Election of Paul Ryan as House Dictator Will Kill GOP and Bring in Socialism


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Paul Ryan demands complete and final authority to appoint all committee members, that Jefferson's rules be changed so that Ryan cannot be voted out, and he demands a virtual loyalty oath. He is wanting dictatorial power and he will use it to pursue his open borders fantasies along with Obama which will bring in a flood of cheap labor.

American workers will react like the Canadians did to similar nonsense in Canada and anyone can see the results of that.

The US will now get Socialism in some form and much if not most of that will be Marxism in the cloak of Democratic Socialism.

We need a new party that looks out for the interests of Americans workers without the Marxist baggage. That is pro-American in ways other than just rhetoric as BOTH parties are now deeply unAmerican. The US is a 'We the People' kind of nation, but the leadership of both parties now are entirely sold out to the corporate crony interests, and that is 100% unAmerican.

Both parties are captured alien power structures working to destroy the USA as a nation. Under these drones the USA will become the first globalized entity without borders, without culture, without a language and without a people. It will be the first Zombified Nation, if you will.

If you dont believe me now, you will by 2020.
Luckily, some people in Congress still believe in our constitution and told him to go fuck himself.
Yea, I saw a "supermajority" backed his bullshit.
Washington is so fucked up. And the voters vote the same dumbfucks in. I don't get it.
They believe the commercials they see on TV, is the best I can find to explain this shit.

I remember the disbelief I felt when conservative friends of mine were telling me that Newt Gingrich was not a true conservative and it all came from the advertizing blitz Romney paid for in Floriduh and the Beck ambush interview just before that.

Too many people really are that dumb.
left-wing nutjobs never want to tak about their own billionaire benefactors

idiots and hypocrites
Decaf, decaf, decaf.

lol, just remind me in 2020 after we have endured the first stages of the devastation.

You do believe that the Founding Fathers specifically tried to prevent this kind of concentration of power for a reason, right.

IT was to prevent what the Jacobins did in France years later.
Paul Ryan demands complete and final authority to appoint all committee members, that Jefferson's rules be changed so that Ryan cannot be voted out, and he demands a virtual loyalty oath. He is wanting dictatorial power and he will use it to pursue his open borders fantasies along with Obama which will bring in a flood of cheap labor.

American workers will react like the Canadians did to similar nonsense in Canada and anyone can see the results of that.

The US will now get Socialism in some form and much if not most of that will be Marxism in the cloak of Democratic Socialism.

We need a new party that looks out for the interests of Americans workers without the Marxist baggage. That is pro-American in ways other than just rhetoric as BOTH parties are now deeply unAmerican. The US is a 'We the People' kind of nation, but the leadership of both parties now are entirely sold out to the corporate crony interests, and that is 100% unAmerican.

Both parties are captured alien power structures working to destroy the USA as a nation. Under these drones the USA will become the first globalized entity without borders, without culture, without a language and without a people. It will be the first Zombified Nation, if you will.

If you dont believe me now, you will by 2020.

It is fuckin disgusting that people support ignoring our constitution.
I guess I am a rarity..

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