Economics 101

This is what left-wing policy does Dragonlady. It leaves everyone (except for those in control of course) destitute in poverty and misery. These people now hunt stray dogs to eat because they were so stupid and so greedy, that they voted for socialism. Well, they got it. And now there is no going back. The dictators will never relinquish control.

Average Venezuelan Lost 24 Pounds Last Year Due to Economic Woes
This is what left-wing policy does Dragonlady. It leaves everyone (except for those in control of course) destitute in poverty and misery. These people now hunt stray dogs to eat because they were so stupid and so greedy, that they voted for socialism. Well, they got it. And now there is no going back. The dictators will never relinquish control. Average Venezuelan Lost 24 Pounds Last Year Due to Economic Woes
Your mind is meandering. Compare nutrition among the populations in Central America during the hey day of agricultural capitalism in Central America from 1910 to 1940.
Friedman advocated for a negative income tax, giving poor people a guaranteed income. Would you agree?
A. That is already in place. It’s called welfare. :eusa_doh:

B. Hell no. When you reward failure - you get more failure. As Benjamin Franklin said “if you want to get people out of poverty, make them miserable in their poverty”.
Welfare is not a negative income tax, and since you don't know that, you show us how you are ignorant on important matters.
This is what left-wing policy does Dragonlady. It leaves everyone (except for those in control of course) destitute in poverty and misery. These people now hunt stray dogs to eat because they were so stupid and so greedy, that they voted for socialism. Well, they got it. And now there is no going back. The dictators will never relinquish control.

Average Venezuelan Lost 24 Pounds Last Year Due to Economic Woes

This isn’t left wing policy. It’s an authoritarian dictator looting the treasury for his own personal benefit. That’s why Venezuelan assets are being frozen around the world.

Why use the worst examples of abuse, mismanagement and corruption for your examples of failed leftist policies? Why not use the 20 or so social democracies that rank above the US in personal freedom, economic growth, education, health care, and quality of life?

You never mention Norway, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, or Switzerland, Great Britain, or other social democracies when talking about leftist policies?

Instead, you blame leftists for the mess that Friedman’s policies have made in your own country. 40 years of economic failure. And what is Trump doing? Doubling down on those failures with massive tax cuts and massive increases in government spending all on the credit card.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
He "You never mention Norway, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, or Switzerland, Great Britain, or other social democracies when talking about leftist policies?" because he is an alt right punk. Don't know an alt righty who isn't a punk.
Milton Friedman should have been tried for crimes against humanity.
Spoken like a true fascist! Anyone who advocates for liberty should be executed!

Spoken like a true con troll, or said another way, idiot. First you call Dragonlady a socialist, then you call her a fascist. Now, any person with a brain and a little basic education knows the two are on opposite ends of the spectrum. You can be a socialist, or a fascist. Dipshit. Con trolls simply like to call people names, because it is the best that they can do.
As an economist, it simply turned out that Milton was ALWAYS wrong. He was a champion of Supply Side Economics. You know, me boy. Also called Reagonomics, Trickle Down Economics, and top down economics. Never, ever has worked in the long term. Generally failed after a couple years, and then over the next decade or so. So, Friedman's policy was an economic popular idea, and Friedman was equally popular. But, as economists noticed that the policy failed, Friedman lost the popularity race, and in general, became about as popular as turd in a punchbowl.
But, being idiots, cons still believe in the policy. Even though Friedman, and Reagan, both proved the policy to be wrong.
Welfare is not a negative income tax, and since you don't know that, you show us how you are ignorant on important matters.

I think the boy is a congenital idiot. Which makes the problem outside of his control. Not his fault at all. Just plain bad luck.
We should all just feel sorry for him. Nah.
Welfare is not a negative income tax, and since you don't know that, you show us how you are ignorant on important matters.

I think the boy is a congenital idiot. Which makes the problem outside of his control. Not his fault at all. Just plain bad luck.
We should all just feel sorry for him. Nah.
He is not an idiot, just a punk of the alt right. He wants a fascist dictatorship.
This is what left-wing policy does Dragonlady. It leaves everyone (except for those in control of course) destitute in poverty and misery. These people now hunt stray dogs to eat because they were so stupid and so greedy, that they voted for socialism. Well, they got it. And now there is no going back. The dictators will never relinquish control.

