Economy is Great: Do Not Believe Leftist Lies

How do you address it? Would YOU spend millions of dollars to build a facility in a gang infested shithole area? That would require serious tax incentives. That has been tried.
I would and it would draw thousands of civilized people to work in that community changing the landscape, not rich yuppies, but middle class Americans. More Europeans that want come here for a better life. The blacks and Latinos that don’t assimilate will be removed

You can't claim to be a Republican, a Libertarian or an Independent. You're through and through a fascist, variety Nazi.

Providing free market opportunity is nazi? Lol fascist?? WhT?? Lol

This comment of your's is sufficient to support my claim that you are a fascist in the variety of the Third Reich:

"The blacks and Latinos that don’t assimilate will be removed"
Jitss Post 90, above.

In full content of my response about moving businesses in towns with large populations causing Businesses not to come, if whites were destroying a town I would say the same.

Sure you would.
I would and it would draw thousands of civilized people to work in that community changing the landscape, not rich yuppies, but middle class Americans. More Europeans that want come here for a better life. The blacks and Latinos that don’t assimilate will be removed

You can't claim to be a Republican, a Libertarian or an Independent. You're through and through a fascist, variety Nazi.

Providing free market opportunity is nazi? Lol fascist?? WhT?? Lol

This comment of your's is sufficient to support my claim that you are a fascist in the variety of the Third Reich:

"The blacks and Latinos that don’t assimilate will be removed"
Jitss Post 90, above.

In full content of my response about moving businesses in towns with large populations causing Businesses not to come, if whites were destroying a town I would say the same.

Sure you would.
See as I was born and raised in a city I know what I’m talking about
I would and it would draw thousands of civilized people to work in that community changing the landscape, not rich yuppies, but middle class Americans. More Europeans that want come here for a better life. The blacks and Latinos that don’t assimilate will be removed

You can't claim to be a Republican, a Libertarian or an Independent. You're through and through a fascist, variety Nazi.

Providing free market opportunity is nazi? Lol fascist?? WhT?? Lol

This comment of your's is sufficient to support my claim that you are a fascist in the variety of the Third Reich:

"The blacks and Latinos that don’t assimilate will be removed"
Jitss Post 90, above.

In full content of my response about moving businesses in towns with large populations causing Businesses not to come, if whites were destroying a town I would say the same.

Sure you would.
Do you think some African Americans are struggling because of the actions of some African Americans?
More Europeans that want come here for a better life. The blacks and Latinos that don’t assimilate will be removed
Yeah white Europeans can come here for a better life but not blacks and brown. Blacks and browns must have "merit."
Latin and Afro culture don’t assimilate..and Europeans aren’t just white..
All urban areas have been destroyed by people of color.. we need to help African Americans assimilate.. the rest that can’t hang have to go
YOU haven't assimilated you mean.

"We can only judge others by ourselves"
- anonymous
More Europeans that want come here for a better life. The blacks and Latinos that don’t assimilate will be removed
Yeah white Europeans can come here for a better life but not blacks and brown. Blacks and browns must have "merit."
Latin and Afro culture don’t assimilate..and Europeans aren’t just white..
All urban areas have been destroyed by people of color.. we need to help African Americans assimilate.. the rest that can’t hang have to go
YOU haven't assimilated you mean.

"We can only judge others by ourselves"
- anonymous

They have not assimilated no matter how many snarky remarks you make changes that fact.
More Europeans that want come here for a better life. The blacks and Latinos that don’t assimilate will be removed
Yeah white Europeans can come here for a better life but not blacks and brown. Blacks and browns must have "merit."
Latin and Afro culture don’t assimilate..and Europeans aren’t just white..
All urban areas have been destroyed by people of color.. we need to help African Americans assimilate.. the rest that can’t hang have to go
YOU haven't assimilated you mean.

"We can only judge others by ourselves"
- anonymous

They have not assimilated no matter how many snarky remarks you make changes that fact.
Another non-assimilator condemning others for not assimilating!
More Europeans that want come here for a better life. The blacks and Latinos that don’t assimilate will be removed
Yeah white Europeans can come here for a better life but not blacks and brown. Blacks and browns must have "merit."
Latin and Afro culture don’t assimilate..and Europeans aren’t just white..
All urban areas have been destroyed by people of color.. we need to help African Americans assimilate.. the rest that can’t hang have to go
YOU haven't assimilated you mean.

