Election denier Solomon Pana arrested for hiring hit men to shoot up offices and homes of Democrats

Straight out of Donald Trumps playbook. When you can't win, or you don't have enough votes, or you lie about election fraud, guess what is the next step? Violence!

So, I guess this is the GOP's MO from now on. If you can't win, shoot, destroy, or kill others to get that victory.

All these baby GOP man children who are too weak to lose elections. Disgusting people.
Hitmen target people, not buildings. :cuckoo:

Much to like in that post #256 by poster D1943.
I most especially liked these: (edited for space and clarity)

And some militia groups are doing the right thing, for example, the Houston branch of the Texas State Militia: If you must call yourselves a militia, this is the way to be one -- involved in things like Habitat for Humanity.
We have to read the mainstream media, AP, the New York Times, the Washington Post, etc. When they're not reporting on sex, race or American politics, they're pretty good.
Certainly at present there is no equivalent on the Right, unfortunately. In fact, the very worst media can be found on the Right, preying on us for money.

Some comments: This oft repeated view that the Police Brutality/Social Justice unrest of 2020 was all BLM and made up of black vandals and gang-bangers, or anti-American white kids posing as Anti Fascist......is simply a handy canard used to advance partisan polemics.

It ain't so.
Certainly it wasn't so in my own community where my bride and I maintain a city-home in a metro of 500,000+.
We had a demonstration. And for hours it was civil, polite, respectful. It was filled with a diverse crowd...tho hugely made up of white-folks as that is what this metro area itself is made up of. I personally knew 3 'church ladies' from our neighborhood who went. They were....and are....respectable, responsible women in their late 60's and 70's. They are the kind of citizen that volunteers at our charities and homeless shelters....who help on Habitat/Humanity construction.

They went to signify how appalled they were with the brutal public murder of Floyd....and the long string of previous incidents of unarmed black men being killed or abused by police that were video'd by bystanders and then made public.

As evening fell, that demonstration became rowdy due to young dicks & karens letting off their frustrations over being cooped up due to the long summer of Covid. They vandalized police cars and some storefront businesses (mostly broken windows, no 'looting' of TV's).

But while those vandals were doing that they were being intently video'd by law enforcement personnel on the rooftops.
And when those videos were developed and screened and the perps arrested....it was 90+% white kids from the suburbs and the small rural towns that encircled our metro area.

Lastly, it is good advice that D1943 offers with --- 'read the New York Times, read the Washington Post.' In my opinion, they do practice good journalism..... responsible quality journalism. And do so consistently.
It is good to get a diverse view of our political zeitgeist. So read your Gateway Pundit, Brietbart, and Daily Caller.....but leaven that fare with other approaches.

It is the smart thing to do.

ps.....and tho a rose by another name is still a rose......a milita called a 'militia' carries a bit more ominous-ity than that rose. IMHO
Lastly, it is good advice that D1943 offers with --- 'read the New York Times, read the Washington Post.' In my opinion, they do practice good journalism..... responsible quality journalism. And do so consistently.
You left out the part that justified his/her/they calling it good advice..."WHEN THEY ARE NOT REPORTING ON SEX. RACE OR AMERICAN POLITICS THEY ARE PRETTY GOOD"...was that intentional on your part?
It is good to get a diverse view of our political zeitgeist. So read your Gateway Pundit, Brietbart, and Daily Caller.....but leaven that fare with other approaches.

It is the smart thing to do.
what are the diverse periodicals that you read that make it smart for you to do so?
the best thing to come from "D1943's" post and by extension your capitulation to it, is the admission that the MSM is a left wing institution [yes singular]
ps.....and tho a rose by another name is still a rose......a milita called a 'militia' carries a bit more ominous-ity than that rose. IMHO
and no amount of conflation can elevate a Newspaper like WAPO to NYT esteem even allowing for the wokeness...it is an insult to the NYT's readership...you can learn more from the "letters to the editor" by NYT readers than you can by reading WAPO
btw, try reading the WSJ and National Review for some diversity but be warned, they carry all the fun and excitement you would expect from academia...so ya may just wanna stick to the funny papers cited in the post you quoted
Some background for those who haven't followed the news on the Republican terrorist: [ Solomon Pena, ex-GOP candidate, paid four men to shoot at Democratic politicians' homes in New Mexico: police ]

Note that he's an ex-con, and a serious one too: nine years in prison. What was the local Republican Party thinking in allowing someone like that to run? No wonder he lost 25% to 75%. Those numbers meant that a lot of Republicans voted against him, quite rightly, or sat out the election.

