Eddie Gallagher is a Killing Machine! Turn the Jackals Loose Baby!

Marine testifies Navy SEAL did not stab detainee

Marine Staff Sgt. Giorgio Kirylo said he watched as Special Warfare Operator Chief Edward “Eddie” Gallagher tried to save the 17-year-old captive and never saw him use his hunting knife on him.

Gallagher is accused of fatally stabbing the adolescent captive while he was under his care in Iraq in 2017 and to shooting civilians. He has pleaded not guilty to murder and attempted murder.

After the boy died, Kirylo said he moved the corpse to pose for a "cool guy trophy" photo because it was the platoon's first Islamic State prisoner captured from their battlefield.

He said he lifted up the teen's body to put the corpse's head on his foot when a bandage on his neck popped up.

Kirylo statements contradict those of other SEALs who testified that Gallagher, a 19-year veteran on his eighth deployment, stabbed the prisoner with his hunting knife.

Two of the SEALs testified that they witnessed the stabbing, but one — Corey Scott — said he was the one who ultimately killed the militant by plugging his breathing tube with his thumb as an act of mercy.

Kirylo statements contradict those of other SEALs who testified that Gallagher, a 19-year veteran on his eighth deployment, stabbed the prisoner with his hunting knife.

Kirylo said he was close friends with several SEALs who reported the stabbing, but he now considers them liars.
So Gallagher stabbed the guy, to kill him, but some other guy made the kill happen faster, and in Gallagher' s honorable character thought taking the picture and posing with him would boost moral???

Okee Dokee.....
The other guy had already made a deal to not be prosecuted....check his bank account if you're gonna do that.

It's not football but this is fitting.............our country sends our military there for almost 2 decades.........then gives them BS rules of engagement......and after they do multiple tours with their friends dying there.........They try to frag them for killing the dang enemy.

The guy that died.......was the enemy.........

Easy for those sitting in the NOSE BLEED SECTION to complain........because your ass wasn't on the line.........

Top it off......those in the unit were FNG's..........and they LIED about who the hell killed the guy......wasn't found out until the trial...........and the Court Martial then went OH SHIT we are charging the wrong guy.

You are being an idiot...And are clueless.

Rules of engagement, discipline, following rules and order and chain of command IS WHAT MAKES OUR MILITARY the greatest in the world.
BS.............it's what makes us lose Wars are get stuck there forever...............Our military isn't allowed to win them anymore.......only get stuck there forever while the Politicians sponsors make a killing in making the weapons to fight it with.......to a tune of 8 TRILLION over 18 years counting long term liabilities of the War.

They aren't in the Nose Bleed sections of the stadium........they are on the field..........do you need a tissue for that nose bleed.

Would another My Lai be appropriate in wars the US is involved in?

My Lai was a Sunday picnic compared to the civilians we incinerated in Dresden and Tokyo in WW2.

Of course, there were no snowflakes back then, and we knew how to win wars.
You know what a total Declared War is? Of course you don't.

It's not football but this is fitting.............our country sends our military there for almost 2 decades.........then gives them BS rules of engagement......and after they do multiple tours with their friends dying there.........They try to frag them for killing the dang enemy.

The guy that died.......was the enemy.........

Easy for those sitting in the NOSE BLEED SECTION to complain........because your ass wasn't on the line.........

Top it off......those in the unit were FNG's..........and they LIED about who the hell killed the guy......wasn't found out until the trial...........and the Court Martial then went OH SHIT we are charging the wrong guy.

You are being an idiot...And are clueless.

Rules of engagement, discipline, following rules and order and chain of command IS WHAT MAKES OUR MILITARY the greatest in the world.
BS.............it's what makes us lose Wars are get stuck there forever...............Our military isn't allowed to win them anymore.......only get stuck there forever while the Politicians sponsors make a killing in making the weapons to fight it with.......to a tune of 8 TRILLION over 18 years counting long term liabilities of the War.

They aren't in the Nose Bleed sections of the stadium........they are on the field..........do you need a tissue for that nose bleed.

Would another My Lai be appropriate in wars the US is involved in?

My Lai was a Sunday picnic compared to the civilians we incinerated in Dresden and Tokyo in WW2.

Of course, there were no snowflakes back then, and we knew how to win wars.
You know what a total Declared War is? Of course you don't.

Of course I do. The Declaration of War is in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution.

It's not football but this is fitting.............our country sends our military there for almost 2 decades.........then gives them BS rules of engagement......and after they do multiple tours with their friends dying there.........They try to frag them for killing the dang enemy.

The guy that died.......was the enemy.........

Easy for those sitting in the NOSE BLEED SECTION to complain........because your ass wasn't on the line.........

Top it off......those in the unit were FNG's..........and they LIED about who the hell killed the guy......wasn't found out until the trial...........and the Court Martial then went OH SHIT we are charging the wrong guy.

You are being an idiot...And are clueless.

