Economics 101

The US can do the same thing by trimming 10% of the DOD and still protect the free world.
We can’t even properly protect the free world now because of the damage the Dumbocrats have done to our nation. We need at least a 10% increase to our defense budget.

However, what we can do, is cut 100% of the unconstitutional “welfare” bullshit. That would save us over $1 trillion per year. We could fund everything and still pay off the national debt in less than 25 years.
Ah, the Republicans love to talk about paying off the national debt, and yet, they never have. At present Republicans have all three branches of government, and they still blame the only party that has paid off the debt, for their failure.
I agree 100% with that. The Republican Party has completely failed the American people when it comes to a fiscally conservative budget.

But there is one thing I will say in their defense. It is the idiot Dumbocrats who bury the Republicans (and this nation) with the unconstitutional programs (welfare, Social Security, Medicaid, Obamacare) that have fiscally devasted this nation and sent us off of the cliff.

No they didn’t. Republicans under George W. Bush sent the US economy off the cliff. Obama saved not just the USA but the world economy as well.

The social programs you decry - welfare, food stamps and unemployment benefits, are what kept your economy afloat and prevented the Great Recession from turning into another Great Depression. That’s why it’s referred to as a “social safety net”, and it worked.

Obama saved not just the USA but the world economy as well.

He certainly was magic!!!

What did he do to save the US (and world) economy?
Every one of the countries in the Top 10 is a left wing social democracy.
No snowflake...they aren’t. All of them outrank the U.S. in the economic freedom index thanks to Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats.

More ignorant attacks based on your lack of brain activity, and nothing else. Just your opinion, and you know how much I value your opinion. Dipshit. actually replied to a post properly! Hallelujah! :clap2:

That is a significant step for the dumbest poster on USMB!

That seem st be all you have, me boy. Ignorant personal attacks. And no economic content at all. Generally, you at least post nonsensical economic ideas. Are you just giving up? Have you finally gotten to the point that you are admitting that you are a congenital idiot?
The social programs you decry - welfare, food stamps and unemployment benefits, are what kept your economy afloat and prevented the Great Recession from turning into another Great Depression. That’s why it’s referred to as a “social safety net”, and it worked.
And that is why progressives are known as the people of Great IGNORANCE. Even extremely left-wing institutions like UCLA were forced to admit that those social programs you adore drastically extend a recession into a full-blown depression.

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years ... - UCLA Newsroom

Misguided government policies prolonged Great Depression | UCLA
The social programs you decry - welfare, food stamps and unemployment benefits, are what kept your economy afloat and prevented the Great Recession from turning into another Great Depression. That’s why it’s referred to as a “social safety net”, and it worked.
And that is why progressives are known as the people of Great IGNORANCE. Even FRD's own Secretary of Treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr. (who was the architect of the idiotic, failed left-wing policies), admitted that they failed horribly.

'We're Spending More Than Ever and It Doesn't Work'
The US can do the same thing by trimming 10% of the DOD and still protect the free world.
We can’t even properly protect the free world now because of the damage the Dumbocrats have done to our nation. We need at least a 10% increase to our defense budget.

However, what we can do, is cut 100% of the unconstitutional “welfare” bullshit. That would save us over $1 trillion per year. We could fund everything and still pay off the national debt in less than 25 years.
Ah, the Republicans love to talk about paying off the national debt, and yet, they never have. At present Republicans have all three branches of government, and they still blame the only party that has paid off the debt, for their failure.
I agree 100% with that. The Republican Party has completely failed the American people when it comes to a fiscally conservative budget.

But there is one thing I will say in their defense. It is the idiot Dumbocrats who bury the Republicans (and this nation) with the unconstitutional programs (welfare, Social Security, Medicaid, Obamacare) that have fiscally devasted this nation and sent us off of the cliff.

No they didn’t. Republicans under George W. Bush sent the US economy off the cliff. Obama saved not just the USA but the world economy as well.

The social programs you decry - welfare, food stamps and unemployment benefits, are what kept your economy afloat and prevented the Great Recession from turning into another Great Depression. That’s why it’s referred to as a “social safety net”, and it worked.

Obama saved not just the USA but the world economy as well.

He certainly was magic!!!

What did he do to save the US (and world) economy?

You should really check out the reports by the CBO, me boy. Because as a con troll, you think nothing he did helped. But, the CBO predicted that his actions likely kept us from a depression that was likely to result from the Great Republican Recession of 2008.
Or you could consider the annual analysis by, done yearly. Consider this one, completed at the end of his term in office:

Obama's Final Numbers -

The analysis was for the term of Obama's time in office. It included:
1. Employment increased by 11,64 million. The ue rate decreased from about from about 10% to 4.8%. And job openings increased by 103%.
2. Corporate Profits increased by 103%, and the S & P index increased by 166%.
3. Wind and Solar Power production went up 369%, Carbon Dioxide emissions decreased by 11%, and crude oil production increased by 77%.

