Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

200 pages can't paper over the fact that he hasn't even been charged with insurrection, let alone convicted.

This brazen attempt to circumvent democracy will be quickly overturned despite Colorado waiting until now hoping to force the issue with their ballots needing printed by Jan. 5 and most judicial bodies closed between now and January.

This removal of Trump from the ballot is going to blow up in the left's faces yet again for these simple reasons:

  1. Trump is not even charged with much less ever been convicted as an insurrectionist, the entire basis of their removal.
  2. Nowhere in the 14th Amendment does it stipulate that removal even applies to the presidency. It mentions lower offices only.
  3. Trump was CLEARED of these charges already by the second impeachment committee.
  4. The 14th Amendment was written to apply to the U.S. Congress. It accords no such power to the states themselves, otherwise now, we will never get all 50 states to agree on whose on the ballot!
  5. The entire argument that Colorado hangs its hat on for doing this is a totally arbitrary, fact-less decision based on the all-democrat J6 Committee where all republicans were excluded from joining except by their invitation a la Lez Cheney because she was openly hostile to Trump (per-arranged bias) before their proceedings even began.
  6. The Colorado court EXCLUDED any evidence of Trump's innocence in their decision including the signed letter by Nancy Pelosi and the mayor of DC to NOT take Trump's advice and recommendation of increased security for the day of J6.
  7. Removal of a candidate (much less an ex-president) from the ballot based purely on one party's opinion they don't like him would be election tampering to the max disenfranchising voters.
They will be doing well just to not get a 9-0 SCOTUS decision to repudiating this absurd Colorado decision. Four justices in Colorado just finished their careers.

If this isn't rescinded, the GOP will do a total end-around the primaries. Ever notice that with every action by the Left, they throw a monkey wrench into the very gears of the United States? This has got to be at least the twelfth time now in dealing with Trump that democrats have made baseless, unprecedented decisions and taken actions unsupported by law and scorned and rebuffed by 99.9% of the rest of the legal universe.

Not only will Trump be back on the ballot very quickly, but this action to try to subvert democracy is only going to result in further boosting Trump's popularity! Either that or this lawless action is going to crack the very foundations of our elections, which seems to be just what the left want to do.

I wonder if any of those idiots realize that they never got any of the change that they thought Obumma was talking about? :71:
I guess it would be perfectly fine for people to riot outside the homes of these judges just like what happened to Kavanaugh.

It's prefectly legal to harass judges according to GARLAND.
It is actually the Elites who are staging an insurrection. Always has been.

We were founded as an experiment in democracy, a Republic, a grand experiment in a Country run by, and for, the common man.

Remember the little ditty, "Yankee Doodle"? Of course you do. It was a song sung by Brits making fun of our supposed backwardness, our simpleness. "Riding on a Pony" "Stuck a feather in his cap and called it 'Macaroni'"? 'Macaroni in those days was a High End Restaurant in London, very high end, and people dressed to the Max when they attended.

They called 'Yankee Doddle' a 'Dandy' which is an insult.

The poem by Emma Lazarus is, IMO, written to tell people that we don't need the Over-Educated, the Sophisticates, the Royals or the Peerage to run our lives. We can do it ourselves. Just send us the poor and unwashed of EUROPE and we'll show you.

We did, too. Bigly. France tried to imitate us but they, of course, fucked it up. shock

I digress. Point being, the Elites, the Over-Educated, the 'Royals' and their 'Peerage' are still convinced that they, and only they, are entitled to run our Country.

Do you think it's an accident that 90% of our Presidents and presidential candidates lately have come from the Ivy League?
I suspect Colorado is now in play for 2024.

Like every other shenanigan the Democrat have attempted to stop President Trump...this one will also blow up in their faces.

Thanks Liberal Justices.
I suspect Colorado is now in play for 2024.

Like every other shenanigan the Democrat have attempted to stop President Trump...this one will also blow up in their faces.

Thanks Liberal Justices.
dimocrap scum are turning OMB into a Martyr.

Martyrs are dangerous.
Nope. Unlike you, already understand it.

Show me the case n which President Telrump has ever been convicted after trial of any crime, particularly of a crime like “insurrection.”

It hasn’t happened of course. Thus, even a moron like you ought to comprehend that he is presumed innocent.

Thus, your dislike for reality aside, there is no basis on which to invoke the 14th Amendment at all.

The presumption of innocence applies only to criminal charges. Invoking the 14th amendment does not require a criminal conviction. It's not a criminal charge.
The presumption of innocence applies only to criminal charges. Invoking the 14th amendment does not require a criminal conviction. It's not a criminal charge.
Wrong. As I’ve already shared information about this Santos Expelled from House

I won’t try to educate an ignorant foreigner like you any further.

But it is a fact that the presumption of innocence also applies in civil cases and even in some administrative proceedings.

Plus, in any event, if you had any ability to think outside of your close minded shallow petty little biased box — which you don’t — it might occur even to a moron like you that if the 14th Amendment doesn’t require proof of its alleged applicability to a candidate, then it becomes utterly meaningless.

We could all merely proclaim that it applies to Potato. Poof He gets stricken from the ballot.

Is that how you imagine things work or even should work here in America? :cuckoo:
It is actually the Elites who are staging an insurrection. Always has been.

We were founded as an experiment in democracy, a Republic, a grand experiment in a Country run by, and for, the common man.

Remember the little ditty, "Yankee Doodle"? Of course you do. It was a song sung by Brits making fun of our supposed backwardness, our simpleness. "Riding on a Pony" "Stuck a feather in his cap and called it 'Macaroni'"? 'Macaroni in those days was a High End Restaurant in London, very high end, and people dressed to the Max when they attended.

