Economics 101

I get a kick when Toddster shows his dumminess. ;)

You do not understand Progressivism at all.

It comes in right, left, and center shades, with capitalistic and communistic or mixed economies, with democratic and totalitarian flavors.

Sonny, we don't live in 1900 anymore.

Conservatives want a government so small, we can drown it in the bath tub.
Conservatives want government so small, we can push grandma off a cliff.
We want to privatize everything. Don't you remember?

We don't want government telling business what to do (fascism) or government owning
the means of production (communism). Both zz require massive government in order
to sufficiently stifle the freedom that threatens their power.

The opposite of conservatism.
You are talking about the LIBERTARIAN ideal, me boy. Please, before you entertain us further with your amusing ideas of perfect competition capitalism, tell me where it has ever succeeded. You know, an actual country where a libertarian economy actually succeeded over time. Like socialism has, and like mixed capitalistic-socialist economies have in many countries.
I get a kick when Toddster shows his dumminess. ;)

You do not understand Progressivism at all.

It comes in right, left, and center shades, with capitalistic and communistic or mixed economies, with democratic and totalitarian flavors.

Sonny, we don't live in 1900 anymore.

Conservatives want a government so small, we can drown it in the bath tub.
Conservatives want government so small, we can push grandma off a cliff.
We want to privatize everything. Don't you remember?

We don't want government telling business what to do (fascism) or government owning
the means of production (communism). Both zz require massive government in order
to sufficiently stifle the freedom that threatens their power.

The opposite of conservatism.
You are talking about the LIBERTARIAN ideal, me boy. Please, before you entertain us further with your amusing ideas of perfect competition capitalism, tell me where it has ever succeeded. You know, an actual country where a libertarian economy actually succeeded over time. Like socialism has, and like mixed capitalistic-socialist economies have in many countries.

You are talking about the LIBERTARIAN ideal,

Yes, the opposite end of the spectrum from left-wing fascism and Communism.
This should be a mandatory class for every liberal in America. There is not one thing here in the video that could even be remotely disputed. Not one.

Milton Friedman Part I: Economics 101

I'm not going to read 145 pages, so i'll add my comment here at the beginning of the foolishness by asking a not so simple couple of questions:
  • Explain why economics differs from the other social sciences and why it can never be reduced to simplistic formulas
  • How many of you have heard of or read the works of Robert Louis Heilbroner
I suggest some of you look up Heilbroner and summaries of his many books on the issue the author of this post so childishly presented.
This should be a mandatory class for every liberal in America. There is not one thing here in the video that could even be remotely disputed. Not one.

Milton Friedman Part I: Economics 101

I'm not going to read 145 pages, so i'll add my comment here at the beginning of the foolishness by asking a not so simple couple of questions:
  • Explain why economics differs from the other social sciences and why it can never be reduced to simplistic formulas
  • How many of you have heard of or read the works of Robert Louis Heilbroner
I suggest some of you look up Heilbroner and summaries of his many books on the issue the author of this post so childishly presented.

Though an outspoken socialist for nearly his entire career, Heilbroner famously wrote in a 1989 New Yorker article prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union:

Less than 75 years after it officially began, the contest between capitalism and socialism is over: capitalism has won...Capitalism organizes the material affairs of humankind more satisfactorily than socialism.[3]
He further wrote in Dissent in 1992 that "capitalism has been as unmistakable a success as socialism has been a failure"[2] and complimented Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, and Ludwig von Mises on their insistence of the free market's superiority. He emphasized that "democratic liberties have not yet appeared, except fleetingly, in any nation that has declared itself to be fundamentally anticapitalist."[3] However, Heilbroner's preferred capitalist model was the highly redistributionist welfare states of Scandinavia; he stated that his model society was "a slightly idealized Sweden."[4]

Robert Heilbroner - Wikipedia
There is no "Capitalism", per se. There are various forms of capitalism in a wide array of nations, and in fact in the several US States, do not pretend it is a stand alone system of economic policies.

The markets exist in a state of flux, and the psychology of the people impacts bull and bear markets. Free markets are an oxymoron, they exist among insider trading and react by chicanery, natural disasters or one's man made.
Yelling abut socialism, Todd, does not make libertarianism any better.

Or any worse.

