Echoes of Democrat Inspiration

8. Lacking both an education, and self-awareness, Democrat supporters always project their iniquity onto the other side.
My Rule #2

To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.
As seen above, the Democrats practice the views and behaviors of earlier totalitarians…, they regularly claim the Right represents the Nazis, Fascists, Bolsheviks.

“a right wing Nazi”
Morning Morphs Into Midnight

And…”you are a right wing fascist.”
Page 7

Of course, ‘Rightwing’ and Nazi, or Fascist, or Bolshevik, is syncretic, along the lines of ‘support mental health or I’ll kill you’….it makes no sense.
Nazis, Fascists, Bolsheviks, are all Leftist, socialists, as are Democrats.

"Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian | George Reisman

".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

Which was the party that put American citizens in concentration camps?

Sieg Heil, Democrats
Wherein we describe the ancestry and lineage of the Democrat Party

1.When Santayana said that the failure to study history would lead to the commission of the same mistakes, he must have envisioned Democrat voters. Being history and literature challenged may not be their fault, as they were victims of government schooling.
Soooo….I must enlighten them.

2. The issue is their desire to slaughter political opponents, or, at the very least destroy their lives and their livelihood.
In a recent thread, Morning Morphs Into Midnight, the issue was how different the attitude of Republicans winning an election is to Democrats winning.
The former attempt to persuade opponents, while the latter wish to imprison and deny future employment to the other side.

Here are some of the Democrat savages:

“These [Trump] lawyers should face sanctions…”
Morning Morphs Into Midnight

3. If you have any doubts as to the lengths the Fascists will go, note that Jennifer Rubin, at WaPo, Jake Tapper, and AOC are calling for lists of trump supporters, to inform employers to make sure they never work again.
First AOC’s ‘list,’ now CNN warns of blacklisting Trump team

Just three days after liberal New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged the creation of a list of President Trump’s “sycophants,” a top CNN host has piled on with a warning that Trump aides battling the president’s legal case could see their job possibilities dry up.

4. Democrats are not Americans treating other Americans, no matter their political differences, as human beings. These Democrats have become psychotic. Disagreement earns punishment!!!

Remember this?

"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."
Hillary Rodham Clinton

For Biden Democrats, there is no right to disagree.

Today’s Democrat Party is made up of Fascists and Nazis and Bolsheviks, out to do what each of those totalitarians aimed to do with their opponents, deprive them of their rights, deprive them of their livelihoods, deprive them of their lives. And that is the lineage of this ‘bund.

After all, the Democrats are the party who put American citizens in concentration camps.

What part of actions have consequences do you not understand?

I must say I love it when a Nazi reveals himself.

Don't forget to iron that Brown Shirt.

I got to say, you Trumpbots sure are a hoot. Talking about revolution, invoking the "founders", and then cry like little bitches when someone holds you accountable for your actions. Oh, we are being persecuted, like the JEWS. We are being silenced. We are being targeted, we might lose our Facebook account, God the travesty.

Yeah, a real damn hoot. The founders risked their LIFES, many of them were penniless after the Revolution. Some of the sacrificed their very lives, Caesar Rodney, plagued with asthma and cancer, disfigured face, rode a horse almost to death in a roaring rainstorm for seventy miles in the night to cast a vote, the deciding vote, that adopted the Declaration of Independence. His health never fully recovered. You Trumpbots insult them, you mock their sacrifices, you all are, like your leader, without honor, without principles, cowards. In a word, scum of the earth.

Fuck you Newbie...*ignored*

LMAO. Like I give a shit. "Ignored", or in other words, outmatched, outclassed, outwitted so you pick up your toys and go home to mommy.

Back to the founders. You know, a smaller percentage of the American population supported the revolution than the percentage of Americans that populate the Trump nation today. So you guys SUCK when it comes to a "revolution". I mean how lame can you be when a bunch of child sacrificing devil worshiping demoncrats can defeat you? I mean that is what you morons believe. How damn lame are you when you can't even effectively storm the capitol when it is protected by only a handful of capital police. A handful of Puerto Ricans were more effective than thousands of Trumpbots, how flippin funny. Of course I know that statement just sailed over the head of every single Trump supporter. Did you stop the certification of the electoral college votes? No. I mean maybe the riot would have been successful if the idiots would have quit taking selfies, posting on social media, and looting props.

And you guys talk about a "civil war", how damn funny. Oh you got your guns, millions and millions of rounds of ammo, but NO BALLS. You guys are unwilling to sacrifice a damn thing, including your organic diets, LMAO. Honestly, I can predict how this "Civil War" will start, and effectively end. You Trump supporters will go to the battlefield of the first battle, maybe it is the Capital again, back to take a second shot. You will pack picnic lunches and flock to see your "soldiers" run off with an easy victory. I know, I know, another historical reference sailing over the heads of the Trumpbots. But your planned entertaining afternoon will soon turn to horror as you watch protestors getting gunned down in mass. Just for grins going to throw in another historical reference, troops will storm in, a future Patton will ride in on horseback, sword slashing. A future MacArthur will order the troops to "shoot to kill", and your Civil War will last all of one day. Nope, you Trump "revolutionaries" remind of something Mom used to say. Oh, you will do great wonders, and fall back in to rotten cucumbers.

Re-post sans the vulgarity.

No matter how deeply the truth hurt you, the vulgarity is unwarranted.

OK, no vulgarity. Impress with that great private college education. Three historical references in that post, I will repeat.

1. A handful of Puerto Ricans are more effective than thousands of Trump supporters.
2. Picnic lunches taken to the battlefield to watch the easy victory.
3. MacArther ordering shoot to kill and Patton storming in on horseback with his sword slashing.

