Election Map -- 5 Months Out

They're gonna try
Nobody paid a price last time, so hell yeah they will.

Once a Democrat tactic works, they add it to every election cycle, always and forever.

For instance: "Accuse of years ago rape of underage girl".

That's like #1-2

Yeah, there's about 7 more things but I'm drawing a blank right now.

This campaign season we're on about 4 or 5.
This is long before the American People start paying attention (to our shame). But this is how it looks right now. I have little doubt Michigan and Wisconsin will go to Trump

Without democrat cheating, Trump would run the table and take all 50 States

The RNC needs to sue in all 50 States to get the democrat fraud out in the open
I'll believe when I see it. They cheated the fuck out of 2020.

They may do it again and have the media and Big Tech censoring things and gaslighting Americans again. :dunno:

Yes but there is a threshold beyond which even the cheating won't work.
They probably won't have to.

Once people start seeing how really unhinged Trump has become in the last few months, they'll dump him in droves.
81 million votes for Biden is one of the biggest lies ever told.

And it was supported by MSM and Big Tech. Hell, Zuckerberg helped make it happen.

Facebook Boi.
It's less than five months....Virginia starts in-person voting on Sept. 20th.

It's not your pappy's election cycle anymore. ;)

The dems have done run themselves into a hole with all their early voting schemes.....It's gonna be a turkey shoot!

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