Ecuador´s bloody elections


Nov 14, 2012
Ecuador´s elections demand a high a death toll with dozens already killed. The violence climaxed now with the murder of a presidential candidate, Fernando Villavicencio. Seven out of eight candidates are under police protection, so was Fernando Villavicencio, who was shot in the head three times. Also explosives were found at the scene of murder.

A group called "Los Lobos" claims responsibility for the attack in a video, but another group called "Los Lobos" claims the video is fake and denies responsibility. The video is allegedly from Mexico and a new audio track was put over it.

"Los Lobos" 1 (also threaten other politicians they deem corrupt):

"Los Lobos" 2 (video contains attack on Villavicencio):

"Los Lobos" are considered to be a criminal group with about 8000 members, the second largest in Ecuador, by the InSight Crime foundation.

Ecuador issued a two months state of emergency but the elections will take place according to schedule on August 20.
Leftwing Luisa Gonzalez won the first round of the presidential election. If she becomes President, she will probably have to deal with a financial disaster because there was also a referendum (unknown term in the EU) on mining and drilling in protected areas. The referendum ended with a ban on them but there are contracts the government will have to pay for to end them.

Interesting but long article on Latin America and it's problems. Some complaints on U.S.A. interference. To me it seems they complain if we don't interfere as much as when we do. I found it worth posting.


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