Election of 1912 vs. 2012

NO, the Socialist candidate was Stewart Alexander. And he got 4430 votes.

I repeat where I started --- are ya fuckin' STUPID?
No...Obama IS A SOCIALIST. The (D) is just a letter next to his fake name.

You posted, and I quote, "Socialist". I just blew it up for ya. That's a proper name. And the Socialist Party candidate was, again, Stewart Alexander. Barack O'bama is a Democrat.

Fucking idiot.
the boy obama is a socialist as is his transvestite mate.
if you don't see that, you are the fucking idiot
If the American people did decide to vote a socialist ticket would they have that right?
not without some changes to the constitution, no.

Bullshit. Check the chart on top. The one where the Socialist actually drew enough vote to show up. How'd those votes get there? Gris-gris?

You and the OP have your heads up your asses.

In 1912 the socialist party captured 6% of the popular vote, by comparison...

100 years later they captured 51% of the vote. How do we account for the United States becoming so radicalized in a scant 100 years?

Are you fuckin' stupid?

The Socialist candidate in 2012 was Stewart Alexander, who got 4430 votes. I had to look that up, being as how that represents somewhere around one-third of one hundredth of one percent. Or about eighteen hundred times less than Debs got in 1912.

The party you have there in blue is called the "Democratic Party", and the two figures are 41.8% and 51%. Not at all significant.
Nope. The Socialist candidate was Barack Obama.

NO, the Socialist candidate was Stewart Alexander. And he got 4430 votes.

I repeat where I started --- are ya fuckin' STUPID?

They are married to their lies. 'Socialism' is the current buzz words for conservatives. Before it was 'communism'.

In their minds it just means 'other'. Anyone other than them is foreign and scary. So they put knicknames on those entities like native trives used to give names to scary creatures in the forest.

In 1912 the socialist party captured 6% of the popular vote, by comparison...

100 years later they captured 51% of the vote. How do we account for the United States becoming so radicalized in a scant 100 years?

Are you fuckin' stupid?

The Socialist candidate in 2012 was Stewart Alexander, who got 4430 votes. I had to look that up, being as how that represents somewhere around one-third of one hundredth of one percent. Or about eighteen hundred times less than Debs got in 1912.

The party you have there in blue is called the "Democratic Party", and the two figures are 41.8% and 51%. Not at all significant.
Nope. The Socialist candidate was Barack Obama.

NO, the Socialist candidate was Stewart Alexander. And he got 4430 votes.

I repeat where I started --- are ya fuckin' STUPID?

They are married to their lies. 'Socialism' is the current buzz words for conservatives. Before it was 'communism'.

In their minds it just means 'other'. Anyone other than them is foreign and scary. So they put knicknames on those entities like native trives used to give names to scary creatures in the forest.

And they're so ignorant about politics they apparently don't even know "Socialist" refers to an actual political party-- even though it's sitting right there in the OP's pie chart.

I doubt the OP could find his own nose if we spotted him the use of both arms plus a road map.

In 1912 the socialist party captured 6% of the popular vote, by comparison...

100 years later they captured 51% of the vote. How do we account for the United States becoming so radicalized in a scant 100 years?

Are you fuckin' stupid?

The Socialist candidate in 2012 was Stewart Alexander, who got 4430 votes. I had to look that up, being as how that represents somewhere around one-third of one hundredth of one percent. Or about eighteen hundred times less than Debs got in 1912.

The party you have there in blue is called the "Democratic Party", and the two figures are 41.8% and 51%. Not at all significant.
Nope. The Socialist candidate was Barack Obama.

NO, the Socialist candidate was Stewart Alexander. And he got 4430 votes.

I repeat where I started --- are ya fuckin' STUPID?

They are married to their lies. 'Socialism' is the current buzz words for conservatives. Before it was 'communism'.

In their minds it just means 'other'. Anyone other than them is foreign and scary. So they put knicknames on those entities like native trives used to give names to scary creatures in the forest.

And they're so ignorant about politics they apparently don't even know "Socialist" refers to an actual political party-- even though it's sitting right there in the OP's pie chart.

I doubt the OP could find his own nose if we spotted him the use of both arms plus a road map.

Of course. They aren't interested in fact. They are interested in hyperbole. In essence, all they do is exhale and they're peers think it brilliant political insight. LOL
This Bush92 poster must be a masochist who is on here to get his daily share of abuse......and liking it....Just another right wing idiot who probably is thinking that an "Obama is a socialist" tattoo would look nice on his forehead.

