Eisenhower's Times

It's deflection.

It very directly addresses your own words and puts the lie to your conclusion.

Really asshole, I'm a liar because I say FDR respected the founders and you disagree and think he didn't?

You posed your own question and then answered it categorically. I responded by posing some telling questions of my own. When you realized what these questions demonstrated about your unambiguous claim you then started on this hissy fit.

And I didn't call you a "liar." I was thinking more along the lines of "idiot."
It very directly addresses your own words and puts the lie to your conclusion.

Really asshole, I'm a liar because I say FDR respected the founders and you disagree and think he didn't?

You posed your own question and then answered it categorically. I responded by posing some telling questions of my own. When you realized what these questions demonstrated about your unambiguous claim you then started on this hissy fit.

And I didn't call you a "liar." I was thinking more along the lines of "idiot."

OK, the OP asked some questions in post #43 and has been demanding that I answer her questions, which I viewed as deflections, but finally answered in a somewhat sarcastic way. The substantive question she asked, the one that could be answered with facts she has chosen to ignore or refused to answer in an academic fashion.
So, if there has been a misunderstanding, lets move on. It makes no difference to me whether someone thinks FDR respected the founders, whatever that means, because I don't think it is even clear what the hell that means.
The soldier's view of the war was that the attack on Europe should come via Italy, which had surrendered and was controlled by Mark Clark and the Allies. Stalin, Roosevelt, Harry Hopkins, and George Marshall demanded western France as the attack zone (Stalin wanted Central and Eastern Europe left for occupation by the Red Army).

None of your bull can be taken seriously because you simply ignore fact and persistently promote the ridiculous claim that Italy was controlled by Gen. Clark and allied forces. I have posted details about the war in Italy and if you had read it, or actually knew anything about what you are basing your conspiracy theory on you would know that in planning the invasion of Europe there were those who looked at Italy and a southern strategy and those who looked a France. It took only a short time to understand that there was no such thing as a "soft underbelly" and all thoughts of a southern invasion had to be abandoned. One of your own links explains it and points out that even the biggest proponent of a southern strategy, Churchill, gave up on the idea after the invasion of Italy had proven to be far more costly than the proponents had anticipated.
You continue to insist Gen. Clark "controlled Italy when in fact the allies were forced to fight a slug fest and fight the Germans in a scorched earth campaign of head to head engagements that gave little or no opportunity for maneuver or advantage of overwhelming logistical advantage.
You simply can not admit the facts that crush your outrageous theory of Eisenhower because, well, to admit the facts crushes your conspiracy theory. But when you stand on the stupid assertion that the allies controlled Italy in early June of 1944 is just factually not plausible as a debatable topic and exposes your ridiculousness and purposeful lying to promote a weird conspiracy theory.

Ah....the Roosevelt apologist checks in!

If you are going to be two faced, at least make one of them pretty.

When will you be providing the answers to post #43?

After that you may address Clark, Spaatz, and Eisenhower....all of whom supported exactly what I said....in post #45.

A dunce like you can keep ignoring the facts for just so long.

In short, If you were a swine, you would be what you are now.

You are the one ignoring facts. And we haven't even used the word Dragoon. It's the history forum, so history buffs will recognize what Dragoon means. You, doubtful.
13. General Eisenhower was used to following George Marshall's orders, which seemed to coincide with the wishes of Joseph Stalin.

"Marshall's record is the most tragic and incomprehensible. Throughout World War II and the postwar years, down to 1951, when he was largely responsible for the removal of General MacArthur from command in the Far East and for the strategy of appeasement which resulted in our defeat in the Korean War.... The record of his service to the communist cause, however innocent, is appalling, and hardly could have been worse if he had consciously acted on instructions from the Kremlin."
Manly, Op.Cit., p. 118.

George Marshall....the one responsible for awarding the fifth star to Eisenhower......

14. On March 26, 1945, Army Chief of Staff George C. Marshall issued the following order:

"Censor all stories, delete criticism Russian treatment."

