Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

I don’t understand who you all think you’re fooling when you say there wasn’t an insurrection. As soon as a group violently charged the capital to stop the certification of votes for president it was, by definition, an insurrection
Hundreds of people have been convicted for their actions during the capitol riot. Hundreds of charges are pending. None of them are for participating in an insurrection. Why not, if there was an insurrection?
What definition do you think I’m making up?! If you’re talking about insurrection then why don’t you post what you think is the real definition. Make sure you source it
Already did, and already did.

It's not what "I" think, dimtard, it's WHAT THE LAW SAYS.

YOU don't get to declare anyone guilty in this life.
Hundreds of people have been convicted for their actions during the capitol riot. Hundreds of charges are pending. None of them are for participating in an insurrection. Why not, if there was an insurrection?
You literally just made the case for me. Hundreds of convictions. During a violent riot at the capital that was trying to stop the certification of votes. That’s the definition of insurrection.

Don’t need a criminal charge of insurrection to prove what plainly is.
Already did, and already did.

It's not what "I" think, dimtard, it's WHAT THE LAW SAYS.

YOU don't get to declare anyone guilty in this life.
Gee how did I know you’d fail to post a simple definition. Shocking
Actually, no.

Wrong. It's a huge gamble. If the SCOTUS rules against him, his bid for the presidency is over. Whereas had he not asked for their review, the worst that would have happened is he wouldn't have been on that one state's ballot. A state he would lose in the general election anyway.
Smith asked for their review, not Trump, fucking moron

There are a dozen other states preparing suits on the same issue.
Since when have liberals worried about permits?
At the capitol on 1/6? Since Trump.... and his blessed by him, thuggery.
Courts don’t have the authority to make state election laws. Only a legislature can do that.
It is State Law in Colorado, that a disqualified candidate can Not be put on the ballot.

This is one of the reasons people felt this Colorado case had a better chance of sticking.

Because of this law, Six Coloradans, 4 Republicans and 2 independents had "cause and merit" in their suit against the State, to have Trump taken off the ballot because of the 1/6 insurrection and his aid to the enemy, abetting and inciting the insurrection at the capitol attack, to stop the constitutional certification of the newly elected President, in a joint session of Congress on 1/6 dictated by the constitution.

This was a Civil law suit brought in a Civil court.

A non profit legal eagle law team represented the 6 in court, and Donald Trump's law team represented Trump...

Both legal teams made their arguments, Trump's civil due process in court. His law team argued everything under the sun, except the innocence of insurrection for some strange reason? Like he was immune, or he was doing his presidential duty and crud like that.... The civil court ruled that he was responsible for the 1/6 insurrection through incitement, it was appealed to a higher court...twice I believe... before the final appeal to the Colorado Supreme court to review the lower than their, court decisions.

The Colorado supreme court, did the review, heard from both law teams... Trump's and the 6, and ruled he was a participant in the 1/6 insurrection to illegally stop the certification of our newly elected president, an attempted self-coup, to illegally keep himself in power.

In civil court, a person is not found guilty, like in a criminal court...they are found responsible.

A civil court only needs a preponderance of EVIDENCE to find a person responsible.

Only in a criminal court, where their ass can end up behind bars, the level to convict has to meet a much higher level.... Beyond a reasonable doubt.

As mentioned by others, O.J. was found Not Guilty in his Criminal Trial.

BUT in the civil suit in the Civil Court, O.J. was held Responsible for the Ron Goldman and his wife's death, and owed a court determined amount of money to their families.

scruffy,Delldude, BS Filter
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Actually, no.

Wrong. It's a huge gamble. If the SCOTUS rules against him, his bid for the presidency is over. Whereas had he not asked for their review, the worst that would have happened is he wouldn't have been on that one state's ballot. A state he would lose in the general election anyway.
If Trump let the CO ruling stand he agreed with the "insurrection" charge, letting other states to do the same.
Its a no-brainer that Trump skates with the USSC on CO, and that clears ALL 50 states from pulling the same bullshit.
Yes, the trump supporters were grasping at straws by trying to equate Trump's order to attack the Capitol with other politicians' rhetoric that did not directly threaten anyone or direct anyone to attack a government institution.

No news here.
Link to this "order to attack the capitol" Richard-H
It's not impossible little dipshit. Try to accept reality.

The three Republican judges on Colorado's Supreme Court also found Trump "engaged in" insurrection. Diphshit.

All 7 were appointed by Dimtard Governors.

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