Economics 101

Kind of like the 2% of climate scientists that suggest global climate change is not man made, while the other 98% say it is.
And yet it is that 98% that has been caught lying over and over and over while that 2% has a flawless record. Seems like you always side with the liars, little boy. I wonder why that is?
Yes - that’s what that “98%” of political activists posing as “scientists” are - but we’ve already established that, snowflake. We didn’t need you to weigh in to confirm it.
You have only established that YOU are a LIAR!
The Daily Signal? You must kidding.

Post #1343 and post #1345 flawlessly illustrate the difference between the right and the left.

While the left resorts to pure emotion (I love Barack Insane Obama for absolutely no reason - therefore he "saved the world"), the right examines history (ie Henry Morgenthau Jr.'s own words), reads new studies/data (such as that released by UCLA) and then draws a clear conclusion based on intellect.

Bullshit. Liberals look at the massive transfer of wealth to the top engineered by the Reagan tax cuts. Volatility in the stock market increased leading to Black Monday in 1987.

They look at total destabilization achieved by George W. Bush with his tax cuts, unfunded social programs, and deficit spending and wars.

Obama righted the ship and presided over six years of unchecked growth in jobs, the economy and the stock market all while Republicans blamed Obama for the mess they created. Their refusal to pass any of his economic policies certainly slowed that recovery, even as they castigated Obama for the “weak recovery” and the deficit.

Then Trump won and once again Republicans have cut taxes and can’t spend money fast enough.

The stock market is already destabilizing, growth in employment has slowed. Republicans are already touting the failed and discredit policies of Trickle Down Economics which have been totally discredited.

The social programs you decry - welfare, food stamps and unemployment benefits, are what kept your economy afloat and prevented the Great Recession from turning into another Great Depression. That’s why it’s referred to as a “social safety net”, and it worked.

Obama saved not just the USA but the world economy as well.

He certainly was magic!!!

What did he do to save the US (and world) economy?

You should really check out the reports by the CBO, me boy. Because as a con troll, you think nothing he did helped. But, the CBO predicted that his actions likely kept us from a depression that was likely to result from the Great Republican Recession of 2008.
Or you could consider the annual analysis by, done yearly. Consider this one, completed at the end of his term in office:

Obama's Final Numbers -

The analysis was for the term of Obama's time in office. It included:
1. Employment increased by 11,64 million. The ue rate decreased from about from about 10% to 4.8%. And job openings increased by 103%.
2. Corporate Profits increased by 103%, and the S & P index increased by 166%.
3. Wind and Solar Power production went up 369%, Carbon Dioxide emissions decreased by 11%, and crude oil production increased by 77%.

So, the only thing that affected jobs and the economy in a good way for many years was the ARRA, or Obama Stimulus. Republicans did nothing, except meet on the eve of Obama taking office and agree to stop anything that Obama wanted to do, since they owned congress.

you think nothing he did helped.

Sure, running massive counter-cyclical deficits can help reduce unemployment and increase GDP.
You have to look at cost-benefit.
His cost, $9.3 trillion in added debt, was pretty large, his benefit, the weakest recovery since WW2, kinda sucked.
Really, me boy, the national debt increases for more than one reason. Is that too difficult for you to understand????? Repubs put millions and millions out of work, and they receive unemployment comp. And, me boy, when the did not work they did not pay taxes. And the deficit increased, as it always does, me boy, when the ue rate is high.
Need more education, or are you as I suspect just playing stupid.

the CBO predicted that his actions likely kept us from a depression

Predicted? LOL!
Yes, me boy. We were loosing jobs at over 1M per month. Heading for a depression by the prediction of many economists, and the cbo. So, we have you, a con troll, or the cbo. My money is on the cbo.

Employment increased by 11,64 million.

Wow! His added debt was about $800,000 per job.
Not really. But just think how bad it would be to loose several million MORE jobs, dipshit.

crude oil production increased by 77%.

It's true, a lot of economic growth happened despite Obama's actions.

So, the only thing that affected jobs and the economy in a good way for many years was the ARRA, or Obama Stimulus.

