Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

This is why people like you and your ilk are considered selective, voluntary ignoramuses. You searched, found, copied, and pasted the definition of "insurrection". Good. Very good! But then you didn't connect the dots to see that Trump (by sheer definition) is not an insurrectionist. Bad. Very bad! But you did succeed in strengthening the accusation of you being a selective, voluntary ignoramus by stating that people who want to Make Amerca Great are "morons". Now, I know from your earlier post that you are capable of searching and finding the definition of "moron" but you've chosen to disregard the definition and blanket state that everyone who wants to Make Amerca Great is a "moron". It is, therefore, no surprise that you are calling Trump an insurrectionist despite the proof that he isn't. You are a jerk with no respect for truth or definition. :45:
I did not see the definition by Blacks law dictionary and that is the one used by lawyers and by courts.
Did the former 1-term fuckup lead J6?

Did he lead them into the Capitol? No, he said to protest peacefully. And besides, I thought you were OK with free speech - or is that onky when liberals like you call to murder all Jews?
Yes, just ask the maga fuckups who did it.

Eh…..00000000.9% of Trump supporters were involved. I’m much more concerned with the tens of thousands calling to genocide Jews.
Did the former 1-term fuckup lead J6?

Yes, just ask the maga fuckups who did it.
First examine who he was. He was the elected president. The transfer of power took place not on January 6, but on January 20.

The right to protest is sacred.

There was real force used by the cops. When a party is being beaten, who can blame said party for defending themselves? Well In some cases, Democrats blame the party. But when George Floyd did it, they blamed the cops. See how shitty that is?

You're doing literal fantasy while ignoring addressing the courts actual arguments. All these cosplay victories but no real ones to speak of.
Foolish mockery is their only tool to protect their fragile hold on reality. They simply cannot muster the fortitude needed to engage.
Like a child, they’re more afraid of being called a fag by their teammates than doing what they know is right.
Nope, never been convicted of that, or even charged in a court of law.

The real insurrectionist is the one building a foreign army and waving them into America.
Hilarious grandma

Can you opine about our founding principle of peaceful transfer of power..,,
Nope, never been convicted of that, or even charged in a court of law.

The real insurrectionist is the one building a foreign army and waving them into America.

Didnt do it. Was not charged. Was not tried. Was not convicted.

These cult fucks are dangerous liars.
First examine who he was. He was the elected president. The transfer of power took place not on January 6, but on January 20.

The right to protest is sacred.

There was real force used by the cops. When a party is being beaten, who can blame said party for defending themselves? Well In some cases, Democrats blame the party. But when George Floyd did it, they blamed the cops. See how shitty that is?
Hang Mike pence

Hang Mike pence

Hang Mike pence
Foolish mockery is their only tool to protect their fragile hold on reality. They simply cannot muster the fortitude needed to engage.
Like a child, they’re more afraid of being called a fag by their teammates than doing what they know is right.
It's all internal shame. There's a reason they start threads to discuss the length and girth of Michelle Obama's "package"....
Do you bitch boy? The court found insurrection lies between a riot and revolution. Specifically that,

"it suffices for us to conclude that any definition of insurrection for purposes of Section Three would encompass a concerted and public use of force or threat of force by a group of people to hinder or prevent the U.S. government from taking the actions necessary to accomplish a peaceful transfer of power in this country.

The required force or threat of force need not involve bloodshed, nor must the
dimensions of the effort be so substantial as to ensure probable success. Moreover, although those involved must act in a concerted way, they need not be highly organized at the insurrection's inception.

The question thus becomes whether the evidence before the district court
sufficiently established that the events of January 6 constituted a concerted and
public use of force or threat of force by a group of people to hinder or prevent the
U.S. government from taking the actions necessary to accomplish the peaceful
transfer of power in this country. We have little difficulty concluding that substantial evidence in the record supported each of these elements and that, as the district court found, the events of January 6 constituted an insurrection. It is undisputed that a large group of people forcibly entered the Capitol and that this action was so formidable that the law enforcement officers on site could not control it.
Did they try to overthrow the government? That’s a yes or no, Simp.
Then let’s just decide Biden is guilty of insurrection. What he’s done to destroy this country, while enriching his family with unexplained payoffs from Communists, is worse.
Too funny…
Your boys can’t even prove that for impeachment. :auiqs.jpg:
Thank you for posting.
Insurrection is undeniable.
Therefore the 14th is undeniable.
SCOTUS will have a difficult time finding fault with the merits of this ruling.
If insurrection is so undeniable, then why wasn’t Trump charged, tried, and convicted for it?

And no, an opinion by biased Dem judges does not constitute a trial.

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