
REmember a week or two ago when one of the RWs posted that the POTUS was wrong to send US troops to ground zero because malaria kills more people ...

Ebola Is Deadly But Malaria Steals More Lives US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Once again, President Obama was right to take a proactive stance and the damn fool RWs were wrong.

OTOH, I agree that what we will see now is total, all out panic from the very same RWs.


There is was no need to put troops in danger. Simply cease all visitation from the region to US soil.

When the first American dies of ebola from an infected African visitor with the IQ of a rodent, it will be fun times.

Oh sure. And then stop people who traveled from that area to other parts of the world and then to the US.

That would be reeel easy, all righty.

What about the rich guy who was positive, flew his own doctor in his own plane into the US where the doctor died and the rich guy disappeared? He hasn't been seen since and there's no way to know how many people he infected.
So a POTENTIAL case in Texas is reason to believe what? America is following the norms of everywhere else and not much has happened outside of Africa even when cases have been discovered.

You're almost certain to not see an outbreak of ebola in the US, yet you still find reason to have a go at Obama eh?
We did warn about this, but we got called names from people like yourself.

Except people like myself don't need to call names. It's not about warning, it's about taking the necessary precautions.
I'm sick of liberals sticking up for Obama's blunders. We warned about this and got called names from the likes of you.
So a POTENTIAL case in Texas is reason to believe what? America is following the norms of everywhere else and not much has happened outside of Africa even when cases have been discovered.

You're almost certain to not see an outbreak of ebola in the US, yet you still find reason to have a go at Obama eh?
We did warn about this, but we got called names from people like yourself.

Except people like myself don't need to call names. It's not about warning, it's about taking the necessary precautions.
I'm sick of liberals sticking up for Obama's blunders. We warned about this and got called names from the likes of you.

EXACTLY what was President Obama's "blunder"?
So a POTENTIAL case in Texas is reason to believe what? America is following the norms of everywhere else and not much has happened outside of Africa even when cases have been discovered.

You're almost certain to not see an outbreak of ebola in the US, yet you still find reason to have a go at Obama eh?
We did warn about this, but we got called names from people like yourself.

Except people like myself don't need to call names. It's not about warning, it's about taking the necessary precautions.
I'm sick of liberals sticking up for Obama's blunders. We warned about this and got called names from the likes of you.

EXACTLY what was President Obama's "blunder"?
I don't have the time to post them all.
I'm sick of liberals sticking up for Obama's blunders. We warned about this and got called names from the likes of you.

Blunder? There's a blunder here?

You got what? One case of a disease. Okay, and......?

And you didn't get called names by the likes of me.
Party before country. Power before people. It's the Democrap way.

I guess closing all borders until every case of ebola has finished in any country in the world, and will never, ever sprout up again, is the way forwards. I mean, you don't need to bother with other countries, you don't need their oil, their metals, their products, you don't need to sell them your stuff, or maybe you can stick it through a box on the mexico border or something.

You'd like to be cut off from the rest of the world forever then? All because, well, this would be people before party huh?

The dems are about as bad as the reps. I'll give you that. So, I'll give you, starting a ridiculous war that has ended up with ISIS, so far, in order to make a common enemy so they can be tough on it, isn't about party before country?
A potential case of ebola has been discovered in Texas. So liberals what did you say? We have nothing to worry about? That republicans are just scared. Well I have one thing to say to you. We fucking told your stupid asses this could happen and probably would, but instead you had to blow Obama and protect him. Maybe Obama should attend his briefings in the morning. Liberals own this if this epidemic is started here in the United states.
I'm surprised it hasn't happened before.

What do you think Obama should have done? Outlaw international travel?
So a POTENTIAL case in Texas is reason to believe what? America is following the norms of everywhere else and not much has happened outside of Africa even when cases have been discovered.

You're almost certain to not see an outbreak of ebola in the US, yet you still find reason to have a go at Obama eh?
We did warn about this, but we got called names from people like yourself.

Except people like myself don't need to call names. It's not about warning, it's about taking the necessary precautions.
I'm sick of liberals sticking up for Obama's blunders. We warned about this and got called names from the likes of you.

EXACTLY what was President Obama's "blunder"?
I don't have the time to post them all.

You said this is because of POTUS' "blunder".

EXACTLY what was the "blunder" that led to this case of ebola?
Obama's gonna say that he thought it was a JV strain of ebola and will not take responsibility for not banning flights from W. Africa.
By now you should know that trying to fight Ebola with travel restrictions is futile.
A potential case of ebola has been discovered in Texas. So liberals what did you say? We have nothing to worry about? That republicans are just scared. Well I have one thing to say to you. We fucking told your stupid asses this could happen and probably would, but instead you had to blow Obama and protect him. Maybe Obama should attend his briefings in the morning. Liberals own this if this epidemic is started here in the United states.
I'm surprised it hasn't happened before.

What do you think Obama should have done? Outlaw international travel?

That's what @Pennywise said in #21

I pointed out the obvious reasons that would not work but he's busy elsewhere so can't respond.
A potential case of ebola has been discovered in Texas. So liberals what did you say? We have nothing to worry about? That republicans are just scared. Well I have one thing to say to you. We fucking told your stupid asses this could happen and probably would, but instead you had to blow Obama and protect him. Maybe Obama should attend his briefings in the morning. Liberals own this if this epidemic is started here in the United states.
I'm surprised it hasn't happened before.

What do you think Obama should have done? Outlaw international travel?
How about quarantine anyone coming from an infected area BEFORE they come? Reasonable?
A potential case of ebola has been discovered in Texas. So liberals what did you say? We have nothing to worry about? That republicans are just scared. Well I have one thing to say to you. We fucking told your stupid asses this could happen and probably would, but instead you had to blow Obama and protect him. Maybe Obama should attend his briefings in the morning. Liberals own this if this epidemic is started here in the United states.
I'm surprised it hasn't happened before.

What do you think Obama should have done? Outlaw international travel?
How about quarantine anyone coming from an infected area BEFORE they come? Reasonable?

And EXACTLY where is this "infected area"?

Are you aware that the world now has international jet travel?
A potential case of ebola has been discovered in Texas. So liberals what did you say? We have nothing to worry about? That republicans are just scared. Well I have one thing to say to you.
I'm not clear what you're celebrating being right about, exactly who claimed it was impossible for someone to show up from an infected area with Ebola? I'm pretty sure the skepticism was about an ebola epidemic occurring if we didn't seal the borders.

Liberals own this if this epidemic is started here in the United states.
It must really, really suck to be such a partisan fucktard that you can only see the world in terms of political teams and how any world even can be used to blame the opposing one. Go team!

Curious = since you're so quick to run around proclaiming told you so, will you be apologizing if no epidemic happens?
Isn't it funny how the RWs whine about the nanny state but go all to pieces when they (choose to) believe they're not taken care of?
Seems in this case Obama is not being authoritarian enough. Chicken littles should make up their damned minds.
You Obama haters need to be damn thankful that some ignorant jackass like Reagan isn't in office.

How many deaths did he contribute to or even cause because he refused to even utter the word AIDS?

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