Eddie Gallagher is a Killing Machine! Turn the Jackals Loose Baby!

His fellow seals think he's bad, and you think this is funny.

You are a sick little motherfucker aren't you.
A couple of Seals think he is bad They are just jealous of his rank and his position he held. In a Court of Law those Seals were basically called liars by the Jury that acquitted Gallagher of all murder charges.
just a couple?

No, not just a couple. a handful or two!

The guys a cancer, rotting the Navy from inside out... like the president is doing to our nation, his type cancer needs to be cut out and removed, and chemo given to kill the rest of the destructive cancer cells left!
Reported to the FBI
She can tell you when she gets out of prison
Wish I had a pic of Gallagher posing with a dead terrorist.

That would be so cool!


People do all kinds of weird shit in order to acclimate to the horror of war.

People who have never been there should STFU instead of slamming on successful warriors who manage to find a grip on their minds adaptation.
No, you should shut up. The guys on the interviews by the investigators ARE and WERE at war and KNOW what it is like on the battlefield, and they DO KNOW RIGHT, FROM WRONG.... unlike you, on this one.... :rolleyes:
His fellow seals think he's bad, and you think this is funny.

You are a sick little motherfucker aren't you.
A couple of Seals think he is bad They are just jealous of his rank and his position he held. In a Court of Law those Seals were basically called liars by the Jury that acquitted Gallagher of all murder charges.
just a couple?

No, not just a couple. a handful or two!

The guys a cancer, rotting the Navy from inside out... like the president is doing to our nation, his type cancer needs to be cut out and removed, and chemo given to kill the rest of the destructive cancer cells left!
Reported to the FBI
She can tell you when she gets out of prison
Too funny. :lol: :lol:

What part upset you, special snowflake? You have some splaining to do....!

It's not football but this is fitting.............our country sends our military there for almost 2 decades.........then gives them BS rules of engagement......and after they do multiple tours with their friends dying there.........They try to frag them for killing the dang enemy.

The guy that died.......was the enemy.........

Easy for those sitting in the NOSE BLEED SECTION to complain........because your ass wasn't on the line.........

Top it off......those in the unit were FNG's..........and they LIED about who the hell killed the guy......wasn't found out until the trial...........and the Court Martial then went OH SHIT we are charging the wrong guy.

You are being an idiot...And are clueless.

Rules of engagement, discipline, following rules and order and chain of command IS WHAT MAKES OUR MILITARY the greatest in the world.
No, you should shut up. The guys on the interviews by the investigators ARE and WERE at war and KNOW what it is like on the battlefield, and they DO KNOW RIGHT, FROM WRONG.... unlike you, on this one.... :rolleyes:
Court martials for decorated war veterans for posing with corpses is silly, lacking in perspective and Puritanical.

I will NEVER pass judgement on a veteran whose shoes I have not walked in.
Rules of engagement, discipline, following rules and order and chain of command IS WHAT MAKES OUR MILITARY the greatest in the world.
OMG, you cannot be more wrong.

Killing more of the bad guys than they kill of ours is what makes our military the greatest in the world, and hopefully civilians will maintain control of it.

I hate to think of the consequences should DoD slip its leash and over-throw our elected President.
No, you should shut up. The guys on the interviews by the investigators ARE and WERE at war and KNOW what it is like on the battlefield, and they DO KNOW RIGHT, FROM WRONG.... unlike you, on this one.... :rolleyes:
Court martials for decorated war veterans for posing with corpses is silly, lacking in perspective and Puritanical.

I will NEVER pass judgement on a veteran whose shoes I have not walked in.
Why not?

Was it behavior of HONOR? One you would want his guys to follow their leader on?

An act that you and the whole military wants to show the world as being honorable, and makes the US Military strong and great?

My answer, is absolutely not!

And it was not just a picture, though worth a thousand words....

