Educated white women were already recoiling from Trump. Then came Kavanaugh.

Trump's now in politics, and still has been too stupid to learn to be a political professional.

He's actually a crazy candidate, I don't know why Republicans don't look for more professional candidates.

This guy has played his cards into the hands of Democrats, by turning off Women, turning off Poles, turning off Educated people, and so forth.

He's been a disaster for Republicans.

“Educated people” must mean those who only consume news that justifies their beliefs, but there is nothing smart about that.

Trump supported Commie massacres by China in Tiananmen Square, as a good thing for government force.

Trump defends comments on Tiananmen Square, Putin

How can anyone support that?
Haha, no, just no Trump's a flake.

He appeals to White trash, only.
PROVE it’s ONLY “white trash” who like Trump. And when I say “prove” I don’t mean give me your worthless opinion.

Who other than White trash, would be turned on by Trump's rude, crude, in your face obnoxious big mouth, and constant insults, and flames?

Anyone who's just clinging onto Trump because of his agenda, isn't much better.

Let's see....

There's still millions of illegals, still abortion, still Gay marriage, still Muslim refugees.

What did Trump even achieve, other than character assassinate the Republicans, or alienate the World against America, because of his big mouth, and Zionist idiocy?

Trump's become a disaster, I long kept shut, but he's way too much, and this has gone wrong far too long.

Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. Is this the part where I nod my head and say, “whatever you say”?

You and I are so far off from our understanding of current events there’s really no reason to continue this discussion. How the fuck is Trump supposed to get EVERYTHING done when he’s constantly attacked and Congress is completely useless? Seriously how?

Do you want him to executive order everything and fulfill the fear he’s a dictator by those too stupid to understand a US president CANNOT be a dictator? It’s obvious you’re not looking at the whole picture. Trump’s not perfect and I do NOT blindly follow him. Basically everything you think you know about me is wrong.

Hey, the Fascists got it right, on Capitalism, Communism, and Jews.

It's not my fault that dumb f*cking Republicans chose anti-Fascism, Capitalism, and ZIonism.

You did everything wrong, and continue to do so, because you're a Capitalist party of Individualist Liberals.

The damage has already been done, the Americans will cease to exist, because they're inferior.
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LOL all fucking day long. If only the doofus who wrote this knew anything about anything. I’m very educated. I’m white... I guess the author doesn’t include the ability to use logic and common sense among his criteria. He does, I’m sure, include the need for rampant confirmation bias otherwise he couldn’t have written this article.

Fake news, folks. And there are plenty of educated white women to prove this idiot wrong.

Trump and Kavanaugh could spark a turning point election among educated white women. - CNNPolitics

ETA the title of the thread was the exact headline I received via news alerts on my phone

You're educated, but not in math apparently.
LOL all fucking day long. If only the doofus who wrote this knew anything about anything. I’m very educated. I’m white... I guess the author doesn’t include the ability to use logic and common sense among his criteria. He does, I’m sure, include the need for rampant confirmation bias otherwise he couldn’t have written this article.

Fake news, folks. And there are plenty of educated white women to prove this idiot wrong.

Trump and Kavanaugh could spark a turning point election among educated white women. - CNNPolitics

ETA the title of the thread was the exact headline I received via news alerts on my phone

Or the author doesn't use you as a polling sample of one.

What you're doing is called 'Argument By Anecdote'. Its a classic fallacy of logic as it doesn't give good results.
Every woman should recoil from the likes of Trump.

SUre. IF you believe lib lies.

what lies? The two white-trash whores who now lead the executive branch have a record, a known record, of hating women, as well as hating other Americans. Defend them, why don't you? What have these whores been accused of that they did not, actually, do? We know what the orange whore did and the sex-freak cult boy from Indiana personally drove over to Congress to try and destroy a non-profit that helps millions of women, and this is on video. Do you actually expect normal people to support this??? Are you nuts?
LOL all fucking day long. If only the doofus who wrote this knew anything about anything. I’m very educated. I’m white... I guess the author doesn’t include the ability to use logic and common sense among his criteria. He does, I’m sure, include the need for rampant confirmation bias otherwise he couldn’t have written this article.

