Educated white women were already recoiling from Trump. Then came Kavanaugh.

Every woman should recoil from the likes of Trump.

SUre. IF you believe lib lies.

what lies? The two white-trash whores who now lead the executive branch have a record, a known record, of hating women, as well as hating other Americans. Defend them, why don't you? What have these whores been accused of that they did not, actually, do? We know what the orange whore did and the sex-freak cult boy from Indiana personally drove over to Congress to try and destroy a non-profit that helps millions of women, and this is on video. Do you actually expect normal people to support this??? Are you nuts?
I'm guessing PMS.

You just proved my point. You wackos provide no substance to back up your assertions. You just refuse to answer questions and refuse to take responsibility for what you do. Newsflash! Other people are not a joke. Being dismissive gets you no where except to the kiddie table. Try growing up and facing your colleagues.

Stop trying to pretend that YOUR brand of blinkered partisanship is any more legitimate than another, hypocrite.
SUre. IF you believe lib lies.

what lies? The two white-trash whores who now lead the executive branch have a record, a known record, of hating women, as well as hating other Americans. Defend them, why don't you? What have these whores been accused of that they did not, actually, do? We know what the orange whore did and the sex-freak cult boy from Indiana personally drove over to Congress to try and destroy a non-profit that helps millions of women, and this is on video. Do you actually expect normal people to support this??? Are you nuts?
I'm guessing PMS.

You just proved my point. You wackos provide no substance to back up your assertions. You just refuse to answer questions and refuse to take responsibility for what you do. Newsflash! Other people are not a joke. Being dismissive gets you no where except to the kiddie table. Try growing up and facing your colleagues.
Toxic shock?

What grade are you in? Do your parents know that you are on the computer?

You cannot speak as a grown man in society, so why do you expect that people are going to vote for the idiots that you worship? Your comments suggest that you are one of those white guys who just can't handle living in society, much less leading it. You have to grow up sometime and address your colleagues seriously.

what lies? The two white-trash whores who now lead the executive branch have a record, a known record, of hating women, as well as hating other Americans. Defend them, why don't you? What have these whores been accused of that they did not, actually, do? We know what the orange whore did and the sex-freak cult boy from Indiana personally drove over to Congress to try and destroy a non-profit that helps millions of women, and this is on video. Do you actually expect normal people to support this??? Are you nuts?
I'm guessing PMS.

You just proved my point. You wackos provide no substance to back up your assertions. You just refuse to answer questions and refuse to take responsibility for what you do. Newsflash! Other people are not a joke. Being dismissive gets you no where except to the kiddie table. Try growing up and facing your colleagues.
Toxic shock?

What grade are you in? Do your parents know that you are on the computer?

You cannot speak as a grown man in society, so why do you expect that people are going to vote for the idiots that you worship? Your comments suggest that you are one of those white guys who just can't handle living in society, much less leading it. You have to grow up sometime and address your colleagues seriously.


How so? These guys repeatedly have refused to engage with their colleagues and with the rest of society. No substance there. Nobody cares that this specific group of white guys (not all white guys) are "angry." We all are. They never explain what makes them so special.
I'm guessing PMS.

You just proved my point. You wackos provide no substance to back up your assertions. You just refuse to answer questions and refuse to take responsibility for what you do. Newsflash! Other people are not a joke. Being dismissive gets you no where except to the kiddie table. Try growing up and facing your colleagues.
Toxic shock?

What grade are you in? Do your parents know that you are on the computer?

You cannot speak as a grown man in society, so why do you expect that people are going to vote for the idiots that you worship? Your comments suggest that you are one of those white guys who just can't handle living in society, much less leading it. You have to grow up sometime and address your colleagues seriously.


How so? These guys repeatedly have refused to engage with their colleagues and with the rest of society. No substance there. Nobody cares that this specific group of white guys (not all white guys) are "angry." We all are. They never explain what makes them so special.

You’re doing everything you are accusing others of, hypocrite.
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. Is this the part where I nod my head and say, “whatever you say”?

You and I are so far off from our understanding of current events there’s really no reason to continue this discussion. How the fuck is Trump supposed to get EVERYTHING done when he’s constantly attacked and Congress is completely useless? Seriously how?

