Election denier Solomon Pana arrested for hiring hit men to shoot up offices and homes of Democrats

I agree with 80 - 90% if what you say. I understand 100% of your point of view. We need more posters like you! I don't what side of the fence you are on. I'm a liberal. I am on the left. And I will say for my side, you have to go back to the Vietnam War to see the equivalent violence on the left that you are seeing from the right today.
Well ... there was very serious organized violence from white supremacists in the South -- bombings, murders -- up until the late sixties. (Let's not argue about whether or that they 'are' on the Right. I'm on the Right and of course I don't think so. But in some conventional sense, if we have to reduce politics to a Left/Right axis, they are. ) The FBI put an end to that.

Then, from the Right, there were the 'Sovereign Citizens' in the 70s and 80s, and a couple of neo-Nazi groups, like the one who assassinated a liberal Colorado talk show host. If we use the term 'Right' broadly, probably the majority of violence has come from the 'Right'. (We're the ones who grow up hunting deer, dynamiting stumps, wiring houses, fixing things. [Not me, though.] Leftists have to learn to do this sort of thing, and don't always succeed. Fortunately.
[ Greenwich Village townhouse explosion - Wikipedia ]

Now we have some of the 'militia' movement, and the 'Boogaloo' people and the extreme anti-abortion activists. In some cases, police/FBI informants within these groups act as provocateurs, coming up to and maybe crossing the line of entrapment.
[ Hutaree - Wikipedia ] And the boys in St Petersburg in glavset do their best to encourage violence.
[ Internet Research Agency - Wikipedia ]

Some of our people fall into these traps. 6 January was the supreme example.

However, I class 6 January in the same category as the BLM/AntiFa violent riotes in the summer of 2020. These were more or less spontaneous, not something planned out months before. I separate such violence, from deliberately pre-planned violence.

The real question is, how do the leaders of each side respond to the violent acts of people notionally on their side? And did they say or do anything that directly encouraged the violent ones?

American politics takes place at a very low level of intellectual honesty, and so, of course, both sides instantly seize on any violent acts by someone they can claim is on the other side, and try to link them to that side's leaders. Most of it is nonsense, but not all.

Patriots have to patiently build at the grassroots level, and let the other side bear the onus of firing the first shot.
Just like we find your looney posts here on a daily basis.
Still running from my legal immigration argument I see. We all know you are a coward, and your standards only apply with the door opening in one direction.
However, I class 6 January in the same category as the BLM/AntiFa violent riotes in the summer of 2020. These were more or less spontaneous, not something planned out months before. I separate such violence, from deliberately pre-planned violence.

The real question is, how do the leaders of each side respond to the violent acts of people notionally on their side? And did they say or do anything that directly encouraged the violent ones?

I've addressed this many times. Not all violence is unwarranted.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson
93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds Really? Tell us more?

Yeah, you keep posting that bullshit factoid, but you just LOOOOVE to ignore that the 7% of the Buy Large Mansions and antifart riots KILLED more than 30 people, and did billions of dollars in damage, you ignorant twit.
Still running from my legal immigration argument I see. We all know you are a coward, and your standards only apply with the door opening in one direction.

What legal immigration argument. We all support LEGAL immigration.

And the rest of us will throw you in the pile with the other hypocrites on this forum.

Ahhhhh, look at the little fascist and their dreams of mass murder!
I've addressed this many times. Not all violence is unwarranted.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson
Yes, of course that is true. I think it's useful to look at any act of violence from three aspects.

Is it moral? Is it smart? Is it legal?

I won't try to define 'moral' here, but rather use an example: imagine a woman who is married to a brutal, violent man. He beats her frequently. He's a thoroughly evil person. Yes, in theory she could leave, but in real life, there are women who really are trapped in such situations. No relations, no friends, no money, no strong independent character. Plus he threatens her that if she does leave, he'll find her and kill her. Intelligent middle class people have difficulty imagining this, but there really are such situations.

One night he comes home drunk, beats her senseless, and promises her an even worse beating when he wakes up.

While he's asleep, she takes a butcher knife and plunges it into his heart, killing him. Moral? I say yes. Smart? I would have advised her to solve her problem differently. I won't elaborate. Legal? No.

Let's assume the 6 January rioters genuinely believed that the election had been stolen. (Liberals love the Maidan protestors in Ukraine who deposed a legally-elected government in 2014, so let's not play all innocent here.) In that case, they were not doing something immoral. But ... it was definitely not smart.

Now there is such a thing as 'malicious ignorance'. You could argue that they should have known that the election was not stolen. But I believe that most of them were sincere in their beliefs. They didn't think they were trying to overturn a legal, democratic election. We can blame Mr Trump and the very low intellectual level of the popular conservative media, if we want. But not the protestors. They are our own and we must support them. But it was not smart, and of course it was not legal.

If you engage in violence, you should be smart, and try to be legal.

As I have said elsewhere on this board, in the past I raised money, with some friends, to buy guns and ammunition for a group of men, and delivered it to their leader in person.

There was every chance that they might have to use their guns, even to kill people. We had confidence that they would be morally justified in using them if they had to, and we hoped they would be smart in doing so. Whether in the circumstances it would have been 'legal' -- well, that depends on who's rendering the verdict.

So, yes. Only pacifists eschew the use of violence in all circumstances, and they exist under the protection of armed men.
What do you expect from a moron with an IQ of 18?
The poster probably is a decent human being to friends and family. Maybe even a lovely person. But some just get really silly under the anonymity of the internet. Our side isn't immune to that either, but Patriots have nothing to compare to TDS or hatred/contempt for those who oppose the MAGA vision and ideal.
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The poster probably is a decent human being to friends and family. Maybe even a lovely person. But some just get really silly under the anonymity of the internet. Our side isn't immune to that either, but Patriots have nothing to compare to TDS or hatred/contempt for those who oppose their Marxist/socialist views.

I doubt it. In my long experience people like this one, when they are so vile out in the real world carry that hatred and anger back to their families as well. Bodie strikes me as a deeply unhappy, hateful person.

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