Rules of engagement, discipline, following rules and order and chain of command IS WHAT MAKES OUR MILITARY the greatest in the world.
BS.............it's what makes us lose Wars are get stuck there forever...............Our military isn't allowed to win them anymore.......only get stuck there forever while the Politicians sponsors make a killing in making the weapons to fight it with.......to a tune of 8 TRILLION over 18 years counting long term liabilities of the War.

They aren't in the Nose Bleed sections of the stadium........they are on the field..........do you need a tissue for that nose bleed.

Would another My Lai be appropriate in wars the US is involved in?

My Lai was a Sunday picnic compared to the civilians we incinerated in Dresden and Tokyo in WW2.

Of course, there were no snowflakes back then, and we knew how to win wars.
You know what a total Declared War is? Of course you don't.

I do. I was in 1st grade when WWII ended.
Good for them. The more people that hate us means less of them will come here. Let them stay in their own little shithole countries.

And they will kill Americans outside and inside the country because of shit like this.

Then you will whine and complain about it, and wonder why. Because you're clueless.
The only reason they know about it is because this fighting man was betrayed by the Democrat party to the mercy of a merciless press. I don't trust the Democrats anymore.
Look, assfuck, it was the military that did it. Not the Democrats.

It was Bone Spurs Trump who stepped all over military leadership to stick his nose where it did not belong.

Purposefully killing civilians for sport on recruits more terrorists the kill more Americans.
We call snipers heroes when they kill the enemy.

When our soldiers get shot by a sniper, we think them to be cowards who hide in the shadows, shoot people in the back, & then run & hide.
Eddie Gallagher's fellow SEALs describe him as 'toxic,' 'evil' in new videos
He’s a whomping stomping ass romping motherfucker. Kill em all let God sort em out! Fuck this fighting savage sub-humans in Third World countries with one hand tied around your dick. All this liberal reform shit that pussified Obama started was PC coded as “professionalism.” Your an American fighting man...these people helped orchestrate 9-11. Let all their villages know what the Americans bring. Resistance is death.
The only reason you freakish cultists even take your position is because the mentally ill President opened his mouth about it.
You don’t half step in war. Ever. I’m and extremist on this point. You kill one American we eradicate you as a group of people.
Good for them. The more people that hate us means less of them will come here. Let them stay in their own little shithole countries.

And they will kill Americans outside and inside the country because of shit like this.

Then you will whine and complain about it, and wonder why. Because you're clueless.
The only reason they know about it is because this fighting man was betrayed by the Democrat party to the mercy of a merciless press. I don't trust the Democrats anymore.
Look, assfuck, it was the military that did it. Not the Democrats.

It was Bone Spurs Trump who stepped all over military leadership to stick his nose where it did not belong.

Purposefully killing civilians for sport on recruits more terrorists the kill more Americans.
There will be no more recruits if you kill every man woman and child.
Thanks to SEAL’s immunity deals, confessed killer unlikely to be charged

Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Corey Scott — the SEAL who dropped a legal bombshell on two ongoing war crimes cases by confessing on the stand to asphyxiating an Islamic State prisoner of war — likely won’t face any punishment for the death, according to a copy of his immunity deal shared with Navy Times.

To prevent Iraqi security forces from torturing the boy to death, Scott said, he blocked the seriously wounded teenager’s breathing tube and let him die. He was the killer, not Gallagher.

“I knew he was going to die anyway, and I wanted to save him from waking up to whatever would happen to him,” Scott said in his sworn testimony.

Now it starts to make more sense.........the cut on the prisoners neck was a breathing tube......meaning the neck would have had to be cut to insert it....................So......Scott killed the prisoner.......and then tried to pin it on Ghallagher.............but managed to get IMMUNITY for killing the prisoner before he would testify..........

He had some slick lawyers............
We call snipers heroes when they kill the enemy.

When our soldiers get shot by a sniper, we think them to be cowards who hide in the shadows, shoot people in the back, & then run & hide.
You like dead American servicemen don’t you? Our snipers are are some of the finest fighters in our military. Cowards like you wouldn’t know that. How do US men in combat see enemy snipers? Scary shit. But the threat has to be neutralized. Nobody views them as cowards at all. They’re sonsabitches.
SEAL legend Kris Kyle who claimed 150 "kills" in Iraq was awarded a Silver Star and other commendations. There was never any question about the authorization for a single "kill" of alleged enemies who wore no uniforms and rightfully so. Navy SEAL Chief Ed Gallagher was court martialled for posing for a picture on a dead enemy. Apparently some sensitive SEALS under his command were offended by his aggressive attitude and unfairly accused him of war crimes. Instead of taking Chief Gallagher's side it seems that Hollywood goes overboard in justifying the SEALS who tried to put their commander in a federal prison because they were afraid of his aggressive leadership.
That’s exactly what happened. It even says one of the sniveling cowards was out in the hall being coached by his lawyer during his deposition against Gallagher.
His fellow seals think he's bad, and you think this is funny.

