Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations

Wait til they find out that the government compels employers to give all kinds of information about their employees to the "Nazi" goverment.


Which is exactly why income tax is so insidious.
and exactly why the IRS can't share the information with anyone with out a court order. There really isn't much difference here.

Yet they did, which is what makes your argument moot.
Has anyone looked at this guys resume?

Something here just doesn't pass the smell test......
the FISA court, which you, along with all the other nutters, went along with back when Bush agreed to stop warrantless wiretaps.

Fuck off and die, you lying whore. I was against is then, I am against it now.
Sure you were.

I will give you one hundred trillion dollars if you can show otherwise, you lying bitch. (Note: the first thing I called the PATRIOT act was "treasonous".)
As much as I admire him for his actions, he should be extradited and tried for treason. Anyone who willfully endangers my country or it's men overseas is not my kind of hero.

How exactly has he endangered anybody?

How has he not? Revealing secrets about your government can come with a price, Kevin. You can alert other countries as to the flaws in the internal mechanisms of your government, they in turn can work ways to exploit them. This behavior only broadcasts these kinds of things to foreign governments that hate us. Whether or not we played a role in their hating us is beside the point.

double post
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As much as I admire him for his actions, he should be extradited and tried for treason. Anyone who willfully endangers my country or it's men overseas is not my kind of hero.

How exactly has he endangered anybody?

How has he not? Revealing secrets about your government can come with a price, Kevin. You can alert other countries as to the flaws in the internal mechanisms of your government, they in turn can work ways to exploit them. This behavior only broadcasts these kinds of things to foreign governments that hate us. Whether or not we played a role in their hating us is beside the point.

How do you feel about CIA director Leon Panetta giving secrets about Bin Laden's capture to Hollywood filmmakers? How do you feel about Vice President Joe Biden blasting the information that Seal Team 6 were responsible for getting Bin Laden?...and possibly exposing them to danger?

The shitty poll contradicts itself with 52% saying "no broadbased monitoring should occur". I really don't care about polls when 70% of the public can't tell you who NSA is..
Tells me the majority doesn't know that broad based monitoring HAS occurred...
Obviously, you think this is a beauty contest..

When Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore agree ----
When Glenn Beck and Van Jones agree ---
When Al Gore and Michael Reagan agree ---

You should really give up on trying to convince ANY INFORMED person, that this is an insignificant event.
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The shitty poll contradicts itself with 52% saying "no broadbased monitoring should occur". I really don't care about polls when 70% of the public can't tell you who NSA is..

Oh we're quite aware that you don't care what Americans think. You don't care what they think when the media asks them - and you don't care what they think when they go to the polls and vote, either. You only care what you think. Everything must be done the flacaltenn way - or its unconstitutional!

Tells me the majority doesn't know that broad based monitoring HAS occurred...
Obviously, you think this is a beauty contest..

When Rush Limbaugh and Michael agree ----
When Glenn Beck and Van Jones agree ---
When Al Gore and Michael Reagan agree ---

Except that normal people don't give a crap about what ANY of those people think. Its clear to me though that you think what Rush Limbaugh and "Michael" wants is more important than what America wants.

You should really give up on trying to convince ANY INFORMED person, that this is an insignificant event.
Informed people were aware when Congress reauthorized the FISA amendments in December 2012 and - if they had a problem with it - they registered their complaints then - instead of waiting 6 months - realizing that government would almost certainly use power that it is granted by law. Uninformed people sat around unaware that the FISA amendments had been reauthorized, and then were in total surprise when it was revealed the NSA was actually using the power the FISA amendments granted it, and only then did they make their complaints known. Had the media not leaked the details, they would have gone on in complete ignorance of the FISA re-authorization.
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Gee thanks OopyDoo. I had a terrible error in my post leaving out Michael Moore's last name..

Were you saying something?

Obviously you are one of clueless about how the NSA programs are VIOLATING Section 215 of the Patriot Act..

Hate to tell ya dude.. But THAT'S the topic.. And I Don't care what Americans think if they are more interested in the Kardashians latest bastard baby than their freedoms. And they have no idea who or what NSA is.... You give me a poll where their ability to comprehend the subject is vetted -- and THEN i'd be interested.. Because YOU wouldn't be counted...
Gee thanks OopyDoo. I had a terrible error in my post leaving out Michael Moore's last name..

Generally when you refer to "Michael" without a last name, and its not a guy you know personally, people think you're talking about Michael Jackson.

Were you saying something?

Obviously you are one of clueless about how the NSA programs are VIOLATING Section 215 of the Patriot Act..

According to what jury?

And I Don't care what Americans think...
I know. You're anti-American. I get it.
How exactly has he endangered anybody?

How has he not? Revealing secrets about your government can come with a price, Kevin. You can alert other countries as to the flaws in the internal mechanisms of your government, they in turn can work ways to exploit them. This behavior only broadcasts these kinds of things to foreign governments that hate us. Whether or not we played a role in their hating us is beside the point.

How do you feel about CIA director Leon Panetta giving secrets about Bin Laden's capture to Hollywood filmmakers? How do you feel about Vice President Joe Biden blasting the information that Seal Team 6 were responsible for getting Bin Laden?...and possibly exposing them to danger?

For what they did? Politics, and shameful behavior, but as with all of those people in Washington, they are immune to the consequences of their behavior. Obama used Bin Laden as a campaign ploy, and released info to the National Geographic Channel to air a show right before the election.

Look. I like what Snowden did, in fact, our government needed a wake up call. The fact remains he broke the law. The fact remains that there will be collateral damage because of what he's done. What good are our laws if we refuse to enforce them for the sake of him being a "hero"? The ramifications aren't all positive, Stench. They are not confined to "giving our corrupt government what it deserves." It should be quite disturbing that he is in HONG KONG with our national defense secrets!

But Isaac Newton got this one right:

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
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Yes, the laws exist for a reason, and the government broke them. It doesn't matter that he wasn't elected. He exposed the crimes of people who were elected. He tried to complain to the people above him, as he explains in the interview, but they wouldn't listen. So he decided that we should all decide for ourselves, and I'm glad he made that decision and admire his bravery in doing so. You can say it wasn't his decision to make, but it wasn't the U.S. government's decision to spy on every American in such a fashion, and that is what we should be worried about. The government is not going to hold itself accountable, and we can't if we don't know what they're doing.

Spot on. It's actually quite simple:
Who watches the watchers?

The old question was: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who will guard the guards, themselves? The answer is not exactly supposed to be a locked-room mystery.

We do. Or, we are supposed to.

But that doesn't justify intentionally breaking a law involving classified information.

We can't when the government makes it illegal to know what they're doing.
Yes, the laws exist for a reason, and the government broke them. It doesn't matter that he wasn't elected. He exposed the crimes of people who were elected. He tried to complain to the people above him, as he explains in the interview, but they wouldn't listen. So he decided that we should all decide for ourselves, and I'm glad he made that decision and admire his bravery in doing so. You can say it wasn't his decision to make, but it wasn't the U.S. government's decision to spy on every American in such a fashion, and that is what we should be worried about. The government is not going to hold itself accountable, and we can't if we don't know what they're doing.

Spot on. It's actually quite simple:
Who watches the watchers?
the FISA court, which you, along with all the other nutters, went along with back when Bush agreed to stop warrantless wiretaps.

You mean the secret, unaccountable, rubber-stamp court that never turns down a request from the executive branch? The one that plenty of us have opposed from the beginning?

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