Eddie Gallagher is a Killing Machine! Turn the Jackals Loose Baby!

Wish I had a pic of Gallagher posing with a dead terrorist.

That would be so cool!


People do all kinds of weird shit in order to acclimate to the horror of war.

People who have never been there should STFU instead of slamming on successful warriors who manage to find a grip on their minds adaptation.
No, you should shut up. The guys on the interviews by the investigators ARE and WERE at war and KNOW what it is like on the battlefield, and they DO KNOW RIGHT, FROM WRONG.... unlike you, on this one.... :rolleyes:
Knowing right from wrong isn't a thing with CRC trumpanzees anymore....#Becauseitsacult.
BS.............it's what makes us lose Wars are get stuck there forever...............Our military isn't allowed to win them anymore.......only get stuck there forever while the Politicians sponsors make a killing in making the weapons to fight it with.......to a tune of 8 TRILLION over 18 years counting long term liabilities of the War.

They aren't in the Nose Bleed sections of the stadium........they are on the field..........do you need a tissue for that nose bleed.

Would another My Lai be appropriate in wars the US is involved in?

My Lai was a Sunday picnic compared to the civilians we incinerated in Dresden and Tokyo in WW2.

Of course, there were no snowflakes back then, and we knew how to win wars.

So, killing over five hundred unarmed women, children and old men is a picnic in your tiny mind.
Wow, You are really don't have an ounce of morals. Oh, that's right, you are a Little Trumpster. Enough said.

Don't give a fuck. They should have killed an even 1,000 of the gooks.

What a racist asshole. Human life doesn't matter to you. You seriously need help. The world would be a much better place if you were locked up in a padded cell for the rest of your miserable life.

Tough shit, asshole. There isn't anything you can do about anything, because you're nothing but a little impotent rat in a cage. You can't really change anything.

Now go stick your head in the toilet and give it a good flush.
His fellow seals think he's bad, and you think this is funny.

You are a sick little motherfucker aren't you.

His fellow Seals, in reality, are covering up their own shit!
It's commonly called CYA, bitchez!
Eddie Gallagher's fellow SEALs describe him as 'toxic,' 'evil' in new videos
He’s a whomping stomping ass romping motherfucker. Kill em all let God sort em out! Fuck this fighting savage sub-humans in Third World countries with one hand tied around your dick. All this liberal reform shit that pussified Obama started was PC coded as “professionalism.” Your an American fighting man...these people helped orchestrate 9-11. Let all their villages know what the Americans bring. Resistance is death.

If you've ever wanted to know why some people hate America and want to kill Americans, this is the reason why.
His fellow seals think he's bad, and you think this is funny.

You are a sick little motherfucker aren't you.
A couple of Seals think he is bad They are just jealous of his rank and his position he held. In a Court of Law those Seals were basically called liars by the Jury that acquitted Gallagher of all murder charges.

so you think behaving like third world subhuman savages is a good idea?

I'm sure that the children and grandchildren of the people we brutalize will forgive us and we'll never have to worry about them blowing up any buildings in New York City.
Eddie Gallagher's fellow SEALs describe him as 'toxic,' 'evil' in new videos
He’s a whomping stomping ass romping motherfucker. Kill em all let God sort em out! Fuck this fighting savage sub-humans in Third World countries with one hand tied around your dick. All this liberal reform shit that pussified Obama started was PC coded as “professionalism.” Your an American fighting man...these people helped orchestrate 9-11. Let all their villages know what the Americans bring. Resistance is death.

If you've ever wanted to know why some people hate America, this is the reason why.

Good for them. The more people that hate us means less of them will come here. Let them stay in their own little shithole countries.
Eddie Gallagher's fellow SEALs describe him as 'toxic,' 'evil' in new videos
He’s a whomping stomping ass romping motherfucker. Kill em all let God sort em out! Fuck this fighting savage sub-humans in Third World countries with one hand tied around your dick. All this liberal reform shit that pussified Obama started was PC coded as “professionalism.” Your an American fighting man...these people helped orchestrate 9-11. Let all their villages know what the Americans bring. Resistance is death.

If you've ever wanted to know why some people hate America, this is the reason why.

Good for them. The more people that hate us means less of them will come here. Let them stay in their own little shithole countries.

so that explains how you treat people from cities.....
Good for them. The more people that hate us means less of them will come here. Let them stay in their own little shithole countries.

And they will kill Americans outside and inside the country because of shit like this.

Then you will whine and complain about it, and wonder why. Because you're clueless.
Good for them. The more people that hate us means less of them will come here. Let them stay in their own little shithole countries.

And they will kill Americans outside and inside the country because of shit like this.

Then you will whine and complain about it, and wonder why. Because you're clueless.

They're gonna hate us anyway, might aw well give them a good reason. You can go be all Kumbaya with them, but don't expect me to.

It's not football but this is fitting.............our country sends our military there for almost 2 decades.........then gives them BS rules of engagement......and after they do multiple tours with their friends dying there.........They try to frag them for killing the dang enemy.

The guy that died.......was the enemy.........

Easy for those sitting in the NOSE BLEED SECTION to complain........because your ass wasn't on the line.........