When Teddy Roosevelt visited [
NO, the Socialist candidate was Stewart Alexander. And he got 4430 votes.

I repeat where I started --- are ya fuckin' STUPID?
No...Obama IS A SOCIALIST. The (D) is just a letter next to his fake name.

You posted, and I quote, "Socialist". I just blew it up for ya. That's a proper name. And the Socialist Party candidate was, again, Stewart Alexander. Barack O'bama is a Democrat.

Fucking idiot.
the boy obama is a socialist as is his transvestite mate.
if you don't see that, you are the fucking idiot
If the American people did decide to vote a socialist ticket would they have that right?
not without some changes to the constitution, no.
No changes needed as Americans have voted for socialists a number of times.
But a Republican president did say about socialism this in a speech: "But this does not mean that we may not with great advantage adopt certain of the principles professed by some given set of men who call themselves socialists to be afraid to do so would be to make a mark of weakness on our part."
Theodore Roosevelt 1910
When Teddy Roosevelt visited [
No...Obama IS A SOCIALIST. The (D) is just a letter next to his fake name.

You posted, and I quote, "Socialist". I just blew it up for ya. That's a proper name. And the Socialist Party candidate was, again, Stewart Alexander. Barack O'bama is a Democrat.

Fucking idiot.
the boy obama is a socialist as is his transvestite mate.
if you don't see that, you are the fucking idiot
If the American people did decide to vote a socialist ticket would they have that right?
not without some changes to the constitution, no.
No changes needed as Americans have voted for socialists a number of times.
But a Republican president did say about socialism this in a speech: "But this does not mean that we may not with great advantage adopt certain of the principles professed by some given set of men who call themselves socialists to be afraid to do so would be to make a mark of weakness on our part."
Theodore Roosevelt 1910
voting for a socialist and having a socialist economy are two different things.
what about free enterprise?
what if people vote for the return of slavery? can we have that too?
The governments role is not defined in such a way to provide for it to own and operate business.
When Teddy Roosevelt visited [
You posted, and I quote, "Socialist". I just blew it up for ya. That's a proper name. And the Socialist Party candidate was, again, Stewart Alexander. Barack O'bama is a Democrat.

Fucking idiot.
the boy obama is a socialist as is his transvestite mate.
if you don't see that, you are the fucking idiot
If the American people did decide to vote a socialist ticket would they have that right?
not without some changes to the constitution, no.
No changes needed as Americans have voted for socialists a number of times.
But a Republican president did say about socialism this in a speech: "But this does not mean that we may not with great advantage adopt certain of the principles professed by some given set of men who call themselves socialists to be afraid to do so would be to make a mark of weakness on our part."
Theodore Roosevelt 1910
voting for a socialist and having a socialist economy are two different things.
what about free enterprise?
what if people vote for the return of slavery? can we have that too?
The governments role is not defined in such a way to provide for it to own and operate business.
On the slavery issue check the Constitution and the amendments.
As to the governments role in our economy or in a business might read TVA and governments role in that enterprise. I think Obama is now encouraging the government to sell of any of its remains to TVA.
When Teddy Roosevelt visited [
You posted, and I quote, "Socialist". I just blew it up for ya. That's a proper name. And the Socialist Party candidate was, again, Stewart Alexander. Barack O'bama is a Democrat.

Fucking idiot.
the boy obama is a socialist as is his transvestite mate.
if you don't see that, you are the fucking idiot
If the American people did decide to vote a socialist ticket would they have that right?
not without some changes to the constitution, no.
No changes needed as Americans have voted for socialists a number of times.
But a Republican president did say about socialism this in a speech: "But this does not mean that we may not with great advantage adopt certain of the principles professed by some given set of men who call themselves socialists to be afraid to do so would be to make a mark of weakness on our part."
Theodore Roosevelt 1910
voting for a socialist and having a socialist economy are two different things.
what about free enterprise?
what if people vote for the return of slavery? can we have that too?
The governments role is not defined in such a way to provide for it to own and operate business.

What you said, moron, was that it would require Constitutional change for the People to vote for a Socialist.

And yet you have Eugene Debs sitting right there in the pie chart.