Fake news, folks. And there are plenty of educated white women to prove this idiot wrong.

Trump and Kavanaugh could spark a turning point election among educated white women. - CNNPolitics

ETA the title of the thread was the exact headline I received via news alerts on my phone

The maj of us educated white women.

Not in "flyover country" or Middle America or most of the South. Educated women there are deplorables, and damned disgusted with the charade.
Every woman should recoil from the likes of Trump.

SUre. IF you believe lib lies.

what lies? The two white-trash whores who now lead the executive branch have a record, a known record, of hating women, as well as hating other Americans. Defend them, why don't you? What have these whores been accused of that they did not, actually, do? We know what the orange whore did and the sex-freak cult boy from Indiana personally drove over to Congress to try and destroy a non-profit that helps millions of women, and this is on video. Do you actually expect normal people to support this??? Are you nuts?

The lies about the access tapes are a big one. Libs like to repeat over and over again that Trump admitted to sexual assault, when he did not such thing.

Libs are vile, filthy liars like that. Scum of the earth really.
Most Republicans must be really slow, sluggish, and sleepy, they always kvetch about Illegals, and Muslim refugees, and when Republicans, or Democrats bring in, or appease these Multicultural groups , they hardly ever, if at all ever march on the streets to protest, like Poland had up to 100,000 strong marching against Muslim refugees.

Why do they never hold their own leadership accountable, or Democrats much either?

No instead, they blindly loved Reagan, they blindly loved two Bushes' amd blindly love Trumpkins, no matter how many of these problems they import into our country.

Note that Trump didn't do anything but PAUSE talks on DACA.

What does that tell you stupid f*cks?
Every woman should recoil from the likes of Trump.

SUre. IF you believe lib lies.

what lies? The two white-trash whores who now lead the executive branch have a record, a known record, of hating women, as well as hating other Americans. Defend them, why don't you? What have these whores been accused of that they did not, actually, do? We know what the orange whore did and the sex-freak cult boy from Indiana personally drove over to Congress to try and destroy a non-profit that helps millions of women, and this is on video. Do you actually expect normal people to support this??? Are you nuts?

The lies about the access tapes are a big one. Libs like to repeat over and over again that Trump admitted to sexual assault, when he did not such thing.

Libs are vile, filthy liars like that. Scum of the earth really.

The orange whore did admit to sexual assault. It came out of his own mouth, not to mention the lawsuits filed against him, and the testimony of people like Stormy Daniels about what he did when he was supposed to be a loving and responsible husband and father. The orange whore has been a slut all of his life, and he has never denied it. What this sex-pig pence is on video.

But this begs the questions concerning this Kavanaugh. You idiots sit around bitching that "educated white women" don't support your policies, but you never, ever explain why we should. Why should this right-wing male crap appeal to us? Moreover, I think that this Kavanaugh is a roaring liar.
LOL all fucking day long. If only the doofus who wrote this knew anything about anything. I’m very educated. I’m white... I guess the author doesn’t include the ability to use logic and common sense among his criteria. He does, I’m sure, include the need for rampant confirmation bias otherwise he couldn’t have written this article.

Fake news, folks. And there are plenty of educated white women to prove this idiot wrong.

Trump and Kavanaugh could spark a turning point election among educated white women. - CNNPolitics

ETA the title of the thread was the exact headline I received via news alerts on my phone

And after talking to the FBI......the 4 witnesses named specifically by Ford....all re state they don't know nuthin bout no party......nowhere......

Three Witnesses Interviewed By FBI In Kavanaugh Probe Don’t Remember The Party In Ford’s Testimony
Every woman should recoil from the likes of Trump.

SUre. IF you believe lib lies.

what lies? The two white-trash whores who now lead the executive branch have a record, a known record, of hating women, as well as hating other Americans. Defend them, why don't you? What have these whores been accused of that they did not, actually, do? We know what the orange whore did and the sex-freak cult boy from Indiana personally drove over to Congress to try and destroy a non-profit that helps millions of women, and this is on video. Do you actually expect normal people to support this??? Are you nuts?