For even a amateur history student, any AP high school history class student at the most public of schools, could nail down those historical references in seconds. I mean Caesar Rodney's ride to Philadelphia might be a little advanced. Not everybody has a collection of the signatures of all 57 Declaration of Independence signors. And that is the thing here. All this was predicted by the founders, and you are not on the right side of this battle. All your talk about education is distressing. Those that stormed the capital are certainly not "educated". Henry George summed it up,

To give the suffrage to tramps, to paupers, to men to whom the chance to labour is a boon, to men who must beg, or steal, or starve, is to invoke destruction. To put political power in the hands of men embittered and degraded by poverty is to tie firebrands to foxes and turn them loose amid the standing corn; it is to put out the eyes of a Samson and to twine his arms around the pillars of national life.

Microsoft Word - Progress and Poverty.doc (

Just to let you know, I am a Georgist. And if I could suggest just one thing for you it is to read Progress and Poverty. George was a genius, and if you spend even a little time looking in to famous Georgist you might be surprised. Churchill and Einstein top the list, but there are others.
Wherein we describe the ancestry and lineage of the Democrat Party

1.When Santayana said that the failure to study history would lead to the commission of the same mistakes, he must have envisioned Democrat voters. Being history and literature challenged may not be their fault, as they were victims of government schooling.
Soooo….I must enlighten them.

2. The issue is their desire to slaughter political opponents, or, at the very least destroy their lives and their livelihood.
In a recent thread, Morning Morphs Into Midnight, the issue was how different the attitude of Republicans winning an election is to Democrats winning.
The former attempt to persuade opponents, while the latter wish to imprison and deny future employment to the other side.

Here are some of the Democrat savages:

“These [Trump] lawyers should face sanctions…”
Morning Morphs Into Midnight

3. If you have any doubts as to the lengths the Fascists will go, note that Jennifer Rubin, at WaPo, Jake Tapper, and AOC are calling for lists of trump supporters, to inform employers to make sure they never work again.
First AOC’s ‘list,’ now CNN warns of blacklisting Trump team

Just three days after liberal New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged the creation of a list of President Trump’s “sycophants,” a top CNN host has piled on with a warning that Trump aides battling the president’s legal case could see their job possibilities dry up.

4. Democrats are not Americans treating other Americans, no matter their political differences, as human beings. These Democrats have become psychotic. Disagreement earns punishment!!!

Remember this?

"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."
Hillary Rodham Clinton

For Biden Democrats, there is no right to disagree.

Today’s Democrat Party is made up of Fascists and Nazis and Bolsheviks, out to do what each of those totalitarians aimed to do with their opponents, deprive them of their rights, deprive them of their livelihoods, deprive them of their lives. And that is the lineage of this ‘bund.

After all, the Democrats are the party who put American citizens in concentration camps.

What part of actions have consequences do you not understand?

I must say I love it when a Nazi reveals himself.

Don't forget to iron that Brown Shirt.

I got to say, you Trumpbots sure are a hoot. Talking about revolution, invoking the "founders", and then cry like little bitches when someone holds you accountable for your actions. Oh, we are being persecuted, like the JEWS. We are being silenced. We are being targeted, we might lose our Facebook account, God the travesty.

Yeah, a real damn hoot. The founders risked their LIFES, many of them were penniless after the Revolution. Some of the sacrificed their very lives, Caesar Rodney, plagued with asthma and cancer, disfigured face, rode a horse almost to death in a roaring rainstorm for seventy miles in the night to cast a vote, the deciding vote, that adopted the Declaration of Independence. His health never fully recovered. You Trumpbots insult them, you mock their sacrifices, you all are, like your leader, without honor, without principles, cowards. In a word, scum of the earth.

Fuck you Newbie...*ignored*

LMAO. Like I give a shit. "Ignored", or in other words, outmatched, outclassed, outwitted so you pick up your toys and go home to mommy.

Back to the founders. You know, a smaller percentage of the American population supported the revolution than the percentage of Americans that populate the Trump nation today. So you guys SUCK when it comes to a "revolution". I mean how lame can you be when a bunch of child sacrificing devil worshiping demoncrats can defeat you? I mean that is what you morons believe. How damn lame are you when you can't even effectively storm the capitol when it is protected by only a handful of capital police. A handful of Puerto Ricans were more effective than thousands of Trumpbots, how flippin funny. Of course I know that statement just sailed over the head of every single Trump supporter. Did you stop the certification of the electoral college votes? No. I mean maybe the riot would have been successful if the idiots would have quit taking selfies, posting on social media, and looting props.

And you guys talk about a "civil war", how damn funny. Oh you got your guns, millions and millions of rounds of ammo, but NO BALLS. You guys are unwilling to sacrifice a damn thing, including your organic diets, LMAO. Honestly, I can predict how this "Civil War" will start, and effectively end. You Trump supporters will go to the battlefield of the first battle, maybe it is the Capital again, back to take a second shot. You will pack picnic lunches and flock to see your "soldiers" run off with an easy victory. I know, I know, another historical reference sailing over the heads of the Trumpbots. But your planned entertaining afternoon will soon turn to horror as you watch protestors getting gunned down in mass. Just for grins going to throw in another historical reference, troops will storm in, a future Patton will ride in on horseback, sword slashing. A future MacArthur will order the troops to "shoot to kill", and your Civil War will last all of one day. Nope, you Trump "revolutionaries" remind of something Mom used to say. Oh, you will do great wonders, and fall back in to rotten cucumbers.

Re-post sans the vulgarity.

No matter how deeply the truth hurt you, the vulgarity is unwarranted.

OK, no vulgarity. Impress with that great private college education. Three historical references in that post, I will repeat.

1. A handful of Puerto Ricans are more effective than thousands of Trump supporters.
2. Picnic lunches taken to the battlefield to watch the easy victory.
3. MacArther ordering shoot to kill and Patton storming in on horseback with his sword slashing.