You are a sick little motherfucker aren't you.
In practically every thing we do on earth there are psychopaths. People who live on the edge and do good things can be psychopaths. They take chances that others may not. they have improved things for people on this planet because of it. Psychopaths are just not the ones we talk about all the time. The difference with the good ones are that they do not like being messed with either. If he is that, then he got messed with and responded in kind.
The reason we fight..........

Infantry Heritage
Per FM 3-21.20 (The Infantry Battalion)

"The primary mission of the Infantry battalion is to close with the enemy by means of fire and maneuver. Its purpose is to destroy or capture him, to repel his assaults by fire, close combat, and counterattack, or all of these..." (para 1-1)

Infantry Heritage
...and with superior firepower.
You are being an idiot...And are clueless.

Rules of engagement, discipline, following rules and order and chain of command IS WHAT MAKES OUR MILITARY the greatest in the world.
BS.............it's what makes us lose Wars are get stuck there forever...............Our military isn't allowed to win them anymore.......only get stuck there forever while the Politicians sponsors make a killing in making the weapons to fight it with.......to a tune of 8 TRILLION over 18 years counting long term liabilities of the War.

They aren't in the Nose Bleed sections of the stadium........they are on the field..........do you need a tissue for that nose bleed.

Would another My Lai be appropriate in wars the US is involved in?
That comparison to this is a joke.

Considering that you seem to think our we can’t win by using valor and honor, you must be OK with war crimes.
No politician wrote the Navy Seal Creed. How many times have the Seals been defeated by fighting with valor and honor and stay true to their creed. They take pride and are loyal to the creed. Then along comes Gallagher and shames the creed.
Anybody think it’s OK to commit war crimes does not represent our country’s values.
Trump, who chose not to serve his country in the armed forces and is totally clueless about doing anything with honor should keep his ignorant fat ass out of our military and their rules of engagement. His ignorant decisions have been a liability to our country’s armed forces, from top to bottom.
You win wars by killing the enemy............after what ISIS did over there I could care less that this ISIS got killed.......They actually probably did him a favor.....whether you like it or not..........the Iraqis would have tortured him and then killed him.....

More than likely the Medic was right.........

Posing..........well that's BS, but I haven't done 8 tours over there either...............kinda changes the equation .........
It is the goal of Muslim terrorists to go to heaven with their 72 virgins. Let’s accommodate them. Doubt they see any virgins where they go however.
What motivated fellow SEALs to dime out Eddie Gallagher?

Later, another SO1 who was trained in battlefield medicine told NCIS that he remembered watching the other SEAL corpsman treating the detainee, who appeared to have suffered a leg injury and struggled to breathe, possibly from “blast lung,” a condition that often affects those who survive explosions.

He watched as the SO1 inserted a chest tube while Gallagher, using a special kit, performed a cricothyroidotomy — or “cric" — a simple and rapid surgical method for opening up a blocked airway by inserting a tube through an incision in the cricothyroid ligament, according to records provided to Navy Times.

Gallagher also was present when the prisoner received a trachea tube, two chest tubes and a Sternal Intraosseous Infusion, which bores through bone to reach veins when other IVs won’t work, records indicate.

That SO1 told NCIS he left as the other two SEALs continued working on the prisoner, although other interviews and the prosecution’s own legal filings in the case portray a chaotic scene, with memories about the incident often jumbled by all the witnesses.

In his statements to NCIS, the LPO said he later returned to the area, rounded a parked Humvee and spotted Gallagher kneeling on the right side of the wounded teen.

He insisted that he then saw the chief “stab the ISIS fighter multiple times in the right side of the neck” in a manner that “was in no way a medical procedure,” according to an NCIS report.

He described Gallagher’s knife as the same weapon the chief always carried in a leather sheath. He told NCIS it had a blade a few inches long, although photographs of the weapon make it look stubbier.

The LPO told the agent that an SO1 who remained to assist Gallagher with the medical care was “freaking out a little bit over what Eddie just did” but there was nothing anyone could do “because the subject was dead.”

That’s something the other medically-trained SO1 also told investigators; He returned to the area and was surprised to find the prisoner dead.

Filling in that gap of time, an SO1 who had been with the detainee later told NCIS that the wounded fighter also received a chest tube. He added that he was only about a foot away from the prisoner when Gallagher pulled out his knife and stabbed the boy two or three times in the neck.

NCIS reported that a second class petty officer also saw Gallagher stab the prisoner, but later internal messages shared between defense attorneys and Navy officials appear to indicate that he thought the chief sank his knife into the detainee’s torso — and the boy already had died.

So he stabbed a corpse.
His fellow seals think he's bad, and you think this is funny.

You are a sick little motherfucker aren't you.
Are you scared? You should be haha
Scared of what?
Bad ass American men
Badasses don't murder prisoners, Pigeon. That's a coward's move.

Somehow I'm not surprised you don't know the difference.
Depends on the circumstances and what those prisoners done before you got them. Gallagher murdered no one.

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