This was aimed at those Americans who had been POWs of the Red Army.
Note that some 20,000 US soldiers were never returned.

a. " By May 15, 1945, the Pentagon believed 25,000 American POWs "liberated" by the Red Army were still being held hostage to Soviet demands that all "Soviet citizens" be returned to Soviet control, "without exception" and by force if necessary, as agreed to at the Yalta Conference in February 1945. When the U.S. refused to return some military formations composed of Soviet citizens, such as the First Ukrainian SS Division, Stalin retaliated by returning only 4,116 of the hostage American POWs.

On June 1, 1945, the United States Government issued documents, signed by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, explaining away the loss of approximately 20,000 POWs remaining under Stalin's control."
WWII Home Page, National Alliance of Families

What the heck....it was only twenty thousand Americans......
None of your bull can be taken seriously because you simply ignore fact and persistently promote the ridiculous claim that Italy was controlled by Gen. Clark and allied forces. I have posted details about the war in Italy and if you had read it, or actually knew anything about what you are basing your conspiracy theory on you would know that in planning the invasion of Europe there were those who looked at Italy and a southern strategy and those who looked a France. It took only a short time to understand that there was no such thing as a "soft underbelly" and all thoughts of a southern invasion had to be abandoned. One of your own links explains it and points out that even the biggest proponent of a southern strategy, Churchill, gave up on the idea after the invasion of Italy had proven to be far more costly than the proponents had anticipated.
You continue to insist Gen. Clark "controlled Italy when in fact the allies were forced to fight a slug fest and fight the Germans in a scorched earth campaign of head to head engagements that gave little or no opportunity for maneuver or advantage of overwhelming logistical advantage.
You simply can not admit the facts that crush your outrageous theory of Eisenhower because, well, to admit the facts crushes your conspiracy theory. But when you stand on the stupid assertion that the allies controlled Italy in early June of 1944 is just factually not plausible as a debatable topic and exposes your ridiculousness and purposeful lying to promote a weird conspiracy theory.

Ah....the Roosevelt apologist checks in!

If you are going to be two faced, at least make one of them pretty.

When will you be providing the answers to post #43?

After that you may address Clark, Spaatz, and Eisenhower....all of whom supported exactly what I said....in post #45.

A dunce like you can keep ignoring the facts for just so long.

In short, If you were a swine, you would be what you are now.

You are the one ignoring facts. And we haven't even used the word Dragoon. It's the history forum, so history buffs will recognize what Dragoon means. You, doubtful.

Did you suggest that you are a 'history buff'?

You meant, 'butt,' didn't you?

Still mistake 'f' and 't,' huh?

Oh....and you forgot to respond to post #13....

This one:

I would be happy to grade your responses....

...but I need context: are your errors lies or based on ignorance?

Please advise.

Want me to give you the benefit of the doubt, and simply award you the title of 'dunce'?

His farwell address speech he made warning the american people about the forces that dictate the presidency-the military industrial complex which to this day still threaten our civil liberties as they did back then which was the message he was trying to get out,that same military industrial complex he warned americans about was behind the JFK assassination. Ike must have felt guilty in the end so he tried to redeem himself with that speech warning americans.Ike had to feel guilty for all the atrocities he committed at dresdan.

The reason for the notoriety is the author's conclusion that Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, as head of the American occupation of Germany in 1945, deliberately starved to death German prisoners of war in staggering numbers. Mr. Bacque charges that "the victims undoubtedly number over 800,000, almost certainly over 900,000 and quite likely over a million. Their deaths were knowingly caused by army officers who had sufficient resources to keep the prisoners alive."
Ike and the Disappearing Atrocities

Allied War
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Ah....the Roosevelt apologist checks in!

If you are going to be two faced, at least make one of them pretty.

When will you be providing the answers to post #43?

After that you may address Clark, Spaatz, and Eisenhower....all of whom supported exactly what I said....in post #45.

A dunce like you can keep ignoring the facts for just so long.

In short, If you were a swine, you would be what you are now.

