Economy is Great: Do Not Believe Leftist Lies

No shit Sherlock. Look at post number two. The rate is rated as "Ideal" by economists for the current circumstances.
You're so fucking stupid its unbelievable.
Holy crap, so now 2.1% is "Ideal", after we were promised twice that.

So tell me, expert:
  • Why are Treasury yields near record lows?
  • Why did market want a 50bps rate drop?
  • Why was Trump begging the Fed for a rate drop?
  • Why isn't economic activity driving inflation?

Go ahead, expert. Lay it all out for us. Get as specific as you would like. Blow us away.

Economic activity doesn't drive inflation, bank lending does, since they print money when they give out loans.

The banks have been in a shitty position since 2008. Thus treasuries are selling, which also explains the low rates. Further US has a very high amount of private debt, it's difficult to loan more. The FED needs to pick up the tab in a fcked up situation like this. This was all clear during Obama's time, but now for some reason because of Trump... some people have difficulty with it.
Wrong. Believe what you will. And it's never Trump's fault, always Obama. I know.

Which part is wrong?

Isn't it easy to just deflect and not explain.

Bank lending per se doesn’t create inflation. What the economists said was that money printing creates inflation, which is transmitted through the banking system.

The problem with that theory, however, is that we’ve had a whole lot of money printing over the past 20 years and inflation hasn’t budged.
technology has improved productivity.

We all know why the Left is screaming "Nazi" and "Racist" every day, its because they cannot touch Trump on the economy. Greatest jobs numbers in 50 years for God's sake!! Here is a great article on Economic points to look at:

How Is the US Economy Doing?
Six Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing
BY KIMBERLY AMADEO Updated August 02, 2019
6 Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing

There are six facts that tell you how the economy is doing. Economists call them leading economic indicators because they measure the early influencers on growth. In July 2019, they report that the economy is doing well. It has steady growth, low unemployment, and little inflation. That's called the Goldilocks economy because it's neither too hot nor too cold

1) 164,000 Jobs Added In July 2019 = Strong
In the Non-farm Payroll Report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys how many workers businesses added to their payroll each month. It doesn't count farm workers because farming is seasonal. A healthy economy will create 150,000 jobs on average. Companies will only add workers when they have enough demand to keep them busy.
Manufacturing jobs are an especially important indicator. According to the National Association of Manufacturers, the 12.75 million Americans who work in manufacturing earn an average $84,832 a year, including benefits. When manufacturers start laying them off, it means the economy will be heading into a recession. For example, manufacturers hired fewer workers starting in October 2006 when compared to the prior year.
The unemployment rate is also reported. It's a lagging indicator and so isn't as useful a statistic. Companies usually wait until a recession is well underway before laying off workers. It also takes a while to reduce the unemployment rate, even after hundreds of thousands of new jobs are being created

Number 2 is coming up in my next post. Read them all: CLICK HERE
Recession indicator with perfect track record flashing red

The yield curve is blaring a recession warning.

The spread between the U.S. 2-year and 10-year yields on Wednesday turned negative for the first time since 2007. Such a development has occurred ahead of each and every U.S. recession of the last 50 years, sometimes leading by as much as 24 months.

“Historically, the 2-10 has had better predictive ability of recession than equities,” Sri Kumar, president of the Santa Monica, California-based Sri-Kumar Global Strategies, told Fox Business.
Recession indicator with perfect track record flashing red

The yield curve is blaring a recession warning.

The spread between the U.S. 2-year and 10-year yields on Wednesday turned negative for the first time since 2007. Such a development has occurred ahead of each and every U.S. recession of the last 50 years, sometimes leading by as much as 24 months.

“Historically, the 2-10 has had better predictive ability of recession than equities,” Sri Kumar, president of the Santa Monica, California-based Sri-Kumar Global Strategies, told Fox Business.

Won't see this on Fox. Trump would kill 'em.