For even a amateur history student, any AP high school history class student at the most public of schools, could nail down those historical references in seconds. I mean Caesar Rodney's ride to Philadelphia might be a little advanced. Not everybody has a collection of the signatures of all 57 Declaration of Independence signors. And that is the thing here. All this was predicted by the founders, and you are not on the right side of this battle. All your talk about education is distressing. Those that stormed the capital are certainly not "educated". Henry George summed it up,

To give the suffrage to tramps, to paupers, to men to whom the chance to labour is a boon, to men who must beg, or steal, or starve, is to invoke destruction. To put political power in the hands of men embittered and degraded by poverty is to tie firebrands to foxes and turn them loose amid the standing corn; it is to put out the eyes of a Samson and to twine his arms around the pillars of national life.

Microsoft Word - Progress and Poverty.doc (

Just to let you know, I am a Georgist. And if I could suggest just one thing for you it is to read Progress and Poverty. George was a genius, and if you spend even a little time looking in to famous Georgist you might be surprised. Churchill and Einstein top the list, but there are others.

The premise of the thread is that the behavior of you Democrats is an echo of earlier totalitarians.

You not only cannot deny prove it.
9. Knowledge of history is beyond their ken…..that’s why they vote Democrat.

No one was as inclined toward the Nazis and Fascists as the Democrats/Progressives were. Franklin Roosevelt was so enamored by Mussolini the he took the Fascist leader’s entire program and imposed it on America as the New Deal.

"American progressives, for the most part, did not disavow fascism until the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust became manifest during World War II. After the war, those progressives who had praised Mussolini and Hitler in the 1920s and 1930s had no choice but to dissociate themselves from fascism. “Accordingly,” writes Jonah Goldberg, “leftist intellectuals redefined fascism as 'right-wing' and projected their own sins onto conservatives, even as they continued to borrow heavily from fascist and pre-fascist thought.” This progressive campaign to recast fascism as the "right-wing" antithesis of communism was aided by Joseph Stalin,..."

Goldberg, Liberal Fascism

Now we find the Democrats enacting the very same ‘punishments’ on their opponents as did earlier Nazis, Fascists and Bolsheviks.
Wherein we describe the ancestry and lineage of the Democrat Party

1.When Santayana said that the failure to study history would lead to the commission of the same mistakes, he must have envisioned Democrat voters. Being history and literature challenged may not be their fault, as they were victims of government schooling.
Soooo….I must enlighten them.

2. The issue is their desire to slaughter political opponents, or, at the very least destroy their lives and their livelihood.
In a recent thread, Morning Morphs Into Midnight, the issue was how different the attitude of Republicans winning an election is to Democrats winning.
The former attempt to persuade opponents, while the latter wish to imprison and deny future employment to the other side.

Here are some of the Democrat savages:

“These [Trump] lawyers should face sanctions…”
Morning Morphs Into Midnight

3. If you have any doubts as to the lengths the Fascists will go, note that Jennifer Rubin, at WaPo, Jake Tapper, and AOC are calling for lists of trump supporters, to inform employers to make sure they never work again.
First AOC’s ‘list,’ now CNN warns of blacklisting Trump team

Just three days after liberal New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged the creation of a list of President Trump’s “sycophants,” a top CNN host has piled on with a warning that Trump aides battling the president’s legal case could see their job possibilities dry up.

4. Democrats are not Americans treating other Americans, no matter their political differences, as human beings. These Democrats have become psychotic. Disagreement earns punishment!!!

Remember this?

"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."
Hillary Rodham Clinton

For Biden Democrats, there is no right to disagree.

Today’s Democrat Party is made up of Fascists and Nazis and Bolsheviks, out to do what each of those totalitarians aimed to do with their opponents, deprive them of their rights, deprive them of their livelihoods, deprive them of their lives. And that is the lineage of this ‘bund.

After all, the Democrats are the party who put American citizens in concentration camps.

What part of actions have consequences do you not understand?

I must say I love it when a Nazi reveals himself.

Don't forget to iron that Brown Shirt.

I got to say, you Trumpbots sure are a hoot. Talking about revolution, invoking the "founders", and then cry like little bitches when someone holds you accountable for your actions. Oh, we are being persecuted, like the JEWS. We are being silenced. We are being targeted, we might lose our Facebook account, God the travesty.

Yeah, a real damn hoot. The founders risked their LIFES, many of them were penniless after the Revolution. Some of the sacrificed their very lives, Caesar Rodney, plagued with asthma and cancer, disfigured face, rode a horse almost to death in a roaring rainstorm for seventy miles in the night to cast a vote, the deciding vote, that adopted the Declaration of Independence. His health never fully recovered. You Trumpbots insult them, you mock their sacrifices, you all are, like your leader, without honor, without principles, cowards. In a word, scum of the earth.

Fuck you Newbie...*ignored*

LMAO. Like I give a shit. "Ignored", or in other words, outmatched, outclassed, outwitted so you pick up your toys and go home to mommy.

Back to the founders. You know, a smaller percentage of the American population supported the revolution than the percentage of Americans that populate the Trump nation today. So you guys SUCK when it comes to a "revolution". I mean how lame can you be when a bunch of child sacrificing devil worshiping demoncrats can defeat you? I mean that is what you morons believe. How damn lame are you when you can't even effectively storm the capitol when it is protected by only a handful of capital police. A handful of Puerto Ricans were more effective than thousands of Trumpbots, how flippin funny. Of course I know that statement just sailed over the head of every single Trump supporter. Did you stop the certification of the electoral college votes? No. I mean maybe the riot would have been successful if the idiots would have quit taking selfies, posting on social media, and looting props.

And you guys talk about a "civil war", how damn funny. Oh you got your guns, millions and millions of rounds of ammo, but NO BALLS. You guys are unwilling to sacrifice a damn thing, including your organic diets, LMAO. Honestly, I can predict how this "Civil War" will start, and effectively end. You Trump supporters will go to the battlefield of the first battle, maybe it is the Capital again, back to take a second shot. You will pack picnic lunches and flock to see your "soldiers" run off with an easy victory. I know, I know, another historical reference sailing over the heads of the Trumpbots. But your planned entertaining afternoon will soon turn to horror as you watch protestors getting gunned down in mass. Just for grins going to throw in another historical reference, troops will storm in, a future Patton will ride in on horseback, sword slashing. A future MacArthur will order the troops to "shoot to kill", and your Civil War will last all of one day. Nope, you Trump "revolutionaries" remind of something Mom used to say. Oh, you will do great wonders, and fall back in to rotten cucumbers.

