Education's Greatest Crime!

You were asked first. Why should I answer your question when you decline to answer others?'s you chance to read some Sowell.....lead story on Drudge:

"Something like that happens among people. There have been many ponderous academic writings and dour editorials in the mainstream media lamenting that most people born poor cannot rise in American society anymore. Meanwhile, many poor immigrants arrive here from various parts of Asia, and rise on up the ladder anyway.

After a few years, they have enough money to open some little shop, where they still work long hours, and still save their money so that they can afford to send their children to college. Meanwhile, these children know that their parents not only expect, but demand, that they make good grades.

A painful moment came for me years ago, when I was on the lecture circuit, after a talk at Marquette University, when a young black student rose and asked: “Even though I am graduating from Marquette University, what hope is there for me?”
SOWELL: The race-hustlers among us - Washington Times

These are the kinds of things Sowell writes about.....

...and Liberals fear reading about....

See the pattern now.

PC needs to be able to copy and paste her answers and thoughts's a response from a Columbia student who is familiar with Thomas Sowell....

He knows more than you do....I admit that is a perilously low bar...but still....

...note the reference to 'stage 1 thinking':

"Libertine lifestyles necessarily call for bigger government as mothers no longer marry the father of their children thus depending on government to be the father. Libertine sexuality leads to the taking of other lives as in the slaughter of innocent life rendering "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" null and void if your chance at life is snuffed out.

Promoting of perversity necessarily means promoting irresponsibility which logically ultimately leads away from personal responsibility. Get past stage 1 thinking. You'll realize that the extremism of libertarianism meets right up with big government libs."

I'm proud of that about you?
None of which really matters. Your goal is to get the sheepskin so you can either go to grad school or get a job. So you do what you have to do to check the boxes and get done. If it means sitting in a room and listening to a professor drone on and on about nothing you care about, so be it. If it means listening to a professor come up with an interpretation you think is nonsense, then you do that and put it back on paper to get the grade so you can graduate with a high GPA.

It sucks, but that's just how it goes.

I understand your situation....but that makes higher education no more than vocational school.

Some of us are in the enviable situation of aiming to be educated.

You don't come off as an educated person, but more like someone that just regurgitates what they hear at the Coulter and Limbaugh institutes.
What happens when the 'best and the brightest' are fed into the Liberal monasteries, our universities?
Do they understand that they are being given only one side of the story?
Do they seek alternative viewpoints?

Here is a recent article from the Columbia University newspaper, wherein one of the brightest almost.....almost....grasps what is happening.

1. "I am not conservative by any stretch of the imagination. Every fall break I have gone to campaign for liberal causes, and as an underclassman I was on the board of the Columbia University Democrats. But the more time I spend in class the more sympathy I have for conservatives... for the position they have in public discourse at Columbia.

[What? The the 'fairness' wasn't beaten out of him in previous government schools???
Must be time for the 're-education camp.']

2. .... in my classes it is taken for granted that the set of liberal positions is a list of objective truths. I don’t think it is funny when professors crack jokes about the IQs of Republicans.... the stereotype of the Ivy League as a circle-jerk of liberalism at worst.

3. It is not that professors collect empirical evidence to support liberal claims that makes the world sneer at places like Columbia. It is the self-righteous attitude, the certainty of conviction....

[Sounds like a lot of the dunces at USMB.....]

4. .... an institution whose purpose is to foster doubt and balanced discourse and critical thinking.... all of the reading is on one side of the political spectrum. In fact, in many cases, I am not really sure what the spectrum of opinion on a topic is, because I have only been exposed to a single part of it.

[He's beginning to get the idea: There cannot be critical thinking without balanced discourse.]

5. .... universities are places where professors can espouse their beliefs. I recognize that tenure is meant to protect professors’ ability to maintain opinion. But it should not be the case that students feel uncomfortable voicing dissent because of the tone a professor has set.