"We can only judge others by ourselves"
- anonymous
We created the assimilation.. sorry snow flake
More Europeans that want come here for a better life. The blacks and Latinos that don’t assimilate will be removed
Yeah white Europeans can come here for a better life but not blacks and brown. Blacks and browns must have "merit."
Latin and Afro culture don’t assimilate..and Europeans aren’t just white..
All urban areas have been destroyed by people of color.. we need to help African Americans assimilate.. the rest that can’t hang have to go
YOU haven't assimilated you mean.

"We can only judge others by ourselves"
- anonymous

They have not assimilated no matter how many snarky remarks you make changes that fact.
Another non-assimilator condemning others for not assimilating!
It’s our culture,, we need to now regulate like we used to
More Europeans that want come here for a better life. The blacks and Latinos that don’t assimilate will be removed
Yeah white Europeans can come here for a better life but not blacks and brown. Blacks and browns must have "merit."
Latin and Afro culture don’t assimilate..and Europeans aren’t just white..
All urban areas have been destroyed by people of color.. we need to help African Americans assimilate.. the rest that can’t hang have to go
YOU haven't assimilated you mean.

"We can only judge others by ourselves"
- anonymous

They have not assimilated no matter how many snarky remarks you make changes that fact.
Another non-assimilator condemning others for not assimilating!

It would be better if you assimilated to some 3rd world shithole that you prefer.
Yeah, and now that trump hasn't reach 3% annually, suddenly, anything over 3% is bad.

Nobody said that you dickless queer.

YOU said it, ya fucking moron...

If it's above 3%, then it could be overheating.

We all know why the Left is screaming "Nazi" and "Racist" every day, its because they cannot touch Trump on the economy. Greatest jobs numbers in 50 years for God's sake!! Here is a great article on Economic points to look at:

How Is the US Economy Doing?
Six Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing
BY KIMBERLY AMADEO Updated August 02, 2019
6 Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing

There are six facts that tell you how the economy is doing. Economists call them leading economic indicators because they measure the early influencers on growth. In July 2019, they report that the economy is doing well. It has steady growth, low unemployment, and little inflation. That's called the Goldilocks economy because it's neither too hot nor too cold

1) 164,000 Jobs Added In July 2019 = Strong
In the Non-farm Payroll Report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys how many workers businesses added to their payroll each month. It doesn't count farm workers because farming is seasonal. A healthy economy will create 150,000 jobs on average. Companies will only add workers when they have enough demand to keep them busy.
Manufacturing jobs are an especially important indicator. According to the National Association of Manufacturers, the 12.75 million Americans who work in manufacturing earn an average $84,832 a year, including benefits. When manufacturers start laying them off, it means the economy will be heading into a recession. For example, manufacturers hired fewer workers starting in October 2006 when compared to the prior year.
The unemployment rate is also reported. It's a lagging indicator and so isn't as useful a statistic. Companies usually wait until a recession is well underway before laying off workers. It also takes a while to reduce the unemployment rate, even after hundreds of thousands of new jobs are being created

Number 2 is coming up in my next post. Read them all: CLICK HERE

The last Two:

5) In August 2018, Stock Market Came Out of a Six-Month Correction = Healthy
The stock market tells you what investors think the economy will do. It also reflects corporate earnings and profitability. Businesses can manipulate earnings to make them look better. But in the long run, stock prices reflect demand and the health of the economy.
Here are the three most important stock market indices:
Dow Jones
S&P 500
Sometimes the stock market trades sideways. That could mean it is digesting a long string of gains. It's not always a concern.
The market enters a correction when prices fall 10%from their high. It's a healthy sign if the market had been setting higher highs for a long time. There's no reason to worry if other economic indicators are robust.

6) When Interest Rates Remain Stable = Healthy
Interest rates control how expensive it is to borrow for both businesses and consumers. When interest rates are low, you're can borrow more cheaply and buy a bigger house, nicer car, and more furniture. Businesses will borrow more to expand their companies, buy equipment and hire more workers. The opposite happens if interest rates rise.
But interest rates can be too low. When that happens, it creates a liquidity trap. Interest rates are too low for banks to profit from their loans. The cure is rising interest rates. Then people take out loans now to avoid higher rates in the future.
The most important rate is the fed funds rate because it guides most other interest rates. A healthy fed funds rate is 2.0% or greater. The current fed funds rate is 2.5%.
The second-most important rate is the yield on the 10-year Treasury note. It guides fixed-rate loans like 15-year mortgages.