Re-post sans the vulgarity.

No matter how deeply the truth hurt you, the vulgarity is unwarranted.

OK, no vulgarity. Impress with that great private college education. Three historical references in that post, I will repeat.

1. A handful of Puerto Ricans are more effective than thousands of Trump supporters.
2. Picnic lunches taken to the battlefield to watch the easy victory.
3. MacArther ordering shoot to kill and Patton storming in on horseback with his sword slashing.

For even a amateur history student, any AP high school history class student at the most public of schools, could nail down those historical references in seconds. I mean Caesar Rodney's ride to Philadelphia might be a little advanced. Not everybody has a collection of the signatures of all 57 Declaration of Independence signors. And that is the thing here. All this was predicted by the founders, and you are not on the right side of this battle. All your talk about education is distressing. Those that stormed the capital are certainly not "educated". Henry George summed it up,

To give the suffrage to tramps, to paupers, to men to whom the chance to labour is a boon, to men who must beg, or steal, or starve, is to invoke destruction. To put political power in the hands of men embittered and degraded by poverty is to tie firebrands to foxes and turn them loose amid the standing corn; it is to put out the eyes of a Samson and to twine his arms around the pillars of national life.

Microsoft Word - Progress and Poverty.doc (

Just to let you know, I am a Georgist. And if I could suggest just one thing for you it is to read Progress and Poverty. George was a genius, and if you spend even a little time looking in to famous Georgist you might be surprised. Churchill and Einstein top the list, but there are others.

The premise of the thread is that the behavior of you Democrats is an echo of earlier totalitarians.

You not only cannot deny prove it.

Got it, simple history. Puerto Rican attack on Congress, the first battle of Bull Run, and the Bonus Army. You had no clue. You are a flippin idiot. Why am I not surprised.
Wherein we describe the ancestry and lineage of the Democrat Party

1.When Santayana said that the failure to study history would lead to the commission of the same mistakes, he must have envisioned Democrat voters. Being history and literature challenged may not be their fault, as they were victims of government schooling.
Soooo….I must enlighten them.

2. The issue is their desire to slaughter political opponents, or, at the very least destroy their lives and their livelihood.
In a recent thread, Morning Morphs Into Midnight, the issue was how different the attitude of Republicans winning an election is to Democrats winning.
The former attempt to persuade opponents, while the latter wish to imprison and deny future employment to the other side.

Here are some of the Democrat savages:

“These [Trump] lawyers should face sanctions…”
Morning Morphs Into Midnight

3. If you have any doubts as to the lengths the Fascists will go, note that Jennifer Rubin, at WaPo, Jake Tapper, and AOC are calling for lists of trump supporters, to inform employers to make sure they never work again.
First AOC’s ‘list,’ now CNN warns of blacklisting Trump team

Just three days after liberal New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged the creation of a list of President Trump’s “sycophants,” a top CNN host has piled on with a warning that Trump aides battling the president’s legal case could see their job possibilities dry up.

4. Democrats are not Americans treating other Americans, no matter their political differences, as human beings. These Democrats have become psychotic. Disagreement earns punishment!!!

Remember this?

"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."
Hillary Rodham Clinton

For Biden Democrats, there is no right to disagree.

Today’s Democrat Party is made up of Fascists and Nazis and Bolsheviks, out to do what each of those totalitarians aimed to do with their opponents, deprive them of their rights, deprive them of their livelihoods, deprive them of their lives. And that is the lineage of this ‘bund.

After all, the Democrats are the party who put American citizens in concentration camps.

What part of actions have consequences do you not understand?

I must say I love it when a Nazi reveals himself.

Don't forget to iron that Brown Shirt.

I got to say, you Trumpbots sure are a hoot. Talking about revolution, invoking the "founders", and then cry like little bitches when someone holds you accountable for your actions. Oh, we are being persecuted, like the JEWS. We are being silenced. We are being targeted, we might lose our Facebook account, God the travesty.

Yeah, a real damn hoot. The founders risked their LIFES, many of them were penniless after the Revolution. Some of the sacrificed their very lives, Caesar Rodney, plagued with asthma and cancer, disfigured face, rode a horse almost to death in a roaring rainstorm for seventy miles in the night to cast a vote, the deciding vote, that adopted the Declaration of Independence. His health never fully recovered. You Trumpbots insult them, you mock their sacrifices, you all are, like your leader, without honor, without principles, cowards. In a word, scum of the earth.

Fuck you Newbie...*ignored*

LMAO. Like I give a shit. "Ignored", or in other words, outmatched, outclassed, outwitted so you pick up your toys and go home to mommy.

Back to the founders. You know, a smaller percentage of the American population supported the revolution than the percentage of Americans that populate the Trump nation today. So you guys SUCK when it comes to a "revolution". I mean how lame can you be when a bunch of child sacrificing devil worshiping demoncrats can defeat you? I mean that is what you morons believe. How damn lame are you when you can't even effectively storm the capitol when it is protected by only a handful of capital police. A handful of Puerto Ricans were more effective than thousands of Trumpbots, how flippin funny. Of course I know that statement just sailed over the head of every single Trump supporter. Did you stop the certification of the electoral college votes? No. I mean maybe the riot would have been successful if the idiots would have quit taking selfies, posting on social media, and looting props.

