Eight point turnaround, for Hillary Clinton, ten days

I guess the debate and a few dozen other Trump fails had some legs:

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™
Hate to break it to you but in actuality these numbers show she's down by at least 2 points. Most polls BEFORE the debate (Ramussen included) were sampling Dems +0 some were at +2-4. Polls post debate are sampling Dems +10.

It's all a game. They'll continue to fuck with the sampling all the way until the election to sucker the suckers into believing Clinton holds the lead.

If you have Rasmussen's internals, post them.

I guess those internals won't be forthcoming anytime soon.
No, its more fun watching you do backflips over things you have no clue about :lol: :lol:
I understand your theory of Trump being undersampled, but the polls themselves don't show that their sampling is "wrong." Now it may be in fact that Trump supporters are more motivated, or that they lie when publically asked who they'll vote for, but we'll have to see.
The west never had western values?


Trump's never made any policy whatsoever,

ergo: he doesn't have a damn thing to lose.


What the hell are you burbling about?

I am talking about western values... you manage to make it about how Trump has never made any policy, and then conclude that he has nothing to lose out of nowhere.


ok, name one piece of " western values" legislation Donnie passed that would be lost if he isn't elected .... ONE

"Trump's loss would be a tragic loss to western values... welcome to banana-republic."

the west didn't have values before Trump entered the picture ?

Idiot isnt the word, try Trumpbot

Due process - Hillary wants to order a drone strike on Assange

Freedom of speech - Hillary will continue working with social media to make hate facts illegal, as has already been done with facebook etc. She will also work with UN, the regressive organization to curtail free expression in the internet, that is now possible as 2nd amandment no longer applies as Obama transferred the internet. Finally, she has stated her desire to shut down magazines.

Equality under law - Hillary works with the likes of BLM whose goal is that of reparations, she will destroy white men - guilty untill proven innocent all the way.

Rule of law - The legal code already is full of exceptions for her and her pals. She is the master of backroom deals.

Democracy - In conjunction with her party she has already obstructed it in this election. And what was that, Trump got a "defective mic"? What a surprise!

Property rights - Not a big supporter...

Separation of power - Do I even need to start, she has connections everywhere and utilizes them without issue!

And of course, she wants to import a bunch of muslims, who want to destroy the west. Well, at least she supports the separation of church and state...

You are welcome.

100% Trumpbot conjecture.

next contestant ...

100% not an argument... by a Hillary drone.

But to be honest, the main problem is not with her, but the crazy regressive leftist whom she will empower. They are the poison that kills any civilized society.
Trump's never made any policy whatsoever,

ergo: he doesn't have a damn thing to lose.


What the hell are you burbling about?

I am talking about western values... you manage to make it about how Trump has never made any policy, and then conclude that he has nothing to lose out of nowhere.


ok, name one piece of " western values" legislation Donnie passed that would be lost if he isn't elected .... ONE

"Trump's loss would be a tragic loss to western values... welcome to banana-republic."

the west didn't have values before Trump entered the picture ?

Idiot isnt the word, try Trumpbot

Due process - Hillary wants to order a drone strike on Assange

Freedom of speech - Hillary will continue working with social media to make hate facts illegal, as has already been done with facebook etc. She will also work with UN, the regressive organization to curtail free expression in the internet, that is now possible as 2nd amandment no longer applies as Obama transferred the internet. Finally, she has stated her desire to shut down magazines.

Equality under law - Hillary works with the likes of BLM whose goal is that of reparations, she will destroy white men - guilty untill proven innocent all the way.

Rule of law - The legal code already is full of exceptions for her and her pals. She is the master of backroom deals.

Democracy - In conjunction with her party she has already obstructed it in this election. And what was that, Trump got a "defective mic"? What a surprise!

Property rights - Not a big supporter...

Separation of power - Do I even need to start, she has connections everywhere and utilizes them without issue!

And of course, she wants to import a bunch of muslims, who want to destroy the west. Well, at least she supports the separation of church and state...

You are welcome.

100% Trumpbot conjecture.

next contestant ...

100% not an argument... by a Hillary drone.

But to be honest, the main problem is not with her, but the crazy regressive leftist whom she will empower. They are the poison that kills any civilized society.


arguing with Trumpbot conjecture is like a fart in a hurricane ...

What the hell are you burbling about?

I am talking about western values... you manage to make it about how Trump has never made any policy, and then conclude that he has nothing to lose out of nowhere.


ok, name one piece of " western values" legislation Donnie passed that would be lost if he isn't elected .... ONE

"Trump's loss would be a tragic loss to western values... welcome to banana-republic."

the west didn't have values before Trump entered the picture ?

Idiot isnt the word, try Trumpbot

Due process - Hillary wants to order a drone strike on Assange

Freedom of speech - Hillary will continue working with social media to make hate facts illegal, as has already been done with facebook etc. She will also work with UN, the regressive organization to curtail free expression in the internet, that is now possible as 2nd amandment no longer applies as Obama transferred the internet. Finally, she has stated her desire to shut down magazines.

Equality under law - Hillary works with the likes of BLM whose goal is that of reparations, she will destroy white men - guilty untill proven innocent all the way.

Rule of law - The legal code already is full of exceptions for her and her pals. She is the master of backroom deals.

Democracy - In conjunction with her party she has already obstructed it in this election. And what was that, Trump got a "defective mic"? What a surprise!

Property rights - Not a big supporter...

Separation of power - Do I even need to start, she has connections everywhere and utilizes them without issue!

And of course, she wants to import a bunch of muslims, who want to destroy the west. Well, at least she supports the separation of church and state...

You are welcome.

100% Trumpbot conjecture.

next contestant ...