You are the one ignoring facts. And we haven't even used the word Dragoon. It's the history forum, so history buffs will recognize what Dragoon means. You, doubtful.

Did you suggest that you are a 'history buff'?

You meant, 'butt,' didn't you?

Still mistake 'f' and 't,' huh?

Oh....and you forgot to respond to post #13....

This one:

I would be happy to grade your responses....

...but I need context: are your errors lies or based on ignorance?

Please advise.

Want me to give you the benefit of the doubt, and simply award you the title of 'dunce'?

So, basically you have run out of crap to promote your slander on Ike and are reduced to a pile of garbage who needs to reduce the debate to a personal level of name calling and goofy attacks on your opponent in a forum debate. Since you ask me to advise:


Read what I have repeatedly posted a link to. Maybe if you do you will understand what an ass you have been and who is the buff and who is the butt.
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General Eisenhower was elected as a coda to the war, and a hope for new beginnings.
And, perhaps he lived up to both.
But he carried baggage, and a view that surprised quite a few.

1. Let's begin at the middle....and, later, head back to the war years.
Eisenhower was a product of his times, malleable as most are, and the crucible of his times was Franklin Roosevelt. For whatever the reasons, Roosevelt was a devotee of Stalin and the Soviets, and his administration was thoroughly infused with Soviet spies and sympathizers.

Based on the above, and one's natural inclinations where his career was involved....what should one expect?

a. But, unfortunately, the same pressures were exerted on large segments of the American population.
"Back in the 1930s, American liberals excused the communists of the Soviet Union as being simply “Liberals in a Hurry.”

Doug Ross spots a Timesperson visiting North Korea, retching at the horror before her and quips, “New York Times visits North Korea, unintentionally reveals the endgame of the Democrats’ unchecked authoritarian agenda.” Ed Driscoll » When ?Liberals in a Hurry? Reach the Endzone

Then, just as now.

b. Here is a view from the top:
"As Hitler marched into Poland, [Soviet agent] Whittaker Chambers arranged a private meeting with Adolf Berle, President Roosevelt’s assistant Sec’y of State. Chambers detailed the Communist espionage network, naming at least two dozen Soviet spies in Roosevelt’s administration, including Alger Hiss. Berle reported this to Roosevelt, who laughed, and told Berle to go f--- himself."
(Arthur Herman, "Joseph McCarthy: Reexaming the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator," p. 60)

No action was taken, and in fact, Roosevelt promoted Hiss.
Remember, FDR was Eisenhower's boss.

c. How about Truman?
President Truman denounced the Hiss investigation as a “red herring” by do-nothing Republicans (Whitaker Chambers, Witness, p. 564-74)
Felix Frankfurter and Adlai Stevenson offered to be character witnesses for Hiss.

Such were the times.....not very different from these times.

2. Eisenhower become President on January 20, 1953. Understanding the free rein communists had in the times doesn't mean that many weren't aware of the danger posed by the communists, as many are today.
On August 24, 1953, Senator Jenner's eight-member judiciary subcommittee on internal security issued a unanimous report declaring that the penetration of the United States government by the Soviet international organization "has not been fully disclosed....

Policies and programs laid down by members of this Soviet conspiracy are still in effect within our government and constitute a continuing hazard to our national security."

And...have been largely successful in subverting America....it has been "fundamentally transformed" from what the 'greatest generation' fought for.

3. The communist penetration of the government occurred in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations, but policies and programs laid down by the Soviet conspiracy were still in effect after the Eisenhower administration had been in office seven months, according to the unanimous report of eight senators...
... there were indications that the Eisenhower administration would be little more diligent than its predecessors in exposing and eliminating the Soviet conspirators still remaining in the government.

Is that what was expected from his election?

Much of the above is based on Chesly Manly's "The Twenty Year Revolution."
It should be read by those who want to understand what went wrong, and how we got to today.