Let's leave it to the Left to choose criminals as their leaders and heroes.

[ Court Records: Deceased Kenosha Rioter Rosenbaum Was a Child Rapist - The New American ]
[ Anthony Huber - He Wasn't A Hero: Opinion - Kenosha County Eye ]
[ Sole survivor of Kyle Rittenhouse shootings has criminal past: report ]

[ Huey P. Newton - Wikipedia ]

We should have learned our lesson with Eldridge Cleaver
[ Eldridge Cleaver - Wikipedia ]

Young middle-class Lefties, coming from sheltered backgrounds, romanticize ex-cons, as true representatives of the working class.

Conservatives, on the other hand, need to start fro the premise, "Once a con, always a con." It's usually true. Not always [ Thomas Tarrants - Metapedia ], but usually.

Don't let them into your 'militia' group, and don't choose them as candidates.
The GOP is a complicit terrorist organization. Nothing but crickets on their end. They are enemies of the U.S., and there is no way for them to work around that fact.
You must like what the GOP does because you do nothing about it.
"...was that intentional on your part?"
Sure it was. Duh.

I like D1943 post overall, but......but not all.
Like a Country Buffet....I don't hafta eat everything on the steam tables.

After all, Aristotle said It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Or something close to that.


ps...I subscribe to the digital WaPo (it's cheap to do so, go through Amazon. Same owner, you know.) But when I visit friends in Georgetown, I thoroughly enjoy getting a hard copy of WaPo and going to the our neighborhood Starbucks and getting a table and reading it for an hour+. It is relaxing and entertaining. A nice way to kill a little time as an old retired guy amongst all those bright and hustling youngsters going to their jobs. It is an energizing experience. IMHO

I subscribe to the New York Times.....hard copy delivery for Saturday & Sunday, but digital the other days; and I subscribe to the digital Wall Street Journal. Been a subscriber to the WSJ for maybe 55 or 60 years.
I only peruse the National Review when someone suggests I read an opinion in it. Sometimes I can quite agree with the thrust of the piece. Other times, not so much.
Sort of the same approach I have to WaPo, NYT, and WSJ.

I rarely scan Daily Caller, Breitbart, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Western Journal, PJ Media, or Drudge Report....unless someone gives me a heads-up about something of interest.

ps....I do like Aristotle's observation. A guy has gotta keep an open mind.

I subscribe to the New York Times.....hard copy delivery for Saturday & Sunday, but digital the other days; and I subscribe to the digital Wall Street Journal. Been a subscriber to the WSJ for maybe 55 or 60 years.
Then why did you not correct "d1943" when he said there was "no such thing on the right"?
I only peruse the National Review when someone suggests I read an opinion in it. Sometimes I can quite agree with the thrust of the piece. Other times, not so much.
but that is not diversity in reading now is it?
Sort of the same approach I have to WaPo, NYT, and WSJ.
PLEASE stop mentioning WAPO alongside those prestigious newspapers
I rarely scan Daily Caller, Breitbart, InfoWars, Gateway Pundit, Western Journal, PJ Media, or Drudge Report....unless someone gives me a heads-up about something of interest.
I have never read one word from any of those outlets...I never even heard of 3 of them. [1-5-6] but feel free to mention WAPO alongside all of them.
ps....I do like Aristotle's observation. A guy has gotta keep an open mind.
though I never heard it put quite that way nor attributed to Aristotle I live by that standard...you'll know when you have reached the pinnacle of that axiom when everyone is confused by what it is you believe and stand for.

As opposed to the 30 plus people you asshats murdered during your "summer of love"
You claim we murdered 30 plus people. If you didn't provide evidence to the police of us having murdered people, that makes you an assessory to murder.
Yeah, you keep posting that bullshit factoid, but you just LOOOOVE to ignore that the 7% of the Buy Large Mansions and antifart riots KILLED more than 30 people, and did billions of dollars in damage, you ignorant twit.
And are being held responsible. Why aren't YOU being held responsible for being a rioter thug at the Capitol on Jan 6th? Couldn't get your walker up the steps?
What an idiot .. not the appropriate measure to take ..

although .. I keep hearing election denier. Is that supposed to be a negative thing? Al Gore .. Hillary Clinton .. Stacey Abrahams and the active House minority leader are all election deniers.

