Either Tucker Carlson Was A Monotonous Racist Or He Was Everything The Media Hate — Independent, Honest And Compelling


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Feb 16, 2016

Either Tucker Carlson Was A Monotonous Racist Or He Was Everything The Media Hate

Independent, Honest And Compelling

27 Apr 2023 ~~ By Eddie Scarry

If Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program was everything that his miserable critics in the rest of the media say it was, it would have been canceled within days of its launch. Instead of having the biggest prime-time audience in cable news, he would have been doing Joy Reid numbers, and Fox executives wouldn’t have tolerated it for a week, let alone for six years.
Immediately after Fox announced Monday that it had unceremoniously kicked Carlson to the curb, leftists on every competing channel and in every prominent publication were sure to repeat ad infinitum that the host’s show was “racist,” “xenophobic,” and a place for rampant “conspiracy theories.” That it’s a requirement to use those terms, applicable synonyms, and nothing else outside of them, is not an overstatement.
To wit, the left-wing American Prospect magazine this week ran one of the more thoughtful reflections on Carlson, describing him as, “an entertainer equally skilled at skewering comfortable pieties on the left and right” and his show as “an outlier in corporate-owned cable news” that “declined to play the gatekeeping role that many of Carlson’s detractors demand of mainstream media platforms.” In other words, Carlson was an engaging host who shirked conformity.
That innocuous depiction was greeted by the Prospect’s fellow liberals with relentless derision and scorn. So much so that the magazine’s executive editor was intimidated into publishing a statement apologizing for the piece and promising to “work hard to earn back whatever trust has been lost.”
If Carlson’s show was simply about hating non-whites and spreading fantasies that bear no semblance to reality, it would have been no more relevant to the national dialogue than whatever Keith Olbermann is doing these days.
Saying something racist is not interesting. “I hate black people” carries the same weight as “That’s racist.” As with every deception spouted by the media, the truth about Tucker is far more intriguing. All of his viewers know it, and so do the people who lie about him. He told the truth about the things that matter. The media don’t hate anything more than that.

What’s comical is how stupid the Murdochs look now as all their competitors gloat and laugh at them.
They probably thought that muzzling Carlson would ingratiate them with all the hipsters on the alphabet networks. And of course make them acceptable to Leftist society, who of course include all their peer owners.
It did the opposite. They look like buffoons now. Pathetic buffoons.
Tucker will land on his feet and continue to be the teller of truth despite wat the witches of the View cackle.
Apparently, he hasn't been fired, only had his show taken away. He's technically still under contract until December of 2024. It will be interesting to see if he chooses to break his contract and pay whatever the penalty would be.
Either that or he was just an unpleasant person who has now been fired by 4 networks whose just not worth it no matter how good he was. Rickey Henderson got traded/released about a dozen times. One of the greatest players to ever play the game. Look at Roger Clemens...had to play for Toronto because he wore out his welcome in Boston and then in NY.
Incredible. He is a two-faced partisan political pundit. There is proof of him being blatantly two-faced. He hasn't even TRIED to deny the Fox texts/emails exist.

He has ADMITTED that he lies when cornered on an internet show.

The alternate universe remains alive and "well". This is a madness.

Either Tucker Carlson Was A Monotonous Racist Or He Was Everything The Media Hate

