Education's Greatest Crime!

You were asked first. Why should I answer your question when you decline to answer others?

Who are you kiddin'????

We both know you've read zero of Sowell's books.

Just 'fess haven't read anything past 'Draw the Pirate' on the back of a matchbook.
Question for the author of this thread:

Why do you never object to schools like Oral Roberts University, or Bob Jones, or Regent University, or Liberty University?

They are at least as biased to the right as any schools are biased to the left.

Isn't your selective objection to bias, i.e., only if it's leftward bias, a bias itself?

Shouldn't you clean up your own bias before you start attacking others for what you claim is theirs?

I bet the ones you name would be pleased that you put them in the same category as Columbia University.

Now...the usual lesson you require in the English language:
"bias" would refer to you.

"informed" would be moi.

Why don't you have a problem about rightwing bias in education?
You were asked first. Why should I answer your question when you decline to answer others?'s you chance to read some Sowell.....lead story on Drudge:

"Something like that happens among people. There have been many ponderous academic writings and dour editorials in the mainstream media lamenting that most people born poor cannot rise in American society anymore. Meanwhile, many poor immigrants arrive here from various parts of Asia, and rise on up the ladder anyway.

After a few years, they have enough money to open some little shop, where they still work long hours, and still save their money so that they can afford to send their children to college. Meanwhile, these children know that their parents not only expect, but demand, that they make good grades.

A painful moment came for me years ago, when I was on the lecture circuit, after a talk at Marquette University, when a young black student rose and asked: “Even though I am graduating from Marquette University, what hope is there for me?”
SOWELL: The race-hustlers among us - Washington Times

These are the kinds of things Sowell writes about.....

...and Liberals fear reading about....
LOL. There you have it, folks, no 'Conservative' should ever go beyond the third grade. Easy to see most of them posting here have abided by that.

Well, this ol' Lib is back in a University at the grand young age of 70. And I have seen everything politically from LaRouchies to Marxists vending their wares. And the response by most there is about the same for each. Laughter.

However, you don't get much political education in Sciences and math. Except, of course, you quickly find out that far too few politicians, and their sycophants, have the faintest idea about what science is. As you have amply demonstrated many times over, people that live in a poltical world seem to think that physical laws are repealable.

So, you don't like education or reality. That's fine, have another toke and be happy. In the meantime, those of us in touch with reality will do the heavy lifting.

The majority of conservatives or GOP members never graduate high school.
Question for the author of this thread:

Why do you never object to schools like Oral Roberts University, or Bob Jones, or Regent University, or Liberty University?

They are at least as biased to the right as any schools are biased to the left.

Isn't your selective objection to bias, i.e., only if it's leftward bias, a bias itself?

Shouldn't you clean up your own bias before you start attacking others for what you claim is theirs?

I bet the ones you name would be pleased that you put them in the same category as Columbia University.

Now...the usual lesson you require in the English language:
"bias" would refer to you.

"informed" would be moi.

Why don't you have a problem about rightwing bias in education?

Same reasons I don't have a problem with Leprechauns or Zombies.
You were asked first. Why should I answer your question when you decline to answer others?'s you chance to read some Sowell.....lead story on Drudge:

"Something like that happens among people. There have been many ponderous academic writings and dour editorials in the mainstream media lamenting that most people born poor cannot rise in American society anymore. Meanwhile, many poor immigrants arrive here from various parts of Asia, and rise on up the ladder anyway.

After a few years, they have enough money to open some little shop, where they still work long hours, and still save their money so that they can afford to send their children to college. Meanwhile, these children know that their parents not only expect, but demand, that they make good grades.

A painful moment came for me years ago, when I was on the lecture circuit, after a talk at Marquette University, when a young black student rose and asked: “Even though I am graduating from Marquette University, what hope is there for me?”
SOWELL: The race-hustlers among us - Washington Times

These are the kinds of things Sowell writes about.....

...and Liberals fear reading about....

yeah, nothing like blanket statement to really get your point across.
LOL. There you have it, folks, no 'Conservative' should ever go beyond the third grade. Easy to see most of them posting here have abided by that.

Well, this ol' Lib is back in a University at the grand young age of 70. And I have seen everything politically from LaRouchies to Marxists vending their wares. And the response by most there is about the same for each. Laughter.