The lies about the access tapes are a big one. Libs like to repeat over and over again that Trump admitted to sexual assault, when he did not such thing.

Libs are vile, filthy liars like that. Scum of the earth really.

The orange whore did admit to sexual assault. It came out of his own mouth,.....

Your pretense that you are too stupid to know the meaning of the word, "let" is dismissed.
Every woman should recoil from the likes of Trump.

SUre. IF you believe lib lies.

what lies? The two white-trash whores who now lead the executive branch have a record, a known record, of hating women, as well as hating other Americans. Defend them, why don't you? What have these whores been accused of that they did not, actually, do? We know what the orange whore did and the sex-freak cult boy from Indiana personally drove over to Congress to try and destroy a non-profit that helps millions of women, and this is on video. Do you actually expect normal people to support this??? Are you nuts?

The lies about the access tapes are a big one. Libs like to repeat over and over again that Trump admitted to sexual assault, when he did not such thing.

Libs are vile, filthy liars like that. Scum of the earth really.

The orange whore did admit to sexual assault. It came out of his own mouth,.....

Your pretense that you are too stupid to know the meaning of the word, "let" is dismissed.

So I take it that you cannot explain your lovers' actions. Got it. Come on. Where is the explanation for your lovers' actions and the logic thereof? Work at it.
SUre. IF you believe lib lies.

what lies? The two white-trash whores who now lead the executive branch have a record, a known record, of hating women, as well as hating other Americans. Defend them, why don't you? What have these whores been accused of that they did not, actually, do? We know what the orange whore did and the sex-freak cult boy from Indiana personally drove over to Congress to try and destroy a non-profit that helps millions of women, and this is on video. Do you actually expect normal people to support this??? Are you nuts?

The lies about the access tapes are a big one. Libs like to repeat over and over again that Trump admitted to sexual assault, when he did not such thing.

Libs are vile, filthy liars like that. Scum of the earth really.

The orange whore did admit to sexual assault. It came out of his own mouth,.....

Your pretense that you are too stupid to know the meaning of the word, "let" is dismissed.

So I take it that you cannot explain your lovers' actions. Got it. Come on. Where is the explanation for your lovers' actions and the logic thereof? Work at it.

HIs use of the word "let" means "CONSENT".

That makes the media's take in it, a bunch of vile lies, told by soulless lying assholes.
Every woman should recoil from the likes of Trump.

SUre. IF you believe lib lies.

what lies? The two white-trash whores who now lead the executive branch have a record, a known record, of hating women, as well as hating other Americans. Defend them, why don't you? What have these whores been accused of that they did not, actually, do? We know what the orange whore did and the sex-freak cult boy from Indiana personally drove over to Congress to try and destroy a non-profit that helps millions of women, and this is on video. Do you actually expect normal people to support this??? Are you nuts?
I'm guessing PMS.
Every woman should recoil from the likes of Trump.

SUre. IF you believe lib lies.

what lies? The two white-trash whores who now lead the executive branch have a record, a known record, of hating women, as well as hating other Americans. Defend them, why don't you? What have these whores been accused of that they did not, actually, do? We know what the orange whore did and the sex-freak cult boy from Indiana personally drove over to Congress to try and destroy a non-profit that helps millions of women, and this is on video. Do you actually expect normal people to support this??? Are you nuts?
I'm guessing PMS.

You just proved my point. You wackos provide no substance to back up your assertions. You just refuse to answer questions and refuse to take responsibility for what you do. Newsflash! Other people are not a joke. Being dismissive gets you no where except to the kiddie table. Try growing up and facing your colleagues.
Every woman should recoil from the likes of Trump.

SUre. IF you believe lib lies.

what lies? The two white-trash whores who now lead the executive branch have a record, a known record, of hating women, as well as hating other Americans. Defend them, why don't you? What have these whores been accused of that they did not, actually, do? We know what the orange whore did and the sex-freak cult boy from Indiana personally drove over to Congress to try and destroy a non-profit that helps millions of women, and this is on video. Do you actually expect normal people to support this??? Are you nuts?
I'm guessing PMS.