The vast majority of which was spent after the recession already ended in June 2009.

Correct, but the UE rate decreased during that period from 9% to 4.8%. And revenues increased, and spending on unemployment decreased. Did you have a point, me boy?

Republicans did nothing, except meet on the eve of Obama taking office and agree to stop anything that Obama wanted to do, since they owned congress.

Ummm.....Obama had massive majorities in the House and Senate when he took office.

That, me boy, is a lie. He lost the majority in the senate after several months, and both the house and senate 2 years in. Is that all you ever do, me boy? Just post con talking points and lies??

If you really cared, you would be unhappy with what the republicans did, which was NOTHING. Perhaps you would like to enlighten us about what you think Repubs did to help the issue. Cause most of us thinking people believe they just watched the economy suffer. For their own advantage.
Volatility in the stock market increased leading to Black Monday in 1987.
More indisputable evidence that the left is devoid of facts. For starters, “Black Monday” was the result of an economic warfare plot by the former U.S.S.R.

Second, it is also proof of how flawless conservative economic policy is. It took all of a single day to “recover”. Had the Dumbocrats been in charge - it would have turned into a full blown depression until Republicans were back in charge.
Wow. You really like the nut case crazy con web site, the Daily Signal. Got an impartial site, me boy. Of course you don't.
When a progressive propagandist can’t dispute the message - they resort to attacking not the messenger. Henry Morgenthau’s exact words are well documented. No ,after what link I post, you’ll ignore the facts and attack the source of the link.
The UE rate under republicans, from 1929 to january of 1933, watched the unemployment rate go from 2.5% to over 25%. In 4 years!!!!!! Under FDR, the ue rate went from 25% when he took office to under 4%.
Oh was FDR who took a small recession and turned it into a full-blown depression. Really, me boy? Are you so stupid that you thought Hoover was a democrat. Under republicans, the UE rate went from 3% to 25%. And you are so stupid that you believe that was a "small recession" . You are, me boy, truly delusional.

And then it took Republicans taking over at all other levels of government to undo the damage (just like under Barack Insane Obama).That, me boy, is another lie. FDR lost congress for only 1 term, and that was the only term that the UE rate increased. Dipshit. Even FDR’s own Secretary of the Treasury - who was the architect of the entire “New Deal” - openly admitted that it failed. Another lie. No sec of treasury was the architect of the new deal. Dipshit. Do you always lie??? Of course you do. And 75 years later, so did a UCLA study. Right. You just lie, and lie, and lie. Funny thing is, there are hundreds of studies of the Great Republican Depression of 1929, and you take the only one that is in every bat shit crazy con web site. But do not worry. We all know you are a con troll, and a congenital idiot. OOPS. Sorry for the oxymoron.

Now run along snowflake. Go find a a mesageboard for your shit-hole country. Did you think you have some authority, dipshit. Just proves you to be a congenital idiot. And, I live in the same country as you, me boy. But it is you who just called it a shit hole. Jesus, you are an idiot.

The Daily Signal? You must kidding.
Ignoring for a moment that you even have a clue about “The Daily Signal”, prove that the story is inaccurate. Prove that Henry Morgenthau Jr. didn’t say that and I will delete my account and permanently leave USMB. I give my word.

( can’t sweetie. It is 100% accurate)
Once again the dumb dillhole rshermn can’t figure how how to post... :lmao:

Kind of like the 2% of climate scientists that suggest global climate change is not man made, while the other 98% say it is.
And yet it is that 98% that has been caught lying over and over and over while that 2% has a flawless record. Seems like you always side with the liars, little boy. I wonder why that is?

No, they have not lied. You are confused. That was YOU lying.
Yes - that’s what that “98%” of political activists posing as “scientists” are - but we’ve already established that, snowflake. We didn’t need you to weigh in to confirm it.

