Egypt: Alhokm Baad Almozawla


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Alhokm Baad Almozawla, is a popular Egyptian hidden camera/practical joke reality television series. On the show, unsuspecting celebrities are under the pretense that they are being interviewed for an Arabic-speaking German TV network. They are asked about their views on Israel, and then told they are on Israeli TV, provoking a range of reactions. (link)


Go to and search for Alhokm Baad Almozawla, there are plenty more.
The girl who hosts is a certifiable 12 out of 10

Could you believe he beat her like that? What an asshole.

I swear, when he reaches for that gun, I thought it was over for all of them.

The seething hatred...

Holy shit!!!! I stopped watching before that happened! I had no idea!

That's unbelievable! Do you know if he was charged with anything???
The girl who hosts is a certifiable 12 out of 10

Could you believe he beat her like that? What an asshole.

I swear, when he reaches for that gun, I thought it was over for all of them.

The seething hatred...

Holy shit!!!! I stopped watching before that happened! I had no idea!

That's unbelievable! Do you know if he was charged with anything???

I don't think so...they were all simpatico in their hatred of the Jews, so it was all good. :cuckoo:
Could you believe he beat her like that? What an asshole.

I swear, when he reaches for that gun, I thought it was over for all of them.

The seething hatred...

Holy shit!!!! I stopped watching before that happened! I had no idea!

That's unbelievable! Do you know if he was charged with anything???

I don't think so...they were all simpatico in their hatred of the Jews, so it was all good. :cuckoo:

Some parts of the world are beyond crazy I guess :confused:
The girl who hosts is a certifiable 12 out of 10

It's amazing how easily men are fooled by a lot of makeup. Not that she isn't a nice looking girl, but she is wearing a ton of makeup.

So, Missourian, what point are you trying to make with this thread? What point do you think the video makes?
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The girl who hosts is a certifiable 12 out of 10

It's amazing how easily men are fooled by a lot of makeup. Not that she isn't a nice looking girl, but she is wearing a ton of makeup.


You all are always wearing a lot of makeup. I bet she's plenty beautiful without any on. Just like all women are when they're real with the world and don't cake their face with layers of powder
The girl who hosts is a certifiable 12 out of 10

It's amazing how easily men are fooled by a lot of makeup. Not that she isn't a nice looking girl, but she is wearing a ton of makeup.

So, Missourian, what point are you trying to make with this thread? What point do you think the video makes?

Are you kidding me?? The seething hatred and RACIST mindset of arabs towards Jews is disgusting and that a man would beat down a woman in that manner then walk over and tell her, "You brought it on yourself." Are you some kind of weak kneed woman who thinks men have the right to beat a woman?? Do you support the absolute bigoted trash in this video???
So the point of this thread is to show that Muslims don't like Jews. Whereas, we all know Jews like Muslims. LMAO

And also it shows how violent Muslims are towards women:

In America, Violence Against Woman:

In the United States, one-third of women murdered each year are killed by intimate partners. In 2005, 1,181 women were murdered by an intimate partner. That's an average of three women every day.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (Intimate Partner Violence or Battering)
Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about . Eight million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year. Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which includes crimes that were not reported to the police, 232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006. That's more than 600 women every day. Other estimates, such as those generated by the FBI, are much lower because they rely on data from law enforcement agencies. A significant number of crimes are never even reported for reasons that include the victim's feeling that nothing can/will be done and the personal nature of the incident.

What I saw in this video was someone being set up to be humiliated and to look a fool, with the crew smirking and laughing in the background, and the person who was set up and lied to being angry. Wow, what a surprise. Someone who takes their cause seriously being mocked and humiliated for doing so and then getting angry.
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So the point of this thread is to show that Muslims don't like Jews. Whereas, we all know Jews like Muslims. LMAO

And also it shows how violent Muslims are towards women:

In America, Violence Against Woman:

In the United States, one-third of women murdered each year are killed by intimate partners. In 2005, 1,181 women were murdered by an intimate partner. That's an average of three women every day.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (Intimate Partner Violence or Battering)
Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about . Eight million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year. Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which includes crimes that were not reported to the police, 232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006. That's more than 600 women every day. Other estimates, such as those generated by the FBI, are much lower because they rely on data from law enforcement agencies. A significant number of crimes are never even reported for reasons that include the victim's feeling that nothing can/will be done and the personal nature of the incident.

Violence Against Women in the United States

What I saw in this video was someone being set up to be humiliated and to look a fool, with the crew smirking and laughing in the background, and the person who was set up and lied to being angry. Wow, what a surprise. Someone who takes their cause seriously being mocked and humiliated for doing so and then getting angry.

