Elected Repubs and Dms wailing, "Don't elect Cruz, everybody here hates him!" Response: So what?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Now I'm hearing from various sources, that a few elected officials have been saying that electing Ted Cruz would be a "cataclysm", or some such dire prediction.

"Everybody here hates him!", they say.

Well, so what?

If we, the American people choose him to be our President, that means we are also directing YOU to let him lead and follow his lead.

If you House and Senate members don't want that, then maybe YOU should leave. Resign. Bow out.

If we decide Cruz is the President we want, who are you Congresspeople to object? You don't like it, leave. And we'll elect other who DO want to follow his lead.

Problem solved. Kapisch?
That's the new meme going around on Mr. Cruz. and then of course how many have they tried now to knock Trump down with? These people are not getting it. We need to take some of them OUT. they have become no better than the Democrat party. this is BS. and this LAMEstream media has become an enemy to us all. it's time to wake the hell up
Do they "hate" him because he's not interested in compromising, and tells them so in no uncertain terms?

That strikes me as a good thing, not a bad thing.

And if they don't like that, then maybe they are the ones who should go.
The guy won't get shit passed and his austerity from hell is just dumb. Go move to somalia.
Now I'm hearing from various sources, that a few elected officials have been saying that electing Ted Cruz would be a "cataclysm", or some such dire prediction.

"Everybody here hates him!", they say.

Well, so what?

If we, the American people choose him to be our President, that means we are also directing YOU to let him lead and follow his lead.

If you House and Senate members don't want that, then maybe YOU should leave. Resign. Bow out.

If we decide Cruz is the President we want, who are you Congresspeople to object? You don't like it, leave. And we'll elect other who DO want to follow his lead.

Problem solved. Kapisch?

No, the House and Senate ( Congress ) are to help lead with the president along with the USSC.

The President is not the final voice on the matter at hand, and they ( Congress ) can voice their opinion of Cruz, and do not have to stay silent nor do they have to follow him either.

Many voiced their opinion against President Obama, Clinton and Bush, and I would not want to silent their right to do so.

What you are suggesting is the Congress should blindly follow the President and if so then that is a Hell No!
Hopefully President Cruz will use the Bully Pulpit (as Reagan did so effectively) to tell the public, "Here are the programs I want, here are the reasons I want them, you can see this is a good way to go, please call your Senators and Representatives and tell them you want them to vote for this."

Congress got buried in calls, telegrams, ;letters etc., and voted they way the Pres wanted (usually).

Now it's Ted's turn.
Hopefully President Cruz will use the Bully Pulpit (as Reagan did so effectively) to tell the public, "Here are the programs I want, here are the reasons I want them, you can see this is a good way to go, please call your Senators and Representatives and tell them you want them to vote for this."

Congress got buried in calls, telegrams, ;letters etc., and voted they way the Pres wanted (usually).

Now it's Ted's turn.

He is not as articulate as Ronald Reagan, and Reagan would be ashamed of Trump and Cruz!
Now I'm hearing from various sources, that a few elected officials have been saying that electing Ted Cruz would be a "cataclysm", or some such dire prediction.

"Everybody here hates him!", they say.

Well, so what?

If we, the American people choose him to be our President, that means we are also directing YOU to let him lead and follow his lead.

If you House and Senate members don't want that, then maybe YOU should leave. Resign. Bow out.

If we decide Cruz is the President we want, who are you Congresspeople to object? You don't like it, leave. And we'll elect other who DO want to follow his lead.

Problem solved. Kapisch?

Cruz is like the pedophile uncle that showed up to Thanksgiving uninvited.

The GOP's are like, "We hate him and how he makes us look, but he's family."
He is not as articulate as Ronald Reagan, and Reagan would be ashamed of Trump and Cruz!
Actually he is very articulate, right up there with Reagan.

And Reagan would be proud that someone is finally carrying on what he (Reagan) started.