Yup, you are indeed a congenital idiot/con troll. Never had much education, I suspect. Too stupid to get into college, eh me boy. Which is why you are so stupid that you think scientists are political activists. But then, you do not have the mental ability to understand what they say. Just beyond you.
Did you know the Military is planning for global climate change, dipshit. Do you suspect our military is also made up of political activists. So, lets see: We seem to have two options. 1. we could believe you, an obvious con troll and idiot, or 2. We could believe the highly educated, very rational, and experienced climate scientists and the US Military.. Who do you suspect we will choose, me boy?
The Daily Signal? You must kidding.
Ignoring for a moment that you even have a clue about “The Daily Signal”, prove that the story is inaccurate. Prove that Henry Morgenthau Jr. didn’t say that and I will delete my account and permanently leave USMB. I give my word.

( can’t sweetie. It is 100% accurate)

You see, if you had integrity, you would post content from impartial sources. Not nut case crazy con web sites. And then there would not be a need to read and vet your posts. Dipshit. A person with integrity does not ask someone to read a post from a partial web site. Which is why I would NEVER post something from a far left web site. Ever. Because, you see, I have integrity, which you totally lack.
The Daily Signal? You must kidding.

Post #1343 and post #1345 flawlessly illustrate the difference between the right and the left.

While the left resorts to pure emotion (I love Barack Insane Obama for absolutely no reason - therefore he "saved the world"), the right examines history (ie Henry Morgenthau Jr.'s own words), reads new studies/data (such as that released by UCLA) and then draws a clear conclusion based on intellect.

Bullshit. Liberals look at the massive transfer of wealth to the top engineered by the Reagan tax cuts. Volatility in the stock market increased leading to Black Monday in 1987.

They look at total destabilization achieved by George W. Bush with his tax cuts, unfunded social programs, and deficit spending and wars.

Obama righted the ship and presided over six years of unchecked growth in jobs, the economy and the stock market all while Republicans blamed Obama for the mess they created. Their refusal to pass any of his economic policies certainly slowed that recovery, even as they castigated Obama for the “weak recovery” and the deficit.

Then Trump won and once again Republicans have cut taxes and can’t spend money fast enough.

The stock market is already destabilizing, growth in employment has slowed. Republicans are already touting the failed and discredit policies of Trickle Down Economics which have been totally discredited.

Poor bat shit crazy con only uses nut case crazy conservative web sources. Because, as a con, that is what he likes to believe. Poor clown has no integrity, and is obviously stupid.
Even FDR’s own Secretary of the Treasury - who was the architect of the entire “New Deal” - openly admitted that it failed.
Another lie. No sec of treasury was the architect of the new deal. Dipshit. Do you always lie??? Of course you do.
It so easy to prove to everyone that you even lie about lying.
He played a major role in designing and financing the New Deal
Boom! Now tell us all how Wikipedia is a “con troll” source. :laugh:

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Henry Morgenthau Jr. - Wikipedia
You see, if you had integrity, you would post content from impartial sources.
The Daily Signal is as “impartial” as it gets, my fragile little snowflake. They are a policy think tank that simply studies data.
And then there would not be a need to read and vet your posts.
Ahahah! So not only do you admit that you don’t want to read posts but you also openly admit that you don’t want to research facts.

Boom! Typical ignorant partisan progressive!
Even FDR’s own Secretary of the Treasury - who was the architect of the entire “New Deal” - openly admitted that it failed.
Another lie. No sec of treasury was the architect of the new deal. Dipshit. Do you always lie??? Of course you do.
It so easy to prove to everyone that you even lie about lying.
He played a major role in designing and financing the New Deal
Boom! Now tell us all how Wikipedia is a “con troll” source. :laugh:

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Henry Morgenthau Jr. - Wikipedia

Are you really working that hard at proving yourself to be stupid. I understand Morganthau worked on the FDR plan. But you did not say that. You said he was the ARCHITECT of it. He was not. And you link, if you could read, does not say he was. Really, remedial reading may be available to even you, a congenital idiot.
Kind of like the 2% of climate scientists that suggest global climate change is not man made, while the other 98% say it is.
And yet it is that 98% that has been caught lying over and over and over while that 2% has a flawless record. Seems like you always side with the liars, little boy. I wonder why that is?
Yes - that’s what that “98%” of political activists posing as “scientists” are - but we’ve already established that, snowflake. We didn’t need you to weigh in to confirm it.
Which is why you are so stupid that you think scientists are political activists.
A. The exact quote was “political activists posing as scientists” (and it’s up above in this very post for everyone to see - proving yet again that you are a liar).

