Election denier Solomon Pana arrested for hiring hit men to shoot up offices and homes of Democrats

I doubt it. In my long experience people like this one, when they are so vile out in the real world carry that hatred and anger back to their families as well. Bodie strikes me as a deeply unhappy, hateful person.
I don't know and can't judge. I have several leftists among my family and friends that I love dearly and are positively wonderful people. If I judged them by what they post on Facebook or other social media, I would miss out on that other side of them that is pretty great.

I overlook some of their more hateful rhetoric even though it technically is directed at me because I know they aren't thinking of me specifically when they post it. But then they aren't anonymous at those times either. At least to me. And yes some can be just as hypocritical and one sided in their judgments as we see here at USMB from some. I just scroll over those posts and ignore them.

Here at USMB when the purpose is to say what we think, it's a lot different though. It can get a lot more personal. But the hypocrisy and conclusions drawn by many of the left are ridiculously silly. There is nationwide focus on Pena getting elected as a GOP member of the state legislature here in New Mexico. If he was a Democrat who got elected, and we have had some of those with extremely sketchy pasts and behavior too, there would be crickets from the left. That's just the way it is.
Nobody is excusing Pena. But no Democrat has any room to accuse only Republicans for not taking effing responsibility for their bad apples.

Actually I disagree. On this board (and it might just be this boards particular political tilt) every time a Republican does something, it’s circle the wagons and blame the Dems rather than saying “we screwed up.”

Whether it is Trump, or J6 or this. If I were a Dem and this was one ours…or Santos, my first response would be how embarrassing. Now this guy, like the Dem you mentioned who ran from jail, lost. But guys like Santos and Crawford, with an embarrassing back trail of lies and fraudulent claims did not. How did they get elected and why did no one in the party vet them before throwing in their support?


Nope. That is not a court of law and there is no “due process”. No different than with Clinton.

And here's a whole list of folks to look up:

Wrong is wrong, illegal is illegal, corrupt is corrupt, dangerous/deranged is dangerous/deranged no matter what labels a person wears.

True. Anyone supporting or excusing them?

No Patriot condones PROVEN wrongdoing by another Patriot or Republican, but trying to make those crimes somehow worse than those committed by Democrats/leftists is hypocrisy at its worst.
No one is making them worse. At different points in time the Dems have been worse and the Republicans have been worse. At this particular point in time? With J6, and the making of terrorists into patriots by some here, makes me think the Republicans need to take a good hard look at how far they are willing to to retain power. That is just my opinion.

P.S. Accusing and wanting somebody to be criminal, however badly you want it, does not make that person criminal. And honorable people do not accuse without hard evidence and/or conviction of such wrong doing.
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What legal immigration argument. We all support LEGAL immigration.

The legal immigration from 80 years of Imperialism we imposed on Central and South America. Oh wait a minute, maybe it wasn't legal? When you want to have an intelligent debate about legal or illegal immigration, clean up your own house first. Because right now, you stink to high heaven; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - TheHumanist.com
I don't know and can't judge. I have several leftists among my family and friends that I love dearly and are positively wonderful people. If I judged them by what they post on Facebook or other social media, I would miss out on that other side of them that is pretty great.

I overlook some of their more hateful rhetoric even though it technically is directed at me because I know they aren't thinking of me specifically when they post it. But then they aren't anonymous at those times either. At least to me. And yes some can be just as hypocritical and one sided in their judgments as we see here at USMB from some. I just scroll over those posts and ignore them.