So, the only thing that affected jobs and the economy in a good way for many years was the ARRA, or Obama Stimulus. Republicans did nothing, except meet on the eve of Obama taking office and agree to stop anything that Obama wanted to do, since they owned congress.
Post #1343 and post #1345 flawlessly illustrate the difference between the right and the left.

While the left resorts to pure emotion (I love Barack Insane Obama for absolutely no reason - therefore he "saved the world"), the right examines history (ie Henry Morgenthau Jr.'s own words), reads new studies/data (such as that released by UCLA) and then draws a clear conclusion based on intellect.
The analysis was for the term of Obama's time in office. It included:
1. Employment increased by 11,64 million. The ue rate decreased from about from about 10% to 4.8%. And job openings increased by 103%.
That alone is an egregious lie. For starters, it was Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbcorats who took unemployment to 10% in the first place (it was 7% when he was sworn in). So you can credit him with "creating" the jobs that he LOST in the first place!!!

Second, it remained at 10% until after the 2010 mid-terms when he took (and I quote him here) "a shellacking". Once the Republicans were in control of the House and every state, county, and city in the U.S., we started to see the recovery thanks to sound, proven, conservative policy.

You've been owned with facts. Run along now junior. Back to the shit-hole nation that you logged in from.
The social programs you decry - welfare, food stamps and unemployment benefits, are what kept your economy afloat and prevented the Great Recession from turning into another Great Depression. That’s why it’s referred to as a “social safety net”, and it worked.
And that is why progressives are known as the people of Great IGNORANCE. Even FRD's own Secretary of Treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr. (who was the architect of the idiotic, failed left-wing policies), admitted that they failed horribly.

'We're Spending More Than Ever and It Doesn't Work'

Wow. You really like the nut case crazy con web site, the Daily Signal. Got an impartial site, me boy. Of course you don't.

The UE rate under republicans, from 1929 to january of 1933, watched the unemployment rate go from 2.5% to over 25%. In 4 years!!!!!! Under FDR, the ue rate went from 25% when he took office to under 4%. So, what was it you were saying about a bad policy under FDR? Did you think that the UE rate going up by 22% under republicans was a good thing???? And the UE rate decreasing by 21% was a bad thing?
See why I call you a dipshit?
rshermn simply owns P@triot. The George W. Bush Congress caused the Great Recession, which Patriot would go to jail for if criminal libel could be punished as such. Rshermn is absolutely correct on job growth, UE decresase, and job openings. Trump has been riding that ever since.
We can’t even properly protect the free world now because of the damage the Dumbocrats have done to our nation. We need at least a 10% increase to our defense budget.

However, what we can do, is cut 100% of the unconstitutional “welfare” bullshit. That would save us over $1 trillion per year. We could fund everything and still pay off the national debt in less than 25 years.
Ah, the Republicans love to talk about paying off the national debt, and yet, they never have. At present Republicans have all three branches of government, and they still blame the only party that has paid off the debt, for their failure.
I agree 100% with that. The Republican Party has completely failed the American people when it comes to a fiscally conservative budget.

But there is one thing I will say in their defense. It is the idiot Dumbocrats who bury the Republicans (and this nation) with the unconstitutional programs (welfare, Social Security, Medicaid, Obamacare) that have fiscally devasted this nation and sent us off of the cliff.

No they didn’t. Republicans under George W. Bush sent the US economy off the cliff. Obama saved not just the USA but the world economy as well.

The social programs you decry - welfare, food stamps and unemployment benefits, are what kept your economy afloat and prevented the Great Recession from turning into another Great Depression. That’s why it’s referred to as a “social safety net”, and it worked.

Obama saved not just the USA but the world economy as well.

He certainly was magic!!!

What did he do to save the US (and world) economy?

You should really check out the reports by the CBO, me boy. Because as a con troll, you think nothing he did helped. But, the CBO predicted that his actions likely kept us from a depression that was likely to result from the Great Republican Recession of 2008.
Or you could consider the annual analysis by, done yearly. Consider this one, completed at the end of his term in office:

Obama's Final Numbers -

The analysis was for the term of Obama's time in office. It included:
1. Employment increased by 11,64 million. The ue rate decreased from about from about 10% to 4.8%. And job openings increased by 103%.
2. Corporate Profits increased by 103%, and the S & P index increased by 166%.
3. Wind and Solar Power production went up 369%, Carbon Dioxide emissions decreased by 11%, and crude oil production increased by 77%.

So, the only thing that affected jobs and the economy in a good way for many years was the ARRA, or Obama Stimulus. Republicans did nothing, except meet on the eve of Obama taking office and agree to stop anything that Obama wanted to do, since they owned congress.

you think nothing he did helped.

