Election Interference: Here are the Four Colorado Justices Who Voted to Exclude Donald Trump from the 2024 Ballot

This ruling could have usual consequences. A court in the future could rule a D potus candidate said or did something they consider insurrectionist, and remove that candidate from the ballot.

Could not Joe‘s speech attacking Americans be considered insurrectionist?
No. He isn’t calling for unco
Without the electoral college, presidential candidates would focus on the needs of the big (Democrat) population centers like DC, Baltimore, New York Los Angeles, And Chicago, promising them all sorts of benefits that appeal to Democrats, and funded by all taxpayers in the country, while most of their needs are ignored.

How do set up a fair system where the needs of the majority of Americans are not being ignored or overruled simply because they are urban and not rural?

In fact, candidates would focus their campaign on Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago, with some pit stops to DC and Baltimore. They would have no interest in the people of the Mid-West at all, or most of the Southern states.
Fair point. Thus far, it seems the more rural states receive a greater proportion of campaign attention
It requires someone to have participated in an insurrection. The way to determine that in the US is thru a trial and conviction.

Innocent until proven guilty and all that.......
In a trial for a criminal offense, I absolutely agree with you. But this is not a criminal offense...it simply removes an unqualified candidate...with no imprisonment, .... is what is being argued, I suppose?

I do understand how important this U.S. Supreme court decision is and 9 to 0 in favor of Trump seems likely...but the wording of the decision and how the supreme court works around each state's control given by the constitution, to fully run their elections, state and federal, has to be dealt with by the U.S. supreme court and I am anxious to read how they do it.
Sure. And a red state could declare Joe Biden to be ineligible for office because he's smelly.

They could. They won't. Even they are not that stupid.
You “know” Don committed insurrection. Right?

Now ask a MAGA how they’d claim a D committed insurrection.

If you can’t see the sloppy slope, you’re blind.

“If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”


Fuck off, cult fucks. Try winning legally and fairly.
No. He isn’t calling for unco

How do set up a fair system where the needs of the majority of Americans are not being ignored or overruled simply because they are urban and not rural?

Fair point. Thus far, it seems the more rural states receive a greater proportion of campaign attention
Depends who you ask.
No. He isn’t calling for unco

How do set up a fair system where the needs of the majority of Americans are not being ignored or overruled simply because they are urban and not rural?
How are their needs being ignored? A fortune goes into the populated cities for public infrastructure, public employees, and of course welfare benefits.
Fair point. Thus far, it seems the more rural states receive a greater proportion of campaign attention
That’s because the big population are already decidedly blue. Why would a candidate was time in CA?
You “know” Don committed insurrection. Right?

Now ask a MAGA how they’d claim a D committed insurrection.

If you can’t see the sloppy slope, you’re blind.
Life is always lived on a slippery slope. There is no black and white.

Trump's actions when he lost his election were reprehensible and took the country to a terrible place. If this didn't constitute an insurrection, it at least was well within the grey zone.

I won't as a MAGA anything because they're a bunch of delusional assholes who don't care about reality. All I'd get as a reply is some bullshit that makes no sense.

“If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”


Fuck off, cult fucks. Try winning legally and fairly.
They can’t win legally and fairly. That’s why they’re doing these illegal Hail Mary passes.
Insurrection is a criminal offense, not a civil violation, Simp.

Dumbfuck, exactly how many times need you be told? He wasn't charged with insurrection. He was sued for ineligibility to be president based on the 14th Amendment. The plaintiff brought evidence that J6 was an insurrection for which Trump inspired. That left it up to the courts to determine if their evidence was proof or not. They determined it was so they ultimately prevailed.
Life is always lived on a slippery slope. There is no black and white.

Trump's actions when he lost his election were reprehensible and took the country to a terrible place. If this didn't constitute an insurrection, it at least was well within the grey zone.

I won't as a MAGA anything because they're a bunch of delusional assholes who don't care about reality. All I'd get as a reply is some bullshit that makes no sense.
Have you been looking at the polls asshol
They were in the confederate military, a fact that could be proven.

So? They were still never convicted of any crimes yet were still precluded from holding public office. That renders precedence that a criminal conviction for insurrection is not needed. Which is evident in the 14th Amendment which doesn't state such a conviction is needed to be enforced.
If it’s Biden against Trump, Trump wins. And they know it. They KNOW more people will vote for Trump, and they don’t care. They want to remove the choice for president from the people.
Well, that is very true for Coloradans...that state believes through the 14th section 3 applies to Trump, in the Republican primary contest.
Life is always lived on a slippery slope. There is no black and white.

Trump's actions when he lost his election were reprehensible and took the country to a terrible place. If this didn't constitute an insurrection, it at least was well within the grey zone.

I won't as a MAGA anything because they're a bunch of delusional assholes who don't care about reality. All I'd get as a reply is some bullshit that makes no sense.
You can define insurrection as you wish. You must know the other side will do the same.

I’m betting the Rs could easily make the case dumb Joe is committing insurrection by allowing millions of unvetted immigrants into the country.
If he is not at risk at being locked up for sedition, why should he be kicked off the ballot?

What the fuck are you babbling about? You want him in prison…but not foreign asset Biden.

Because the 14th Amendment bars people involved in insurrection from holding office.
You can define insurrection as you wish. You must know the other side will do the same.

I’m betting the Rs could easily make the case dumb Joe is committing insurrection by allowing millions of unvetted immigrants into the country.
We did not change the definition of insurrection.

The Rs can easily make cases because they're completely detached from reality. When you don't give a shit about reality, you can make a case about anything.

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