Top it off......those in the unit were FNG's..........and they LIED about who the hell killed the guy......wasn't found out until the trial...........and the Court Martial then went OH SHIT we are charging the wrong guy.

You are being an idiot...And are clueless.

Rules of engagement, discipline, following rules and order and chain of command IS WHAT MAKES OUR MILITARY the greatest in the world.
BS.............it's what makes us lose Wars are get stuck there forever...............Our military isn't allowed to win them anymore.......only get stuck there forever while the Politicians sponsors make a killing in making the weapons to fight it with.......to a tune of 8 TRILLION over 18 years counting long term liabilities of the War.

They aren't in the Nose Bleed sections of the stadium........they are on the field..........do you need a tissue for that nose bleed.

Would another My Lai be appropriate in wars the US is involved in?
That comparison to this is a joke.

Considering that you seem to think our we can’t win by using valor and honor, you must be OK with war crimes.
No politician wrote the Navy Seal Creed. How many times have the Seals been defeated by fighting with valor and honor and stay true to their creed. They take pride and are loyal to the creed. Then along comes Gallagher and shames the creed.
Anybody think it’s OK to commit war crimes does not represent our country’s values.
Trump, who chose not to serve his country in the armed forces and is totally clueless about doing anything with honor should keep his ignorant fat ass out of our military and their rules of engagement. His ignorant decisions have been a liability to our country’s armed forces, from top to bottom.
You win wars by killing the enemy............after what ISIS did over there I could care less that this ISIS got killed.......They actually probably did him a favor.....whether you like it or not..........the Iraqis would have tortured him and then killed him.....

More than likely the Medic was right.........

Posing..........well that's BS, but I haven't done 8 tours over there either...............kinda changes the equation .........
Eddie Gallagher's fellow SEALs describe him as 'toxic,' 'evil' in new videos
He’s a whomping stomping ass romping motherfucker. Kill em all let God sort em out! Fuck this fighting savage sub-humans in Third World countries with one hand tied around your dick. All this liberal reform shit that pussified Obama started was PC coded as “professionalism.” Your an American fighting man...these people helped orchestrate 9-11. Let all their villages know what the Americans bring. Resistance is death.
So a 12 year old girl planned 9-11? You people are sick fucks.
His fellow seals think he's bad, and you think this is funny.

You are a sick little motherfucker aren't you.

His fellow Seals, in reality, are covering up their own shit!
It's commonly called CYA, bitchez!
I got news for ya kid, seals ain't as scummy, selfish, and dishonerable as you. Covering their asses isn't their top priority.
Eddie Gallagher's fellow SEALs describe him as 'toxic,' 'evil' in new videos
He’s a whomping stomping ass romping motherfucker. Kill em all let God sort em out! Fuck this fighting savage sub-humans in Third World countries with one hand tied around your dick. All this liberal reform shit that pussified Obama started was PC coded as “professionalism.” Your an American fighting man...these people helped orchestrate 9-11. Let all their villages know what the Americans bring. Resistance is death.
The only reason you freakish cultists even take your position is because the mentally ill President opened his mouth about it.
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Good for them. The more people that hate us means less of them will come here. Let them stay in their own little shithole countries.

And they will kill Americans outside and inside the country because of shit like this.

Then you will whine and complain about it, and wonder why. Because you're clueless.

They are welcome to step up and take their shots, dude.

No one has done it so far on my account.
The reason we fight..........

Infantry Heritage
Per FM 3-21.20 (The Infantry Battalion)

"The primary mission of the Infantry battalion is to close with the enemy by means of fire and maneuver. Its purpose is to destroy or capture him, to repel his assaults by fire, close combat, and counterattack, or all of these..." (para 1-1)

Infantry Heritage
So he's gonna be President Trump's bodyguard next time he gets stuck listening to invitees Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, and Waters. :D

That would be nice. Hope he poses with the bodies, and gets some good pictures.
Oh, I thought he'd be the one to escort the sorry so-n-soz to the slammer which every last one of them deserves a full life sentence, no visitors, no parole, isolation ad nauseum for what they did to President Trump, his family, and his staff. I can't believe none of them are incarcerated yet for lying to the press and pretending, pretending, pretending, and more pretending they knew nothing. And that yahoo who picked on Baron Trump for being named Baron, she deserves to be in a cell beneath the leaky sewer line. :eusa_whistle:
SEAL legend Kris Kyle who claimed 150 "kills" in Iraq was awarded a Silver Star and other commendations. There was never any question about the authorization for a single "kill" of alleged enemies who wore no uniforms and rightfully so. Navy SEAL Chief Ed Gallagher was court martialled for posing for a picture on a dead enemy. Apparently some sensitive SEALS under his command were offended by his aggressive attitude and unfairly accused him of war crimes. Instead of taking Chief Gallagher's side it seems that Hollywood goes overboard in justifying the SEALS who tried to put their commander in a federal prison because they were afraid of his aggressive leadership.
Good for them. The more people that hate us means less of them will come here. Let them stay in their own little shithole countries.

And they will kill Americans outside and inside the country because of shit like this.

Then you will whine and complain about it, and wonder why. Because you're clueless.
The only reason they know about it is because this fighting man was betrayed by the Democrat party to the mercy of a merciless press. I don't trust the Democrats anymore.

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