Here at USMB when the purpose is to say what we think, it's a lot different though. It can get a lot more personal. But the hypocrisy and conclusions drawn by many of the left are ridiculously silly. There is nationwide focus on Pena getting elected as a GOP member of the state legislature here in New Mexico. If he was a Democrat who got elected, and we have had some of those with extremely sketchy pasts and behavior too, there would be crickets from the left. That's just the way it is.
That's not true. We take care of our own. We don't put up with shit like that.
And Pena? How is that any different?
Pena is a criminal. Likely he and his friends are with some Mexican cartel. Since it's New Mexico, it would likely be the Jalisco New Generation Cartel or CJNG, formerly known as Los Mata Zetas. It is seldom that the average person can call on four friends to go kill some politicians unless they are cartel
I don’t think any cartel would have such assholes. Why any Americans would vote for them or cover for them or blame “Demonrat traitors” for them …. also mystifies me.
"....it would likely be the Jalisco New Generation Cartel or CJNG, formerly known as Los Mata Zetas."
And these four guys with Pena are Republicans too?
Jesus, this thing gets worse and worse for the GOP-Q.
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Pena is a criminal. Likely he and his friends are with some Mexican cartel. Since it's New Mexico, it would likely be the Jalisco New Generation Cartel or CJNG, formerly known as Los Mata Zetas. It is seldom that the average person can call on four friends to go kill some politicians unless they are cartel
Pena was an election denier and Trump supporter. I didn't know Trumps fan club included the Cartel?

By the way, aren't both of these people criminals?
Yeah, you keep posting that bullshit factoid, but you just LOOOOVE to ignore that the 7% of the Buy Large Mansions and antifart riots KILLED more than 30 people, and did billions of dollars in damage, you ignorant twit.
Interesting! And to think, my link paints an entirely different picture; AP finds most arrested in protests aren't leftist radicals By the way, can you counter my link with an ANTIFA link proving what you are claiming? :auiqs.jpg: 🤪 :rofl: :laughing0301: :aargh: Not in this life Hot shot.
And these four guys with Pena are Republicans too?
Jesus, this thing gets worse and worse for the GOP-Q.
The GOP is a complicit terrorist organization. Nothing but crickets on their end. They are enemies of the U.S., and there is no way for them to work around that fact.
The legal immigration from 80 years of Imperialism we imposed on Central and South America. Oh wait a minute, maybe it wasn't legal? When you want to have an intelligent debate about legal or illegal immigration, clean up your own house first. Because right now, you stink to high heaven; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers - TheHumanist.com

We aren't responsible for them now. We have given them more than enough money over the years to pay for our sins.
The GOP is a complicit terrorist organization. Nothing but crickets on their end. They are enemies of the U.S., and there is no way for them to work around that fact.
When are you going to do something about it? Or, are you counting on the Mexicans?
Every patriot should read the article linked to above ("AP finds most arrestedi n protests aren'te leftist radicals".)

If you didn't know it already (!), you'll see the dishonesty of the mainstream media, where politics is concerned, on full display.

You read the headline and think, "Oh ... they weren't leftists ... they weren't radicals..." ... and indeed, you can find, at the end of the article, references to a few rightwingers [let's call them that for the sake of argument] who were involved in violence. But the great majority were like this fellow:
"Brian Bartels, a 20-year-old suburban Pittsburgh man who is described by prosecutors as a “self-identified left-wing anarchist,” was flanked by his parents when he turned himself in to authorities. Bartels, who lives at his parents’ house, spray painted an “A” on a police cruiser before jumping on top of it and smashing its windshield during a protest in the city, prosecutors said. He pleaded guilty in September."
Sounds like a leftwinger to me, and smashing up a police car sounds pretty radical to me.

So, what is the AP really saying: that the majority of people arrested were not members of a leftist organization. An honest headline would have been something like "AP finds most of those arrested in protests were not formal members of a radical leftist organization."

There are some radical leftist organizations around: the Socialist Workers Party, the Revolutionary Communist Party, the Progressive Labor Party, Workers World Party, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Socialist Equality Party .... but these people are not stupid, and their members rarely commit felonies. They're often present at demonstrations and riots, but they're not dumb enough to throw Molotov cocktails or jump up and down on police cars while a dozen mobile phones, not to mention police helicopters, are videoing them.