[Did you know that 'tenure' itself is a Liberal idea?]

6. In my classes almost nobody makes conservative comments, which leads me to wonder whether Columbia actually has no conservatives or whether they don’t feel comfortable enough discussing their opinions in public. I don’t know which is more disturbing.... we should respect whatever diversity of opinion we have on campus instead of making jokes about how President Bush couldn’t pronounce “nuclear” properly.

7. .... my professor has an agenda so apparent that it stifles the ability of the student to make judgments or suppresses his or her comfort when it comes to bringing up issues.
8. .... it is the responsibility of academics to foster a tone that is conducive to learning and—just as important—to debate." There's no right answer | Columbia Daily Spectator

The author of the above gave indubitable proof of the slanted 'teaching' at the university, during a radio interview:

Interviewer: "Are you familiar with Cornell West?"
Goldwasser: "Yes."

Interviewer: "Are you familiar with Thomas Sowell?"
Goldwasser: "No."


Totally familiar with a Leftist dolt like Cornell West....

...but not even a passing recognition of one of the most brilliant conservative economists????


Arguably the finest school in the nation????

It's indoctrination, not education. It is a crime....the murder of cerebration.
One need be a special kind of intellect to see what is happening....and then break free.
Mr. Jake Goldwasser has quite a distance to go....

Educations greatest crime

Giving Political Chic a Masters Degree when she can't write a coherent paragraph

She's still mad that a liberal took the one cookie left after the ceo took nine cookies.
Liberalism is bullied, brow beat, shouted down, crammed, stuffed and hammered into young minds in schools. It is full indoctrination. It's too bad, because our once great education system is now just a brain washing camp for libtards, and we no longer lead the world in any areas of expertise, all at the expense of liberals reverse evolution, godless, pussified, politically correct agenda.

Liberalism is a mental disorder, and should be dealt with accordingly.
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None of which really matters. Your goal is to get the sheepskin so you can either go to grad school or get a job. So you do what you have to do to check the boxes and get done. If it means sitting in a room and listening to a professor drone on and on about nothing you care about, so be it. If it means listening to a professor come up with an interpretation you think is nonsense, then you do that and put it back on paper to get the grade so you can graduate with a high GPA.

It sucks, but that's just how it goes.

I understand your situation....but that makes higher education no more than vocational school.

Some of us are in the enviable situation of aiming to be educated.

You don't come off as an educated person, but more like someone that just regurgitates what they hear at the Coulter and Limbaugh institutes.

I can't begin to tell you how important your considered judgment is to me, IQFree.......
I understand your situation....but that makes higher education no more than vocational school.

Some of us are in the enviable situation of aiming to be educated.

You don't come off as an educated person, but more like someone that just regurgitates what they hear at the Coulter and Limbaugh institutes.

I can't begin to tell you how important your considered judgment is to me, IQFree.......
What happens when the 'best and the brightest' are fed into the Liberal monasteries, our universities?
Do they understand that they are being given only one side of the story?
Do they seek alternative viewpoints?

Here is a recent article from the Columbia University newspaper, wherein one of the brightest almost.....almost....grasps what is happening.

1. "I am not conservative by any stretch of the imagination. Every fall break I have gone to campaign for liberal causes, and as an underclassman I was on the board of the Columbia University Democrats. But the more time I spend in class the more sympathy I have for conservatives... for the position they have in public discourse at Columbia.

[What? The the 'fairness' wasn't beaten out of him in previous government schools???
Must be time for the 're-education camp.']

2. .... in my classes it is taken for granted that the set of liberal positions is a list of objective truths. I don’t think it is funny when professors crack jokes about the IQs of Republicans.... the stereotype of the Ivy League as a circle-jerk of liberalism at worst.

3. It is not that professors collect empirical evidence to support liberal claims that makes the world sneer at places like Columbia. It is the self-righteous attitude, the certainty of conviction....