That's it. Six indicators, all very good or great. Trump is winning for America, as promised.
More Europeans that want come here for a better life. The blacks and Latinos that don’t assimilate will be removed
Yeah white Europeans can come here for a better life but not blacks and brown. Blacks and browns must have "merit."
Latin and Afro culture don’t assimilate..and Europeans aren’t just white..
All urban areas have been destroyed by people of color.. we need to help African Americans assimilate.. the rest that can’t hang have to go
YOU haven't assimilated you mean.

"We can only judge others by ourselves"
- anonymous

They have not assimilated no matter how many snarky remarks you make changes that fact.

"They"? By that do you mean those who continue to support the Confederacy 150 years later, & have still not assimilated to diversity, equal rights and equal opportunity for all, as well as Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation?

We all know why the Left is screaming "Nazi" and "Racist" every day, its because they cannot touch Trump on the economy. Greatest jobs numbers in 50 years for God's sake!! Here is a great article on Economic points to look at:

How Is the US Economy Doing?
Six Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing
BY KIMBERLY AMADEO Updated August 02, 2019
6 Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing

There are six facts that tell you how the economy is doing. Economists call them leading economic indicators because they measure the early influencers on growth. In July 2019, they report that the economy is doing well. It has steady growth, low unemployment, and little inflation. That's called the Goldilocks economy because it's neither too hot nor too cold

1) 164,000 Jobs Added In July 2019 = Strong
In the Non-farm Payroll Report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys how many workers businesses added to their payroll each month. It doesn't count farm workers because farming is seasonal. A healthy economy will create 150,000 jobs on average. Companies will only add workers when they have enough demand to keep them busy.
Manufacturing jobs are an especially important indicator. According to the National Association of Manufacturers, the 12.75 million Americans who work in manufacturing earn an average $84,832 a year, including benefits. When manufacturers start laying them off, it means the economy will be heading into a recession. For example, manufacturers hired fewer workers starting in October 2006 when compared to the prior year.
The unemployment rate is also reported. It's a lagging indicator and so isn't as useful a statistic. Companies usually wait until a recession is well underway before laying off workers. It also takes a while to reduce the unemployment rate, even after hundreds of thousands of new jobs are being created

Number 2 is coming up in my next post. Read them all: CLICK HERE

The last Two:

5) In August 2018, Stock Market Came Out of a Six-Month Correction = Healthy
The stock market tells you what investors think the economy will do. It also reflects corporate earnings and profitability. Businesses can manipulate earnings to make them look better. But in the long run, stock prices reflect demand and the health of the economy.
Here are the three most important stock market indices:
Dow Jones
S&P 500
Sometimes the stock market trades sideways. That could mean it is digesting a long string of gains. It's not always a concern.
The market enters a correction when prices fall 10%from their high. It's a healthy sign if the market had been setting higher highs for a long time. There's no reason to worry if other economic indicators are robust.

6) When Interest Rates Remain Stable = Healthy
Interest rates control how expensive it is to borrow for both businesses and consumers. When interest rates are low, you're can borrow more cheaply and buy a bigger house, nicer car, and more furniture. Businesses will borrow more to expand their companies, buy equipment and hire more workers. The opposite happens if interest rates rise.
But interest rates can be too low. When that happens, it creates a liquidity trap. Interest rates are too low for banks to profit from their loans. The cure is rising interest rates. Then people take out loans now to avoid higher rates in the future.
The most important rate is the fed funds rate because it guides most other interest rates. A healthy fed funds rate is 2.0% or greater. The current fed funds rate is 2.5%.
The second-most important rate is the yield on the 10-year Treasury note. It guides fixed-rate loans like 15-year mortgages.

That's it. Six indicators, all very good or great. Trump is winning for America, as promised.
Thank you, Baghdad Bob.
More Europeans that want come here for a better life. The blacks and Latinos that don’t assimilate will be removed
Yeah white Europeans can come here for a better life but not blacks and brown. Blacks and browns must have "merit."
Latin and Afro culture don’t assimilate..and Europeans aren’t just white..
All urban areas have been destroyed by people of color.. we need to help African Americans assimilate.. the rest that can’t hang have to go
YOU haven't assimilated you mean.

"We can only judge others by ourselves"
- anonymous

They have not assimilated no matter how many snarky remarks you make changes that fact.

