Education's Greatest Crime!

The worst thing in my opinion is schools from kindergarten on want young boys to act like little girls. Boy's are different than girls. It's in their dna to rough house, push and shove, just run into people. It's normal. In schools these become behavioral problems to be dealt with by using Ritalin or other drugs. I think boy's should be taught by men who understand boys and not by women who think everyone should sit in a circle and express their feelings. Boy's and men don't act like girls and women and shouldn't be taught that their natural behavior is wrong. This could be part of the reason so many young men drop out of school. They are being disciplined for behavior that is normal to them. Dodge ball is bad, football is dangerous, playing cops and robbers or soldier is bad. They are not being allowed to be little boys and are expected to act like little girls because their female teachers don't know what is normal for little boys. I want to thank "Fred on Everything" For articles he has done for actually opening my eyes to the problem with our educational system. I knew there was a problem but I needed his help to identify it.
I really don't think PC has a clue as to what actually goes on in higher ed. I have a daughter studying, broadly, "public policy" in a well ranked private liberal arts college. If she denied there was an underclass that needed a helping hand, she'd do poorly, because there literally is a right and wrong answer. The question is what is an appropriate helping hand. It is acceptable to reason that perhaps our welfare system is actually a detriment. It's not ok to say society would be better if we "let nature take its course." Victorian England was not a good place.

Similarly, there was recently the discussions of the ACA in law schools. The consensus was that regardless of the policy, the law was constitutional both under the commerce clause and the taxing power. Further, despite cries of the luntatic fringe, while the law may bankrupt the nation, it simply doesn't present the constitutional challanges of either civil rights or the Nixon impeachment proceedings. It's just not a close call as to congressional power. If a law student doesn't get that, he/she gets a bad grade because, again, there Is a right and wrong answer.

And simply shouting that there's a leftwing bias in education doesn't alter the reality. People may want to alter reality, but that doesn't mean they get the power to do so. If you don't get the right answere when there objectively is one, you should be denied reward. And of course, academia had more than it's fair share in the liberal spectrum. But that doesn't mean more conservative students are discriminated against. In fact, my experience is sort of the opposite. They challange educators, and educators reward a well mannered, reasoned challange.

You could have ended your post after the first four word.

Now....from Dennis Prager's "Still The Best Hope," chapter two.

" Leftism is so pervasive, that if applied to any other way of looking at life, it would be widely recognized as a form of brainwashing!

Image a person who attended only fundamental Christian schools from preschool through graduate school, who never saw a secular, let alone anti-Christian, film, and who only read religious books. Most would say that they had been ‘brainwashed.” Yet, we regularly find individuals who only attended secular liberal schools from preschool through college, watched or listened to only Left-of-center television, movies, music, and had essentially no exposure to religious or conservative ideas. Brainwashed?

Of course not! Liberals are open-minded!!! The irony here is that the denial itself shows how very effective the brainwashing has been.

Now, Christians or Jews who have rarely been exposed to secular ideas and values would readily acknowledge same. It is only those on the Left who fool themselves into believing that they have been exposed to all points of view.

. Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians."
Question for the author of this thread:

Why do you never object to schools like Oral Roberts University, or Bob Jones, or Regent University, or Liberty University?

They are at least as biased to the right as any schools are biased to the left.

Isn't your selective objection to bias, i.e., only if it's leftward bias, a bias itself?

Shouldn't you clean up your own bias before you start attacking others for what you claim is theirs?

I bet the ones you name would be pleased that you put them in the same category as Columbia University.

Now...the usual lesson you require in the English language:
"bias" would refer to you.

"informed" would be moi.
None of which really matters. Your goal is to get the sheepskin so you can either go to grad school or get a job. So you do what you have to do to check the boxes and get done. If it means sitting in a room and listening to a professor drone on and on about nothing you care about, so be it. If it means listening to a professor come up with an interpretation you think is nonsense, then you do that and put it back on paper to get the grade so you can graduate with a high GPA.

It sucks, but that's just how it goes.
1. If Columbia is such a horrible university, why did you choose to go there?

2. Does going to Columbia explain why are you are such a terrible debater, or was that something that even a great university like Columbia couldn't fix,

given the raw materials it had to work with?

1. Where did I say Columbia was 'horrible'?

It suffers as do all our universities...from a horrible disease...a Liberal infestation.

2. " Does going to Columbia explain why are you are such a terrible debater,"
Based on your unbroken record of statement can only be viewed as the reverse....and a compliment to me.