However, you don't get much political education in Sciences and math. Except, of course, you quickly find out that far too few politicians, and their sycophants, have the faintest idea about what science is. As you have amply demonstrated many times over, people that live in a poltical world seem to think that physical laws are repealable.

So, you don't like education or reality. That's fine, have another toke and be happy. In the meantime, those of us in touch with reality will do the heavy lifting.

The majority of conservatives or GOP members never graduate high school.

How much did rdean pay ya'?
I bet the ones you name would be pleased that you put them in the same category as Columbia University.

Now...the usual lesson you require in the English language:
"bias" would refer to you.

"informed" would be moi.

Why don't you have a problem about rightwing bias in education?

Same reasons I don't have a problem with Leprechauns or Zombies.

They tend to avoid you since you have no brain to eat?
1. Where did I say Columbia was 'horrible'?

It suffers as do all our universities...from a horrible disease...a Liberal infestation.

2. " Does going to Columbia explain why are you are such a terrible debater,"
Based on your unbroken record of statement can only be viewed as the reverse....and a compliment to me.

3. At the very least, you should be thanking me for providing the majority of your education.
The fact that you ignore same is a reflection on your character.

Name 5 fabrications I'm guilty of on this board, and prove they are in fact so.

If I have an unbroken record of such, that should be easy. But since I don't,

we can safely conclude that you are one guilty of fabrication.

I believe that you will find me as accessible to being ordered as Pavlov's cats.

So you accuse me of fabrication, and yet cannot produce a single example of my doing so.

Cat is not the word for you. You're a couple letters off.
I bet the ones you name would be pleased that you put them in the same category as Columbia University.

Now...the usual lesson you require in the English language:
"bias" would refer to you.

"informed" would be moi.

Why don't you have a problem about rightwing bias in education?

Same reasons I don't have a problem with Leprechauns or Zombies.

Gets harder to be fussy at your age, doesn't it?
Why don't you have a problem about rightwing bias in education?

Same reasons I don't have a problem with Leprechauns or Zombies.

They tend to avoid you since you have no brain to eat?

The line about which you've attempted to make a funny refers to Leprechauns and Zombies.... your attempt falls flat.
Don't give up the day job.

The interesting thing, though, is the consistency: even when you think you're being serious, your posts fall flat.

Now for the good news:
You have all the skills necessary to be employed in valet parking at the hospital emergency room.
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You were asked first. Why should I answer your question when you decline to answer others?'s you chance to read some Sowell.....lead story on Drudge:

"Something like that happens among people. There have been many ponderous academic writings and dour editorials in the mainstream media lamenting that most people born poor cannot rise in American society anymore. Meanwhile, many poor immigrants arrive here from various parts of Asia, and rise on up the ladder anyway.

After a few years, they have enough money to open some little shop, where they still work long hours, and still save their money so that they can afford to send their children to college. Meanwhile, these children know that their parents not only expect, but demand, that they make good grades.

A painful moment came for me years ago, when I was on the lecture circuit, after a talk at Marquette University, when a young black student rose and asked: “Even though I am graduating from Marquette University, what hope is there for me?”
SOWELL: The race-hustlers among us - Washington Times

These are the kinds of things Sowell writes about.....

...and Liberals fear reading about....

See the pattern now.

PC needs to be able to copy and paste her answers and thoughts
Here is another Columbia student's response:

"Can you appreciate how maddening this is for an intelligent conservative at a place like Columbia, that the moment you "out" yourself for your beliefs you are talked to with disgust as if you are Rush Limbaugh or Joe The Plumber?

It's interesting how in a liberal bastion of supposed inclusion and acceptance of diversity, it's not ok to stereotype, or generalize, or apply perceived group qualities to an individual...unless that individual disagrees with your politics.

Then every hateful stereotype imaginable is not only accepted, but encouraged. "

He pretty much nailed Liberalism, huh?
You were asked first. Why should I answer your question when you decline to answer others?'s you chance to read some Sowell.....lead story on Drudge:

"Something like that happens among people. There have been many ponderous academic writings and dour editorials in the mainstream media lamenting that most people born poor cannot rise in American society anymore. Meanwhile, many poor immigrants arrive here from various parts of Asia, and rise on up the ladder anyway.