And you guys talk about a "civil war", how damn funny. Oh you got your guns, millions and millions of rounds of ammo, but NO BALLS. You guys are unwilling to sacrifice a damn thing, including your organic diets, LMAO. Honestly, I can predict how this "Civil War" will start, and effectively end. You Trump supporters will go to the battlefield of the first battle, maybe it is the Capital again, back to take a second shot. You will pack picnic lunches and flock to see your "soldiers" run off with an easy victory. I know, I know, another historical reference sailing over the heads of the Trumpbots. But your planned entertaining afternoon will soon turn to horror as you watch protestors getting gunned down in mass. Just for grins going to throw in another historical reference, troops will storm in, a future Patton will ride in on horseback, sword slashing. A future MacArthur will order the troops to "shoot to kill", and your Civil War will last all of one day. Nope, you Trump "revolutionaries" remind of something Mom used to say. Oh, you will do great wonders, and fall back in to rotten cucumbers.

Re-post sans the vulgarity.

No matter how deeply the truth hurt you, the vulgarity is unwarranted.

OK, no vulgarity. Impress with that great private college education. Three historical references in that post, I will repeat.

1. A handful of Puerto Ricans are more effective than thousands of Trump supporters.
2. Picnic lunches taken to the battlefield to watch the easy victory.
3. MacArther ordering shoot to kill and Patton storming in on horseback with his sword slashing.

For even a amateur history student, any AP high school history class student at the most public of schools, could nail down those historical references in seconds. I mean Caesar Rodney's ride to Philadelphia might be a little advanced. Not everybody has a collection of the signatures of all 57 Declaration of Independence signors. And that is the thing here. All this was predicted by the founders, and you are not on the right side of this battle. All your talk about education is distressing. Those that stormed the capital are certainly not "educated". Henry George summed it up,

To give the suffrage to tramps, to paupers, to men to whom the chance to labour is a boon, to men who must beg, or steal, or starve, is to invoke destruction. To put political power in the hands of men embittered and degraded by poverty is to tie firebrands to foxes and turn them loose amid the standing corn; it is to put out the eyes of a Samson and to twine his arms around the pillars of national life.

Microsoft Word - Progress and Poverty.doc (

Just to let you know, I am a Georgist. And if I could suggest just one thing for you it is to read Progress and Poverty. George was a genius, and if you spend even a little time looking in to famous Georgist you might be surprised. Churchill and Einstein top the list, but there are others.

The premise of the thread is that the behavior of you Democrats is an echo of earlier totalitarians.

You not only cannot deny prove it.

Got it, simple history. Puerto Rican attack on Congress, the first battle of Bull Run, and the Bonus Army. You had no clue. You are a flippin idiot. Why am I not surprised.

You served the purpose you were born to serve: hostile witness proving the iniquities of Democrat voters.

For some time now we have seen how dangerous it is for a Republican to have a Trump bumper sticker or a MAGA hat, as the result is an attack of some time.
How much time? I figure thirty minutes for a red Maga hat and an hour plus for an American flag with trump's ugly orange *ass superimposed upon it. That screams desecration!

*cuss word contained in The Bible.
Throughout history, and around the world, evil exists in many forms and guises, many agendas.

All of them view opponents as unworthy of humanity.

We see this now in the Democrats.

Here is another comparison:

10. One can foresee that the plans the Democrat Party has for its ‘enemies’ goes beyond silencing and impoverishing them.

Today’s Democrat Party is made up of Fascists and Nazis and Bolsheviks, out to do what each of those totalitarians aimed to do with their opponents, deprive them of their rights, deprive them of their livelihoods, deprive them of their lives.

But this is not the only comparable set of viewpoints from which these Democrats draw.

The ‘final victory’ for Democrats is an echo of this, from the Hadith, followed by IslamoFascists…. “ the record of the traditions or sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, revered and received as a major source of religious law and moral guidance, second only to the authority of the Qurʾān, the holy book of Islam.” Britannica. com

The Hadith “states that on Judgment Day, the Muslims will fight the Jews, and the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees. Then the rocks and the trees will speak, calling upon the Muslims: "Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill them."

Would these Democrats and their supporters ever put opponents to death????

You betcha!!!!!!
For some time now we have seen how dangerous it is for a Republican to have a Trump bumper sticker or a MAGA hat, as the result is an attack of some time.
How much time? I figure thirty minutes for a red Maga hat and an hour plus for an American flag with trump's ugly orange *ass superimposed upon it. That screams desecration!

*cuss word contained in The Bible.

"how dangerous it is for a Republican to have a Trump bumper sticker or a MAGA hat, as the result is an attack of some time. "

Stop bloviating.

You can't deny what I wrote.

Democrats, Biden voters, are sociopaths.

Admit it.
For some time now we have seen how dangerous it is for a Republican to have a Trump bumper sticker or a MAGA hat, as the result is an attack of some time.
How much time? I figure thirty minutes for a red Maga hat and an hour plus for an American flag with trump's ugly orange *ass superimposed upon it. That screams desecration!

*cuss word contained in The Bible.

"how dangerous it is for a Republican to have a Trump bumper sticker or a MAGA hat, as the result is an attack of some time. "

Stop bloviating.

You can't deny what I wrote.

Democrats, Biden voters, are sociopaths.

Admit it.
I think you meant to say 'an attack of some kind'.

Please explain to me what "an attack of some time" means in apple-pie American English.
For some time now we have seen how dangerous it is for a Republican to have a Trump bumper sticker or a MAGA hat, as the result is an attack of some time.
How much time? I figure thirty minutes for a red Maga hat and an hour plus for an American flag with trump's ugly orange *ass superimposed upon it. That screams desecration!

*cuss word contained in The Bible.

"how dangerous it is for a Republican to have a Trump bumper sticker or a MAGA hat, as the result is an attack of some time. "

Stop bloviating.

You can't deny what I wrote.

Democrats, Biden voters, are sociopaths.

Admit it.
I think you meant to say 'an attack of some kind'.

Please explain to me what "an attack of some time" means in apple-pie American English.

Somehow, all of you Democrat apologists suffer from newsheimers.

"Donald Trump MAGA Hat Attacks, Intolerance: List of Reported Incidents Against People Wearing President's Caps"

"MAGA Hat Attacks: Hate Crimes? Or Something Else?