This is sure having a hope for a lot of beginnings.Having a president who stood next and buddied up to Stalin watching him murder countless numbers of women and having a jolly old good time watching him do it.:cuckoo: Like Ike WASNT a devotee of Stalin and the soviets as well?:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::D

Who Else Liked Ike? Stalin; That's Who!
Was FDR mentally unstable? No
Did he respect the founders Yes

Would you consider George Washington one of the founders? He established a precedent of serving no more than two terms as President that became a tradition by those who "respected the founders."

Does your reading of the Constitution suggest support by the founders for depriving innocent American citizens of life, liberty, and property without due process? Do you think the founders built a separation of powers into the Constitution so that one man in one branch of government could accumulate all power unto himself, turning the legislature into a rubber stamp and intimidating the highest court into compliance via threats? Do you think that's what the founders had in mind after throwing off the yolk of an unjust monarchy?

Yeah, so much respect there...

The founders were of various minds. Thomas Payne would not attend the convention, others attended one time, still others would not sign the finished document, and some would not vote for ratification unless there was a Bill of Rights promised.
Washington established precedents that some presidents followed and some not. In any case a precedent is not a law and perhaps one of the factors in others not running for a third term is they saw little chance of being elected. The presidents that lead are often called "strong presidents" and in that box were FDR, Teddy Roosevelt, and of course the strongest of all, Lincoln. The weak presidents are those that let Congress run the country and we had those. As for the Courts Jefferson tried the first intimidating and it didn't work how does a president intimidate the Court?
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Hi PC. I appreciate your historical essays. Very interesting. I don't know much about Eisenhower. I do remember my dad calling him a "Communist sympathizer" when I was a little kid. I never spent the time to really find out what he meant. I've heard that little snippet of him warning of the "military-industrial complex" but that's about as far as it goes. I'm at work so I don't have time to really study your OP. I will try to pay it some time when I get home tonight. Thanks for your hard work.

your dad was right that Ike was a communist smypathiser alright.Just like FDR,he buddied with STALIN.
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Read more at Dwight D. Eisenhower Quotes - BrainyQuote

Great man

funny that you consider someone a great man who saynds next by stalins side and watches him murder thousands of women.:cuckoo:
Oh....one more thing: President Eisenhower's support for the Constitution?

Sixty-four senators, two thirds of the Senate, have sponsored a Constitutional amendment by Senator Bricker (R., 0.) which provides that:

". . . A provision of a treaty which denies or abridges any right enumerated in this Constitution shall not be of any force or effect. ... No treaty shall authorize or permit any foreign power or any international organization to supervise, control or adjudicate rights of citizens of the United States within the United States enumerated in this Constitution.... A treaty shall become effective as internal law in the United States only through the enactment of appropriate legislation by the Congress."
Chesly Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," chapter 12.

10. ."Despite the initial support, the Bricker Amendment was blocked through the intervention of President Eisenhower and failed in the Senate by a single vote in 1954."
Bricker Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One of the best short synopsis of the Italian campaign at the beginning of this piece you will ever find. It explains how all the comments made by Ike and others, including Churchill became obsolete and tossed aside once the fighting began and the allied forces realized the Germans did not care about the Italians or their surrender and had decided to turn Italy into a meat grinder and make the allies fight for every foot of ground. It also shows how it took the allies until the spring of 1945 to reach the Valley of the Po and finely force the Germans out of Italy, almost a year after the Normandy Invasion. Dates make a difference in history. Duh

Post #43 awaits you.....

Your questions are just stupid and can not be debated or discussed to any kind of conclusion. You are using a common method of deflection from the actual factual and provable elements of your conspiracy theory.
Lets look at those questions.
Was FDR mentally unstable? No Did he support genocide No
Did he support Stalin's slaughter No
Was he stupid No
Did he respect the founders Yes

So there are the answers to your stupid loaded questions.
I have repeatedly answered your question about Italy and provided you with lots of links to make my point. What good does it do. You continue to live in this fantasy world where a 19 month string of battles up the Italian peninsula in WWII didn't happen.
What is left? Did FDR give eastern Europe to Stalin as a gift? No, he gave it to Stalin as a gift to western Europe with western Europe's blessing. It was a buffer between the west and the east. Eastern Europe did not have economic or military value to western Europe and the USA. Eastern Europe was seen as a burden. So he let Stalin have the burden.
Finally, Hiss, scholars have been debating him for years. That debate will go on forever unless someday the US declassifies documents to show what some speculate was a counter intelligence effort and operation that makes him an unrecognized hero.

yeah she is one of the resident trolls of USMB,Like you said so well,she evades facts when she is cornered and deflects your points switching to something else

you are wrong on a couple points though.