Much to like in that post #256 by poster D1943.
I most especially liked these: (edited for space and clarity)


Some comments: This oft repeated view that the Police Brutality/Social Justice unrest of 2020 was all BLM and made up of black vandals and gang-bangers, or anti-American white kids posing as Anti Fascist......is simply a handy canard used to advance partisan polemics.

It ain't so.
Certainly it wasn't so in my own community where my bride and I maintain a city-home in a metro of 500,000+.
We had a demonstration. And for hours it was civil, polite, respectful. It was filled with a diverse crowd...tho hugely made up of white-folks as that is what this metro area itself is made up of. I personally knew 3 'church ladies' from our neighborhood who went. They were....and are....respectable, responsible women in their late 60's and 70's. They are the kind of citizen that volunteers at our charities and homeless shelters....who help on Habitat/Humanity construction.

They went to signify how appalled they were with the brutal public murder of Floyd....and the long string of previous incidents of unarmed black men being killed or abused by police that were video'd by bystanders and then made public.

As evening fell, that demonstration became rowdy due to young dicks & karens letting off their frustrations over being cooped up due to the long summer of Covid. They vandalized police cars and some storefront businesses (mostly broken windows, no 'looting' of TV's).

But while those vandals were doing that they were being intently video'd by law enforcement personnel on the rooftops.
And when those videos were developed and screened and the perps arrested....it was 90+% white kids from the suburbs and the small rural towns that encircled our metro area.

Lastly, it is good advice that D1943 offers with --- 'read the New York Times, read the Washington Post.' In my opinion, they do practice good journalism..... responsible quality journalism. And do so consistently.
It is good to get a diverse view of our political zeitgeist. So read your Gateway Pundit, Brietbart, and Daily Caller.....but leaven that fare with other approaches.

It is the smart thing to do.

ps.....and tho a rose by another name is still a rose......a milita called a 'militia' carries a bit more ominous-ity than that rose. IMHO
Okay, here's a Lefty and a Righty agreeing on something. Not as exciting as exchanging personal insults, but there's plenty of that elsewhere for those that like it.

Of course, if there is a peaceful protest, but a section of the crowd become violent, then those opposed to the protest in general will link the violence to the protestors and their cause. Most Americans, quite rightly, don't like violence. If your country becomes one where the streets belong to those who can organize the most violence, the average citizen suffers.

You feel indignant if we do it about the summer 2020 riots, we feel indignant if you do it about the 6 January protests. We can argue about whether the leaders of both of them did enough to rein in the violent ones.

On our side, we need to organize at the ground level, something like the French trade unions and leftwing parties have, a 'service d'ordre', ie stewards, organized and equipped (ie equipped with non-lethal instruments, leave your firearms at home), to deal with both attackers from the outside and infilrators/crazies from the inside.

As for calling yourself a 'militia', at the moment there are two good reasons for not doing it.
(1) It's bad PR. Regardless of whether it's justified, at the moment, in the US, the word 'militia' does not bring up in the average American's mind a blacksmith or farmer reporting for duty to repel the King's German mercenaries. It provokes a negative image.

(2) It attacts the wrong sort of people (a small minority, but that's enough). Namely, police informers, and, unstable men with manhood problems for whom that AR15 is a substitute for something else that they would like to be long and hard. Some of these men have been ex-cons. They're the types who start muttering about 'executing traitors', etc. They're poison.

And they will repel women and non-whites, who together are the great majority of society and from whom we must have support.

Rather, call your group a 'Neighborhood Protection Team' or something like that. Don't have any political tests for joining -- all patriots should be welcome. If a Democrat-voting Teamster wants to join, welcome him with open arms.

For sure, exercise your 2A rights, let your veterans teach you about fire and maneuver, but also learn how to treat a sucking chest wound (not in the Red Cross First Aid syllabus, I think), how to carry someone on a stretcher without jolting him with every step, how to deal with a live downed power line, how to rescue someone from fast-moving water, how to reach someone under a caved-in building.

Do some Habitat for Humanity type stuff like the Houston branch of the Texas State Militia do -- you learn a lot about working together, as well as practical skills. This should help to weed out the would-be Rambos.

I think the former Oathkeepers in Yavapai, Arizona (https:YCPT.org) have got it basically right.