Do you want him to executive order everything and fulfill the fear he’s a dictator by those too stupid to understand a US president CANNOT be a dictator? It’s obvious you’re not looking at the whole picture. Trump’s not perfect and I do NOT blindly follow him. Basically everything you think you know about me is wrong.
But isn't that EXACTLY what the Republicans just did to President Barrack Hussein Obama for 8 straight years?

Deflection. The Republicans are useless to everyone.
You just proved my point. You wackos provide no substance to back up your assertions. You just refuse to answer questions and refuse to take responsibility for what you do. Newsflash! Other people are not a joke. Being dismissive gets you no where except to the kiddie table. Try growing up and facing your colleagues.
Toxic shock?

What grade are you in? Do your parents know that you are on the computer?

You cannot speak as a grown man in society, so why do you expect that people are going to vote for the idiots that you worship? Your comments suggest that you are one of those white guys who just can't handle living in society, much less leading it. You have to grow up sometime and address your colleagues seriously.


How so? These guys repeatedly have refused to engage with their colleagues and with the rest of society. No substance there. Nobody cares that this specific group of white guys (not all white guys) are "angry." We all are. They never explain what makes them so special.

You’re doing everything you are accusing others of, hypocrite.

The hardcore Trump haters are GREAT at that.
The orange whore did admit to sexual assault.

Who did he admit to sexually assaulting? He must have given a name? A date? A location?

Howard Stern show recordings, first of all. Lawsuits against him. Bragging about walking into the dressing rooms of contestants in his pageants. Why do you like your dirty slut? Not all men have this dirty history. He does.
Every woman should recoil from the likes of Trump.

SUre. IF you believe lib lies.

what lies? The two white-trash whores who now lead the executive branch have a record, a known record, of hating women, as well as hating other Americans. Defend them, why don't you? What have these whores been accused of that they did not, actually, do? We know what the orange whore did and the sex-freak cult boy from Indiana personally drove over to Congress to try and destroy a non-profit that helps millions of women, and this is on video. Do you actually expect normal people to support this??? Are you nuts?
I'm guessing PMS.

You just proved my point. You wackos provide no substance to back up your assertions. You just refuse to answer questions and refuse to take responsibility for what you do. Newsflash! Other people are not a joke. Being dismissive gets you no where except to the kiddie table. Try growing up and facing your colleagues.

Stop trying to pretend that YOUR brand of blinkered partisanship is any more legitimate than another, hypocrite.

When have you morons ever offered a decent explanation for what your gods are doing? Links and footnotes, please. What about that bitch at HHS claiming that medical birth control doesn't work? What about sending some stupid cult slut (jeffress) who was going around saying the Islam isn't a religion to open the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem. What about that betsy bitch over at the education department who wants to steal our taxpayers' money to fund her cult-indoctrination centers that target U.S. youth. You can start offering your excuse here.
I D I O T = DEMOCRAT = PROGRESSIVE= SOCIALIST = FASCIST = STALIN , MUSSOLINI, PINOCHET, HITLER need I go on. BAD then Still bad now , Democracy would be much safer without the Democratic Party as it looks today. wake up and get your nose out of Nancy's anus
SUre. IF you believe lib lies.

what lies? The two white-trash whores who now lead the executive branch have a record, a known record, of hating women, as well as hating other Americans. Defend them, why don't you? What have these whores been accused of that they did not, actually, do? We know what the orange whore did and the sex-freak cult boy from Indiana personally drove over to Congress to try and destroy a non-profit that helps millions of women, and this is on video. Do you actually expect normal people to support this??? Are you nuts?
I'm guessing PMS.

You just proved my point. You wackos provide no substance to back up your assertions. You just refuse to answer questions and refuse to take responsibility for what you do. Newsflash! Other people are not a joke. Being dismissive gets you no where except to the kiddie table. Try growing up and facing your colleagues.

Stop trying to pretend that YOUR brand of blinkered partisanship is any more legitimate than another, hypocrite.

When have you morons ever offered a decent explanation for what your gods are doing? Links and footnotes, please. What about that bitch at HHS claiming that medical birth control doesn't work? What about sending some stupid cult slut (jeffress) who was going around saying the Islam isn't a religion to open the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem. What about that betsy bitch over at the education department who wants to steal our taxpayers' money to fund her cult-indoctrination centers that target U.S. youth. You can start offering your excuse here.
He is literally killing you with stress.
Trump's gone off the rails long ago, he's helped Democrats, more than anybody else could.

Trump's gone off the rails? Haven't you Tards been saying that since 2015 when you laughed him off?