Watch the interviews of his subordinates.....
Little Trumpsters don't care about the duty and honor that is in the Navy Seal Creed.
They don't care if American military commits war crimes.
This is how far the Greatest Nation the World has ever seen has sunk since Donald Trump was elected.
The US Navy Seal Creed is a pledge of valor and honor, every Seal is to abide by the Creed, Gallagher didn't and he dishonored a Seal Tradition.
The US Navy Seal Creed
In times of war or uncertainty there is a special breed of warrior ready to answer our Nation’s call. A common man with uncommon desire to succeed.
Forged by adversity, he stands alongside America’s finest special operations forces to serve his country, the American people, and protect their way of life.
I am that man.
My Trident is a symbol of honor and heritage. Bestowed upon me by the heroes that have gone before, it embodies the trust of those I have sworn to protect. By wearing the Trident I accept the responsibility of my chosen profession and way of life. It is a privilege that I must earn every day.
My loyalty to Country and Team is beyond reproach. I humbly serve as a guardian to my fellow Americans always ready to defend those who are unable to defend themselves. I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions. I voluntarily accept the inherent hazards of my profession, placing the welfare and security of others before my own.
I serve with honor on and off the battlefield. The ability to control my emotions and my actions, regardless of circumstance, sets me apart from other men.
Uncompromising integrity is my standard. My character and honor are steadfast. My word is my bond.
We expect to lead and be led. In the absence of orders I will take charge, lead my teammates and accomplish the mission. I lead by example in all situations.
I will never quit. I persevere and thrive on adversity. My Nation expects me to be physically harder and mentally stronger than my enemies. If knocked down, I will get back up, every time. I will draw on every remaining ounce of strength to protect my teammates and to accomplish our mission. I am never out of the fight.
We demand discipline. We expect innovation. The lives of my teammates and the success of our mission depend on me – my technical skill, tactical proficiency, and attention to detail. My training is never complete.
We train for war and fight to win. I stand ready to bring the full spectrum of combat power to bear in order to achieve my mission and the goals established by my country. The execution of my duties will be swift and violent when required yet guided by the very principles that I serve to defend.
Brave men have fought and died building the proud tradition and feared reputation that I am bound to uphold. In the worst of conditions, the legacy of my teammates steadies my resolve and silently guides my every deed.
I will not fail.

Also, read this:
Eddie Gallagher case: Early Navy SEAL founder would've been appalled
Eddie Gallagher's fellow SEALs describe him as 'toxic,' 'evil' in new videos
He’s a whomping stomping ass romping motherfucker. Kill em all let God sort em out! Fuck this fighting savage sub-humans in Third World countries with one hand tied around your dick. All this liberal reform shit that pussified Obama started was PC coded as “professionalism.” Your an American fighting man...these people helped orchestrate 9-11. Let all their villages know what the Americans bring. Resistance is death.
We all know we haven't heard the end of him......wait for it.

It's not football but this is fitting.............our country sends our military there for almost 2 decades.........then gives them BS rules of engagement......and after they do multiple tours with their friends dying there.........They try to frag them for killing the dang enemy.

The guy that died.......was the enemy.........

Easy for those sitting in the NOSE BLEED SECTION to complain........because your ass wasn't on the line.........

Top it off......those in the unit were FNG's..........and they LIED about who the hell killed the guy......wasn't found out until the trial...........and the Court Martial then went OH SHIT we are charging the wrong guy.

You are being an idiot...And are clueless.

Rules of engagement, discipline, following rules and order and chain of command IS WHAT MAKES OUR MILITARY the greatest in the world.
BS.............it's what makes us lose Wars are get stuck there forever...............Our military isn't allowed to win them anymore.......only get stuck there forever while the Politicians sponsors make a killing in making the weapons to fight it with.......to a tune of 8 TRILLION over 18 years counting long term liabilities of the War.

They aren't in the Nose Bleed sections of the stadium........they are on the field..........do you need a tissue for that nose bleed.
No, you should shut up. The guys on the interviews by the investigators ARE and WERE at war and KNOW what it is like on the battlefield, and they DO KNOW RIGHT, FROM WRONG.... unlike you, on this one.... :rolleyes:
Court martials for decorated war veterans for posing with corpses is silly, lacking in perspective and Puritanical.

I will NEVER pass judgement on a veteran whose shoes I have not walked in.
Sure you would, you bucked the entire military command and order and judgement, by siding with that disgraceful, dishonorable man, and all who do follow Military code who serves us with honor and valor.... So that bulloney just don't fly.

It's not football but this is fitting.............our country sends our military there for almost 2 decades.........then gives them BS rules of engagement......and after they do multiple tours with their friends dying there.........They try to frag them for killing the dang enemy.

The guy that died.......was the enemy.........

Easy for those sitting in the NOSE BLEED SECTION to complain........because your ass wasn't on the line.........

Top it off......those in the unit were FNG's..........and they LIED about who the hell killed the guy......wasn't found out until the trial...........and the Court Martial then went OH SHIT we are charging the wrong guy.

You are being an idiot...And are clueless.

Rules of engagement, discipline, following rules and order and chain of command IS WHAT MAKES OUR MILITARY the greatest in the world.
BS.............it's what makes us lose Wars are get stuck there forever...............Our military isn't allowed to win them anymore.......only get stuck there forever while the Politicians sponsors make a killing in making the weapons to fight it with.......to a tune of 8 TRILLION over 18 years counting long term liabilities of the War.