Independent, Honest And Compelling

27 Apr 2023 ~~ By Eddie Scarry

If Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program was everything that his miserable critics in the rest of the media say it was, it would have been canceled within days of its launch. Instead of having the biggest prime-time audience in cable news, he would have been doing Joy Reid numbers, and Fox executives wouldn’t have tolerated it for a week, let alone for six years.
Immediately after Fox announced Monday that it had unceremoniously kicked Carlson to the curb, leftists on every competing channel and in every prominent publication were sure to repeat ad infinitum that the host’s show was “racist,” “xenophobic,” and a place for rampant “conspiracy theories.” That it’s a requirement to use those terms, applicable synonyms, and nothing else outside of them, is not an overstatement.
To wit, the left-wing American Prospect magazine this week ran one of the more thoughtful reflections on Carlson, describing him as, “an entertainer equally skilled at skewering comfortable pieties on the left and right” and his show as “an outlier in corporate-owned cable news” that “declined to play the gatekeeping role that many of Carlson’s detractors demand of mainstream media platforms.” In other words, Carlson was an engaging host who shirked conformity.
That innocuous depiction was greeted by the Prospect’s fellow liberals with relentless derision and scorn. So much so that the magazine’s executive editor was intimidated into publishing a statement apologizing for the piece and promising to “work hard to earn back whatever trust has been lost.”
If Carlson’s show was simply about hating non-whites and spreading fantasies that bear no semblance to reality, it would have been no more relevant to the national dialogue than whatever Keith Olbermann is doing these days.
Saying something racist is not interesting. “I hate black people” carries the same weight as “That’s racist.” As with every deception spouted by the media, the truth about Tucker is far more intriguing. All of his viewers know it, and so do the people who lie about him. He told the truth about the things that matter. The media don’t hate anything more than that.

What’s comical is how stupid the Murdochs look now as all their competitors gloat and laugh at them.
They probably thought that muzzling Carlson would ingratiate them with all the hipsters on the alphabet networks. And of course make them acceptable to Leftist society, who of course include all their peer owners.
It did the opposite. They look like buffoons now. Pathetic buffoons.
Tucker will land on his feet and continue to be the teller of truth despite wat the witches of the View cackle.
Keith Olbermann? The author is hung up some guy named Keith?
If their characterization of him is true but he remains immensely popular post-Fox,.what does that say about their own program quality and trust with Americans? Tucker was great early on when he had the unknown little guy on to debate. He was interesting upon arrival. Maybe Fox figured he could piggyback off of the Trump/anti-establishment movement, it did work. Now he has no value to ther agenda perhaps?
If Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program was...
If only Tucker's program was actually a 'news program.'

clue: It wasn't. It wasn't a news program.

Now take the author...

Eddie Scary Scarry.jpg

What a dolt!
If their characterization of him is true but he remains immensely popular post-Fox,.what does that say about their own program quality and trust with Americans? Tucker was great early on when he had the unknown little guy on to debate. He was interesting upon arrival. Maybe Fox figured he could piggyback off of the Trump/anti-establishment movement, it did work. Now he has no value perhaps?
FOX did not figure Tucker could piggyback on anything. They dd not dictate his program
People like Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan terrify both the Left and the Right because they just call it like they see it. They are the last vestiges of what our "Free Press" used to be before it became the "Political Press". They piss off everybody and that is EXACTLY what real real free speech does. All of you Liberal dimwits can't cope with anything that isn't spoon fed to you by the Democrat media machine.
People like Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan terrify both the Left and the Right because they just call it like they see it. They are the last vestiges of what our "Free Press" used to be before it became the "Political Press". They piss off everybody and that is EXACTLY what real real free speech does. All of you Liberal dimwits can't cope with anything that isn't spoon fed to you by the Democrat media machine.
Well,.they operate how media used to operate. They interview quirky guests, unpopular guests, people from a wide rsnge of backgrounds, ways of life and vocations. They question and challenge norms. It isn't just politicians all day, it is the common person who may not even care extensively about politics too much but they express their opinion. It isn't filtered through an approved political spokesperson per se. At least this is how.Tucker used to be when I watched.him
Either that or he was just an unpleasant person who has now been fired by 4 networks whose just not worth it no matter how good he was. Rickey Henderson got traded/released about a dozen times. One of the greatest players to ever play the game. Look at Roger Clemens...had to play for Toronto because he wore out his welcome in Boston and then in NY.
now tell us again who forced you to watch....and if you didnt watch...you dont have a clue as to what you are talking about
Apparently, he hasn't been fired, only had his show taken away. He's technically still under contract until December of 2024. It will be interesting to see if he chooses to break his contract and pay whatever the penalty would be.

Contracts that restrict an employee's rights to work in their profession and earn a living aren't worth the paper they're written on. All he has to do is live in a right to work state. They can restrict whatever company he formed in that regard, but not his personal employment by somebody else. Non-compete clauses don't apply to his getting a job somewhere else working nominally for somebody else. They can't restrict him from earning a living; giving speeches is always a good gig.
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People like Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan terrify both the Left and the Right because they just call it like they see it. They are the last vestiges of what our "Free Press" used to be before it became the "Political Press". They piss off everybody and that is EXACTLY what real real free speech does. All of you Liberal dimwits can't cope with anything that isn't spoon fed to you by the Democrat media machine.