So you refuse to confront the video and the truth.. instead point fingers..Go make your own HATE threads about the Jooooos .. Stay the fuck on subject in this one.. You either condemn this backward shit or you condone it.. WHICH IS IT?
I dare a Muslim man or any man for that matter to try that shit with an American woman.. You'll be picking your fucking teeth up off of the floor.
So the point of this thread is to show that Muslims don't like Jews. Whereas, we all know Jews like Muslims. LMAO

And also it shows how violent Muslims are towards women:

In America, Violence Against Woman:

In the United States, one-third of women murdered each year are killed by intimate partners. In 2005, 1,181 women were murdered by an intimate partner. That's an average of three women every day.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (Intimate Partner Violence or Battering)
Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about . Eight million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year. Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which includes crimes that were not reported to the police, 232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006. That's more than 600 women every day. Other estimates, such as those generated by the FBI, are much lower because they rely on data from law enforcement agencies. A significant number of crimes are never even reported for reasons that include the victim's feeling that nothing can/will be done and the personal nature of the incident.

Violence Against Women in the United States

What I saw in this video was someone being set up to be humiliated and to look a fool, with the crew smirking and laughing in the background, and the person who was set up and lied to being angry. Wow, what a surprise. Someone who takes their cause seriously being mocked and humiliated for doing so and then getting angry.

So you refuse to confront the video and the truth.. instead point fingers..Go make your own HATE threads about the Jooooos .. Stay the fuck on subject in this one.. You either condemn this backward shit or you condone it.. WHICH IS IT?

This moonbat lives in PORTUGAL....ask her how many muslimes she has in her country....then ask her how she feels about Basque bet is she ignores you.
So the point of this thread is to show that Muslims don't like Jews. Whereas, we all know Jews like Muslims. LMAO

And also it shows how violent Muslims are towards women:

In America, Violence Against Woman:

In the United States, one-third of women murdered each year are killed by intimate partners. In 2005, 1,181 women were murdered by an intimate partner. That's an average of three women every day.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (Intimate Partner Violence or Battering)
Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about . Eight million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year. Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which includes crimes that were not reported to the police, 232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006. That's more than 600 women every day. Other estimates, such as those generated by the FBI, are much lower because they rely on data from law enforcement agencies. A significant number of crimes are never even reported for reasons that include the victim's feeling that nothing can/will be done and the personal nature of the incident.

Violence Against Women in the United States

What I saw in this video was someone being set up to be humiliated and to look a fool, with the crew smirking and laughing in the background, and the person who was set up and lied to being angry. Wow, what a surprise. Someone who takes their cause seriously being mocked and humiliated for doing so and then getting angry.

Are you serious???

Yeah, he was humiliated, because of that stupid show, but does that give him the right to go up and beat a woman in such a manner?

And then he goes and holds her like nothing happened? like, WTF?!?!?!:eek::cuckoo:
So the point of this thread is to show that Muslims don't like Jews. Whereas, we all know Jews like Muslims. LMAO

And also it shows how violent Muslims are towards women:

In America, Violence Against Woman:

In the United States, one-third of women murdered each year are killed by intimate partners. In 2005, 1,181 women were murdered by an intimate partner. That's an average of three women every day.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (Intimate Partner Violence or Battering)
Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, women experience about . Eight million intimate partner-related physical assaults and rapes every year. Less than 20 percent of battered women sought medical treatment following an injury.

According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which includes crimes that were not reported to the police, 232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006. That's more than 600 women every day. Other estimates, such as those generated by the FBI, are much lower because they rely on data from law enforcement agencies. A significant number of crimes are never even reported for reasons that include the victim's feeling that nothing can/will be done and the personal nature of the incident.

Violence Against Women in the United States

What I saw in this video was someone being set up to be humiliated and to look a fool, with the crew smirking and laughing in the background, and the person who was set up and lied to being angry. Wow, what a surprise. Someone who takes their cause seriously being mocked and humiliated for doing so and then getting angry.

So you refuse to confront the video and the truth.. instead point fingers..Go make your own HATE threads about the Jooooos .. Stay the fuck on subject in this one.. You either condemn this backward shit or you condone it.. WHICH IS IT?

This moonbat lives in PORTUGAL....ask her how many muslimes she has in her country....then ask her how she feels about Basque bet is she ignores you.

WTF?? Why the hell is she on an American political forum?? Don't these loser libruls from foreign shitholes have anything better to do than to criticize and troll American political forums? GET A LIFE.. How many Muslims are you in your own country? How do you feel about Basque terrorists Esmerelda of whatever the hell your name is?

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