I haven't seen this level of dense since my car was in the body shop.
When Teddy Roosevelt visited [
the boy obama is a socialist as is his transvestite mate.
if you don't see that, you are the fucking idiot
If the American people did decide to vote a socialist ticket would they have that right?
not without some changes to the constitution, no.
No changes needed as Americans have voted for socialists a number of times.
But a Republican president did say about socialism this in a speech: "But this does not mean that we may not with great advantage adopt certain of the principles professed by some given set of men who call themselves socialists to be afraid to do so would be to make a mark of weakness on our part."
Theodore Roosevelt 1910
voting for a socialist and having a socialist economy are two different things.
what about free enterprise?
what if people vote for the return of slavery? can we have that too?
The governments role is not defined in such a way to provide for it to own and operate business.

What you said, moron, was that it would require Constitutional change for the People to vote for a Socialist.

And yet you have Eugene Debs sitting right there in the pie chart.

I haven't seen this level of dense since my car was in the body shop.
look shit for brains, the question was could if people voted for socialism would they have that right, this implies that should a socialist win, we would become a bound for hell socialist country, and the constitution does not allow for socialism. So people can vote any party they want, but that does not mean the will get what they want.
Can we vote for a Christian only country? we would have enough votes. Does that mean that the government could then dictate the Christian religion? NO, because the constitution does not allow for it.

But why am I trying to explain something like this to an idiot, evidently you dont even have the ability to drive without fucking up. you certainly cant be trusted to interpret the constitution.
When Teddy Roosevelt visited [
If the American people did decide to vote a socialist ticket would they have that right?
not without some changes to the constitution, no.
No changes needed as Americans have voted for socialists a number of times.
But a Republican president did say about socialism this in a speech: "But this does not mean that we may not with great advantage adopt certain of the principles professed by some given set of men who call themselves socialists to be afraid to do so would be to make a mark of weakness on our part."
Theodore Roosevelt 1910
voting for a socialist and having a socialist economy are two different things.
what about free enterprise?
what if people vote for the return of slavery? can we have that too?
The governments role is not defined in such a way to provide for it to own and operate business.

What you said, moron, was that it would require Constitutional change for the People to vote for a Socialist.

And yet you have Eugene Debs sitting right there in the pie chart.

I haven't seen this level of dense since my car was in the body shop.
look shit for brains, the question was could if people voted for socialism would they have that right, this implies that should a socialist win, we would become a bound for hell socialist country, and the constitution does not allow for socialism. So people can vote any party they want, but that does not mean the will get what they want.
Can we vote for a Christian only country? we would have enough votes. Does that mean that the government could then dictate the Christian religion? NO, because the constitution does not allow for it.

But why am I trying to explain something like this to an idiot, evidently you dont even have the ability to drive without fucking up. you certainly cant be trusted to interpret the constitution.

Are you completely fucking illiterate?

Here it is again in slo-mo:

If the American people did decide to vote a socialist ticket would they have that right?

not without some changes to the constitution, no.

Fucking moron.

Eugene Debs got 901,551 votes in that election in the pie chart.
WITHOUT a change in the Constitution.
So is Social Security socialism?

There ya go.
Is the post office socialism?
Public libraries? Public parks? The Smithsonian?
Highways? Telephone pole right-of-ways?
The FCC? The FAA? The FDA?
The NIH and CDC?
Laws and regulations and operations of municipal water systems? Waste disposal systems?

Are these things somewhere prohibited in the First and Second Amendments?

Where in the Constitution is socialism prohibited?

first and second amendments.

Reeeaaaly.... :disbelief:

You don't have a clue in the world what "socialism" means, do ya?
Hint: got nothing to do with guns; Hint 2: got nothing to do with free expression; hint 3: got nothing to do with religion.
Conservative dogma

Doing things to help big business is........... PATRIOTISM
Doing things to help the American people is....SOCIALISM
I repeat where I started --- are ya fuckin' STUPID?

He's something worse than stupid. We're looking at stupid, with a willfully ignorant filling, wrapped in a crispy desire to believe crust.
So is Social Security socialism?

There ya go.
Is the post office socialism?
Public libraries? Public parks? The Smithsonian?
Highways? Telephone pole right-of-ways?
The FCC? The FAA? The FDA?
The NIH and CDC?
Laws and regulations and operations of municipal water systems? Waste disposal systems?

Are these things somewhere prohibited in the First and Second Amendments?

Where in the Constitution is socialism prohibited?

first and second amendments.

Reeeaaaly.... :disbelief:

You don't have a clue in the world what "socialism" means, do ya?
Hint: got nothing to do with guns; Hint 2: got nothing to do with free expression; hint 3: got nothing to do with religion.

Your ignorance is on display once again. Cuba and north korea are socialist countries, do their people have guns? do they have free speech? do they have freedom of religion? NO

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