"Elected leaders that point journalism as "un-American" Do you believe that?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Once again the veracity. Credibility. The honesty of the MSM/journalism/progressive phony intellectuals have lost more readers/viewers.

Correspondents' association president Margaret Talev — standing under a banner that said
"CELEBRATING THE FIRST AMENDMENT" — began the evening by saying:
"The journalists we’re celebrating tonight help keep our democracy healthy."
"We reject efforts by anyone, especially our elected leaders, to paint journalism as un-American, to undermine trust between reporter and reader, to cast doubt on the relevance of facts and truth in the modern age.
An attack on any journalist is an attack on us all."

Media hands Trump big, embarrassing win

Does she understand it is the MSM that appears to most of us as ANTI-American?

It is OK for so-called journalists to write headlines like "Trump Anti-Immigrant" and expect us to believe their headline when almost EVERYONE knows Trump married an immigrant!
Calling anyone who agrees with Trump regarding "ILLEGAL" immigrants "ANTI-Immigrant" is also an gross insult to the 90 million Americans who either are "LEGAL" immigrants or have relatives that became "Legal immigrants".

But we have that one example of the total bias of the MSM against millions of Americans and Trump.
And as far as "painting journalism as Un-American" comment?
Well I can't think of a group more inclined to find every example of how bad America is. How poorly Americans
treat the poor. The minorities. How bad American foreign policy is. How we invade countries. How Americans
kill the world. Look at all the recent military encounters. See how the US military is the bad guy. How the
Americans kill the terrorists while the terrorists give their lives for their beliefs!

Vietnam, Iraq and future conflicts will be all the fault of America according to the MSM.
The MSM forgets the very ability to bitch and moan about America being so bad IS not found in most countries that they emulate and wish America was more like.

Totally funny this woman's comments!

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