We all know why the Left is screaming "Nazi" and "Racist" every day, its because they cannot touch Trump on the economy. Greatest jobs numbers in 50 years for God's sake!! Here is a great article on Economic points to look at:

How Is the US Economy Doing?
Six Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing
BY KIMBERLY AMADEO Updated August 02, 2019
6 Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing

There are six facts that tell you how the economy is doing. Economists call them leading economic indicators because they measure the early influencers on growth. In July 2019, they report that the economy is doing well. It has steady growth, low unemployment, and little inflation. That's called the Goldilocks economy because it's neither too hot nor too cold

1) 164,000 Jobs Added In July 2019 = Strong
In the Non-farm Payroll Report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys how many workers businesses added to their payroll each month. It doesn't count farm workers because farming is seasonal. A healthy economy will create 150,000 jobs on average. Companies will only add workers when they have enough demand to keep them busy.
Manufacturing jobs are an especially important indicator. According to the National Association of Manufacturers, the 12.75 million Americans who work in manufacturing earn an average $84,832 a year, including benefits. When manufacturers start laying them off, it means the economy will be heading into a recession. For example, manufacturers hired fewer workers starting in October 2006 when compared to the prior year.
The unemployment rate is also reported. It's a lagging indicator and so isn't as useful a statistic. Companies usually wait until a recession is well underway before laying off workers. It also takes a while to reduce the unemployment rate, even after hundreds of thousands of new jobs are being created

Number 2 is coming up in my next post. Read them all: CLICK HERE
I hope it includes the con creating fewer jobs in his first 2 years than Obama did in his last 2?
160k is pathetic
  1. GDP is down to 2.1%.
  2. Treasury yields have crashed, down over 40%.
  3. The Fed just pissed off markets by DROPPING interest rates ONLY 25bps to mitigate weakness, when 50bps was hoped for.
  4. There is not enough economic activity, even with low unemployment, to drive inflation.
  5. It's appearing that the Keynesian spending by Trump (which Keynes said should NOT be done in periods of growth) gave us only a temporary sugar high.
Those are just facts. I'm sure this will annoy Trumpsters, especially since they're probably not told this stuff in their alternate universe.

The economy is not "great". It's pretty good, but the consensus is that more weakness is probably not far away. A good trade deal with China could provide a badly-needed injection, so here's hoping.

Okay, sorry, let's get back to the alternate universe now.
Amusing how the repubs didn't create the recession Obama inherited.
But then solved it
Nothing to do with the uppity nixxer
  1. GDP is down to 2.1%.
  2. Treasury yields have crashed, down over 40%.
  3. The Fed just pissed off markets by DROPPING interest rates ONLY 25bps to mitigate weakness, when 50bps was hoped for.
  4. There is not enough economic activity, even with low unemployment, to drive inflation.
  5. It's appearing that the Keynesian spending by Trump (which Keynes said should NOT be done in periods of growth) gave us only a temporary sugar high.
Those are just facts. I'm sure this will annoy Trumpsters, especially since they're probably not told this stuff in their alternate universe.

The economy is not "great". It's pretty good, but the consensus is that more weakness is probably not far away. A good trade deal with China could provide a badly-needed injection, so here's hoping.

Okay, sorry, let's get back to the alternate universe now.
Amusing how the repubs didn't create the recession Obama inherited.
But then solved it
Nothing to do with the uppity nixxer
They may not really be lying. I really don't think they know what happened. It isn't covered in their alternate universe, and they've been given alternate "information".
Pathetic indoctrination.
Should be ashamed of yourself.
Vagina grabber, lusting after his daughter
Where's his KKK hat?
Yeah white Europeans can come here for a better life but not blacks and brown. Blacks and browns must have "merit."
Latin and Afro culture don’t assimilate..and Europeans aren’t just white..
All urban areas have been destroyed by people of color.. we need to help African Americans assimilate.. the rest that can’t hang have to go
YOU haven't assimilated you mean.

"We can only judge others by ourselves"
- anonymous

They have not assimilated no matter how many snarky remarks you make changes that fact.

"They"? By that do you mean those who continue to support the Confederacy 150 years later, & have still not assimilated to diversity, equal rights and equal opportunity for all, as well as Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation?
That’s only happening in towns run by democrats,,
And repub governors .
I thought repubs bragged about 90 % of the country being red?