100% not an argument... by a Hillary drone.

But to be honest, the main problem is not with her, but the crazy regressive leftist whom she will empower. They are the poison that kills any civilized society.


arguing with Trumpbot conjecture is like a fart in a hurricane ...


Insults, more insults... but no information content.

Basic Hillary drone... machinery provided by the mainstream media.
I guess the debate and a few dozen other Trump fails had some legs:

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™
Hate to break it to you but in actuality these numbers show she's down by at least 2 points. Most polls BEFORE the debate (Ramussen included) were sampling Dems +0 some were at +2-4. Polls post debate are sampling Dems +10.

It's all a game. They'll continue to fuck with the sampling all the way until the election to sucker the suckers into believing Clinton holds the lead.

If you have Rasmussen's internals, post them.

I guess those internals won't be forthcoming anytime soon.
No, its more fun watching you do backflips over things you have no clue about :lol: :lol:

It was your claim that you can't back up. That's trolling.
I guess the debate and a few dozen other Trump fails had some legs:

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™
Hate to break it to you but in actuality these numbers show she's down by at least 2 points. Most polls BEFORE the debate (Ramussen included) were sampling Dems +0 some were at +2-4. Polls post debate are sampling Dems +10.

It's all a game. They'll continue to fuck with the sampling all the way until the election to sucker the suckers into believing Clinton holds the lead.

If you have Rasmussen's internals, post them.

I guess those internals won't be forthcoming anytime soon.
No, its more fun watching you do backflips over things you have no clue about :lol: :lol:

It was your claim that you can't back up. That's trolling.

If that's your definition of trolling, you are the troll MASTER. Now, go back under your bridge that Hillary has built...
I guess the debate and a few dozen other Trump fails had some legs:

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™
Hate to break it to you but in actuality these numbers show she's down by at least 2 points. Most polls BEFORE the debate (Ramussen included) were sampling Dems +0 some were at +2-4. Polls post debate are sampling Dems +10.

It's all a game. They'll continue to fuck with the sampling all the way until the election to sucker the suckers into believing Clinton holds the lead.

If you have Rasmussen's internals, post them.

I guess those internals won't be forthcoming anytime soon.
No, its more fun watching you do backflips over things you have no clue about :lol: :lol:
Based on your posts about polls, you've shown all of us that you don't have a clue about how they work.
I guess the debate and a few dozen other Trump fails had some legs:

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™
Hate to break it to you but in actuality these numbers show she's down by at least 2 points. Most polls BEFORE the debate (Ramussen included) were sampling Dems +0 some were at +2-4. Polls post debate are sampling Dems +10.

It's all a game. They'll continue to fuck with the sampling all the way until the election to sucker the suckers into believing Clinton holds the lead.

If you have Rasmussen's internals, post them.

I guess those internals won't be forthcoming anytime soon.
No, its more fun watching you do backflips over things you have no clue about :lol: :lol:

You also lied outright about the pollsters sampling +10 Democrats:

CNN latest poll:


A total of 1,501 adults were interviewed by telephone nationwide by live interviewers calling both landline and cell phones. Among the entire sample, 27% described themselves as Democrats, 24% described themselves as Republicans, and 49% described themselves as independents or members of another party."

Post-debate, Hillary Clinton takes the lead - CNNPolitics.com

CNN has Hillary up by 6.

Why lie? What does lying accomplish?

Hate to break it to you but in actuality these numbers show she's down by at least 2 points. Most polls BEFORE the debate (Ramussen included) were sampling Dems +0 some were at +2-4. Polls post debate are sampling Dems +10.

It's all a game. They'll continue to fuck with the sampling all the way until the election to sucker the suckers into believing Clinton holds the lead.

If you have Rasmussen's internals, post them.

I guess those internals won't be forthcoming anytime soon.
No, its more fun watching you do backflips over things you have no clue about :lol: :lol:

It was your claim that you can't back up. That's trolling.

If that's your definition of trolling, you are the troll MASTER. Now, go back under your bridge that Hillary has built...

Read post 68. Proof the poster lied outright.
I guess the debate and a few dozen other Trump fails had some legs:

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™

Everyone knows Rasmussen is a left wing rag.
Don't remind me of the retard who was saying that last week.

Actually, it was probably me. :D A handful of drumpfodder actually tried to run with it, though.
No, it was that clown Owebo. Owebo may be a liberal pretending to be a conservative though.
I guess the debate and a few dozen other Trump fails had some legs:

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™

Everyone knows Rasmussen is a left wing rag.
Don't remind me of the retard who was saying that last week.

Actually, it was probably me. :D A handful of drumpfodder actually tried to run with it, though.
No, it was that clown Owebo. Owebo may be a liberal pretending to be a conservative though.

No, I think he's sincerely a lunatic.
I guess the debate and a few dozen other Trump fails had some legs:

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™

The debate was the one, but the news over the last couple weeks have really opened a lot of eyes into Trump's business dealing.

The State Attorney General opening up an investigation into the Trump Foundation.
'I've never encountered anything so brazen': Report details shocking new revelations about Trump Foundation

Trump University scheduled on the court docket.

Small business contractors not getting paid.
USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills

Now the WHOOPER--Trump hasn't paid Federal Income taxes in 18 YEARS.

Big Corporations everywhere are welcoming this news.

Big corporations will flourish regardless who the president is.

Probably...however at least Trump has mentioned the lavish tax benefits of traders as well as the taxpayer funded free loans. At least...maybe...he might attempt to do something about America being a plutocratic corporatocracy.
Hillary is a corporatist to the core, like Obama, she embraces the elitist-oligarchy and will continue to crush the small businesses while continuing to even further the advantages to big money and the super corporations.

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