Over the past few weeks, we have seen several physical assaults against people wearing MAGA hats. Late last month, an 81-year-old New Jersey man was attacked after being confronted because he was wearing the red cap. In Massachusetts, a woman assaulted a patron in a Mexican restaurant because she was offended by his MAGA hat. She is now facing deportation. Lastly, A man was arrested in Kentucky after pulling a gun on a man who was sporting the supposedly offensive headgear.

Needless to say, these news stories have aroused no small level of outrage on the right, who can clearly see that they are being targeted for their political beliefs. "

There is nothing in any of the posts that that you can deny.
Wherein we describe the ancestry and lineage of the Democrat Party

1.When Santayana said that the failure to study history would lead to the commission of the same mistakes, he must have envisioned Democrat voters. Being history and literature challenged may not be their fault, as they were victims of government schooling.
Soooo….I must enlighten them.

2. The issue is their desire to slaughter political opponents, or, at the very least destroy their lives and their livelihood.
In a recent thread, Morning Morphs Into Midnight, the issue was how different the attitude of Republicans winning an election is to Democrats winning.
The former attempt to persuade opponents, while the latter wish to imprison and deny future employment to the other side.

Here are some of the Democrat savages:

“These [Trump] lawyers should face sanctions…”
Morning Morphs Into Midnight

3. If you have any doubts as to the lengths the Fascists will go, note that Jennifer Rubin, at WaPo, Jake Tapper, and AOC are calling for lists of trump supporters, to inform employers to make sure they never work again.
First AOC’s ‘list,’ now CNN warns of blacklisting Trump team

Just three days after liberal New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged the creation of a list of President Trump’s “sycophants,” a top CNN host has piled on with a warning that Trump aides battling the president’s legal case could see their job possibilities dry up.

4. Democrats are not Americans treating other Americans, no matter their political differences, as human beings. These Democrats have become psychotic. Disagreement earns punishment!!!

Remember this?

"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."
Hillary Rodham Clinton

For Biden Democrats, there is no right to disagree.

Today’s Democrat Party is made up of Fascists and Nazis and Bolsheviks, out to do what each of those totalitarians aimed to do with their opponents, deprive them of their rights, deprive them of their livelihoods, deprive them of their lives. And that is the lineage of this ‘bund.

After all, the Democrats are the party who put American citizens in concentration camps.

What part of actions have consequences do you not understand?

I must say I love it when a Nazi reveals himself.

Don't forget to iron that Brown Shirt.

I got to say, you Trumpbots sure are a hoot. Talking about revolution, invoking the "founders", and then cry like little bitches when someone holds you accountable for your actions. Oh, we are being persecuted, like the JEWS. We are being silenced. We are being targeted, we might lose our Facebook account, God the travesty.

Yeah, a real damn hoot. The founders risked their LIFES, many of them were penniless after the Revolution. Some of the sacrificed their very lives, Caesar Rodney, plagued with asthma and cancer, disfigured face, rode a horse almost to death in a roaring rainstorm for seventy miles in the night to cast a vote, the deciding vote, that adopted the Declaration of Independence. His health never fully recovered. You Trumpbots insult them, you mock their sacrifices, you all are, like your leader, without honor, without principles, cowards. In a word, scum of the earth.

Fuck you Newbie...*ignored*

LMAO. Like I give a shit. "Ignored", or in other words, outmatched, outclassed, outwitted so you pick up your toys and go home to mommy.

Back to the founders. You know, a smaller percentage of the American population supported the revolution than the percentage of Americans that populate the Trump nation today. So you guys SUCK when it comes to a "revolution". I mean how lame can you be when a bunch of child sacrificing devil worshiping demoncrats can defeat you? I mean that is what you morons believe. How damn lame are you when you can't even effectively storm the capitol when it is protected by only a handful of capital police. A handful of Puerto Ricans were more effective than thousands of Trumpbots, how flippin funny. Of course I know that statement just sailed over the head of every single Trump supporter. Did you stop the certification of the electoral college votes? No. I mean maybe the riot would have been successful if the idiots would have quit taking selfies, posting on social media, and looting props.

And you guys talk about a "civil war", how damn funny. Oh you got your guns, millions and millions of rounds of ammo, but NO BALLS. You guys are unwilling to sacrifice a damn thing, including your organic diets, LMAO. Honestly, I can predict how this "Civil War" will start, and effectively end. You Trump supporters will go to the battlefield of the first battle, maybe it is the Capital again, back to take a second shot. You will pack picnic lunches and flock to see your "soldiers" run off with an easy victory. I know, I know, another historical reference sailing over the heads of the Trumpbots. But your planned entertaining afternoon will soon turn to horror as you watch protestors getting gunned down in mass. Just for grins going to throw in another historical reference, troops will storm in, a future Patton will ride in on horseback, sword slashing. A future MacArthur will order the troops to "shoot to kill", and your Civil War will last all of one day. Nope, you Trump "revolutionaries" remind of something Mom used to say. Oh, you will do great wonders, and fall back in to rotten cucumbers.

Re-post sans the vulgarity.

No matter how deeply the truth hurt you, the vulgarity is unwarranted.

OK, no vulgarity. Impress with that great private college education. Three historical references in that post, I will repeat.

1. A handful of Puerto Ricans are more effective than thousands of Trump supporters.
2. Picnic lunches taken to the battlefield to watch the easy victory.
3. MacArther ordering shoot to kill and Patton storming in on horseback with his sword slashing.

For even a amateur history student, any AP high school history class student at the most public of schools, could nail down those historical references in seconds. I mean Caesar Rodney's ride to Philadelphia might be a little advanced. Not everybody has a collection of the signatures of all 57 Declaration of Independence signors. And that is the thing here. All this was predicted by the founders, and you are not on the right side of this battle. All your talk about education is distressing. Those that stormed the capital are certainly not "educated". Henry George summed it up,

To give the suffrage to tramps, to paupers, to men to whom the chance to labour is a boon, to men who must beg, or steal, or starve, is to invoke destruction. To put political power in the hands of men embittered and degraded by poverty is to tie firebrands to foxes and turn them loose amid the standing corn; it is to put out the eyes of a Samson and to twine his arms around the pillars of national life.