And yes, he's helped the Democrats more than anyone else could. Before, they were in control of the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court AND the White House! With Trump's help, they have now lost control of ALL of them! :auiqs.jpg:

I hate Democrats, and I hate Republicans.

Americans are such inferior peoples.

You're like major retardos, you root for your Politicians like sports teams, and do so no matter how retarded, or how much they lose.

I've never seen such idiots in my life, and it's only getting worse.

Ok You obviously hate America GO back to your mud hut and say these things about the Govt there. You wont see the light of day for a very long time. And they don't let you vote or talk down your Govt. Good luck and won't see ya later
LOL all fucking day long. If only the doofus who wrote this knew anything about anything. I’m very educated. I’m white... I guess the author doesn’t include the ability to use logic and common sense among his criteria. He does, I’m sure, include the need for rampant confirmation bias otherwise he couldn’t have written this article.

Fake news, folks. And there are plenty of educated white women to prove this idiot wrong.

Trump and Kavanaugh could spark a turning point election among educated white women. - CNNPolitics

ETA the title of the thread was the exact headline I received via news alerts on my phone
Swallow Your Pride and You Will Choke Your Talent. The Rest Had No Talent to Proud Of.

The 6th-Grader grammar of college graduates proves (they would say "prove") that this unpaid education dumbs down even those who were smart before they submitted themselves to such humiliating indentured servitude. Believing that you deserve a good job just because you can go four or more years without a job is the ultimate is stupidity and slavishness.
#1) No...he was bragging about women liking him. No women I know were turned off by it. They laughed it off

#2) He supported Luther not Roy. You're dumb.

#3) FAKE NEWS. Just not true.

#4) Irrelevant. Polish supporters? You're in NY, he'll never get that state to go Red anyway.

#5) LMAO. What??!?!?!?!?!?!?! Economy is the biggest predictor not some whacky Polish vote.

#1.) That's not how professional politicians behave, many of Trump's comments just appeal to White trash males, and no one else, especially a lot of Women are infact turned off.

#2.) Uh, yeah.
President Donald Trump endorses accused child molester Roy Moore

#3.) ISIS were Sunnis who were against Shiites like Iran.

#4.) Poles were among the biggest voters for Trump, I don't think he'll get them again.
A.) A lot of Polish Americans aren't going to like having Poland pay Jews compensations.
B.) Even years back Polish Americans were pretty evenly divided on Israel vs Palestine accoring to poll data compiled by the Piast Institute.
So, none of Trump's mega-Zionism is going to appeal lto Polish-Americans, it just appeals to Bible Belt White trash, and Zionist Jews.

#5.) Polish Americans went big for Trump, according to the data we have, I don't think this will happen again.

#1) That tape was out before the election and he still won. Nothing burger. You sound like HRC. Why not call them depolorables. If you left your mom's basement you'd be shocked who else supports Trump. You calling me a white trash male? You saying 63million white trash males voted for him? LOL.

#2) AFTER Moore won. What choice did he have?

#3) ISIS are radicals who behead people. Not "were" but "are". Most Muslims are Sunnis

#4) Don't care

#5) Don't care

#6) You also said only white trash males voted for're not credible. Like Dr. Ford.

My area is Republican, and had voted for Trump.

A lot of people who previously voted for Trump, bragged about Trump, don't any-longer.

Considering my region is culturally like rural Pennsylvania, or rural Wisconsin, or rural Ohio, rather than NYC.

I say good-riddance.

Republicans aren't going to get Whites in the more educated parts of America, even parts who voted for them before hand.

Time will tell. Your state voted BLUE! As did mine. Irrelevant. Did you vote for Trump?

I didn't vote last time, but if I had it would've been for Trump, not by a lot, but by a little.

I prob won't vote this time, either, but it I had it would probably be against Trump, not by a lot, but by a little.
That is unless anti-ICE fruit-loops Elizabeth Warren is the Democratic candidate, or someone worse. (If possible)

Personally I'm tired of Zionist shills, and sh(ts like Trump, Bolton, Haley, and Pompeo.

Trump's been hot-air on Illegals, and Refugees, so F him.

He has no values, except to big mouthed White trash, and Zionists.
Trump's gone off the rails long ago, he's helped Democrats, more than anybody else could.

Trump's gone off the rails? Haven't you Tards been saying that since 2015 when you laughed him off?

