Eight states see a rise in COVID Cases

you're an antirights fascist if you have knelt to your god and took the shot shut the fuck up
We did just that and effective today NO MORE MASKS.
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Never wore the face diaper
Here is your result.

View attachment 501452
Kinda makes you feel all warm and fuzzy.
actually no new cases as of yesterday and day before was the same as May 17 2020
but I don't give a flying fuck about your covid 19

Six are dark red, one blue and one transitioning to blue. Then 29% of repubs say they will not be vaccinated. They would rather rely on the freedoms we give them as we have been vaccinated. The vaccine should never have been a political statement....but the Former Guy hid away and got his shot....

The people who are in hospitals fighting for their lives now are those who aren't vaccinated.

I'm surprised that Hawaii is seeing an increase. They have a strict quarantine if you don't have a negative covid test.
are you so sure about that?
So what? They didn't get sick enough to go to the hospital and they didn't die. The Biden vaccines work.
Lefties automatically trust uncertified data compiled by anonymous sources when they like the data. Where did J.H. get the data and how did they determine the political affiliation of folks who were vaccinated? It smells a lot like political propaganda and it beats talking about Fauci's relationship with China and the cover up.
you're an antirights fascist if you have knelt to your god and took the shot shut the fuck up
We did just that and effective today NO MORE MASKS.
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Never wore the face diaper
Then you were barred from stores for the past year. Or - most likely - you're lying your ass off.

If you say you didn't get the vaccine, though, I will believe you totally. And I hope for a big Covid Delta surge in NC. SC, too!
Lefties automatically trust uncertified data compiled by anonymous sources when they like the data. Where did J.H. get the data and how did they determine the political affiliation of folks who were vaccinated? It smells a lot like political propaganda and it beats talking about Fauci's relationship with China and the cover up.
The 21st century religion of Scientism.
Considering the news about how the tallying of cases was inflated by over 25% in Alameda County, I don't believe anything that the Prog statistics keepers say.
How many fat middle-age White Mississippians are going to die from Covid Delta in the next few months?

Not nearly enough!

You really are one sick MoFo incel.
Considering the news about how the tallying of cases was inflated by over 25% in Alameda County, I don't believe anything that the Prog statistics keepers say.
Gotta remember that for months almost every fatality in America was listed as Covid before CDC ended the charade and clarified that Covid was present in the decedent but they could not identify if it was causal.
Considering the news about how the tallying of cases was inflated by over 25% in Alameda County, I don't believe anything that the Prog statistics keepers say.
Gotta remember that for months almost every fatality in America was listed as Covid before CDC ended the charade and clarified that Covid was present in the decedent but they could not identify if it was causal.

Medical organizations were PAID EXTRA to count deaths as Covid.

That one fact alone tells us everything we need to know about what a Scamdemic this has been...that and the other fact that half of the unemployment payments were fraudulent.

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