[Sounds like a lot of the dunces at USMB.....]

4. .... an institution whose purpose is to foster doubt and balanced discourse and critical thinking.... all of the reading is on one side of the political spectrum. In fact, in many cases, I am not really sure what the spectrum of opinion on a topic is, because I have only been exposed to a single part of it.

[He's beginning to get the idea: There cannot be critical thinking without balanced discourse.]

5. .... universities are places where professors can espouse their beliefs. I recognize that tenure is meant to protect professors’ ability to maintain opinion. But it should not be the case that students feel uncomfortable voicing dissent because of the tone a professor has set.

[Did you know that 'tenure' itself is a Liberal idea?]

6. In my classes almost nobody makes conservative comments, which leads me to wonder whether Columbia actually has no conservatives or whether they don’t feel comfortable enough discussing their opinions in public. I don’t know which is more disturbing.... we should respect whatever diversity of opinion we have on campus instead of making jokes about how President Bush couldn’t pronounce “nuclear” properly.

7. .... my professor has an agenda so apparent that it stifles the ability of the student to make judgments or suppresses his or her comfort when it comes to bringing up issues.
8. .... it is the responsibility of academics to foster a tone that is conducive to learning and—just as important—to debate." There's no right answer | Columbia Daily Spectator

The author of the above gave indubitable proof of the slanted 'teaching' at the university, during a radio interview:

Interviewer: "Are you familiar with Cornell West?"
Goldwasser: "Yes."

Interviewer: "Are you familiar with Thomas Sowell?"
Goldwasser: "No."


Totally familiar with a Leftist dolt like Cornell West....

...but not even a passing recognition of one of the most brilliant conservative economists????


Arguably the finest school in the nation????

It's indoctrination, not education. It is a crime....the murder of cerebration.
One need be a special kind of intellect to see what is happening....and then break free.
Mr. Jake Goldwasser has quite a distance to go....

Educations greatest crime

Giving Political Chic a Masters Degree when she can't write a coherent paragraph

She's still mad that a liberal took the one cookie left after the ceo took nine cookies.

She needs to go back and slap her teachers
LOL. There you have it, folks, no 'Conservative' should ever go beyond the third grade. Easy to see most of them posting here have abided by that.

Well, this ol' Lib is back in a University at the grand young age of 70. And I have seen everything politically from LaRouchies to Marxists vending their wares. And the response by most there is about the same for each. Laughter.

However, you don't get much political education in Sciences and math. Except, of course, you quickly find out that far too few politicians, and their sycophants, have the faintest idea about what science is. As you have amply demonstrated many times over, people that live in a poltical world seem to think that physical laws are repealable.

So, you don't like education or reality. That's fine, have another toke and be happy. In the meantime, those of us in touch with reality will do the heavy lifting.

AGW IS political "Science"
PC, your thread made me think of a trailer I saw a while ago that looks interesting. It will be out in spirng 2014, and I plan on watching it.. ;) My husband works at a university and I have a son attending in his sophmore year. If people think these kids aren't forced to comply to certain political and religious progaganda so they get a decent grade, then you're completely naive. It may not be as blatant as what this film is showing, but the undercurrents are defijnitely there.

God's Not Dead | Official Full Movie Trailer - YouTube

That film looks like dynamite!

Can't wait.
For people like PC, only politics is education.

For people like myself, I am interested in what is, and is not. I really don't care what people like Sowel think. What real gift has he given the world? He and his kind are a dime a dozen. The real movers and shakers are the Jobs, Gates, and people like Elon Musk. The people that are changing our world are the people building the 3D Printers, the solar panels that will cost less than 25 cents a watt.'s you chance to read some Sowell.....lead story on Drudge:

"Something like that happens among people. There have been many ponderous academic writings and dour editorials in the mainstream media lamenting that most people born poor cannot rise in American society anymore. Meanwhile, many poor immigrants arrive here from various parts of Asia, and rise on up the ladder anyway.