After a few years, they have enough money to open some little shop, where they still work long hours, and still save their money so that they can afford to send their children to college. Meanwhile, these children know that their parents not only expect, but demand, that they make good grades.

A painful moment came for me years ago, when I was on the lecture circuit, after a talk at Marquette University, when a young black student rose and asked: “Even though I am graduating from Marquette University, what hope is there for me?”
SOWELL: The race-hustlers among us - Washington Times

These are the kinds of things Sowell writes about.....

...and Liberals fear reading about....

See the pattern now.

PC needs to be able to copy and paste her answers and thoughts

Hey....ClosedMind....'ve been dissed and dismissed.
You were asked first. Why should I answer your question when you decline to answer others?'s you chance to read some Sowell.....lead story on Drudge:

"Something like that happens among people. There have been many ponderous academic writings and dour editorials in the mainstream media lamenting that most people born poor cannot rise in American society anymore. Meanwhile, many poor immigrants arrive here from various parts of Asia, and rise on up the ladder anyway.

After a few years, they have enough money to open some little shop, where they still work long hours, and still save their money so that they can afford to send their children to college. Meanwhile, these children know that their parents not only expect, but demand, that they make good grades.

A painful moment came for me years ago, when I was on the lecture circuit, after a talk at Marquette University, when a young black student rose and asked: “Even though I am graduating from Marquette University, what hope is there for me?”
SOWELL: The race-hustlers among us - Washington Times

These are the kinds of things Sowell writes about.....

...and Liberals fear reading about....

See the pattern now.

PC needs to be able to copy and paste her answers and thoughts

Well, that would make a perfect fit amongst the masses in the intellectual oligarchy that Conservatopia would be.

Recall one of Rush Limbaugh's old every Friday show lines...

'...don't bother to watch the news over the weekend; I'll tell you Monday what the news was,

and I'll tell you what to think about it.'
What happens when the 'best and the brightest' are fed into the Liberal monasteries, our universities?
Do they understand that they are being given only one side of the story?
Do they seek alternative viewpoints?

Here is a recent article from the Columbia University newspaper, wherein one of the brightest almost.....almost....grasps what is happening.

1. "I am not conservative by any stretch of the imagination. Every fall break I have gone to campaign for liberal causes, and as an underclassman I was on the board of the Columbia University Democrats. But the more time I spend in class the more sympathy I have for conservatives... for the position they have in public discourse at Columbia.

[What? The the 'fairness' wasn't beaten out of him in previous government schools???
Must be time for the 're-education camp.']

2. .... in my classes it is taken for granted that the set of liberal positions is a list of objective truths. I don’t think it is funny when professors crack jokes about the IQs of Republicans.... the stereotype of the Ivy League as a circle-jerk of liberalism at worst.

3. It is not that professors collect empirical evidence to support liberal claims that makes the world sneer at places like Columbia. It is the self-righteous attitude, the certainty of conviction....

[Sounds like a lot of the dunces at USMB.....]

4. .... an institution whose purpose is to foster doubt and balanced discourse and critical thinking.... all of the reading is on one side of the political spectrum. In fact, in many cases, I am not really sure what the spectrum of opinion on a topic is, because I have only been exposed to a single part of it.

[He's beginning to get the idea: There cannot be critical thinking without balanced discourse.]

5. .... universities are places where professors can espouse their beliefs. I recognize that tenure is meant to protect professors’ ability to maintain opinion. But it should not be the case that students feel uncomfortable voicing dissent because of the tone a professor has set.

[Did you know that 'tenure' itself is a Liberal idea?]

6. In my classes almost nobody makes conservative comments, which leads me to wonder whether Columbia actually has no conservatives or whether they don’t feel comfortable enough discussing their opinions in public. I don’t know which is more disturbing.... we should respect whatever diversity of opinion we have on campus instead of making jokes about how President Bush couldn’t pronounce “nuclear” properly.

7. .... my professor has an agenda so apparent that it stifles the ability of the student to make judgments or suppresses his or her comfort when it comes to bringing up issues.
8. .... it is the responsibility of academics to foster a tone that is conducive to learning and—just as important—to debate." There's no right answer | Columbia Daily Spectator

The author of the above gave indubitable proof of the slanted 'teaching' at the university, during a radio interview:

Interviewer: "Are you familiar with Cornell West?"
Goldwasser: "Yes."