And of course some of the rioters were just out to get a flat-screen TV.

And as regards Anti-Fa, we need a new word to describe it: it's not an organization where you sign up, get a membership card, pay dues, sell a newspaper at factory gates, and go to study groups to read the anarchist classics.

But it is a real thing. Perhaps the closest thing on the Right is the 'militia movement' -- not the Three Percenters or the Oath Keepers (both of which self-destructed over the 6 January insanity), but the little groups of people around the country which get together from time to play soldier-boy and provide employment for FBI informants.

It's real, but not a national organization with formal membership. [I'm being overly harsh towards the militia movement here: most are good patriots and well-meaning. And some militia groups are doing the right thing, for example, the Houston branch of the Texas State Militia: [ TSM Houston Militia – Houston Militia ]

If you must call yourselves a militia, this is the way to be one -- involved in things like Habitat for Humanity. (I'm not kidding:
[ Community – TSM Houston Militia ] )

But better to follow the example of the former Oathkeepers in Arizona, at [ YCPT ] and become a 'Community Defense Team'. Juliet had it right [Romeo and Juliet, Act 2, Scene 2.]

We have to read the mainstream media, AP, the New York Times, the Washington Post, etc. When they're not reporting on sex, race or American politics, they're pretty good.

Certainly at present there is no equivalent on the Right, unfortunately. In fact, the very worst media can be found on the Right, preying on us for money. So ... read all, trust none.

Straight out of Donald Trumps playbook. When you can't win, or you don't have enough votes, or you lie about election fraud, guess what is the next step? Violence!

So, I guess this is the GOP's MO from now on. If you can't win, shoot, destroy, or kill others to get that victory.

All these baby GOP man children who are too weak to lose elections. Disgusting people.
Obvious Deep State plant to make Republicans look bad
Interesting! And to think, my link paints an entirely different picture; AP finds most arrested in protests aren't leftist radicals By the way, can you counter my link with an ANTIFA link proving what you are claiming? :auiqs.jpg: 🤪 :rofl: :laughing0301: :aargh: Not in this life Hot shot.
If a protestor shoots a policeman, what is your response?

For example: [ Protester killed after shooting cop near where controversial police training center set to be built: Police ]

Here's a far Left response: [ Police Murder ‘Cop City’ Protestor in Atlanta Forest ]

Read the leftist response carefully. Note that they don't mention that the 'protestor' fired first.

So let me ask: if you're a policeman, and someone shoots at you, what should you do?
If a protestor shoots a policeman, what is your response?

For example: [ Protester killed after shooting cop near where controversial police training center set to be built: Police ]

Here's a far Left response: [ Police Murder ‘Cop City’ Protestor in Atlanta Forest ]

Read the leftist response carefully. Note that they don't mention that the 'protestor' fired first.

So let me ask: if you're a policeman, and someone shoots at you, what should you do?
If a protester shoots a police officer, that protester should be either killed in retaliation if there are other officers on the scene, or he should be arrested......but no matter how much you "what about" this -- the thing that protester was protesting is still an ACTUAL FACT...police misconduct and bias in the judicial system has been a real thing since this country existed

This moron you are trying to defend is protesting a fantasy....a fantasy that he knows is full of shit....but he also knows there will be dick suckers like you who will try to justify it or deflect from it....like the coward ass bitch you are....
If a protestor shoots a policeman, what is your response?

For example: [ Protester killed after shooting cop near where controversial police training center set to be built: Police ]

Here's a far Left response: [ Police Murder ‘Cop City’ Protestor in Atlanta Forest ]

Read the leftist response carefully. Note that they don't mention that the 'protestor' fired first.

So let me ask: if you're a policeman, and someone shoots at you, what should you do?

That would depend 100% on the situation. In the cases where they have simply busted into people's house the people have a right to defend themselves.

No one has a right IMO to take the life of another outside of direct self defense. If that was the case here, then the police officers had a right to defend themselves.

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