Economics 101

You see, if you had integrity, you would post content from impartial sources.
The Daily Signal is as “impartial” as it gets, my fragile little snowflake. They are a policy think tank that simply studies data.
And then there would not be a need to read and vet your posts.
Ahahah! So not only do you admit that you don’t want to read posts but you also openly admit that you don’t want to research facts.

Boom! Typical ignorant partisan progressive!

The Heritage Institute is not impartial. Since you’re a huge believer in Wikipedia:

The Heritage Foundation - Wikipedia

I haven’t done the kind of in depth study of their methods but I know how these kinds of biased right wing outfit use some questionable methods in gathering data from studies the Fraser Institute conducts to denigrate and slander the Canadian health care policy.

So no. Research from Heritage is useless for your purposes.
P@triot is calling others trolls and ignorant.

So no. Research from Heritage is useless for your purposes.
You’ve been challenged my dear. Prove that the quote from Henry Morgenthau Jr. was false and I will delete my USMB account and never return.

People on this board are so tired of you wing-nuts attacking the messenger when you can’t dispute the message. It’s immature and it’s tired.
Friedmans’s policies have lead to massive transfers of wealth
Wealth isn’t “transferred”. Never has been. Never will be (as long as conservatives still exist).

Milton Friedman’s policies lead to one thing and one thing only - liberty. Some people use that liberty to earn wealth. Other people (called “progressives”) use that liberty to be self-destructive.

Either way - nobody “transferred” wealth. Only socialism does that. Ironically, the very thing your greedy and selfish ass is calling for.
Friedmans’s policies have lead to massive transfers of wealth, lower wages, increased unememployment, poverty, and stock market volatility everywhere they’ve been tried.
Really? They were “tried” by Republicans here in the U.S. since 2011 and we took unemployment from 10% (under Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats) to 4%.

Conversely, very wealthy Venezuela implemented idiotic, failed left-wing policy and now they are a third-world shit-hole in extreme poverty.

The social programs you decry - welfare, food stamps and unemployment benefits, are what kept your economy afloat and prevented the Great Recession from turning into another Great Depression. That’s why it’s referred to as a “social safety net”, and it worked.

Obama saved not just the USA but the world economy as well.

He certainly was magic!!!

What did he do to save the US (and world) economy?

You should really check out the reports by the CBO, me boy. Because as a con troll, you think nothing he did helped. But, the CBO predicted that his actions likely kept us from a depression that was likely to result from the Great Republican Recession of 2008.
Or you could consider the annual analysis by, done yearly. Consider this one, completed at the end of his term in office:

Obama's Final Numbers -

The analysis was for the term of Obama's time in office. It included:
1. Employment increased by 11,64 million. The ue rate decreased from about from about 10% to 4.8%. And job openings increased by 103%.
2. Corporate Profits increased by 103%, and the S & P index increased by 166%.
3. Wind and Solar Power production went up 369%, Carbon Dioxide emissions decreased by 11%, and crude oil production increased by 77%.

So, the only thing that affected jobs and the economy in a good way for many years was the ARRA, or Obama Stimulus. Republicans did nothing, except meet on the eve of Obama taking office and agree to stop anything that Obama wanted to do, since they owned congress.

you think nothing he did helped.

Sure, running massive counter-cyclical deficits can help reduce unemployment and increase GDP.
You have to look at cost-benefit.
His cost, $9.3 trillion in added debt, was pretty large, his benefit, the weakest recovery since WW2, kinda sucked.
Really, me boy, the national debt increases for more than one reason. Is that too difficult for you to understand????? Repubs put millions and millions out of work, and they receive unemployment comp. And, me boy, when the did not work they did not pay taxes. And the deficit increased, as it always does, me boy, when the ue rate is high.
Need more education, or are you as I suspect just playing stupid.

the CBO predicted that his actions likely kept us from a depression

Predicted? LOL!
Yes, me boy. We were loosing jobs at over 1M per month. Heading for a depression by the prediction of many economists, and the cbo. So, we have you, a con troll, or the cbo. My money is on the cbo.

Employment increased by 11,64 million.

Wow! His added debt was about $800,000 per job.
Not really. But just think how bad it would be to loose several million MORE jobs, dipshit.

crude oil production increased by 77%.

It's true, a lot of economic growth happened despite Obama's actions.