Also note: the people running AntiFa are not stupid. They too do 'community outreach' work: feeding the homeless, having a 'tail-light Saturday' for people too stupid to ... well, for people in danger of being pulled over for a defective taillight who are, just because of their color, murdered in cold blood by a cruel White Supremacist policeman, acting under the secret orders of Donald Trump.

(I subscribe to a kind of rightwing intelligence service that reports regularly on what the Far Left is up to, and I've been struck by the number of 'community outreach' projects they've been doing lately. Learn from the enemy.)
(I subscribe to a kind of rightwing intelligence service that reports regularly on what the Far Left is up to, and I've been struck by the number of 'community outreach' projects they've been doing lately. Learn from the enemy.)
Everyone should heed that advice...it is frustratingly difficult to learn from those who only espouse what you already know and believe
You left out the part that justified his/her/they calling it good advice..."WHEN THEY ARE NOT REPORTING ON SEX. RACE OR AMERICAN POLITICS THEY ARE PRETTY GOOD"...was that intentional on your part?
Sure it was. Duh.
"Duh"? it is hard to believe you would make the case for, or consider a periodical worth reading based on what is left out of it...unless of course the "Duh" was just thought processing... :scared1:
And are being held responsible. Why aren't YOU being held responsible for being a rioter thug at the Capitol on Jan 6th? Couldn't get your walker up the steps?

No they aren't you lying fatass. The progressive DA's have released 99.9% of them with no charges.
That would depend 100% on the situation. In the cases where they have simply busted into people's house the people have a right to defend themselves.

No one has a right IMO to take the life of another outside of direct self defense. If that was the case here, then the police officers had a right to defend themselves.
Okay, we're in agreement. Note that white people get killed by the police in unjustified circumstances as well:
[ Shooting of Daniel Shaver - Wikipedia ]
[ Killing of Duncan Lemp - Wikipedia ]

As for police "simply bust[ing] into people's houses" there may be a moral right of self-defense, but usually it's very stupid to try to exercise it, unless you want to commit suicide by cop. Duncan Lemp, above, may be a case in point.

However, I believe the police too often do dramatic no-knock raids when simply waiting until their target is shopping and arresting him then would be better. I also believe that there is a media-driven element in this. Both the Ruby Ridge and Waco tragedies could have been avoided, in my opinion.

Here's the real problem: young Black males get killed by the police well out of proportion to their numbers in the population. But why is this? Focussing only on those cases where the person shot turned out to be unarmed, we have to remember that young Black males, about 2-3% of the population, commit a majority of its murders, and have a similarly disproportionate high crime rate for other violent crimes.

It's not "fair" but you can understand why a policeman, pulling over a car driven by a young Black male, at night ... has a different set of expectations than if he were pulling over a car driven by an elderly Chinese lady.

As for me, if I'm walking down a dark street at night, hear footsteps behind me, and turn around ... and see that the people behind me are white ... well, I feel a sense of relief. Does that make me a racist?
Okay, we're in agreement. Note that white people get killed by the police in unjustified circumstances as well:
[ Shooting of Daniel Shaver - Wikipedia ]
[ Killing of Duncan Lemp - Wikipedia ]

And people were stupid for letting that slide.

As for police "simply bust[ing] into people's houses" there may be a moral right of self-defense, but usually it's very stupid to try to exercise it, unless you want to commit suicide by cop. Duncan Lemp, above, may be a case in point.

However, I believe the police too often do dramatic no-knock raids when simply waiting until their target is shopping and arresting him then would be better. I also believe that there is a media-driven element in this. Both the Ruby Ridge and Waco tragedies could have been avoided, in my opinion.


Here's the real problem: young Black males get killed by the police well out of proportion to their numbers in the population. But why is this? Focussing only on those cases where the person shot turned out to be unarmed, we have to remember that young Black males, about 2-3% of the population, commit a majority of its murders, and have a similarly disproportionate high crime rate for other violent crimes.

It has been shown that the system has been discriminatory against blacks. Such as Stop and Frisk. When something like 80% of those stopped are minorities, they are going to be a higher percentage of those caught.

It's not "fair" but you can understand why a policeman, pulling over a car driven by a young Black male, at night ... has a different set of expectations than if he were pulling over a car driven by an elderly Chinese lady.

I can also understand why that black man doesn't feel safe getting pulled over.

As for me, if I'm walking down a dark street at night, hear footsteps behind me, and turn around ... and see that the people behind me are white ... well, I feel a sense of relief. Does that make me a racist?


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