Of course, we're getting the usual screams of "Illegal!" "Un-American!" that liberals always come up with when they start losing debates and don't get what they want any more. Just another sign that we're going in the right direction at last.
He is not as articulate as Ronald Reagan, and Reagan would be ashamed of Trump and Cruz!
Actually he is very articulate, right up there with Reagan.

And Reagan would be proud that someone is finally carrying on what he (Reagan) started.

Of course, we're getting the usual screams of "Illegal!" "Un-American!" that liberals always come up with when they start losing debates and don't get what they want any more. Just another sign that we're going in the right direction at last.

No he ( Cruz ) is not and do not insult the memory of Reagan trying to compare that hack ( Cruz ) to Reagan.

You should study Reagan in 1976 and 1980, and notice the leader he was versus the punk ass bitch Cruz is acting like when Trump bullies him.

Also it is Un-American to advocate that Congress should do as the President want and if they do not then they can take a hike. What you are advocating is a one political party system that will set up a dictatorship, and that is scary as hell!
Hopefully the elected Congressmen will realize that a sea change is coming. People are tired of the Republicans' inaction, almost as much as they are tired of the Democrats' lies, illegality, incompetence, and socialism.

The congressmen can either change their ways, or lose their next election, if Cruz (or Trump) are elected.

Their choice. Given to them by the people of America. Enjoy.
Hopefully the elected Congressmen will realize that a sea change is coming. People are tired of the Republicans' inaction, almost as much as they are tired of the Democrats' lies, illegality, incompetence, and socialism.

The congressmen can either change their ways, or lose their next election, if Cruz (or Trump) are elected.

Their choice. Given to them by the people of America. Enjoy.

Keep on dreaming...
He is not as articulate as Ronald Reagan, and Reagan would be ashamed of Trump and Cruz!
Actually he is very articulate, right up there with Reagan.

And Reagan would be proud that someone is finally carrying on what he (Reagan) started.

Of course, we're getting the usual screams of "Illegal!" "Un-American!" that liberals always come up with when they start losing debates and don't get what they want any more. Just another sign that we're going in the right direction at last.
teabagger politics tip" when you candidate is odious bring up the ghost or Reagan."
even though Reagan would not be allowed in the republican party today
Now I'm hearing from various sources, that a few elected officials have been saying that electing Ted Cruz would be a "cataclysm", or some such dire prediction.

"Everybody here hates him!", they say.

Well, so what?

If we, the American people choose him to be our President, that means we are also directing YOU to let him lead and follow his lead.

If you House and Senate members don't want that, then maybe YOU should leave. Resign. Bow out.

If we decide Cruz is the President we want, who are you Congresspeople to object? You don't like it, leave. And we'll elect other who DO want to follow his lead.

Problem solved. Kapisch?


Gee, we elected Obama....was the House and Senate supposed to follow his lead or resign?
They dont get it. The very fact that DC insiders hate Cruz adds to his appeal and popularity. People are disgusted with GOP pols in Washington because they ran and were elected on a platform of stopping Obama's agenda and then turn around and explain how they can't possibly do that.
so what is the most intelligent response RW's can muster ...
The guy won't get shit passed and his austerity from hell is just dumb. Go move to somalia.
Well the scary thing - for the establishment types - is if we actually handed this guy the veto power, and he stayed willing to shut the whole thing down, it wouldn't be him trying to get stuff passed.

Now we won't hand him the power because ..... the left anti-establishment folks want MORE govt control of their lives. The DLC wants the status quo. The Trump folks, it seems to me, are more enamoured with the cult of personality. A strong man, who's successful and who can bully. Bullying means you can refuse to answer a question, or question another's citizenship or patriotism. The gop establishment is lining up behind Trump because they thing that they can make deals with him, as opposed to Cruz, who has proven he will shut her down.
They dont get it. The very fact that DC insiders hate Cruz adds to his appeal and popularity. People are disgusted with GOP pols in Washington because they ran and were elected on a platform of stopping Obama's agenda and then turn around and explain how they can't possibly do that.
Well, I agree the fact that the gop party is latching onto the Donald shows who they really fear ..... but, the Donald's killing him in the polls.

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