"They"? By that do you mean those who continue to support the Confederacy 150 years later, & have still not assimilated to diversity, equal rights and equal opportunity for all, as well as Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation?
That’s only happening in towns run by democrats,,
We are seeing deterioration starting in the lower-middle market. These are businesses with $15-$30 million in EBITDA. It's here that lending standards are weakening. It's bleeding in from the larger markets. In the middle and upper-middle market, there are virtually no covenants anymore, and deals are getting done with ridiculous pro-forma adjustments to EBITDA. Leveraged loans are now a $1 trillion market, triple what it was a decade ago, and equaling the high yield market. Most of those are sitting in CLOs where credit analysis is often spotty.
This is exactly what I'm talking about with those BDCs. As they compete for investments, they HAVE to be dropping their standards.

BDCs are a small part of the market. And they're reflecting standards in the market. Often times, the lender has a BDC and other businesses such as institutional funds, CLOs, etc. Lending standards have collapsed all over the place.

The question we are looking at is whether synthetic CDOs are a systematic risk. Synthetic CDOs receives CDS premiums on a tranche of CLOs. We're trying to figure out how big this market is and who is exposed. It's nowhere near as big as the mortgage market, but is it big enough to create a cascade of selling in the credit markets? We don't know.
I just made the mistake of looking at videos on this at YouTube and didn't really like what I saw: credit bubble - YouTube

This is interesting and a little scary, if you can stand Joe Kernan for a few minutes:

Obviously some of these videos are paranoia and conjecture, but there are clearly some signs.

If you think of it, could you let me know if you guys find a resource for solid data? I'm putting out feelers now.
Last edited:
We are seeing deterioration starting in the lower-middle market. These are businesses with $15-$30 million in EBITDA. It's here that lending standards are weakening. It's bleeding in from the larger markets. In the middle and upper-middle market, there are virtually no covenants anymore, and deals are getting done with ridiculous pro-forma adjustments to EBITDA. Leveraged loans are now a $1 trillion market, triple what it was a decade ago, and equaling the high yield market. Most of those are sitting in CLOs where credit analysis is often spotty.
This is exactly what I'm talking about with those BDCs. As they compete for investments, they HAVE to be dropping their standards.

BDCs are a small part of the market. And they're reflecting standards in the market. Often times, the lender has a BDC and other businesses such as institutional funds, CLOs, etc. Lending standards have collapsed all over the place.

The question we are looking at is whether synthetic CDOs are a systematic risk. Synthetic CDOs receives CDS premiums on a tranche of CLOs. We're trying to figure out how big this market is and who is exposed. It's nowhere near as big as the mortgage market, but is it big enough to create a cascade of selling in the credit markets? We don't know.
I just made the mistake of looking at videos on this at YouTube and didn't really like what I saw: credit bubble - YouTube

This in interesting and a little scary, if you can stand Joe Kernan for a few minutes:

Obviously some of these videos are paranoia and conjecture, but there are clearly some signs.

If you think of it, could you let me know if you guys find a resource for solid data? I'm putting out feelers now.
Breaks down debt to many things including Credit card debt, student loan debt just about every kind of debt there is.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
GDP is down to 2.1%..

No shit Sherlock. Look at post number two. The rate is rated as "Ideal" by economists for the current circumstances.
You're so fucking stupid its unbelievable.
Holy crap, so now 2.1% is "Ideal", after we were promised twice that.

So tell me, expert:
  • Why are Treasury yields near record lows?
  • Why did market want a 50bps rate drop?
  • Why was Trump begging the Fed for a rate drop?
  • Why isn't economic activity driving inflation?

Go ahead, expert. Lay it all out for us. Get as specific as you would like. Blow us away.

Economic activity doesn't drive inflation, bank lending does, since they print money when they give out loans.

The banks have been in a shitty position since 2008. Thus treasuries are selling, which also explains the low rates. Further US has a very high amount of private debt, it's difficult to loan more. The FED needs to pick up the tab in a fcked up situation like this. This was all clear during Obama's time, but now for some reason because of Trump... some people have difficulty with it.
Wrong. Believe what you will. And it's never Trump's fault, always Obama. I know.

Which part is wrong?

Isn't it easy to just deflect and not explain.

Bank lending per se doesn’t create inflation. What the economists said was that money printing creates inflation, which is transmitted through the banking system.

The problem with that theory, however, is that we’ve had a whole lot of money printing over the past 20 years and inflation hasn’t budged.

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