Interviewer: "Are you familiar with Thomas Sowell?"
Goldwasser: "No."


Totally familiar with a Leftist dolt like Cornell West....

...but not even a passing recognition of one of the most brilliant conservative economists????


Arguably the finest school in the nation????

It's indoctrination, not education. It is a crime....the murder of cerebration.
One need be a special kind of intellect to see what is happening....and then break free.
Mr. Jake Goldwasser has quite a distance to go....

Educations greatest crime

Giving Political Chic a Masters Degree when she can't write a coherent paragraph
Same reasons I don't have a problem with Leprechauns or Zombies.

They tend to avoid you since you have no brain to eat?

Or because they're not deaf. (you might need to have been harangued by a haus frau with a Brooklyn accent to fully appreciate that one.) come you're attracted to my threads like the proverbial moth to a flame?

Here....let me help you: because they are cogent, well constructed and documented, and utterly destroy Liberalism.....and you feel 'must must' try to matter how flaccid your arguments.

[ame=]Edith Ann - "And thats the truth" - YouTube[/ame]
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What happens when the 'best and the brightest' are fed into the Liberal monasteries, our universities?
Do they understand that they are being given only one side of the story?
Do they seek alternative viewpoints?

Here is a recent article from the Columbia University newspaper, wherein one of the brightest almost.....almost....grasps what is happening.

1. "I am not conservative by any stretch of the imagination. Every fall break I have gone to campaign for liberal causes, and as an underclassman I was on the board of the Columbia University Democrats. But the more time I spend in class the more sympathy I have for conservatives... for the position they have in public discourse at Columbia.

[What? The the 'fairness' wasn't beaten out of him in previous government schools???
Must be time for the 're-education camp.']

2. .... in my classes it is taken for granted that the set of liberal positions is a list of objective truths. I don’t think it is funny when professors crack jokes about the IQs of Republicans.... the stereotype of the Ivy League as a circle-jerk of liberalism at worst.

3. It is not that professors collect empirical evidence to support liberal claims that makes the world sneer at places like Columbia. It is the self-righteous attitude, the certainty of conviction....

[Sounds like a lot of the dunces at USMB.....]

4. .... an institution whose purpose is to foster doubt and balanced discourse and critical thinking.... all of the reading is on one side of the political spectrum. In fact, in many cases, I am not really sure what the spectrum of opinion on a topic is, because I have only been exposed to a single part of it.

[He's beginning to get the idea: There cannot be critical thinking without balanced discourse.]

5. .... universities are places where professors can espouse their beliefs. I recognize that tenure is meant to protect professors’ ability to maintain opinion. But it should not be the case that students feel uncomfortable voicing dissent because of the tone a professor has set.

[Did you know that 'tenure' itself is a Liberal idea?]

6. In my classes almost nobody makes conservative comments, which leads me to wonder whether Columbia actually has no conservatives or whether they don’t feel comfortable enough discussing their opinions in public. I don’t know which is more disturbing.... we should respect whatever diversity of opinion we have on campus instead of making jokes about how President Bush couldn’t pronounce “nuclear” properly.

7. .... my professor has an agenda so apparent that it stifles the ability of the student to make judgments or suppresses his or her comfort when it comes to bringing up issues.
8. .... it is the responsibility of academics to foster a tone that is conducive to learning and—just as important—to debate." There's no right answer | Columbia Daily Spectator

The author of the above gave indubitable proof of the slanted 'teaching' at the university, during a radio interview:

Interviewer: "Are you familiar with Cornell West?"
Goldwasser: "Yes."

Interviewer: "Are you familiar with Thomas Sowell?"
Goldwasser: "No."


Totally familiar with a Leftist dolt like Cornell West....

...but not even a passing recognition of one of the most brilliant conservative economists????


Arguably the finest school in the nation????

It's indoctrination, not education. It is a crime....the murder of cerebration.
One need be a special kind of intellect to see what is happening....and then break free.
Mr. Jake Goldwasser has quite a distance to go....

Educations greatest crime

Giving Political Chic a Masters Degree when she can't write a coherent paragraph

And ya' still can't answer any of my OP's......

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