Average Venezuelan Lost 24 Pounds Last Year Due to Economic Woes

This isn’t left wing policy.
It is vintage left-wing policy, liar. They voted for socialism. They got it.
Milton Friedman should have been tried for crimes against humanity.
Spoken like a true fascist! Anyone who advocates for liberty should be executed!
Spoken like a true con troll, or said another way, idiot. First you call Dragonlady a socialist, then you call her a fascist. Now, any person with a brain and a little basic education knows the two are on opposite ends of the spectrum.
Bwahahaha! They are on the exact same side of the spectrum, you high school dropout.
“fascism and communism are merely variants of the same totalitarianism which central control of all economic activity tends to produce, this has become almost a commonplace.”
That was F.A. Hayek in “The Road to Serfdom” who held 3 advanced degrees (PhD’s in political science, economics, and law) and studied fascism while living through it during WWII. It’s ok - none of us expect a high school dropout to have read The Road to Serfdom. Here is a chart to help dumb it down a little (it will still be far above your level but maybe the pictures will make it so that someone can explain it to you).


Excerpt From The Road to Serfdom
F. A. Hayek This material may be protected by copyright.
This is what left-wing policy does Dragonlady. It leaves everyone (except for those in control of course) destitute in poverty and misery. These people now hunt stray dogs to eat because they were so stupid and so greedy, that they voted for socialism. Well, they got it. And now there is no going back. The dictators will never relinquish control.

Average Venezuelan Lost 24 Pounds Last Year Due to Economic Woes

This isn’t left wing policy.
It is vintage left-wing policy, liar. They voted for socialism. They got it.

I always thought that authoritarian dictators who loot the public purse were conservatives - Marcos, Batista, The Shah of Iran.
Milton Friedman should have been tried for crimes against humanity.
Spoken like a true fascist! Anyone who advocates for liberty should be executed!
Spoken like a true con troll, or said another way, idiot. First you call Dragonlady a socialist, then you call her a fascist. Now, any person with a brain and a little basic education knows the two are on opposite ends of the spectrum.
Bwahahaha! They are on the exact same side of the spectrum, you high school dropout.
“fascism and communism are merely variants of the same totalitarianism which central control of all economic activity tends to produce, this has become almost a commonplace.”
That was F.A. Hayek in “The Road to Serfdom” who held 3 advanced degrees (PhD’s in political science, economics, and law) and studied fascism while living through it during WWII. It’s ok - none of us expect a high school dropout to have read The Road to Serfdom. Here is a chart to help dumb it down a little (it will still be far above your level but maybe the pictures will make it so that someone can explain it to you).

View attachment 180337

Excerpt From The Road to Serfdom
F. A. Hayek This material may be protected by copyright.

There isn’t a failed economist in the world you don’t subscribe to is there?
Even though Friedman, and Reagan, both proved the policy to be wrong.
Listen snowflake, no matter how much you lie about history so that you can continue being a parasite, you’ll never be able to rewrite it.

The Ronald Reagan economy was unparalleled for success. He took over the second worst economy in U.S. history (from Dumbocrat Jimmy Carter) and created an economic tidal wave that we rode into the 2000’s when Bill Clinton’s socialism collapsed the housing market. Those are the facts and they are completely indisputable.
I always thought that authoritarian dictators who loot the public purse were conservatives - Marcos, Batista, The Shah of Iran.
Well thinking was never your strong point so that doesn’t surprise me. Under Batista, Cuba flourished. Under left-wing Castro they have collapsed into perpetual poverty.
There isn’t a failed economist in the world you don’t subscribe to is there?
Bwahahaha! So the side that claims they are all about “education” now rejects every and any PhD that doesn’t push the narrative that the left subscribes to! :laugh:

You’ve been completely and totally duped, sweetie. At some point, you are going to have to come to grips with that.
He is not an idiot, just a punk of the alt right. He wants a fascist dictatorship.
Well that would be one heck of a trick snowflake, considering that fascism is exclusively left-wing. It is totalitarianism. And one cannot have right-wing totalitarianism. It’s as idiotic as saying “libertarian communism” :laugh:


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