We all know why the Left is screaming "Nazi" and "Racist" every day, its because they cannot touch Trump on the economy. Greatest jobs numbers in 50 years for God's sake!! Here is a great article on Economic points to look at:

How Is the US Economy Doing?
Six Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing
BY KIMBERLY AMADEO Updated August 02, 2019
6 Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing

There are six facts that tell you how the economy is doing. Economists call them leading economic indicators because they measure the early influencers on growth. In July 2019, they report that the economy is doing well. It has steady growth, low unemployment, and little inflation. That's called the Goldilocks economy because it's neither too hot nor too cold

1) 164,000 Jobs Added In July 2019 = Strong
In the Non-farm Payroll Report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys how many workers businesses added to their payroll each month. It doesn't count farm workers because farming is seasonal. A healthy economy will create 150,000 jobs on average. Companies will only add workers when they have enough demand to keep them busy.
Manufacturing jobs are an especially important indicator. According to the National Association of Manufacturers, the 12.75 million Americans who work in manufacturing earn an average $84,832 a year, including benefits. When manufacturers start laying them off, it means the economy will be heading into a recession. For example, manufacturers hired fewer workers starting in October 2006 when compared to the prior year.
The unemployment rate is also reported. It's a lagging indicator and so isn't as useful a statistic. Companies usually wait until a recession is well underway before laying off workers. It also takes a while to reduce the unemployment rate, even after hundreds of thousands of new jobs are being created

Number 2 is coming up in my next post. Read them all: CLICK HERE

I'm breathless in waiting for your jobs numbers
Dept of stats
2015/16 5047k average 210k OBAMA
2017/18 4834 average 200 k. TRUMP
2019 thru April average 175k. TRUMP
160k should really boost the numbers
Latin and Afro culture don’t assimilate..and Europeans aren’t just white..
All urban areas have been destroyed by people of color.. we need to help African Americans assimilate.. the rest that can’t hang have to go
YOU haven't assimilated you mean.

"We can only judge others by ourselves"
- anonymous

They have not assimilated no matter how many snarky remarks you make changes that fact.

"They"? By that do you mean those who continue to support the Confederacy 150 years later, & have still not assimilated to diversity, equal rights and equal opportunity for all, as well as Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation?
That’s only happening in towns run by democrats,,
And repub governors .
I thought repubs bragged about 90 % of the country being red?
So what’s your point

We all know why the Left is screaming "Nazi" and "Racist" every day, its because they cannot touch Trump on the economy. Greatest jobs numbers in 50 years for God's sake!! Here is a great article on Economic points to look at:

How Is the US Economy Doing?
Six Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing
BY KIMBERLY AMADEO Updated August 02, 2019
6 Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing

There are six facts that tell you how the economy is doing. Economists call them leading economic indicators because they measure the early influencers on growth. In July 2019, they report that the economy is doing well. It has steady growth, low unemployment, and little inflation. That's called the Goldilocks economy because it's neither too hot nor too cold

1) 164,000 Jobs Added In July 2019 = Strong
In the Non-farm Payroll Report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys how many workers businesses added to their payroll each month. It doesn't count farm workers because farming is seasonal. A healthy economy will create 150,000 jobs on average. Companies will only add workers when they have enough demand to keep them busy.
Manufacturing jobs are an especially important indicator. According to the National Association of Manufacturers, the 12.75 million Americans who work in manufacturing earn an average $84,832 a year, including benefits. When manufacturers start laying them off, it means the economy will be heading into a recession. For example, manufacturers hired fewer workers starting in October 2006 when compared to the prior year.
The unemployment rate is also reported. It's a lagging indicator and so isn't as useful a statistic. Companies usually wait until a recession is well underway before laying off workers. It also takes a while to reduce the unemployment rate, even after hundreds of thousands of new jobs are being created

Number 2 is coming up in my next post. Read them all: CLICK HERE
No. We scream racist every day because he says or does something racist every day.
I'm breathless in waiting for your jobs numbers

We are not at perfect employment, and the best numbers in 50 years. Trump is the greatest Jobs president in the history of the Republic. Breathe that.

Sorry, most readers don't inhale bullshit.
So. You do understand then why the DNC is dying among intellectuals. Does your own bs make you feel desperate?

Meh! Of course not! What was I thinking we had here, and introspective Dem? lolololol!

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