So, the only thing that affected jobs and the economy in a good way for many years was the ARRA, or Obama Stimulus.

The vast majority of which was spent after the recession already ended in June 2009.

Correct, but the UE rate decreased during that period from 9% to 4.8%. And revenues increased, and spending on unemployment decreased. Did you have a point, me boy?

Republicans did nothing, except meet on the eve of Obama taking office and agree to stop anything that Obama wanted to do, since they owned congress.

Ummm.....Obama had massive majorities in the House and Senate when he took office.

That, me boy, is a lie. He lost the majority in the senate after several months, and both the house and senate 2 years in. Is that all you ever do, me boy? Just post con talking points and lies??

If you really cared, you would be unhappy with what the republicans did, which was NOTHING. Perhaps you would like to enlighten us about what you think Repubs did to help the issue. Cause most of us thinking people believe they just watched the economy suffer. For their own advantage.

Ummm.....Obama had massive majorities in the House and Senate when he took office.

That, me boy, is a lie. He lost the majority in the senate after several months,

Hey, moron, he had 58 Dem votes in the Senate the day he entered office.
How did he lose 9 Senate votes "after several months"? Idiot!

and both the house and senate 2 years in.

Yeah, the America people realized he was a useless twat.

Is that all you ever do,

All I do is point out your idiocy.

The social programs you decry - welfare, food stamps and unemployment benefits, are what kept your economy afloat and prevented the Great Recession from turning into another Great Depression. That’s why it’s referred to as a “social safety net”, and it worked.

Obama saved not just the USA but the world economy as well.

He certainly was magic!!!

What did he do to save the US (and world) economy?

You should really check out the reports by the CBO, me boy. Because as a con troll, you think nothing he did helped. But, the CBO predicted that his actions likely kept us from a depression that was likely to result from the Great Republican Recession of 2008.
Or you could consider the annual analysis by, done yearly. Consider this one, completed at the end of his term in office:

Obama's Final Numbers -

The analysis was for the term of Obama's time in office. It included:
1. Employment increased by 11,64 million. The ue rate decreased from about from about 10% to 4.8%. And job openings increased by 103%.
2. Corporate Profits increased by 103%, and the S & P index increased by 166%.
3. Wind and Solar Power production went up 369%, Carbon Dioxide emissions decreased by 11%, and crude oil production increased by 77%.

So, the only thing that affected jobs and the economy in a good way for many years was the ARRA, or Obama Stimulus. Republicans did nothing, except meet on the eve of Obama taking office and agree to stop anything that Obama wanted to do, since they owned congress.

you think nothing he did helped.

Sure, running massive counter-cyclical deficits can help reduce unemployment and increase GDP.
You have to look at cost-benefit.
His cost, $9.3 trillion in added debt, was pretty large, his benefit, the weakest recovery since WW2, kinda sucked.
Really, me boy, the national debt increases for more than one reason. Is that too difficult for you to understand????? Repubs put millions and millions out of work, and they receive unemployment comp. And, me boy, when the did not work they did not pay taxes. And the deficit increased, as it always does, me boy, when the ue rate is high.
Need more education, or are you as I suspect just playing stupid.

the CBO predicted that his actions likely kept us from a depression

Predicted? LOL!
Yes, me boy. We were loosing jobs at over 1M per month. Heading for a depression by the prediction of many economists, and the cbo. So, we have you, a con troll, or the cbo. My money is on the cbo.

Employment increased by 11,64 million.

Wow! His added debt was about $800,000 per job.
Not really. But just think how bad it would be to loose several million MORE jobs, dipshit.

crude oil production increased by 77%.

It's true, a lot of economic growth happened despite Obama's actions.

So, the only thing that affected jobs and the economy in a good way for many years was the ARRA, or Obama Stimulus.

The vast majority of which was spent after the recession already ended in June 2009.

Correct, but the UE rate decreased during that period from 9% to 4.8%. And revenues increased, and spending on unemployment decreased. Did you have a point, me boy?

Republicans did nothing, except meet on the eve of Obama taking office and agree to stop anything that Obama wanted to do, since they owned congress.

Ummm.....Obama had massive majorities in the House and Senate when he took office.

That, me boy, is a lie. He lost the majority in the senate after several months, and both the house and senate 2 years in. Is that all you ever do, me boy? Just post con talking points and lies??

