Election Reform

That standard simply doesn't exist in a free society.
What does freedom have to do with clean and fair elections? We could have that standard, but the left knows they will never win another election.

It's not that hard to ensure voter registration and then require ID at the polling location.

you think you can totally eradicate voting irregularities? Make me laugh some more.
Better that than getting assraped in taxes for worthless social programs that do nothing but breed more dependence on big daddy government.

Wow, really?

Hey, check it out... We spend more money on Middle Class entitlements than we do on social programs.

The total we spend every year on Social Welfare programs is about 400 Billion. We spend a TRILLION dollars a year on Social Security and another half trillion on Medicare...
You are not doing math; you’re producing nonsense.
Your "math" is operating off of the assumption that no county has ever produced more than 66 fraudulent votes. This is what is known as "GIGO". Garbage In. Garbage Out.

I was going by your data. You introduced that figure. As for garbage, here is your assumption.

“ In other words, millions of fraudulent votes across the US.”
I was going by your data
No you weren’t. I didn’t provide any data that said “66 votes was the maximum” that any county found.

But while we’re on the subject, 379,000 illegal votes per state times 50 states comes out to 18,950,000. That’s 19 million (slightly rounded) for those who aren’t good with numbers.

You know what’s extra crazy about that number? If you take 18 million away from 80 million, you end up with 61 million. Or the number that Joe Biden was expected to bring in!!! Coincidence? :dunno:

I was going by your data
No you weren’t. I didn’t provide any data that said “66 votes was the maximum” that any county found.
I never said you did.
The "66 vote" was what you cited in your ginned up "78% votes fraudulent" hysterical citation in this post:
Since there was actually a judge's ruling, I decided to accept its validity.

But while we’re on the subject, 379,000 illegal votes per state times 50 states comes out to 18,950,000. That’s 19 million (slightly rounded) for those who aren’t good with numbers.
Incredible. Exactly 379,000 "illegal votes". I admire the precision of those who (in your dreams) supposedly defrauded the election folks. I guess that means the blob lost Florida...twice since the margin was less than that. Cool.

You know what’s extra crazy about that number?
That you're only alleging 379,000 cases of fraud. Usually with you guys, it's "millions". Perhaps you're drunk and not on top of your game.

If you take 18 million away from 80 million, you end up with 61 million. Or the number that Joe Biden was expected to bring in!!! Coincidence? :dunno:
Coincidence? Hardly. You have to make up stuff to cover the previous conspiracy theories that fell apart.
You're just making this stuff up.

Your fantasy about this is so ridiculous and you're so ignorant about voting...the "379,000 per state" you're putting out is more votes than were cast for (both candidates) in 4 states and DC. So, according to your "logic" no valid votes were cast in Wyoming!


You started well with this thread. But you've gotten goofy with the allegations.
379,000 illegal votes per state times 50 states comes out to 18,950,000.

I too am outraged.
And I know many folks who are also outraged.
Word on the street (my barber) is that those nearly 19 million votes ALL went to Don Trump.

And that, in fact if we only count 'legal' votes.....then Don Trump came up with just 55,266,154 votes........vs.......Joe Biden with 81,268,924.

So there is that. ;)
Actually, you can do that without denying people their right to vote. You have a voter roll. You go up and say your name. they check the list, your name is on the list. You mail in a ballot, they check if your name is on the list. This isn't complicated.

And providing some proof that you are who you say you aren’t isn’t very complicated either.

It's a simple equation. Eliminating 100 legitimate votes to stop one invalid vote isn't practical. Especially when you can't really prove that one invalid vote is even happening to start with

Why would you be stopping 100 legitimate votes by simply asking for an ID? I know Democrats aren’t very smart, but seriously, give your constituency a little more credit.

Actually, you guys are stupid, because you keep voting to let the rich screw you. because they learned long ago you are happy as long as you have a little more than the Darkies. It's how they got you guys to catch bullets in the Civil war, it's how they get you to screw yourselves over now.

Voter ID. Brought to you by the same people who brought you Poll Taxes and Literacy tests

We are smart enough to make more money than you on average AND figure out how to get an ID to vote. The problem for folks like you is the “rich” are defined as anyone that makes more money than you do. Funny stuff.

No voter I’d brought to you by the same people who brought you sancuaary cities and giving drivers licenses to illegals. Weird huh?

Common sense is you actually present evidence before you do something. You guys have been making claims about 'voter fraud" ever since it was pretty clear you guys can't win honest elections where everyone votes. What we haven't seen in the last 20 years of these claims is any evidence it happens on a widespread scale or even a small scale.

Proving voter fraud at the individual level is very time consuming. Democrats LOVE it and KNOW it. We can’t research every vote after the fact as it would be impractical. Practically speaking, asking for a valid ID at the time a person votes is the common sense approach. Democrats KNOW it would elimante many of those attempting to vote multiple times and in dead peoples names, those in nursing homes, illegals, etc. etc. etc. thus why they don’t want it. You can’t be dumb enough not to know that, or can you? Maybe it is just the indoctrination talking.

