Einstein said WW3 will be fought with sticks and stones


I eat morons
Jan 1, 2011
Perhaps he never envisioned this kind of world wide war:
Messerattacke in Hamburg: Tödlicher Angriff in der Einkaufsstraße - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Panorama

But his prediction that we are back in the stone age was right when it comes to countries where citizens do not have the right to bear arms :

Had that been in Tel Aviv or Texas instead of Hamburg that terrorist would have been Swiss Cheese as soon as he yelled Allahu Akbar and before he could have knifed all these people.
Einstein said WW3 will be fought with sticks and stones
No he didn't. This is what he said:

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

In other words, back to the Stone Age after worldwide Thermonuclear annihilation.

Read more of his quotes at: Albert Einstein Quotes

Yep, and once there is a nuclear war there will also be EMPs that will totally devastate all the electrical systems on the world leaving us back in the stone age.
Einstein said WW3 will be fought with sticks and stones
No he didn't. This is what he said:

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

In other words, back to the Stone Age after worldwide Thermonuclear annihilation.

Read more of his quotes at: Albert Einstein Quotes
The stupidity of your reply is amazing !
As if I were required to put the entire quote in the OP which points out that it did not take thermonuclear annihilation to put so many people back into a situation where they have to resort to such primitive methods to defend themselves. Next thing you will point out is that they used chairs instead of sticks and stones.
There are electrical appliances with microchips that are more intelligent than you !
Btw Albert also said another thing about people just like you, take a wild guess which one that might be
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Einstein said WW3 will be fought with sticks and stones
No he didn't. This is what he said:

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

In other words, back to the Stone Age after worldwide Thermonuclear annihilation.

Read more of his quotes at: Albert Einstein Quotes
The stupidity of your reply is amazing !
As if I were required to put the entire quote in the OP which points out that it did not take thermonuclear annihilation to put so many people back into a situation where they have to resort to such primitive methods to defend themselves. Next thing you will point out is that they used chairs instead of sticks and stones.
There are electrical appliances with microchips that are more intelligent than you !

The point of his reply was to show you that Einstein didn't say WWIII would be fought with sticks and stones... but WWIV would. You're thread subject is wrong.
Einstein said WW3 will be fought with sticks and stones
No he didn't. This is what he said:

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

In other words, back to the Stone Age after worldwide Thermonuclear annihilation.

Read more of his quotes at: Albert Einstein Quotes
The stupidity of your reply is amazing !
As if I were required to put the entire quote in the OP which points out that it did not take thermonuclear annihilation to put so many people back into a situation where they have to resort to such primitive methods to defend themselves. Next thing you will point out is that they used chairs instead of sticks and stones.
There are electrical appliances with microchips that are more intelligent than you !
Btw Albert also said another thing about people just like you, take a wild guess which one that might be
Seeing as how you are a little slow on this, I'll try to point this out to you again.

You stated that Einstein said: "WW3 will be fought with sticks and stones".

He said no such thing, dumbfuck.

This is what he said:

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
Yep, and once there is a nuclear war there will also be EMPs that will totally devastate all the electrical systems on the world leaving us back in the stone age.

Only for the idiots who are too dumb to know how to fix the shit, or protect it. It is sad ( NOT REALLY) that all liberals and their indoctrinated ants will starve, die of thirst, and get killed by those who are able to flourish in a post war setting because of their knowledge of REAL HISTORY. Some will still have two way radios, and operable vehicles, and lights generators, and even air conditioning. Fuel from all types of sources because they know how to adjust things for different burn rates and flash wave speeds. Easily grown and manufactured chemical/biological weapons to use against any intruder. Traps, silent projectile launchers, hell some people know what the difference in the shock wave speed,and residual energy between two different types of explosive and can decide what to use for any situation from breaching to complete destruction of any type of material.
they also know the compound formulas and the basic raw materials that make them.
Not affected by EMP ...

Yep, and once there is a nuclear war there will also be EMPs that will totally devastate all the electrical systems on the world leaving us back in the stone age.

Only for the idiots who are too dumb to know how to fix the shit, or protect it. It is sad ( NOT REALLY) that all liberals and their indoctrinated ants will starve, die of thirst, and get killed by those who are able to flourish in a post war setting because of their knowledge of REAL HISTORY. Some will still have two way radios, and operable vehicles, and lights generators, and even air conditioning. Fuel from all types of sources because they know how to adjust things for different burn rates and flash wave speeds. Easily grown and manufactured chemical/biological weapons to use against any intruder. Traps, silent projectile launchers, hell some people know what the difference in the shock wave speed,and residual energy between two different types of explosive and can decide what to use for any situation from breaching to complete destruction of any type of material.
they also know the compound formulas and the basic raw materials that make them.

