Elected Repubs and Dms wailing, "Don't elect Cruz, everybody here hates him!" Response: So what?

I am. Right now I am deciding between Cruz and Rubio, both fine Americans.
Please don't feed the trolls.
Says the birther who trolled for years with Obama and now is endorsing his foreign born communist messiah.

Ted Cruz a communist? Man, are you that stupid?

Goodbye troll!
His father is from communist Cuba with ties to Castro. He wasn't born in the US. You sure you would vote for him?
Gee, we elected Obama....was the House and Senate supposed to follow his lead or resign?

As I said for Cruz, Obama should use the Bully Pulpit. He should go before the American people on national TV, explain that he wants to implement a system of socialized medicine where many of them will not be able to keep their same health plan or doctors, costs will go up, govt will force some people to pay for others, they’ll pay millions of dollars for a website that doesn’t work, and everyone will be forced to participate whether they like it or not, or get hit with fines and penalties.

And he should explain to them why this is a good program.

And he should ask the people to contact their Senators and representatives and tell them to vote for this plan.

And the people should think about the plan, and then call their Reps and tell them exactly what they think of it.

And the people should imply strongly that if the Reps don’t do what the people want, the people will vote them out of office.

Every President should do this for every major program he wants to see passed.

What’s the problem with it? :2up:

You describe one presidency that should be available to Cruz (saying that elected officials should resign if they're not willing to endorse Cruz's agenda) and quite a different one for Our President Obama.

Its the latest example of different standards for the black guy
Hopefully the elected Congressmen will realize that a sea change is coming. People are tired of the Republicans' inaction, almost as much as they are tired of the Democrats' lies, illegality, incompetence, and socialism.

The congressmen can either change their ways, or lose their next election, if Cruz (or Trump) are elected.

Their choice. Given to them by the people of America. You know, their bosses. The people they work for.

Hmm, most of the liberals have been avoiding this thread like the plague, ever since I suggested that a President (ANY President) should explain his major programs to the American people via national TV and describe what the programs would REALLY do, and ask people for their support. Nothing but trolls and lies from a few of the nuttier leftist fanatics.

Looks like the liberals don't want any part of explaining to the American people what they really plan for the country.

Not hard to figure out why.
"Elected Repubs and Dms wailing, "Don't elect Cruz, everybody here hates him!" Response: So what?"

So he's wrong on the issues, opposes sound, responsible governance, and has contempt for the rule of law.
Do they "hate" him because he's not interested in compromising, and tells them so in no uncertain terms?

That strikes me as a good thing, not a bad thing.

And if they don't like that, then maybe they are the ones who should go.

I've heard he's arrogant, abrasive, and routinely and habitually over promises.

An example would be Obamacare. Cruz insisted it would be 'easy' to defund it when speaking to his constituency. He then threatened and strong armed fellow republicans with PAC funding for primary opponents if they didn't back the government shutdown in 2013.

It wasn't easy. Cruz had no exit strategy. He over promised and under delivered.

And when it was all over, with the GOP having egg all over its face, Cruz took no responsibility. Blaming the GOP for the fiasco.

That might explain why the GOP doesn't like him. Arrogance and incompetence mixed with threats against your own and an unwillingness to take personal responsibility are a nasty combo.
Nothing but trolls and lies from a few of the nuttier leftist fanatics.
So he's wrong on the issues, opposes sound, responsible governance, and has contempt for the rule of law.

See? :rolleyes-41:
Obviously you're ignorant of Cruz's positions on the issues:

He supports a 'flat tax' system, one of many issues he's wrong on, contrary to sound, responsible governance:

"A flat tax sounds desirable to many but if exemptions and other deductions are eliminated, most proposals for a flat tax indicate the rate would be be at least 17 percent. If exemptions and most of the itemized deductions are retained, the tax could be as high as 22 percent. A family of four with $80,000 of income and an average amount of deductions now pays approximately $4,611 in federal income tax. This represents 5.8 percent of their income.

If a 17 percent flat tax replaced the current system and exemptions and deductions were eliminated, the taxpayer at the $80,000 income level would pay taxes of $13,600, which increases the taxes by 195 percent."

Flat tax is bad idea for the middle class

Cruz advocates for Supreme Court justices being subject to a 'popular vote,' exhibiting clear contempt for the rule of law:

Constitutional Remedies to a Lawless Supreme Court, by Ted Cruz, National Review

He's wrong on the issue of privacy rights for women, the issue of equal protection rights for gay Americans, and is wrong concerning the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment.

Given Cruz's position on these and other issues, it is in no way a 'lie' to state the fact that he is wrong on the issues, opposes sound, responsible governance, and has contempt for the rule of law.
"Elected Repubs and Dms wailing, "Don't elect Cruz, everybody here hates him!" Response: So what?"

So he's wrong on the issues, opposes sound, responsible governance, and has contempt for the rule of law.

The guy believes we all should go back to the 1890's and hates this country with a passion. Cruz is a piece of dog shit.
Hmm, most of the liberals have been avoiding this thread like the plague, ever since I suggested that a President (ANY President) should explain his major programs to the American people via national TV and describe what the programs would REALLY do, and ask people for their support. Nothing but trolls and lies from a few of the nuttier leftist fanatics.

Looks like the liberals don't want any part of explaining to the American people what they really plan for the country.

Not hard to figure out why.
Actually, you and most other conservatives have been ignoring the facts and truth about Cruz.
Now I'm hearing from various sources, that a few elected officials have been saying that electing Ted Cruz would be a "cataclysm", or some such dire prediction.

"Everybody here hates him!", they say.

Well, so what?

If we, the American people choose him to be our President, that means we are also directing YOU to let him lead and follow his lead.

If you House and Senate members don't want that, then maybe YOU should leave. Resign. Bow out.

If we decide Cruz is the President we want, who are you Congresspeople to object? You don't like it, leave. And we'll elect other who DO want to follow his lead.

Problem solved. Kapisch?
Career politicians hate him... Could it be he's one of the good guys??

Seems so
some people will believe any thing.

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