If you really cared, you would be unhappy with what the republicans did, which was NOTHING. Perhaps you would like to enlighten us about what you think Repubs did to help the issue. Cause most of us thinking people believe they just watched the economy suffer. For their own advantage.

Ummm.....Obama had massive majorities in the House and Senate when he took office.

That, me boy, is a lie. He lost the majority in the senate after several months,

Hey, moron, he had 58 Dem votes in the Senate the day he entered office.
How did he lose 9 Senate votes "after several months"? Idiot!

and both the house and senate 2 years in.

Yeah, the America people realized he was a useless twat.

Is that all you ever do,

All I do is point out your idiocy.
Todd has always had trouble with the 60 vote closure rule in the Senate. He just is not the sharpest tool in the drawer.
So no. Research from Heritage is useless for your purposes.
You’ve been challenged my dear. Prove that the quote from Henry Morgenthau Jr. was false and I will delete my USMB account and never return.

People on this board are so tired of you wing-nuts attacking the messenger when you can’t dispute the message. It’s immature and it’s tired.
Morgenthau's opinion cannot be substantiated.

Report to the mods for out processing.
Friedmans’s policies have lead to massive transfers of wealth, lower wages, increased unememployment, poverty, and stock market volatility everywhere they’ve been tried.
Really? They were “tried” by Republicans here in the U.S. since 2011 and we took unemployment from 10% (under Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats) to 4%.

Conversely, very wealthy Venezuela implemented idiotic, failed left-wing policy and now they are a third-world shit-hole in extreme poverty.

Gee, I must have missed the part where social programs, welfare, food stamps and Section 8 were cancelled. Where minimum wage laws were rescinded and Obamacare never happened.

By even suggesting that Friedmans policies were in play, you’ve revealed your ignorance on all things concerning the economy.

Trump’s deregulation policies and tax cuts accelerating the transfer of wealth to to top are far closer to Friedman’s nonsense than anything Obama did, with or without Republicans in the House and Senate.

As idiocy of constantly trotting out Venezuela or Greece as an example of failed left wing policies cannot be underestimated.

Greece’s problems have more to do with public resistance to the austerity programs forced upon the Greek government by the Friedman acolytes at the IMF than because of “failed leftist policies”.

Venezuela has whipsawed between right wing dictators and far left populists who nationalized the oil business and then looted the treasury. When the bottom dropped out of the oil markets they were screwed.
As idiocy of constantly trotting out Venezuela or Greece as an example of failed left wing policies cannot be underestimated.
Neither can your denial of reality and excessive excuses. Every nation that has ever implemented left-policy has collapsed into total poverty and misery.

The U.S.S.R.? Check!
Cuba? Check!
Venezuela? Check!
Greece? Check!
Cambodia? Check!
Ethiopia? Check!
You are the biggest leech that ever lived, and only accuse others to hide your laziness.
Again...I’m the one fighting against the parasite policies that you mooch off of, snowflake. No matter how many times you attempt to accuse me of your sins, everyone on the board can see your posts demanding more handouts and everyone can see my posts demanding we end all of them.

I don’t blame you for being ashamed of being a parasite (you should be). But what I do blame you for is going against your shame and still voting for the handouts you are ashamed about.
Obama saved not just the USA but the world economy as well.

He certainly was magic!!!

What did he do to save the US (and world) economy?

You should really check out the reports by the CBO, me boy. Because as a con troll, you think nothing he did helped. But, the CBO predicted that his actions likely kept us from a depression that was likely to result from the Great Republican Recession of 2008.
Or you could consider the annual analysis by, done yearly. Consider this one, completed at the end of his term in office:

Obama's Final Numbers -

The analysis was for the term of Obama's time in office. It included:
1. Employment increased by 11,64 million. The ue rate decreased from about from about 10% to 4.8%. And job openings increased by 103%.
2. Corporate Profits increased by 103%, and the S & P index increased by 166%.
3. Wind and Solar Power production went up 369%, Carbon Dioxide emissions decreased by 11%, and crude oil production increased by 77%.

So, the only thing that affected jobs and the economy in a good way for many years was the ARRA, or Obama Stimulus. Republicans did nothing, except meet on the eve of Obama taking office and agree to stop anything that Obama wanted to do, since they owned congress.

you think nothing he did helped.