I only saw him on the McLaughlin Group; he didn't come off as anything but a moderate conservative. All the blathering hysteria on the commies' and deviants part here indicates he was pretty effective at blowing up their idiot agenda. Hope he gets a suitable venue soon, seems like a nice young man. He would be a good addition to racist cesspools like The View and PBS stations, who desperately need to develop some sort of credibility soon or fade away.
Apparently, he hasn't been fired, only had his show taken away. He's technically still under contract until December of 2024. It will be interesting to see if he chooses to break his contract and pay whatever the penalty would be.
The Soviet Biden Adm will probably have him killed if he tries to break his contract.
They'll make him disappear like that whistleblower disappeared who had the goods on the Bidens.
They had the local cops in Cyprus arrest him and now he's missing.
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Either Tucker Carlson Was A Monotonous Racist Or He Was Everything The Media Hate

Independent, Honest And Compelling

27 Apr 2023 ~~ By Eddie Scarry

If Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program was everything that his miserable critics in the rest of the media say it was, it would have been canceled within days of its launch. Instead of having the biggest prime-time audience in cable news, he would have been doing Joy Reid numbers, and Fox executives wouldn’t have tolerated it for a week, let alone for six years.
Immediately after Fox announced Monday that it had unceremoniously kicked Carlson to the curb, leftists on every competing channel and in every prominent publication were sure to repeat ad infinitum that the host’s show was “racist,” “xenophobic,” and a place for rampant “conspiracy theories.” That it’s a requirement to use those terms, applicable synonyms, and nothing else outside of them, is not an overstatement.
To wit, the left-wing American Prospect magazine this week ran one of the more thoughtful reflections on Carlson, describing him as, “an entertainer equally skilled at skewering comfortable pieties on the left and right” and his show as “an outlier in corporate-owned cable news” that “declined to play the gatekeeping role that many of Carlson’s detractors demand of mainstream media platforms.” In other words, Carlson was an engaging host who shirked conformity.
That innocuous depiction was greeted by the Prospect’s fellow liberals with relentless derision and scorn. So much so that the magazine’s executive editor was intimidated into publishing a statement apologizing for the piece and promising to “work hard to earn back whatever trust has been lost.”
If Carlson’s show was simply about hating non-whites and spreading fantasies that bear no semblance to reality, it would have been no more relevant to the national dialogue than whatever Keith Olbermann is doing these days.
Saying something racist is not interesting. “I hate black people” carries the same weight as “That’s racist.” As with every deception spouted by the media, the truth about Tucker is far more intriguing. All of his viewers know it, and so do the people who lie about him. He told the truth about the things that matter. The media don’t hate anything more than that.

What’s comical is how stupid the Murdochs look now as all their competitors gloat and laugh at them.
They probably thought that muzzling Carlson would ingratiate them with all the hipsters on the alphabet networks. And of course make them acceptable to Leftist society, who of course include all their peer owners.
It did the opposite. They look like buffoons now. Pathetic buffoons.
Tucker will land on his feet and continue to be the teller of truth despite wat the witches of the View cackle.
He was neither. He was like Rush Limbaugh and Donald Trump. An opportunist. A grifter. He saw a weakness in a sect of people and exploited it to make money and build himself an empire. He knew conservatives were steeped in the religious tea. He saw they could be manipulated, that they could be molded, that they were easily led.

Does he believe what he's saying? With greater power collected comes the euphoric feeling that what you're actually saying...makes sense. Eventually, you end up buying your own hype. So, yes, I believe Carlson believes what he's saying. And he has a whole legion of fawning lemmings empty brains to fill his propaganda with. :)
And so Orwell has been proved right again--in a time of universal deception such as ours, speaking the truth and asking unpleasant questions is a radical act.

Black Rock and Pharma were tired of Tucker's constantly bringing up the truth that exposed them. Schumer complained too. Having ownership stakes in Pfizer, Dominion and Fox, Black Rock effectively sued itself to keep the false narrative alive in the public mind.

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