You just proved my point. You wackos provide no substance to back up your assertions. You just refuse to answer questions and refuse to take responsibility for what you do. Newsflash! Other people are not a joke. Being dismissive gets you no where except to the kiddie table. Try growing up and facing your colleagues.
Toxic shock?
Every woman should recoil from the likes of Trump.

SUre. IF you believe lib lies.

what lies? The two white-trash whores who now lead the executive branch have a record, a known record, of hating women, as well as hating other Americans. Defend them, why don't you? What have these whores been accused of that they did not, actually, do? We know what the orange whore did and the sex-freak cult boy from Indiana personally drove over to Congress to try and destroy a non-profit that helps millions of women, and this is on video. Do you actually expect normal people to support this??? Are you nuts?
I'm guessing PMS.

You just proved my point. You wackos provide no substance to back up your assertions. You just refuse to answer questions and refuse to take responsibility for what you do. Newsflash! Other people are not a joke. Being dismissive gets you no where except to the kiddie table. Try growing up and facing your colleagues.
Toxic shock?

What grade are you in? Do your parents know that you are on the computer?

You cannot speak as a grown man in society, so why do you expect that people are going to vote for the idiots that you worship? Your comments suggest that you are one of those white guys who just can't handle living in society, much less leading it. You have to grow up sometime and address your colleagues seriously.
SUre. IF you believe lib lies.

what lies? The two white-trash whores who now lead the executive branch have a record, a known record, of hating women, as well as hating other Americans. Defend them, why don't you? What have these whores been accused of that they did not, actually, do? We know what the orange whore did and the sex-freak cult boy from Indiana personally drove over to Congress to try and destroy a non-profit that helps millions of women, and this is on video. Do you actually expect normal people to support this??? Are you nuts?
I'm guessing PMS.

You just proved my point. You wackos provide no substance to back up your assertions. You just refuse to answer questions and refuse to take responsibility for what you do. Newsflash! Other people are not a joke. Being dismissive gets you no where except to the kiddie table. Try growing up and facing your colleagues.
Toxic shock?

What grade are you in? Do your parents know that you are on the computer?

You cannot speak as a grown man in society, so why do you expect that people are going to vote for the idiots that you worship? Your comments suggest that you are one of those white guys who just can't handle living in society, much less leading it. You have to grow up sometime and address your colleagues seriously.
Oh, I see. So it's old-fashioned butt hurt after all.
Every woman should recoil from the likes of Trump.

SUre. IF you believe lib lies.

what lies? The two white-trash whores who now lead the executive branch have a record, a known record, of hating women, as well as hating other Americans. Defend them, why don't you? What have these whores been accused of that they did not, actually, do? We know what the orange whore did and the sex-freak cult boy from Indiana personally drove over to Congress to try and destroy a non-profit that helps millions of women, and this is on video. Do you actually expect normal people to support this??? Are you nuts?
I'm guessing PMS.

Do you know why they call it PMS?

Mad cow disease was already taken.
SUre. IF you believe lib lies.

what lies? The two white-trash whores who now lead the executive branch have a record, a known record, of hating women, as well as hating other Americans. Defend them, why don't you? What have these whores been accused of that they did not, actually, do? We know what the orange whore did and the sex-freak cult boy from Indiana personally drove over to Congress to try and destroy a non-profit that helps millions of women, and this is on video. Do you actually expect normal people to support this??? Are you nuts?
I'm guessing PMS.

You just proved my point. You wackos provide no substance to back up your assertions. You just refuse to answer questions and refuse to take responsibility for what you do. Newsflash! Other people are not a joke. Being dismissive gets you no where except to the kiddie table. Try growing up and facing your colleagues.
Toxic shock?

What grade are you in? Do your parents know that you are on the computer?

You cannot speak as a grown man in society, so why do you expect that people are going to vote for the idiots that you worship? Your comments suggest that you are one of those white guys who just can't handle living in society, much less leading it. You have to grow up sometime and address your colleagues seriously.

He is treating you like you deserves, you racist ass.

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