Economy is Great: Do Not Believe Leftist Lies

New Update:

Of course, most economists don't believe there's a recession in sight right now. Trump has laid every brick straight on the Yellow Brick Road to fiscal good for the nation, especially where job opportunities are terrific!

74% do...that means most do see it in sight..

74% of economists in survey see US recession by end of 2021

Well Gaffing Gator speaks and everybody on the left goes :udaman:!

Not me. Gaffing Gator speaks with forked tongue because he believes in the lying leftists club where no truth abberation can fail to be misrepresented in statistical percentilespeak, particularly if it alleviates his TDS.
New Update:

Of course, most economists don't believe there's a recession in sight right now. Trump has laid every brick straight on the Yellow Brick Road to fiscal good for the nation, especially where job opportunities are terrific!

74% do...that means most do see it in sight..

74% of economists in survey see US recession by end of 2021

Well Gaffing Gator speaks and everybody on the left goes :udaman:!

Not me. Gaffing Gator speaks with forked tongue because he believes in the lying leftists club where no truth abberation can fail to be misrepresented in statistical percentilespeak, particularly if it alleviates his TDS.

You made a claim, I proved your claim wrong. Not sure about the rest of your rant.

We all know why the Left is screaming "Nazi" and "Racist" every day, its because they cannot touch Trump on the economy.


Trump ran on "4, 5 or even 6% growth!", but even with budget-busting 1.5 Trillion dollar tax-cut stimulus can't post even a 3% growth year.

2015 is still the strongest growth year in this decade and Trump will get smashed upside the head with that fact all the way through election.
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New Update:

Of course, most economists don't believe there's a recession in sight right now. Trump has laid every brick straight on the Yellow Brick Road to fiscal good for the nation, especially where job opportunities are terrific!

74% do...that means most do see it in sight..

74% of economists in survey see US recession by end of 2021

Well Gaffing Gator speaks and everybody on the left goes :udaman:!

Not me. Gaffing Gator speaks with forked tongue because he believes in the lying leftists club where no truth abberation can fail to be misrepresented in statistical percentilespeak, particularly if it alleviates his TDS.

You made a claim, I proved your claim wrong. Not sure about the rest of your rant.

Oh, powder puff, you proved nothing except that you cannot handle the truth.
74% do...that means most do see it in sight..

Thats fake news propaganda.

You are fake news propaganda
She is not. Your problem is that you can't handle the truth, so you go into overdrive against people who understand President Trump's positive effect on the market.

Truth requires proof. Provide the proof of your claim most economist do not see a recession on the horizon.

We all know why the Left is screaming "Nazi" and "Racist" every day, its because they cannot touch Trump on the economy. Greatest jobs numbers in 50 years for God's sake!! Here is a great article on Economic points to look at:

How Is the US Economy Doing?
Six Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing
BY KIMBERLY AMADEO Updated August 02, 2019
6 Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing

There are six facts that tell you how the economy is doing. Economists call them leading economic indicators because they measure the early influencers on growth. In July 2019, they report that the economy is doing well. It has steady growth, low unemployment, and little inflation. That's called the Goldilocks economy because it's neither too hot nor too cold

1) 164,000 Jobs Added In July 2019 = Strong
In the Non-farm Payroll Report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys how many workers businesses added to their payroll each month. It doesn't count farm workers because farming is seasonal. A healthy economy will create 150,000 jobs on average. Companies will only add workers when they have enough demand to keep them busy.
Manufacturing jobs are an especially important indicator. According to the National Association of Manufacturers, the 12.75 million Americans who work in manufacturing earn an average $84,832 a year, including benefits. When manufacturers start laying them off, it means the economy will be heading into a recession. For example, manufacturers hired fewer workers starting in October 2006 when compared to the prior year.
The unemployment rate is also reported. It's a lagging indicator and so isn't as useful a statistic. Companies usually wait until a recession is well underway before laying off workers. It also takes a while to reduce the unemployment rate, even after hundreds of thousands of new jobs are being created

Number 2 is coming up in my next post. Read them all: CLICK HERE
Recessions are partly psychological.
People fear the economy stopped growing so they stop spending and investing...….which causes a recession.
The fear feeds on its self.
The corrupt Democrats are using economic FEAR as their weapon to attack President Trump.
74% do...that means most do see it in sight..

Thats fake news propaganda.

You are fake news propaganda
She is not. Your problem is that you can't handle the truth, so you go into overdrive against people who understand President Trump's positive effect on the market.

Truth requires proof. Provide the proof of your claim most economist do not see a recession on the horizon.

Fancy concepts like supporting claims with objective evidence are foreign to Trumpers.

Like our idiot POTUS they make up whatever alt-facts they feel like and just run with it.
"sub-prime business"
That's my little term for it. Earlier this year I wrote a book that touched (a little bit, just one chapter) on how businesses can get funding. As part of my research I stumbled onto a shitload of these online lenders, and their tactics and offers were a REAL flashback to the insane mortgage offers of 2004-2007. Talk about deja vu. It just didn't feel good.

I'm trying to find some decent data sources on it. I may be overestimating this, but I'd sure like to know more about it.

Construction loan offers from online lenders are off the chain in my neck of the woods.
Demonrats think they can drive the economy into recession by sheer force of will. That is when they aren't flat out lying about it.

We all know why the Left is screaming "Nazi" and "Racist" every day, its because they cannot touch Trump on the economy.


Trump ran on "4, 5 or even 6% growth!", but can't even post a 3% growth.
Not by yourselves. You have to go get Soros, weenies all.

...except I just did, all by myself, in the very post you quoted and without any Soros in sight.

Delusional much?
zzz. That hit was out of bounds and nowhere even close to the line. Wake me up when you become honest, because I can do without your malarkey. :bigbed:

We all know why the Left is screaming "Nazi" and "Racist" every day, its because they cannot touch Trump on the economy.


Trump ran on "4, 5 or even 6% growth!", but can't even post a 3% growth.
Not by yourselves. You have to go get Soros, weenies all.

...except I just did, all by myself, in the very post you quoted and without any Soros in sight.

Delusional much?
zzz. That hit was out of bounds and nowhere even close to the line. Wake me up when you become honest, because I can do without your malarkey. :bigbed:

I'm completely honest , you are just too stupid to not post complete bullshit.
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Demonrats think they can drive the economy into recession by sheer force of will. That is when they aren't flat out lying about it.
That's because they think the public hasn't caught onto their lying self-fulfilling prophecies yet. The public has caught onto their hubris, and you can tell by the overflowing crowds to Trump rallies in former all-DNC states that appreciate having a job and having a good place in life with renewed self-respect with a good-paying job that the Trump administration has inspired to make America great again.

It's actually working, and the Democrats are soooooooooooo confused. Especially Nancy Pelosi. I bet she goes to a Trumpfest now and then incognito. Just bet. /snicker.

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