Correct. Libertarianism could do more worse than its callous disregard for other citizens, and its lack of a pragmatic ideology. It could become part of Trump&Co., and support the oligarchical fascism which came to power in Nov. 2016.
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As for Hitler's socialism most Americans at the time knew that Hitler's socialism was a farce. Even "Time" magazine published in 1933, "The Nazi insert Socialist in the party's name simply as a lure to discontented workers."
Snowflake, that alone proves that Hitler was left-wing. How many small-government right-wingers (such as Ronald Reagan) created propaganda to “lure discontented workers”? The entire point of small-government liberty-lovers (like Ronald Reagan) was to get people away from government, shrink it’s size and power, and return personal responsibility to the individual.

To you hear how stupid you sound trying to proclaim that Adolf Hitler is to the right of libertarianism?!? :eusa_doh:
As for Hitler's socialism most Americans at the time knew that Hitler's socialism was a farce. Even "Time" magazine published in 1933, "The Nazi insert Socialist in the party's name simply as a lure to discontented workers."
Snowflake, that alone proves that Hitler was left-wing. How many small-government right-wingers (such as Ronald Reagan) created propaganda to “lure discontented workers”? The entire point of small-government liberty-lovers (like Ronald Reagan) was to get people away from government, shrink it’s size and power, and return personal responsibility to the individual.

To you hear how stupid you sound trying to proclaim that Adolf Hitler is to the right of libertarianism? :eusa_doh:
I don't think I have ever mentioned libertarianism on these boards, but thanks for mentioning Reagan. Reagan's greatest contribution to America was to vote for FDR every four years. In fact, history books mention that Reagan copied much of FDR's behavior.
I don't think I have ever mentioned libertarianism on these boards.
Nobody asked if you mentioned libertarianism on this board. Did that question so scare you to the bone that you feel the need to change the conversation?

Your (idiotic) position is that fascism is far right-wing. The rest of us rational people here on USMB would like to hear you explain how Adolf Hitler is further to the “right” of libertarianism when their ideologies couldn’t be more polar opposite.
[s Ronald Reagan) created propaganda to “lure discontented workers”? The entire point of small-government liberty-lovers (like Ronald Reagan) was to get people away from government, shrink it’s size and power, and return personal responsibility to the individual. To you hear how stupid you sound trying to proclaim that Adolf Hitler is to the right of libertarianism?!?
How much did the government grow and the budget grow under Reagan. Only fools like you write that Hitler is to the right of libertarianism. :eusa_doh:
Only Patriot is mentioning libertarianism here, when in fact it is not part of the discussion. He is saying silling things like, "Nobody asked if you mentioned libertarianism on this board. Did that question so scare you to the bone that you feel the need to change the conversation"? It's simply a nonsense tactic that falls flat.

He also says stupid things like "explain how Adolf Hitler is further to the “right” of libertarianism when their ideologies couldn’t be more polar opposite" when only he has suggested such a thing.

He is a complete moron.
This should be a mandatory class for every liberal in America. There is not one thing here in the video that could even be remotely disputed. Not one.

Milton Friedman Part I: Economics 101

You assume that Dims want the government to be fiscally successful.

Now if you disdain the Constitution, how do you go about getting rid of it entirely?

It seems the only way would be to bring down the entire country. Then a strong man can come in and set up a despotism, preferably a global one where there is no decent and no rights outside of governmental power.
As for Hitler's socialism most Americans at the time knew that Hitler's socialism was a farce. Even "Time" magazine published in 1933, "The Nazi insert Socialist in the party's name simply as a lure to discontented workers."
Snowflake, that alone proves that Hitler was left-wing. How many small-government right-wingers (such as Ronald Reagan) created propaganda to “lure discontented workers”? The entire point of small-government liberty-lovers (like Ronald Reagan) was to get people away from government, shrink it’s size and power, and return personal responsibility to the individual.

To you hear how stupid you sound trying to proclaim that Adolf Hitler is to the right of libertarianism?!? :eusa_doh:

A piece of mental masturbation ^^^; proof its author really can play with himself and lose.
Libertarianism could do more worse than its callous disregard for other citizens
Says the misogynistic pig who demeans women and who is so selfish and greedy, he wants government to take care of people so he doesn’t have to!

Did you complete high school? My guess is sometime around the 6th or 7th grade you got chased home and beaten up for being a jerk. Likely you got tired of getting your ass kicked and dropped out of school before finishing high school. If you had you might be able to write something expository.
How many small-government right-wingers (such as Ronald Reagan) created propaganda to “lure discontented workers”? The entire point of small-government liberty-lovers (like Ronald Reagan)
Hitler was a God to Reagan, and you know it.

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