Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

It is actually the Elites who are staging an insurrection. Always has been.

We were founded as an experiment in democracy, a Republic, a grand experiment in a Country run by, and for, the common man.

Remember the little ditty, "Yankee Doodle"? Of course you do. It was a song sung by Brits making fun of our supposed backwardness, our simpleness. "Riding on a Pony" "Stuck a feather in his cap and called it 'Macaroni'"? 'Macaroni in those days was a High End Restaurant in London, very high end, and people dressed to the Max when they attended.

They called 'Yankee Doddle' a 'Dandy' which is an insult.

The poem by Emma Lazarus is, IMO, written to tell people that we don't need the Over-Educated, the Sophisticates, the Royals or the Peerage to run our lives. We can do it ourselves. Just send us the poor and unwashed of EUROPE and we'll show you.

We did, too. Bigly. France tried to imitate us but they, of course, fucked it up. shock

I digress. Point being, the Elites, the Over-Educated, the 'Royals' and their 'Peerage' are still convinced that they, and only they, are entitled to run our Country.

Do you think it's an accident that 90% of our Presidents and presidential candidates lately have come from the Ivy League?
Yes. The uneducated tend to disparage the successful and educated out of ignorance and low self worth. It's a tale as old as the hills.
The leftards here miss the obvious. If this decision was so just and fair, why won’t any of those 4 “judges” put their name on that decision? None of them want to sign it. Since they know SCOTUS will slap them hard and throw this crap decision out.
The Elites are staging a coup against what America was founded to be.

We didn't fight the British because they spoke a different language, ate different food or were mean to us. In point of fact, we WERE British.

We were British citizens (Britain didn't use the word 'citizen' until much later) British Subjects. We were part of Britain.

We rebelled against Britain because we were tired of being governed and ruled by Elites that had absolutely nothing in common with us, looked down their noses at us and generally didn't even like us.

So we kicked their fucking asses and started our own Country.

Now it seems that we've been so successful that we've grown our Elitists, our own set of 'royalty' our own rulers who truly believe that they, and only they, have the God-Given right to Rule over us.

And every single dimocrap scumbag in here is part of that cabal. Don't know why, but they are. Maybe they think it will make them popular at Parties, maybe the guys think it will help them get laid (hint to you dimocrap scum guys -- No chance)

I don't know why. Maybe because they work a goobermint job they got with a bullshit degree from some diploma factory somewhere.

Or maybe -- They're just stupid. But the bottom line is -- They're dangerous and THEY are the ones staging an insurrection.

Not Republicans
That’s the tragic irony of the whole thing. Democraps wail that if Trump becomes president, that will be the end of democracy - while they come up with an undemocratic means by which to deprive the citizens of Colorado to vote for their preferred candidate.
I've been writing about this for a long time. The DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media is no longer informational, it is propaganda. All of it. Ours, theirs, every bit of it.

None of it, not Fox, not any of it, deserves special treatment.

Enter ABC News, which had a supposed "investigative reporter" write a piece attacking Speaker Mike Johnson and his daughter. Apparently, and you may want to sit down for this stunning revelation, the two once attended a father-daughter dance in which a pledge of abstinence until marriage was made.
That's why the SoS have deferred to the Justice system for guidance in applying the 14th amendment.

But, no, the 14th amendment doesn't require a criminal conviction. Like civil cases it only requires 'preponderance of the evidence'.

You totally don't understand our Constitution.
The 14th Amendment was written after the Civil War to prevent defeated Confederate generals and other leaders to run for office.

It wasn’t written to make uo a charge against a 21st century opponent the Democrats fear could win.
Insurrection is timeless. Glad they had the foresight and good sense to account for this exact moment with a constitutional amendment. :rolleyes:
If it’s upheld by SCOTUS, democracy is dead.
They're going to have big time trouble if it's upheld. Millions upon millions of armed Americans (I mean, in addition to leftards) will suddenly decide the law is worthless, and judges are merely opinionated fools.
You are so dense daylight can't penetrate.

This ruling has no effect on the general election whatsoever. It does not affect state chosen electors whatsoever. If the GOP withdraws from the primary system and goes to caucus there is no primary ballot. Do you think that this ruling has the capacity of pivoting? If denied the primary ballot they can include the presidential election, just cause they feel like it.
Ineligible is ineligible.
Disqualified is disqualified.

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