They called 'Yankee Doddle' a 'Dandy' which is an insult.

The poem by Emma Lazarus is, IMO, written to tell people that we don't need the Over-Educated, the Sophisticates, the Royals or the Peerage to run our lives. We can do it ourselves. Just send us the poor and unwashed of EUROPE and we'll show you.

We did, too. Bigly. France tried to imitate us but they, of course, fucked it up. shock

I digress. Point being, the Elites, the Over-Educated, the 'Royals' and their 'Peerage' are still convinced that they, and only they, are entitled to run our Country.

Do you think it's an accident that 90% of our Presidents and presidential candidates lately have come from the Ivy League?

The leaders of the American revolution were almost all highly educated. They were intellectual elites.

The British 'Elites' were spoiled brat militant A-holes.

America has almost always, until 2016, been led by intellectual elites.

BTW - Did you know that the Ivy League was just the first big college football league?
Wrong. As I’ve already shared information about this Santos Expelled from House

I won’t try to educate an ignorant foreigner like you any further.

But it is a fact that the presumption of innocence also applies in civil cases and even in some administrative proceedings.

Plus, in any event, if you had any ability to think outside of your close minded shallow petty little biased box — which you don’t — it might occur even to a moron like you that if the 14th Amendment doesn’t require proof of its alleged applicability to a candidate, then it becomes utterly meaningless.

We could all merely proclaim that it applies to Potato. Poof He gets stricken from the ballot.

Is that how you imagine things work or even should work here in America? :cuckoo:

That's why the SoS have deferred to the Justice system for guidance in applying the 14th amendment.

But, no, the 14th amendment doesn't require a criminal conviction. Like civil cases it only requires 'preponderance of the evidence'.
That's why the SoS have deferred to the Justice system for guidance in applying the 14th amendment.

But, no, the 14th amendment doesn't require a criminal conviction. Like civil cases it only requires 'preponderance of the evidence'.

Next time you try to bullshit, try to at least paper it up a bit with any hint of actual authority and citations.
That's why the SoS have deferred to the Justice system for guidance in applying the 14th amendment.

But, no, the 14th amendment doesn't require a criminal conviction. Like civil cases it only requires 'preponderance of the evidence'.
And even preponderance is not mandatory 14th does require adjudication. It’s not employed due to “looks like there may be a lot of bad stuff against you”. Thatwould be kangarooism
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Did you read the ruling? They're disqualifying Trump based on a crime he was neither charged with nor convicted of.

If that's going to be a new legal precedent, there's nothing stopping any state from removing any candidate they want. Red states (and even blue states with conservative courts, like Louisiana) will be lined up to eliminate DemoKKKrat candidates from their ballots.

This is what you wanted...
Well except you need the actual evidence of insurrection to get such a ruling, of course. :rolleyes:
At some point, the posters in here should realize that all our resident dimocrap scum posters are doing is -- Taunting you.

They got a cheap victory the way they get everything else -- By trick, by breaking the rules, by cheating.

And they're laughing about it. Laughing at you.

Time to walk
Oh, hell yes we’re laughing. Laughing at reality smacking you yet again.
Laughing at your belief that it’s somehow “trickery” rather than just the obvious facts.
Laughing that you don’t even care to see or that you are even able to understand reality.
Academic political bias works.

But it doesn’t yield rational legal opinions.
The Elites are staging a coup against what America was founded to be.

We didn't fight the British because they spoke a different language, ate different food or were mean to us. In point of fact, we WERE British.

We were British citizens (Britain didn't use the word 'citizen' until much later) British Subjects. We were part of Britain.

We rebelled against Britain because we were tired of being governed and ruled by Elites that had absolutely nothing in common with us, looked down their noses at us and generally didn't even like us.

So we kicked their fucking asses and started our own Country.

Now it seems that we've been so successful that we've grown our Elitists, our own set of 'royalty' our own rulers who truly believe that they, and only they, have the God-Given right to Rule over us.

And every single dimocrap scumbag in here is part of that cabal. Don't know why, but they are. Maybe they think it will make them popular at Parties, maybe the guys think it will help them get laid (hint to you dimocrap scum guys -- No chance)

I don't know why. Maybe because they work a goobermint job they got with a bullshit degree from some diploma factory somewhere.

Or maybe -- They're just stupid. But the bottom line is -- They're dangerous and THEY are the ones staging an insurrection.

Not Republicans
The Elites are staging a coup against what America was founded to be.

We didn't fight the British because they spoke a different language, ate different food or were mean to us. In point of fact, we WERE British.

We were British citizens (Britain didn't use the word 'citizen' until much later) British Subjects. We were part of Britain.

We rebelled against Britain because we were tired of being governed and ruled by Elites that had absolutely nothing in common with us, looked down their noses at us and generally didn't even like us.

So we kicked their fucking asses and started our own Country.

Now it seems that we've been so successful that we've grown our Elitists, our own set of 'royalty' our own rulers who truly believe that they, and only they, have the God-Given right to Rule over us.

And every single dimocrap scumbag in here is part of that cabal. Don't know why, but they are. Maybe they think it will make them popular at Parties, maybe the guys think it will help them get laid (hint to you dimocrap scum guys -- No chance)

I don't know why. Maybe because they work a goobermint job they got with a bullshit degree from some diploma factory somewhere.

Or maybe -- They're just stupid. But the bottom line is -- They're dangerous and THEY are the ones staging an insurrection.

Not Republicans
That is a genuine think piece. It contains great deal of truth.

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