Microsoft Word - Progress and Poverty.doc (

Just to let you know, I am a Georgist. And if I could suggest just one thing for you it is to read Progress and Poverty. George was a genius, and if you spend even a little time looking in to famous Georgist you might be surprised. Churchill and Einstein top the list, but there are others.

The premise of the thread is that the behavior of you Democrats is an echo of earlier totalitarians.

You not only cannot deny prove it.

Got it, simple history. Puerto Rican attack on Congress, the first battle of Bull Run, and the Bonus Army. You had no clue. You are a flippin idiot. Why am I not surprised.

You served the purpose you were born to serve: hostile witness proving the iniquities of Democrat voters.


LMAO. The first thing you have proven is that you are absolutely clueless about American history. And really, that is a non-starter. If you have no idea where this country has been you have no business whatsoever attempting to direct where this country is going. You are a fool. You waste your time posting incessantly diatribes that are little more than spam. And they are stupid. You started this thread off making the claim that Republicans want to work with the opposing party, what a damn joke. McConnell has been perhaps the most oppositional Senator in the history of this nation. Never, not once, has he attempted to "work with the other side". So your initial premise is laughable on it's face, and yet you have no clue. You don't see it. Pitiful enough, you actually believe the bullshit you spout. I have a hard time understanding how someone can be that delusional, let alone that damn stupid. The truth is we will never "make America great" when morons like you have free expression. You work hard every day to make America a stinkin shit hole, reflecting your own worthless stinkin self.
Somehow, all of you Democrat apologists suffer from newsheimers.
Do you have any more punched out Magat porn?

You were just used to prove that I am never wrong, you return with a meaningless post???

It seems you couldn't care less how savage and anti-social your party is.

I bet you read news accounts of airline disasters with the same level of interest as the weather report.
Wherein we describe the ancestry and lineage of the Democrat Party

1.When Santayana said that the failure to study history would lead to the commission of the same mistakes, he must have envisioned Democrat voters. Being history and literature challenged may not be their fault, as they were victims of government schooling.
Soooo….I must enlighten them.

2. The issue is their desire to slaughter political opponents, or, at the very least destroy their lives and their livelihood.
In a recent thread, Morning Morphs Into Midnight, the issue was how different the attitude of Republicans winning an election is to Democrats winning.
The former attempt to persuade opponents, while the latter wish to imprison and deny future employment to the other side.

Here are some of the Democrat savages:

“These [Trump] lawyers should face sanctions…”
Morning Morphs Into Midnight

3. If you have any doubts as to the lengths the Fascists will go, note that Jennifer Rubin, at WaPo, Jake Tapper, and AOC are calling for lists of trump supporters, to inform employers to make sure they never work again.
First AOC’s ‘list,’ now CNN warns of blacklisting Trump team

Just three days after liberal New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged the creation of a list of President Trump’s “sycophants,” a top CNN host has piled on with a warning that Trump aides battling the president’s legal case could see their job possibilities dry up.

4. Democrats are not Americans treating other Americans, no matter their political differences, as human beings. These Democrats have become psychotic. Disagreement earns punishment!!!

Remember this?

"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."
Hillary Rodham Clinton

For Biden Democrats, there is no right to disagree.

Today’s Democrat Party is made up of Fascists and Nazis and Bolsheviks, out to do what each of those totalitarians aimed to do with their opponents, deprive them of their rights, deprive them of their livelihoods, deprive them of their lives. And that is the lineage of this ‘bund.

After all, the Democrats are the party who put American citizens in concentration camps.

What part of actions have consequences do you not understand?

I must say I love it when a Nazi reveals himself.

Don't forget to iron that Brown Shirt.

I got to say, you Trumpbots sure are a hoot. Talking about revolution, invoking the "founders", and then cry like little bitches when someone holds you accountable for your actions. Oh, we are being persecuted, like the JEWS. We are being silenced. We are being targeted, we might lose our Facebook account, God the travesty.

Yeah, a real damn hoot. The founders risked their LIFES, many of them were penniless after the Revolution. Some of the sacrificed their very lives, Caesar Rodney, plagued with asthma and cancer, disfigured face, rode a horse almost to death in a roaring rainstorm for seventy miles in the night to cast a vote, the deciding vote, that adopted the Declaration of Independence. His health never fully recovered. You Trumpbots insult them, you mock their sacrifices, you all are, like your leader, without honor, without principles, cowards. In a word, scum of the earth.

Fuck you Newbie...*ignored*

LMAO. Like I give a shit. "Ignored", or in other words, outmatched, outclassed, outwitted so you pick up your toys and go home to mommy.

Back to the founders. You know, a smaller percentage of the American population supported the revolution than the percentage of Americans that populate the Trump nation today. So you guys SUCK when it comes to a "revolution". I mean how lame can you be when a bunch of child sacrificing devil worshiping demoncrats can defeat you? I mean that is what you morons believe. How damn lame are you when you can't even effectively storm the capitol when it is protected by only a handful of capital police. A handful of Puerto Ricans were more effective than thousands of Trumpbots, how flippin funny. Of course I know that statement just sailed over the head of every single Trump supporter. Did you stop the certification of the electoral college votes? No. I mean maybe the riot would have been successful if the idiots would have quit taking selfies, posting on social media, and looting props.