They aren't in the Nose Bleed sections of the stadium........they are on the field..........do you need a tissue for that nose bleed.
Did joyfully posing in that picture make us win a war? Really? Come on!!!!! Sheeesh!!!
Witness at Navy SEAL trial admits killing Islamic State prisoner, not Gallagher

A Navy SEAL called by prosecutors to testify at the murder trial of a colleague has acknowledged killing a wounded prisoner in Iraq in what he described as an act of mercy.

Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Corey Scott said Thursday that he asphyxiated the teenage Islamic State fighter after Special Warfare Operator Chief Edward Gallagher unexpectedly stabbed him.

Gallagher is facing court-martial on charges of murder and attempted murder.

Scott says the militant had been stabilized and was breathing normally after he and Gallagher treated him for wounds suffered in an airstrike.

Scott says the patient would have survived the stabbing, but he decided to plug the youth's air tube because he believed he would eventually be tortured by Iraqi forces.

It's not football but this is fitting.............our country sends our military there for almost 2 decades.........then gives them BS rules of engagement......and after they do multiple tours with their friends dying there.........They try to frag them for killing the dang enemy.

The guy that died.......was the enemy.........

Easy for those sitting in the NOSE BLEED SECTION to complain........because your ass wasn't on the line.........

Top it off......those in the unit were FNG's..........and they LIED about who the hell killed the guy......wasn't found out until the trial...........and the Court Martial then went OH SHIT we are charging the wrong guy.

You are being an idiot...And are clueless.

Rules of engagement, discipline, following rules and order and chain of command IS WHAT MAKES OUR MILITARY the greatest in the world.
BS.............it's what makes us lose Wars are get stuck there forever...............Our military isn't allowed to win them anymore.......only get stuck there forever while the Politicians sponsors make a killing in making the weapons to fight it with.......to a tune of 8 TRILLION over 18 years counting long term liabilities of the War.

They aren't in the Nose Bleed sections of the stadium........they are on the field..........do you need a tissue for that nose bleed.

Would another My Lai be appropriate in wars the US is involved in?
Marine testifies Navy SEAL did not stab detainee

Marine Staff Sgt. Giorgio Kirylo said he watched as Special Warfare Operator Chief Edward “Eddie” Gallagher tried to save the 17-year-old captive and never saw him use his hunting knife on him.

Gallagher is accused of fatally stabbing the adolescent captive while he was under his care in Iraq in 2017 and to shooting civilians. He has pleaded not guilty to murder and attempted murder.

After the boy died, Kirylo said he moved the corpse to pose for a "cool guy trophy" photo because it was the platoon's first Islamic State prisoner captured from their battlefield.

He said he lifted up the teen's body to put the corpse's head on his foot when a bandage on his neck popped up.

Kirylo statements contradict those of other SEALs who testified that Gallagher, a 19-year veteran on his eighth deployment, stabbed the prisoner with his hunting knife.

Two of the SEALs testified that they witnessed the stabbing, but one — Corey Scott — said he was the one who ultimately killed the militant by plugging his breathing tube with his thumb as an act of mercy.

Kirylo statements contradict those of other SEALs who testified that Gallagher, a 19-year veteran on his eighth deployment, stabbed the prisoner with his hunting knife.

Kirylo said he was close friends with several SEALs who reported the stabbing, but he now considers them liars.

It's not football but this is fitting.............our country sends our military there for almost 2 decades.........then gives them BS rules of engagement......and after they do multiple tours with their friends dying there.........They try to frag them for killing the dang enemy.

The guy that died.......was the enemy.........

Easy for those sitting in the NOSE BLEED SECTION to complain........because your ass wasn't on the line.........

Top it off......those in the unit were FNG's..........and they LIED about who the hell killed the guy......wasn't found out until the trial...........and the Court Martial then went OH SHIT we are charging the wrong guy.

You are being an idiot...And are clueless.

Rules of engagement, discipline, following rules and order and chain of command IS WHAT MAKES OUR MILITARY the greatest in the world.
BS.............it's what makes us lose Wars are get stuck there forever...............Our military isn't allowed to win them anymore.......only get stuck there forever while the Politicians sponsors make a killing in making the weapons to fight it with.......to a tune of 8 TRILLION over 18 years counting long term liabilities of the War.

They aren't in the Nose Bleed sections of the stadium........they are on the field..........do you need a tissue for that nose bleed.

Would another My Lai be appropriate in wars the US is involved in?
That comparison to this is a joke.

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