B. Only one of us can’t figure out how to reply properly to a post on this website and it sure as hell isn't me, snowflake! :laugh:
Even FDR’s own Secretary of the Treasury - who was the architect of the entire “New Deal” - openly admitted that it failed.
Another lie. No sec of treasury was the architect of the new deal. Dipshit. Do you always lie??? Of course you do.
It so easy to prove to everyone that you even lie about lying.
He played a major role in designing and financing the New Deal
Boom! Now tell us all how Wikipedia is a “con troll” source. :laugh:

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Henry Morgenthau Jr. - Wikipedia

Are you really working that hard at proving yourself to be stupid. I understand Morganthau worked on the FDR plan. But you did not say that. You said he was the ARCHITECT of it. He was not. And you link, if you could read, does not say he was. Really, remedial reading may be available to even you, a congenital idiot.
Moving the goalposts after you were caught lying, :asshole:?

You see, if you had integrity, you would post content from impartial sources.
The Daily Signal is as “impartial” as it gets, my fragile little snowflake. They are a policy think tank that simply studies data. Sorry,, me poor ignorant con troll. The Daily Mirror is a WEBSITE. As you should know. "The Daily Signal is a conservative American news website founded in June 2014. The publication focuses on politics, culture, and other stories. It is published by The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank. The Daily Signal has very strong right wing bias in reporting and wording."
So, no not an independent think tank. It is, however owned by a conservative think tank, AE. Which is known to publish conservative drivel. Nice source, dipshit.

And then there would not be a need to read and vet your posts.
Ahahah! So not only do you admit that you don’t want to read posts but you also openly admit that you don’t want to research facts.
Oh, by the way, laughing for no apparent reason is a common indication that you are a congenital idiot.
Just think how cool it would be if you had a working brain, dipshit. I said, me boy, I do not honor biased
sources. I do not read them. And I do not use them. Sorry you don't understand. It is part of integrity. You will need to look that word up, and try to understand it. Had you any education, say a quarter of college, you would know you are useing really bad form. Not acceptable in adult discussions or arguments.

Boom! Typical ignorant partisan progressive. You do not understand the word partisan. Cause you are a congenital idiot. Partisan means you do not use partial sources, and then ask someone to chech out their claims. Like for instance, I do not us far left partial sources. Because that is dishonest. Which you are, and see no problem with. Dipshit.
Even FDR’s own Secretary of the Treasury - who was the architect of the entire “New Deal” - openly admitted that it failed.
Another lie. No sec of treasury was the architect of the new deal. Dipshit. Do you always lie??? Of course you do.
It so easy to prove to everyone that you even lie about lying.
He played a major role in designing and financing the New Deal
Boom! Now tell us all how Wikipedia is a “con troll” source. :laugh:

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Henry Morgenthau Jr. - Wikipedia

Are you really working that hard at proving yourself to be stupid. I understand Morganthau worked on the FDR plan. But you did not say that. You said he was the ARCHITECT of it. He was not. And you link, if you could read, does not say he was. Really, remedial reading may be available to even you, a congenital idiot.
Moving the goalposts after you were caught lying, :asshole:?


You certainly did not catch me lying. Because I never, ever lie. You are the lier in this post.
Pure projection!
I’m the one who fights against the illegal, unconstitutional “social” program bullshit that you live off of.

Spoken like a true Friedman occolyte. Friedmans’s policies have lead to massive transfers of wealth, lower wages, increased unememployment, poverty, and stock market volatility everywhere they’ve been tried. And worse, they’ve lead to Death Squads, and mass murders of leftists, lawyers, and other leaders on the left because the results of these policies is so destructive to wages, employment and prices for the working people.

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