"Eight Ways From Sunday"...

Chucky Shumer was quoted last week as saying if the CIA is pissed at you, they have multiple ways of getting you. We've seen this week he wasn't kidding. Trump seemed to back off on his criticism of the Clandestine Services but after Wednesday, it's back ON. So what? Here's what; the CIA has demonstrated before what it can pull off with a president who's fallen out of their favor....remember Dallas, 22 November, 1963? They weren't the only player in the murder of JFK but they were one of them. And at this point, are a clear and present danger to the President-Elect. They've tried slandering him and failed so the question is will they go to lethal means?

Folks in my circle are concerned about the Inauguration next Friday. There are multiples of multiple forces both foreign and domestic who'd like to see Trump dead. Mehico? China? the TPP nations? Hell, maybe the russians for all we know. We know the Secret Service detail assigned to protect Kennedy in Dallas was compromised in multiple ways from the number of agents there to the parade route. We know that Trump's private security aren't allowed to carry firearms now that the SS has taken on his protection. So there he will be, out in the open with leftist trash trying to shut down the city and every kind of deviate and psychopath in town to make a name for themselves. Hell, half the country would either privately smirk or start break dancing if the worst happened. I wonder if the ceremonies might be better be curtailed and moved out of the public arena...this isn't about backing down...it's about his safety.

Trump is not a real President -- he is a loose cannon spokesperson front man for GOP power-brokers.

He won the election and so he has the title, but he is no more capable of actually being President than Sarah Palin.

Pence and Priebus are the main folks running things behind the scenes. The lobbyists have taken up shop.

They will keep Trump around until he stops being their useful idiot. Sad because his family will probably get thrown under the bus when it goes down.
Last I heard the CIA was just the "central intelligence agency". How do they "get you" in a political sense (or a physical sense)? Chucky probably doesn't even realize it but he nailed the CIA as a political tool of the democrat party. Only a week before the long long Obama regime is over and Jan 20 can't come soon enough for me. Drain the swamp.

How can the CIA get you? seriously?
And now the DC National Guard General is "stepping down" in the middle of the oath of office? Good grief....
Incidentally, this can't be considered a "conspiracy" because it hasn't happened, and trust God that it won't happen.

incidentally, Obama's birth certificate conspiracy never happened ... you're an idiot.

Because it wasn't a conspiracy per se.....just a more pronounced form of affirmative-action. And if I'm an idiot what the hell would that make you? :lol: Now if you don't have a comment about Trump's safety, go play in the furnace.

the birther conspiracy wasnt a conspiracy?

RW's cant get TOO damn dumb can they ?

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