Eddie Gallagher is a Killing Machine! Turn the Jackals Loose Baby!

Bad ass American men
Badasses don't murder prisoners, Pigeon. That's a coward's move.

Somehow I'm not surprised you don't know the difference.
Dude you kill babies lol
Post proof of me killing anything,.much less babies.

You're a lying sack of shit, Pigeon.

Seen any good "
Badasses don't murder prisoners, Pigeon. That's a coward's move.

Somehow I'm not surprised you don't know the difference.
Dude you kill babies lol
All these liberals pissing and moaning on here about our evil military killing innocent people...support infanticide here in the United States.
Don't be stupider than you have to be, Son.
So you are against abortions??
I support choice.
That’s right, it’s a morality and free will issue. You can choose life ( the right choice) or murder (the wrong choice.)
Are you scared? You should be haha
Scared of what?
Bad ass American men
Badasses don't murder prisoners, Pigeon. That's a coward's move.

Somehow I'm not surprised you don't know the difference.
Dude you kill babies lol
Post proof of me killing anything,.much less babies.

You're a lying sack of shit, Pigeon.

Seen any good "
Scared of what?
Bad ass American men
Badasses don't murder prisoners, Pigeon. That's a coward's move.

Somehow I'm not surprised you don't know the difference.
Dude you kill babies lol
All these liberals pissing and moaning on here about our evil military killing innocent people...support infanticide here in the United States.
Don't be stupider than you have to be, Son.
It takes rugged individuals to step forward and protect our nation and it’s Constitution so that liberals can sit safe and secure at home and call our service men and women “murderers” while, at the same time, bitching about not having enough free shit from the government. How their lives suck because the new iPhone doesn’t meet their expectations, or Starbucks ran out of scones.
This was an open/shut case, like many others before it. Then the mentally ill president opened his c**t mouth about it. And now we get to hear the cultists mewl about it like the sheep they are.

That's precisely why he lied and said he killed the guy. He knew he already had immunity. Gallagher stabbed the guy over twenty times, I think it was. According to witnesses anyway.
And those stories are all over the place..........One story goes.........Oh He stabbed him in the neck.........No.....he stabbed him in the torso............No........they were administering first aid...........Venting the chest and airway........

The Iraqi's said they shot him..........and so on............hard to decode the real deal here...........And the Media is hyping it up because Trump Pardoned him............Tomorrow..........it will be he stabbed him 100 times. Media feeding frenzy.

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