And yes, he's helped the Democrats more than anyone else could. Before, they were in control of the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court AND the White House! With Trump's help, they have now lost control of ALL of them! :auiqs.jpg:

I hate Democrats, and I hate Republicans.

Americans are such inferior peoples.

You're like major retardos, you root for your Politicians like sports teams, and do so no matter how retarded, or how much they lose.

I've never seen such idiots in my life, and it's only getting worse.

Ok You obviously hate America GO back to your mud hut and say these things about the Govt there. You wont see the light of day for a very long time. And they don't let you vote or talk down your Govt. Good luck and won't see ya later

I support the Founding Fathers more than most Americans.

Consider that they the Founding Fathers were White supremacists, for corporate regulation, and military isolationalism.

The modern American has basically nothing to do with them.
SUre. IF you believe lib lies.

what lies? The two white-trash whores who now lead the executive branch have a record, a known record, of hating women, as well as hating other Americans. Defend them, why don't you? What have these whores been accused of that they did not, actually, do? We know what the orange whore did and the sex-freak cult boy from Indiana personally drove over to Congress to try and destroy a non-profit that helps millions of women, and this is on video. Do you actually expect normal people to support this??? Are you nuts?
I'm guessing PMS.

You just proved my point. You wackos provide no substance to back up your assertions. You just refuse to answer questions and refuse to take responsibility for what you do. Newsflash! Other people are not a joke. Being dismissive gets you no where except to the kiddie table. Try growing up and facing your colleagues.

Stop trying to pretend that YOUR brand of blinkered partisanship is any more legitimate than another, hypocrite.

When have you morons ever offered a decent explanation for what your gods are doing? Links and footnotes, please. What about that bitch at HHS claiming that medical birth control doesn't work? What about sending some stupid cult slut (jeffress) who was going around saying the Islam isn't a religion to open the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem. What about that betsy bitch over at the education department who wants to steal our taxpayers' money to fund her cult-indoctrination centers that target U.S. youth. You can start offering your excuse here.

What the hell are you talking about, cults and gods and whatnot? You sound like a mental patient. You make these bizarre extremist oddball comments you throw around insults as quickly as anyone else and then you whine and bitch like a little girl about how everyone is not being nice to you. You’re a fucking hypocrite. grow a pair grow up yourself.
LOL all fucking day long. If only the doofus who wrote this knew anything about anything. I’m very educated. I’m white... I guess the author doesn’t include the ability to use logic and common sense among his criteria. He does, I’m sure, include the need for rampant confirmation bias otherwise he couldn’t have written this article.

Fake news, folks. And there are plenty of educated white women to prove this idiot wrong.

Trump and Kavanaugh could spark a turning point election among educated white women. - CNNPolitics

ETA the title of the thread was the exact headline I received via news alerts on my phone
Swallow Your Pride and You Will Choke Your Talent. The Rest Had No Talent to Proud Of.

The 6th-Grader grammar of college graduates proves (they would say "prove") that this unpaid education dumbs down even those who were smart before they submitted themselves to such humiliating indentured servitude. Believing that you deserve a good job just because you can go four or more years without a job is the ultimate is stupidity and slavishness.

The same fucking idiotic spam over and over and over and over again. Go take out a loan and buy a new idea.
Trump's gone off the rails long ago, he's helped Democrats, more than anybody else could.

Trump's gone off the rails? Haven't you Tards been saying that since 2015 when you laughed him off?

And yes, he's helped the Democrats more than anyone else could. Before, they were in control of the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court AND the White House! With Trump's help, they have now lost control of ALL of them! :auiqs.jpg:

I hate Democrats, and I hate Republicans.

Americans are such inferior peoples.

You're like major retardos, you root for your Politicians like sports teams, and do so no matter how retarded, or how much they lose.

I've never seen such idiots in my life, and it's only getting worse.

Ok You obviously hate America GO back to your mud hut and say these things about the Govt there. You wont see the light of day for a very long time. And they don't let you vote or talk down your Govt. Good luck and won't see ya later

I support the Founding Fathers more than most Americans.

Consider that they the Founding Fathers were White supremacists, for corporate regulation, and military isolationalism.

The modern American has basically nothing to do with them.

I read a post from you about Polish Americans. Poland was Invaded and overrun in like two weeks . They had a million Hand grenades that they threw at the German invaders The Germans Simply pulled the pins and threw them Back, Get the picture

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