Sure, running massive counter-cyclical deficits can help reduce unemployment and increase GDP.
You have to look at cost-benefit.
His cost, $9.3 trillion in added debt, was pretty large, his benefit, the weakest recovery since WW2, kinda sucked.
Really, me boy, the national debt increases for more than one reason. Is that too difficult for you to understand????? Repubs put millions and millions out of work, and they receive unemployment comp. And, me boy, when the did not work they did not pay taxes. And the deficit increased, as it always does, me boy, when the ue rate is high.
Need more education, or are you as I suspect just playing stupid.

the CBO predicted that his actions likely kept us from a depression

Predicted? LOL!
Yes, me boy. We were loosing jobs at over 1M per month. Heading for a depression by the prediction of many economists, and the cbo. So, we have you, a con troll, or the cbo. My money is on the cbo.

Employment increased by 11,64 million.

Wow! His added debt was about $800,000 per job.
Not really. But just think how bad it would be to loose several million MORE jobs, dipshit.

crude oil production increased by 77%.

It's true, a lot of economic growth happened despite Obama's actions.

So, the only thing that affected jobs and the economy in a good way for many years was the ARRA, or Obama Stimulus.

The vast majority of which was spent after the recession already ended in June 2009.

Correct, but the UE rate decreased during that period from 9% to 4.8%. And revenues increased, and spending on unemployment decreased. Did you have a point, me boy?

Republicans did nothing, except meet on the eve of Obama taking office and agree to stop anything that Obama wanted to do, since they owned congress.

Ummm.....Obama had massive majorities in the House and Senate when he took office.

That, me boy, is a lie. He lost the majority in the senate after several months, and both the house and senate 2 years in. Is that all you ever do, me boy? Just post con talking points and lies??

If you really cared, you would be unhappy with what the republicans did, which was NOTHING. Perhaps you would like to enlighten us about what you think Repubs did to help the issue. Cause most of us thinking people believe they just watched the economy suffer. For their own advantage.

Ummm.....Obama had massive majorities in the House and Senate when he took office.

That, me boy, is a lie. He lost the majority in the senate after several months,

Hey, moron, he had 58 Dem votes in the Senate the day he entered office.
How did he lose 9 Senate votes "after several months"? Idiot!

and both the house and senate 2 years in.

Yeah, the America people realized he was a useless twat.

Is that all you ever do,

All I do is point out your idiocy.
Todd has always had trouble with the 60 vote closure rule in the Senate. He just is not the sharpest tool in the drawer.

Todd has always had trouble with the 60 vote closure rule in the Senate.

I've always been good at knowing what majority means.......

That, me boy, is a lie. He lost the majority in the senate after several months,


Unlike that moron.
Trump’s deregulation policies and tax cuts accelerating the transfer of wealth to to top are far closer to Friedman’s nonsense than anything Obama did, with or without Republicans in the House and Senate.
Oh poor little ignorant thing...there was a greater transfer of wealth to the top 1% under Barack Insane Obama than under George W. Bush or President Trump.

You really should stop trying to debate this. You don’t have the knowledge necessary.
Gee, I must have missed the part where social programs, welfare, food stamps and Section 8 were cancelled. Where minimum wage laws were rescinded and Obamacare never happened.
It’s understandable - you’ve missed most things in life. The Republicans eliminated all income taxes at the state level in some states. That brought in lots of businesses with their jobs. They also reduced regulations. That also brought in businesses with their jobs.

I take it education is less than stellar up there in :laugh:
Gee, I must have missed the part where social programs, welfare, food stamps and Section 8 were cancelled. Where minimum wage laws were rescinded and Obamacare never happened.
It’s understandable - you’ve missed most things in life. The Republicans eliminated all income taxes at the state level in some states. That brought in lots of businesses with their jobs. They also reduced regulations. That also brought in businesses with their jobs.

I take it education is less than stellar up there in :laugh:
The Great Kansas Tax Cut Experiment Crashes And Burns
You are the biggest leech that ever lived, and only accuse others to hide your laziness.
Again...I’m the one fighting against the parasite policies that you mooch off of, snowflake. No matter how many times you attempt to accuse me of your sins, everyone on the board can see your posts demanding more handouts and everyone can see my posts demanding we end all of them.

I don’t blame you for being ashamed of being a parasite (you should be). But what I do blame you for is going against your shame and still voting for the handouts you are ashamed about.
Pure projection yet again.

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