And you guys talk about a "civil war", how damn funny. Oh you got your guns, millions and millions of rounds of ammo, but NO BALLS. You guys are unwilling to sacrifice a damn thing, including your organic diets, LMAO. Honestly, I can predict how this "Civil War" will start, and effectively end. You Trump supporters will go to the battlefield of the first battle, maybe it is the Capital again, back to take a second shot. You will pack picnic lunches and flock to see your "soldiers" run off with an easy victory. I know, I know, another historical reference sailing over the heads of the Trumpbots. But your planned entertaining afternoon will soon turn to horror as you watch protestors getting gunned down in mass. Just for grins going to throw in another historical reference, troops will storm in, a future Patton will ride in on horseback, sword slashing. A future MacArthur will order the troops to "shoot to kill", and your Civil War will last all of one day. Nope, you Trump "revolutionaries" remind of something Mom used to say. Oh, you will do great wonders, and fall back in to rotten cucumbers.

Re-post sans the vulgarity.

No matter how deeply the truth hurt you, the vulgarity is unwarranted.

OK, no vulgarity. Impress with that great private college education. Three historical references in that post, I will repeat.

1. A handful of Puerto Ricans are more effective than thousands of Trump supporters.
2. Picnic lunches taken to the battlefield to watch the easy victory.
3. MacArther ordering shoot to kill and Patton storming in on horseback with his sword slashing.

For even a amateur history student, any AP high school history class student at the most public of schools, could nail down those historical references in seconds. I mean Caesar Rodney's ride to Philadelphia might be a little advanced. Not everybody has a collection of the signatures of all 57 Declaration of Independence signors. And that is the thing here. All this was predicted by the founders, and you are not on the right side of this battle. All your talk about education is distressing. Those that stormed the capital are certainly not "educated". Henry George summed it up,

To give the suffrage to tramps, to paupers, to men to whom the chance to labour is a boon, to men who must beg, or steal, or starve, is to invoke destruction. To put political power in the hands of men embittered and degraded by poverty is to tie firebrands to foxes and turn them loose amid the standing corn; it is to put out the eyes of a Samson and to twine his arms around the pillars of national life.

Microsoft Word - Progress and Poverty.doc (

Just to let you know, I am a Georgist. And if I could suggest just one thing for you it is to read Progress and Poverty. George was a genius, and if you spend even a little time looking in to famous Georgist you might be surprised. Churchill and Einstein top the list, but there are others.

The premise of the thread is that the behavior of you Democrats is an echo of earlier totalitarians.

You not only cannot deny prove it.

Got it, simple history. Puerto Rican attack on Congress, the first battle of Bull Run, and the Bonus Army. You had no clue. You are a flippin idiot. Why am I not surprised.

You served the purpose you were born to serve: hostile witness proving the iniquities of Democrat voters.


LMAO. The first thing you have proven is that you are absolutely clueless about American history. And really, that is a non-starter. If you have no idea where this country has been you have no business whatsoever attempting to direct where this country is going. You are a fool. You waste your time posting incessantly diatribes that are little more than spam. And they are stupid. You started this thread off making the claim that Republicans want to work with the opposing party, what a damn joke. McConnell has been perhaps the most oppositional Senator in the history of this nation. Never, not once, has he attempted to "work with the other side". So your initial premise is laughable on it's face, and yet you have no clue. You don't see it. Pitiful enough, you actually believe the bullshit you spout. I have a hard time understanding how someone can be that delusional, let alone that damn stupid. The truth is we will never "make America great" when morons like you have free expression. You work hard every day to make America a stinkin shit hole, reflecting your own worthless stinkin self.

This is the third time you've attempted to change the subject from the evil that your party has become.

You must be quite embarrassed......and you should be.

You appear to be having a Garden of Gethsemane moment.

Wherein we describe the ancestry and lineage of the Democrat Party...
So many Republicans now placing patriotism above blind allegiance to Trumpery after the Cry Baby Loser incited his goons in their murderous assault upon democracy is revelatory of a unifying coalescence in which the nation's military and corporate sectors now align with the popular sentiment.

When you have McConnell and the Wall Street Journal acknowledging that Lardass must go, you know it's time for Lardass to go, in extremis bleating by a pathetic residue of his butt barnacles notwithstanding.

Screen Shot 2020-06-19 at 8.05.30 AM.png

Why is everybody being so mean to ME?"
Wherein we describe the ancestry and lineage of the Democrat Party...
So many Republicans now placing patriotism above blind allegiance to Trumpery after the Cry Baby Loser incited his goons in their murderous assault upon democracy is revelatory of a unifying coalescence in which the nation's military and corporate sectors now align with the popular sentiment.

When you have McConnell and the Wall Street Journal acknowledging that Lardass must go, you know it's time for Lardass to go, in extremis bleating by a pathetic residue of his butt barnacles notwithstanding.

View attachment 442198
Why is everybody being so mean to ME?"

"So many Republicans now placing patriotism above blind allegiance to Trumpery ..."

I'll assume that 'Trumpery' refers to policies that Trump stood for.

The funny thing is that you are clueless about same, schmidlap-dog.

Let's prove it together.
I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.
It's a challenge for which Leftists are not prepared.

See, this is why you are a lap-dog for the mindlessly parrot the propaganda.
I'll assume that 'Trumpery' refers to policies that Trump stood for.
Whatever "policies" you reference, your use of the past tense is approproaite.

Despite his self-serving lies and refusal to respect the will of the People, the Cry Baby Loser has been rejected in a free and fair election, and Americans have chosen Joseph Biden to replace him.

His inciting his goons into a murderous attack upon Congress in a failed attempt to thwart its formal recognition of the democratic reality is a national disgrace that is a fitting end to his regime.
I'll assume that 'Trumpery' refers to policies that Trump stood for.
Whatever "policies" you reference, your use of the past tense is approproaite.

Despite his self-serving lies and refusal to respect the will of the People, the Cry Baby Loser has been rejected in a free and fair election, and Americans have chosen Joseph Biden to replace him.

His inciting his goons into a murderous attack upon Congress in a failed attempt to thwart its formal recognition of the democratic reality is a national disgrace that is a fitting end to his regime.
You were asked to state which Trump policies you reject.

You couldn't come up with a single one.


Proving that you have clue about what you post was far too simple

Like you.

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