Economy Adds 180,000 Jobs, Unemployment Dips

That is what I thought of your statement

How can companies be pricing themselves out of business when corporate profits are increasing?

Dude, you need to go to school before trying to play intellectually dishonest semantics with me.

We were discussing in the context of hypothetical what-iffery which was in direct contrast to actual reality.

Companies price themselves out of business every day.

This statement doesn't imply nor state that ALL companies price themselves out of business, nor does it imply or state that those companies that ARE in business are not making profits.

Therefore, your comment is irrelevant to the conversation.
Let me put it this way. I will no longer vote for any person who doesn't support a balanced budget amendment. Are you going to tell me that a Congress who promised "pay as you go" then violated that promise with their first law passed is going to give us that? Your "fix" for the economy is worse than the problem.

What fix?
9-11 was a $1 Trillion hit in the US economy. The economy damn near went into recession - which is what the terrorists wanted

There is nothing wrong with corporate greed - as long as no laws are broken. There is nothing worng with a company (or owner) wanting as much business as possible and wanting to make as much profit as possible

It is called capitalism

Capitalism is a particular form of economic activity. Corporate greed is part of that economic activity.
As I said, there is nothing wrong with greed

Provided no laws are broken

Okay, what's the point of economics? I'm not trapping you, it's an easy question and I'm not an economist and the last time I took a class in economics was in 1984 so give it a try. What is the point of economics?
what is the jobless rate?. What are the economic indicators that help us figure out, if the economy sucks or not.

is bush responsible for dot com bust?, and the housing bust?.

Was there a recession that bush inherited, why or why not?
what is the jobless rate?. What are the economic indicators that help us figure out, if the economy sucks or not.

is bush responsible for dot com bust?, and the housing bust?.

Was there a recession that bush inherited, why or why not?

The unemployment rate is about 4.5%

Key economic numbers are inflation rate, durable goods orders, and interest rates, All are doing good

Pres Bush was not in office when the bubble burst, Clinton was. The housing market has not burst - slowed but not a bust

The economy was going down when he took office - the 9-11 hit the economy for $1 trillion

The tax cuts pulled the economy out of the recession
That was RSR who mentioned the windfall, not me.

It looks like my quote got messed up. I cant even understand my own post:)

as for the racist bull, I couldnt agree with you more.

Oddly enough, Im a conservative on most all issues, but like everyone else, I stray on some.
Prostitution should be legalized
Drugs should be legalized
I dont even think a country should be able to tell you if you can cross their border unless they have a valid reason to believe you might be a danger. I am not opposed to all these immigrants coming over. If the economy can accept them, then fine.
9/11 - in economic terms - was a mosquite bite. It didn't attack the fundamentals of the US economy. I'm open, of course to correction on that.

Now, if I had the brains to identify what's destroying your economy I'd be typing this in my mansion in....oh...wherever in the world I wanted to live. I don't so I'm not.

Yes corporate greed is probably one of the factors, capitalism has to be restrained or it simply runs rampant, the blind giant of avarice won't be stopped. IF - and I don't know this is so, which is why I used the big IF - Bush has loosened the already slack controls on corporate greed then he has something to answer for. I think his tax cuts were ridiculous and helped create the biggest budget deficit in the history of your nation. Aside from those points, which are admittedly obvious, I'm not sure what authority a president has to, as one of our better Treasurers here once said, "pull the levers" of the economy. I presume that Bush presided over policy meetings dealing with economic policy?

How do tax cuts create budget deficits?
If you’re right, if that criminal ignoramus is actually in charge, ,,,QUOTE]

hmm, right off the bat you show what an ignoramous YOU ARE. Too bad, I thought you might even have an interesting point, however, like any wise person I wont even bother reading your post after starting out with such a radically STUPID thing to say, much less classless. You libs, your Bush hatred has driven you to bitterness. It is consuming you guys and you cant even see it.
Okay ... IMO rampant corporate greed is THE biggest problem with our economy. It affects it negatively at ever level except profit for the corporation.

Bush's tax cuts put some cash in consumer pockets and is what staved off the recession Clinton keeping his hand on our wallets for 8 years brought on. When it comes to whether or not I work my ass off all week for a little pocket change, or have some decent money to spend, I could care less what "balancing the budget" looks like on paper.

Let me go through DC with a calculator and trim up the bureacracy a bit and guarantee you I can balance the budget and I'd start with Congressional perks and paychecks.

I'd say the authority the President has is the fact he's going to get blamed for it if it screws up. If you're going to question his authority and what play he actually has, then you also have to question your pointing a finger at him and holding him responsible if he does not have the authority to handle the responsibility.

I dont understand why you think corporate greed is so bad for the economy.
It looks like my quote got messed up. I cant even understand my own post:)

as for the racist bull, I couldnt agree with you more.

Oddly enough, Im a conservative on most all issues, but like everyone else, I stray on some.
Prostitution should be legalized
Drugs should be legalized
I dont even think a country should be able to tell you if you can cross their border unless they have a valid reason to believe you might be a danger. I am not opposed to all these immigrants coming over. If the economy can accept them, then fine.


I can no longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

General Jack RSRipper
When unchecked corporate greed becomes a suicide pact, it needs to be reigned in.

There ARE some people who need those handouts to exist. Are you going to put them on the street because some other people abuse the system?

The system can be fixed for the most part without putting those truly in need on the street.

all govt departments simply need to have their funds cut by 35% or so. I guarantee they will still be able to function just fine. except the military.

Its easy to get rid of those who abuse the system and not hurt those who trully need it. Just get the govt out of it, just like it was before the sixties. Private charties work it much better.

Bottom line is the politics is what is going to eventually destroy this country, not corp greed or lack of values by the public. The govt continues to get bigger and bigger, never smaller. The politicos simply want more power and money and they will continue to grow the govt by using fear tactics and special interests on mostly libs.

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