After a few years, they have enough money to open some little shop, where they still work long hours, and still save their money so that they can afford to send their children to college. Meanwhile, these children know that their parents not only expect, but demand, that they make good grades.

A painful moment came for me years ago, when I was on the lecture circuit, after a talk at Marquette University, when a young black student rose and asked: “Even though I am graduating from Marquette University, what hope is there for me?”
SOWELL: The race-hustlers among us - Washington Times

These are the kinds of things Sowell writes about.....

...and Liberals fear reading about....

See the pattern now.

PC needs to be able to copy and paste her answers and thoughts's a response from a Columbia student who is familiar with Thomas Sowell....

He knows more than you do....I admit that is a perilously low bar...but still....

...note the reference to 'stage 1 thinking':

"Libertine lifestyles necessarily call for bigger government as mothers no longer marry the father of their children thus depending on government to be the father. Libertine sexuality leads to the taking of other lives as in the slaughter of innocent life rendering "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" null and void if your chance at life is snuffed out.

Promoting of perversity necessarily means promoting irresponsibility which logically ultimately leads away from personal responsibility. Get past stage 1 thinking. You'll realize that the extremism of libertarianism meets right up with big government libs."

I'm proud of that about you?

So the libertarians and the statist liberals are wrong? Who's left? If the individual is not qualified to make personal life choices, and the government ought not have the authority to influence personal life choices,

who's left?
our universities are the campgound of liberalism, Marxism, socialism, yada, yada. Those private religious universities need to stop that.
Here is another Columbia student's response:

"Can you appreciate how maddening this is for an intelligent conservative at a place like Columbia, that the moment you "out" yourself for your beliefs you are talked to with disgust as if you are Rush Limbaugh or Joe The Plumber?

It's interesting how in a liberal bastion of supposed inclusion and acceptance of diversity, it's not ok to stereotype, or generalize, or apply perceived group qualities to an individual...unless that individual disagrees with your politics.

Then every hateful stereotype imaginable is not only accepted, but encouraged. "

He pretty much nailed Liberalism, huh?

He pretty much nailed you.
I understand your situation....but that makes higher education no more than vocational school.
Who is smarter?
1. The person that goes to college, gets a degree, buys a car and it breaks down, stranding the graduate, making them reliant upon a vocational trained person to fix the car?
2. The person with vocational training in auto mechanics and can fix their own car, not being stranded and not having to fall back on those with a college education?
our universities are the campgound of liberalism, Marxism, socialism, yada, yada. Those private religious universities need to stop that.

When you get rightwingie enough, everything begins to look liberal.

Everyone else is 'to blame' for liberalism in America, that's how the Right thinks. It's always someone else's, or something else's, fault that more Americans aren't rightwingers.
I understand your situation....but that makes higher education no more than vocational school.
Who is smarter?
1. The person that goes to college, gets a degree, buys a car and it breaks down, stranding the graduate, making them reliant upon a vocational trained person to fix the car?
2. The person with vocational training in auto mechanics and can fix their own car, not being stranded and not having to fall back on those with a college education?

Anyone well trained in auto repair nowadays, assuming they're a reliable worker, is pretty much guaranteed a decent paying job. I've argued for a long time that one of high school's primary functions and student requirements should be to teach every student the basics of a reliably marketable vocational skill.
I understand your situation....but that makes higher education no more than vocational school.
Who is smarter?
1. The person that goes to college, gets a degree, buys a car and it breaks down, stranding the graduate, making them reliant upon a vocational trained person to fix the car?
2. The person with vocational training in auto mechanics and can fix their own car, not being stranded and not having to fall back on those with a college education?

Yeah, let's completely ignore the engineers and architects that designed and built the car. :lol: Do they teach that at auto mechanic school too? :lol: You should be thanking those college grads for designing and building something so you would have a job. ;)

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