before Ebola showed up here. The idiots that keep traipsing to that area to "volunteer" with help, then drag the nasty back here without a concern for his/her own country. Don't even get me started on tourists that go to ISIS held territories and wind up being beheaded. Morons. The whole lot of them.

Yeah, I'm betting within the next 2 million year ebola will have a massive outbreak in the US. Obama's fault if it happens in 22,674!!!!

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