Seriously, why do you have to add a political view to any of this? Do you not think there are electricians that are Liberals too? Do you think all Liberals hate guns? Do you think there are no survival instructors out there that are Liberals?... do you think Liberals can't fish, hunt, or grow gardens? Do you think no Liberals know what a Faraday cage is?...

This has NOTHING to do with political ideologies when it comes to surviving a post nuclear waste land.
Do you not think there are electricians that are Liberals too? Do you think all Liberals hate guns? Do you think there are no survival instructors out there that are Liberals?... do you think Liberals can't fish, hunt, or grow gardens? Do you think no Liberals know what a Faraday cage is?...

To be fair, the other extreme is well represented among those on the left who constantly rant that all conservatives are troglodytes who never graduated 5th grade. Who claim all conservatives are racists, misogynists, and religious fanatics. Who believe their political position is based on their superiority as humans and not on their life experiences.

At least the portrayal of liberals as lacking outdoor skills is based on demographics (liberals tend to be city-dwellers) rather than emotion. It is just as wrong to lump liberals into a one-size fits all category of latte-sipping, beta-males, who would perish within hours of an Internet collapse.
Do you not think there are electricians that are Liberals too? Do you think all Liberals hate guns? Do you think there are no survival instructors out there that are Liberals?... do you think Liberals can't fish, hunt, or grow gardens? Do you think no Liberals know what a Faraday cage is?...

To be fair, the other extreme is well represented among those on the left who constantly rant that all conservatives are troglodytes who never graduated 5th grade. Who claim all conservatives are racists, misogynists, and religious fanatics. Who believe their political position is based on their superiority as humans and not on their life experiences.

At least the portrayal of liberals as lacking outdoor skills is based on demographics (liberals tend to be city-dwellers) rather than emotion. It is just as wrong to lump liberals into a one-size fits all category of latte-sipping, beta-males, who would perish within hours of an Internet collapse.

I'll give you an example of something that happened the other day that just blew my mind. I was at an appointment where I had to have a friend drive me because I was going to be getting anesthesia. My friend started talking politics with a stranger... which I hardly ever do and definitely don't suggest it. The guy was a white man in his 70's, living in Kentucky that used to own his own plumbing company... and was a huge out door guy that loved to fish. He HATED Donald Trump. He checked every box of a Trump supporter... yet he HATED Trump and thought he was the biggest liar to ever be in politics. It blew my mind, and is a prime example that you can't read a book by its cover.
Einstein said WW3 will be fought with sticks and stones
No he didn't. This is what he said:

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

In other words, back to the Stone Age after worldwide Thermonuclear annihilation.

Read more of his quotes at: Albert Einstein Quotes
Interesting how The GOP & DNC Establishment want to go to war with Russia.
I'll give you an example of something that happened the other day that just blew my mind. I was at an appointment where I had to have a friend drive me because I was going to be getting anesthesia. My friend started talking politics with a stranger... which I hardly ever do and definitely don't suggest it. The guy was a white man in his 70's, living in Kentucky that used to own his own plumbing company... and was a huge out door guy that loved to fish. He HATED Donald Trump. He checked every box of a Trump supporter... yet he HATED Trump and thought he was the biggest liar to ever be in politics. It blew my mind, and is a prime example that you can't read a book by its cover.

I happen to be a Trump supporter and if I don't 'check the boxes', it doesn't mean I'm an anomaly. It means you've got the wrong boxes. You can often JUDGE a book by its cover, if you're adept at reading covers.
I'll give you an example of something that happened the other day that just blew my mind. I was at an appointment where I had to have a friend drive me because I was going to be getting anesthesia. My friend started talking politics with a stranger... which I hardly ever do and definitely don't suggest it. The guy was a white man in his 70's, living in Kentucky that used to own his own plumbing company... and was a huge out door guy that loved to fish. He HATED Donald Trump. He checked every box of a Trump supporter... yet he HATED Trump and thought he was the biggest liar to ever be in politics. It blew my mind, and is a prime example that you can't read a book by its cover.

I happen to be a Trump supporter and if I don't 'check the boxes', it doesn't mean I'm an anomaly. It means you've got the wrong boxes. You can often JUDGE a book by its cover, it you're adept at reading covers.

They aren't boxes I created, it's the demographics of his supporters. Kentucky is a HUGE Red state. Trump supporters tend to be elderly, White Men. And small business owners tend to support Trump, all of which makes the man I am referring to a typical Trump supporter.
An EMP would knock out everything with a chip but not permanently. Put in a new chip, good as new.
Not affected by EMP ...

And should the US and Russia each throw a thousand nukes, only part of each nations arsenal, just how is that going to be a big help? A regular deer rifle would be much more useful for such game as survived, and there just will not be that many people surviving to fight a war.

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