3. At the very least, you should be thanking me for providing the majority of your education.
The fact that you ignore same is a reflection on your character.

Name 5 fabrications I'm guilty of on this board, and prove they are in fact so.

If I have an unbroken record of such, that should be easy. But since I don't,

we can safely conclude that you are one guilty of fabrication.

I believe that you will find me as accessible to being ordered as Pavlov's cats.
None of which really matters. Your goal is to get the sheepskin so you can either go to grad school or get a job. So you do what you have to do to check the boxes and get done. If it means sitting in a room and listening to a professor drone on and on about nothing you care about, so be it. If it means listening to a professor come up with an interpretation you think is nonsense, then you do that and put it back on paper to get the grade so you can graduate with a high GPA.

It sucks, but that's just how it goes.

I understand your situation....but that makes higher education no more than vocational school.

Some of us are in the enviable situation of aiming to be educated.
Question for the author of this thread:

Why do you never object to schools like Oral Roberts University, or Bob Jones, or Regent University, or Liberty University?

They are at least as biased to the right as any schools are biased to the left.

Isn't your selective objection to bias, i.e., only if it's leftward bias, a bias itself?

Shouldn't you clean up your own bias before you start attacking others for what you claim is theirs?

I bet the ones you name would be pleased that you put them in the same category as Columbia University.

Now...the usual lesson you require in the English language:
"bias" would refer to you.

"informed" would be moi.

You must be googling an answer
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the author of this thread go to Columbia?

Guilty as charged.

And...I can bespeak Mr. Goldwasser's veracity on this subject.
BTW...I have never met Mr. Goldwasser. sister attended another IVY...and the same is true there...or is that 'heresay'?

1. If Columbia is such a horrible university, why did you choose to go there?

2. Does going to Columbia explain why are you are such a terrible debater, or was that something that even a great university like Columbia couldn't fix,

given the raw materials it had to work with?

Speaking of 'horrible,' is one of the Columbia students who responded to the article in the OP:

This Columbia student blamed the Right for the fact that the only Leftism is taught, and excused the fact that Rightwing intellectuals such as Thomas Sowell are effectively banned:

"The consevative platform has become increasingly hyper-extremist, and anti-intellectual. Say what you will about David Frum, Victor Davis Hanson, and George Will, but one cannot say that these men are not intellectuals. But, as it stands today, their voices have been marginalized - drowned out amid the noise of birthers, Tea Partiers, religious zealots, and "joe six-pack" anti-intellectuals. How can an honest, good-faith discourse occur at a place like Columbia, when one side abhores oneof the central undergirding principles of the university: intellectualism."

Did you note the numerous misspellings?
If you want an education, get a library card. If you want a diploma to move on to bigger and better things, then you just play the game and pay your money. Or get a degree in business or a STEM field where results are more important than ideas.
The author of the above gave indubitable proof of the slanted 'teaching' at the university, during a radio interview:

Interviewer: "Are you familiar with Cornell West?"
Goldwasser: "Yes."

Interviewer: "Are you familiar with Thomas Sowell?"
Goldwasser: "No."


Really? That's the proof? :lol:

( this....this is going to be soooooo much fun!)


You're familiar with Dr. Sowell's work?

Which of his books have you read?


You're not a dunce, ....are you?
If you want an education, get a library card. If you want a diploma to move on to bigger and better things, then you just play the game and pay your money. Or get a degree in business or a STEM field where results are more important than ideas.

You made that point already.

And I correctly identified it as....pedestrian.....using university as a vocational school.

We're not going to go over this again....are we?
So it's turned into a vocational school. So what? Railing about it isn't going to change it.

You want an idealized version of something that never really existed. Professors don't want a free exchange of ideas. They want you to parrot what they say while they pay lip service to the concept of a free exchange of ideas. It's pretty much always been like that. It's human nature to want to be agreed with. You think some professor wants a student to tell him he's full of shit in front of his class? Or to tell the professor that ideas aren't worth much?
The author of the above gave indubitable proof of the slanted 'teaching' at the university, during a radio interview:

Interviewer: "Are you familiar with Cornell West?"
Goldwasser: "Yes."

Interviewer: "Are you familiar with Thomas Sowell?"
Goldwasser: "No."


Really? That's the proof? :lol:

( this....this is going to be soooooo much fun!)


You're familiar with Dr. Sowell's work?

Which of his books have you read?


You're not a dunce, ....are you?

You first. Deal?

Why do you never object to schools like Oral Roberts University, or Bob Jones, or Regent University, or Liberty University?