Sure, running massive counter-cyclical deficits can help reduce unemployment and increase GDP.
You have to look at cost-benefit.
His cost, $9.3 trillion in added debt, was pretty large, his benefit, the weakest recovery since WW2, kinda sucked.

the CBO predicted that his actions likely kept us from a depression

Predicted? LOL!

Employment increased by 11,64 million.

Wow! His added debt was about $800,000 per job.

crude oil production increased by 77%.

It's true, a lot of economic growth happened despite Obama's actions.
So, the only thing that affected jobs and the economy in a good way for many years was the ARRA, or Obama Stimulus.

The vast majority of which was spent after the recession already ended in June 2009.
Republicans did nothing, except meet on the eve of Obama taking office and agree to stop anything that Obama wanted to do, since they owned congress.

Ummm.....Obama had massive majorities in the House and Senate when he took office.
Wow. You really like the nut case crazy con web site, the Daily Signal. Got an impartial site, me boy. Of course you don't.
When a progressive propagandist can’t dispute the message - they resort to attacking not the messenger. Henry Morgenthau’s exact words are well documented. No ,after what link I post, you’ll ignore the facts and attack the source of the link.
The UE rate under republicans, from 1929 to january of 1933, watched the unemployment rate go from 2.5% to over 25%. In 4 years!!!!!! Under FDR, the ue rate went from 25% when he took office to under 4%.
Oh was FDR who took a small recession and turned it into a full-blown depression. And then it took Republicans taking over at all other levels of government to undo the damage (just like under Barack Insane Obama). Even FDR’s own Secretary of the Treasury - who was the architect of the entire “New Deal” - openly admitted that it failed. And 75 years later, so did a UCLA study.

Now run along snowflake. Go find a a mesageboard for your shit-hole country.
The analysis was for the term of Obama's time in office. It included:
1. Employment increased by 11,64 million. The ue rate decreased from about from about 10% to 4.8%. And job openings increased by 103%.

That alone is an egregious lie. What alone, me boy? For starters, it was Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbcorats who took unemployment to 10% in the first place (it was 7% when he was sworn in). So you can credit him with "creating" the jobs that he LOST in the first place!!!

Second, it remained at 10% until after the 2010 mid-terms when he took (and I quote him here) "a shellacking". Once the Republicans were in control of the House and every state, county, and city in the U.S., we started to see the recovery thanks to sound, proven, conservative policy.

You've been owned with facts. Run along now junior. Back to the shit-hole nation that you logged in from.
The social programs you decry - welfare, food stamps and unemployment benefits, are what kept your economy afloat and prevented the Great Recession from turning into another Great Depression. That’s why it’s referred to as a “social safety net”, and it worked.
And that is why progressives are known as the people of Great IGNORANCE. Even extremely left-wing institutions like UCLA were forced to admit that those social programs you adore drastically extend a recession into a full-blown depression.

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years ... - UCLA Newsroom

Misguided government policies prolonged Great Depression | UCLA
Post #1343 and post #1345 flawlessly illustrate the difference between the right and the left.

While the left resorts to pure emotion (I love Barack Insane Obama for absolutely no reason - therefore he "saved the world"), the right examines history (ie Henry Morgenthau Jr.'s own words), reads new studies/data (such as that released by UCLA) and then draws a clear conclusion based on intellect.

Sorry, me poor ignorant con troll. The UCLA study was an outlier, published by a couple of unknown economists trying to make a name for themselves. At the same time, there are hundreds of economic studies that prove them wrong. Kind of like the 2% of climate scientists that suggest global climate change is not man made, while the other 98% say it is. But that UCLA study is now found in every single bat shit crazy con web site in the world, and is used only by all ot the con trolls of the world.
Kind of like the 2% of climate scientists that suggest global climate change is not man made, while the other 98% say it is.
And yet it is that 98% that has been caught lying over and over and over while that 2% has a flawless record. Seems like you always side with the liars, little boy. I wonder why that is?
Sorry, me poor ignorant con troll. The UCLA study was an outlier, published by a couple of unknown economists trying to make a name for themselves.
Sorry my uninformed, uneducated, ignorant foreign troll...nothing could be further from the truth. Making stuff up (as you do in every post) is pitiful, unacceptable, and irresponsible.

The UCLA study was done at a left-wing institution by left-wing economists. And it is supported by FDR’s own Secretary of the Treasury who was the architect behind the “New Deal”. You look like an absolute idiot trying to deny fact.

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding
If all the nations in the world are in debt, where did all the money go???
- Steven Wright
Kind of like the 2% of climate scientists that suggest global climate change is not man made, while the other 98% say it is.
And yet it is that 98% that has been caught lying over and over and over while that 2% has a flawless record. Seems like you always side with the liars, little boy. I wonder why that is?
Yes - that’s what that “98%” of political activists posing as “scientists” are - but we’ve already established that, snowflake. We didn’t need you to weigh in to confirm it.

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