FDR would never have buddied up with mass murderer stalin if he did not support Stalins slaughter.The fact he buddied up to him makes him as much a mass murderer as stalin.same with churchill.

FDR could have cared less about stalins genocide.this is a man who purposely allowed pearl harbour to be bombed and murdered many of our american navyman after all tricking americans into going into war just like Bush did.

and this post below,proves beyond a doubt,he did not respect the founders.Like all puppet presidents since Hoover-other than JFK of course,he served wall street and his masters instead of the american people. Like this poster said below,serving four terms in office as president was not respecting the founders.

Would you consider George Washington one of the founders? He established a precedent of serving no more than two terms as President that became a tradition by those who "respected the founders."

Does your reading of the Constitution suggest support by the founders for depriving innocent American citizens of life, liberty, and property without due process? Do you think the founders built a separation of powers into the Constitution so that one man in one branch of government could accumulate all power unto himself, turning the legislature into a rubber stamp and intimidating the highest court into compliance via threats? Do you think that's what the founders had in mind after throwing off the yolk of an unjust monarchy?

Yeah, so much respect there...

damn straight.:clap::clap::clap::clap:
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One of the best short synopsis of the Italian campaign at the beginning of this piece you will ever find. It explains how all the comments made by Ike and others, including Churchill became obsolete and tossed aside once the fighting began and the allied forces realized the Germans did not care about the Italians or their surrender and had decided to turn Italy into a meat grinder and make the allies fight for every foot of ground. It also shows how it took the allies until the spring of 1945 to reach the Valley of the Po and finely force the Germans out of Italy, almost a year after the Normandy Invasion. Dates make a difference in history. Duh

Post #43 awaits you.....

Your questions are just stupid and can not be debated or discussed to any kind of conclusion. You are using a common method of deflection from the actual factual and provable elements of your conspiracy theory.
Lets look at those questions.
Was FDR mentally unstable? No Did he support genocide No
Did he support Stalin's slaughter No
Was he stupid No
Did he respect the founders Yes

So there are the answers to your stupid loaded questions.
I have repeatedly answered your question about Italy and provided you with lots of links to make my point. What good does it do. You continue to live in this fantasy world where a 19 month string of battles up the Italian peninsula in WWII didn't happen.
What is left? Did FDR give eastern Europe to Stalin as a gift? No, he gave it to Stalin as a gift to western Europe with western Europe's blessing. It was a buffer between the west and the east. Eastern Europe did not have economic or military value to western Europe and the USA. Eastern Europe was seen as a burden. So he let Stalin have the burden.
Finally, Hiss, scholars have been debating him for years. That debate will go on forever unless someday the US declassifies documents to show what some speculate was a counter intelligence effort and operation that makes him an unrecognized hero.

History Butt:
A boon?

If you are unfamiliar with Shakespeare, that means I'd like to ask you a favor....

I was about to respond to this post....grade it, as it were,....and thought it might be a bit long....

So...I'd like to OP it-

Would you have an objection if I quote and name you?
If so, I won't use your name.

I suspect this whole thread to be an attempt to make FDR a communist dupe by making Eisenhower a communist dupe by making the Normandy invasion a communist plan. The non-communist route was through Italy not France and so few can see that.
If the Normandy invasion had failed, the argument might have a little more validity but alas the Normandy invasion seemed to work so it proved nothing, well maybe that FDR, and Marshall made a correct appointment with Ike.
The name-calling is always a free bonus.

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