They are at least as biased to the right as any schools are biased to the left.

Isn't your selective objection to bias, i.e., only if it's leftward bias, a bias itself?

Shouldn't you clean up your own bias before you start attacking others for what you claim is theirs?

Annnnnnnd go!
Really? That's the proof? :lol:

( this....this is going to be soooooo much fun!)


You're familiar with Dr. Sowell's work?

Which of his books have you read?


You're not a dunce, ....are you?

You first. Deal?

Why do you never object to schools like Oral Roberts University, or Bob Jones, or Regent University, or Liberty University?

They are at least as biased to the right as any schools are biased to the left.

Isn't your selective objection to bias, i.e., only if it's leftward bias, a bias itself?

Shouldn't you clean up your own bias before you start attacking others for what you claim is theirs?

Annnnnnnd go!

You see....this is why you should have had your A.D.D. attended to.

The post to which you were ostensibly replying asked about your familiarity with Dr. Thomas Sowell.

Didn't you see that?

Another chance?

Which of his books have you read?
So it's turned into a vocational school. So what? Railing about it isn't going to change it.

You want an idealized version of something that never really existed. Professors don't want a free exchange of ideas. They want you to parrot what they say while they pay lip service to the concept of a free exchange of ideas. It's pretty much always been like that. It's human nature to want to be agreed with. You think some professor wants a student to tell him he's full of shit in front of his class? Or to tell the professor that ideas aren't worth much?

"You think some professor wants a student to tell him......"

Then you believe that students should be no more than lap-dogs.

How very .....Liberal.
It's not what I think it should be, it's what it is. A whole bunch of professors want nothing more than echo chambers and only want to hear their own voices. Now, you can call me a liberal all you want, but it's that way from both sides.
Really? That's the proof? :lol:

( this....this is going to be soooooo much fun!)


You're familiar with Dr. Sowell's work?

Which of his books have you read?


You're not a dunce, ....are you?

You first. Deal?

Why do you never object to schools like Oral Roberts University, or Bob Jones, or Regent University, or Liberty University?

They are at least as biased to the right as any schools are biased to the left.

Isn't your selective objection to bias, i.e., only if it's leftward bias, a bias itself?

Shouldn't you clean up your own bias before you start attacking others for what you claim is theirs?

Annnnnnnd go!

Again, those schools were founded as religious schools, to intentionally have the religious bias for which they were created. To cater to a customer that wanted and paid for that slant. Are you saying the same is true of every other public and private university? They were all intentionally formed to have a leftist bias? That's what every student wishes and pays for when they go to school, to be indoctrinated into leftist thought? If that's your argument, then we can dismiss the charge of bias then. So which is it, are they biased, or were they intentionally founded to convey leftist ideology to all those who attended?
Really? That's the proof? :lol:

( this....this is going to be soooooo much fun!)


You're familiar with Dr. Sowell's work?

Which of his books have you read?


You're not a dunce, ....are you?

You first. Deal?

Why do you never object to schools like Oral Roberts University, or Bob Jones, or Regent University, or Liberty University?

They are at least as biased to the right as any schools are biased to the left.

Isn't your selective objection to bias, i.e., only if it's leftward bias, a bias itself?

Shouldn't you clean up your own bias before you start attacking others for what you claim is theirs?

Annnnnnnd go! our friend ClosedMind seems to have declined my challenge, so, without him, let's review the significance of the reference to Cornell West, and Thomas Sowell in the OP.

The fact that 'the best and the brightest,' a student in Columbia University, is only familiar with West, a run-of-the-mill poser....and not with Sowell, it is the proof of a Liberalism-only education.

The fact that ClosedMind ran and hid lends credence to the idea that knowing West vs. Sowell is a real litmus test in understanding who is educated...and who isn't (I was gonna say 'and who is Liberal.' But I didn't.)

First, West. A so-called 'public intellectual,' he writes, among other things...about hip hop.

Thomas Sowell (/soʊl/; born June 30, 1930) is an American economist, social theorist, political philosopher, and author. He is currently the Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. According to Larry D. Nachman in Commentary magazine, he is considered a leading representative of the Chicago school of economics.
Thomas Sowell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In "Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One," Sowell warns of the dangers of not considering the consequences of public policy.

And, another well researched work, "Economic Facts and Fallacies," he explores topics such as rich and poor, real income, and economic equality.....central issues of the day.

So....a thank you to ClosedMind who, inadvertently, proved the OP.

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