Again, you have that little problem of evidence. If the laptop was seized from Hunter's home, then that would be valid evidence. It wasn't. Someone who claims Hunter dropped them off, and then claims that he for some reason started looking at the files inside (which you don't do for a repair, usually) claims to have found supposedly incriminating stuff that Russian Agents had been trying to sell a year before.

Lap tops have serial numbers on them. It should be no problem to track the serial numbers to the manufacturer and who they sold them to. Yet no one has been able to do that.

The laptop was Hunter’s. Nobody, including the FBI ever denied that. Now that Hunter’s dad is in office, it will be brushed under the rug. Heck, the FBI was compromised many years ago anyway under Obama so it the Democrats(crooks) have a free pass to continue their traitorous ways. Lemmings don’t see it.

Most people in this country live in the cities... Hello. yes, you are all for democracy, except for the places people actually live

What does that have to do with anything. Yes, most people live in cities. That doesn’t mean they can make the rules for folks who choose not to live in cesspools of humanity.

Yeah, I've been working at enough companies, and never saw a CEO who wasn't a clueless moron. The best ones were the ones who just let us get on with our jobs. There's really no excuse for a CEO to make eight figures, other than they have control of the cookie jar and can allot themselves the most cookies

Yeah, I know. The CEO’s should make what the line workers make. You guys are such tools. Don’t look now but your envy is showing again.
And providing some proof that you are who you say you aren’t isn’t very complicated either.

Okay. You know your name and what precinct you are voting in. That's probably good enough.

Why would you be stopping 100 legitimate votes by simply asking for an ID? I know Democrats aren’t very smart, but seriously, give your constituency a little more credit.

I do. I know that poor people and young people often don't get ID's because they don't really need them. As I said, I didn't have a driver's license until I was about 23. Didn't need one. Lived in the city, we had good public transportation. (Finally getting a car was awesome, though).

No voter I’d brought to you by the same people who brought you sancuaary cities and giving drivers licenses to illegals. Weird huh?

You mean common sense policies? Yes, that's horrible.

We are smart enough to make more money than you on average AND figure out how to get an ID to vote. The problem for folks like you is the “rich” are defined as anyone that makes more money than you do. Funny stuff.

Again, Cleetus, nobody really thinks you make more money than I do, since you won't even tell us where you live.

Proving voter fraud at the individual level is very time consuming. Democrats LOVE it and KNOW it. We can’t research every vote after the fact as it would be impractical. Practically speaking, asking for a valid ID at the time a person votes is the common sense approach. Democrats KNOW it would elimante many of those attempting to vote multiple times and in dead peoples names, those in nursing homes, illegals, etc. etc. etc. thus why they don’t want it. You can’t be dumb enough not to know that, or can you? Maybe it is just the indoctrination talking.

So let me get this straight. You want to disenfrachise millions of poor and young people (because they vote Democratic) on the claim that voter fraud is widespread, but proving that it is occurring is "too time consuming". You guys have been making these claims since 2000, you've had 21 years to prove them.

The laptop was Hunter’s. Nobody, including the FBI ever denied that. Now that Hunter’s dad is in office, it will be brushed under the rug. Heck, the FBI was compromised many years ago anyway under Obama so it the Democrats(crooks) have a free pass to continue their traitorous ways. Lemmings don’t see it.

Really, when was this "proven"? Did they have a receipt showing that Hunter bought that particular laptop?

What does that have to do with anything. Yes, most people live in cities. That doesn’t mean they can make the rules for folks who choose not to live in cesspools of humanity.

The cities are the engines of our economy, not the rural inbreds of Jesusland.

So simple enough solution. One person. One vote.

Yeah, I know. The CEO’s should make what the line workers make. You guys are such tools. Don’t look now but your envy is showing again.

Should they make what a line worker makes? No. Should they make 400 times what a line worker makes, No.

Check it out, this is what America CEO's make compared to CEO's in other countries.


It's not because our CEOs are so much better.

Here's what CEO pay vs. worker pay over time.


Okay. You know your name and what precinct you are voting in. That's probably good enough.

Only good enough if you don’t really want to enforce voting laws. You clearly don’t.

I do. I know that poor people and young people often don't get ID's because they don't really need them. As I said, I didn't have a driver's license until I was about 23. Didn't need one. Lived in the city, we had good public transportation. (Finally getting a car was awesome, though)

At least your know your demographic. Yes, you vote with the poor people who clearly haven’t been very sucessful and kids who are too young to know make truly wise decisions. It should make you question why is it that you vote for the same politicians as these folks, but alas, it doesn’t. When my political opinions, which have been formed over a number of years based on experience and observation, coincide with the majority of high schoolers, it is time for some serious introspection. Children aren’t as wise adults...never have been and never will be. This is why I always call Democrats children, because frankly, no matter the age, they think like immature adolescents.

You mean common sense policies? Yes, that's horrible.

Sorry, allowing illegals to stay in the country and protecting them from federal law is not common sense.

Again, Cleetus, nobody really thinks you make more money than I do, since you won't even tell us where you live.

Yeah, because nobody in the South makes more money that average. You live in an alternative universe. I don’t tell you where I live for two reasons. One is anonymity and two is anyone can point out any bad statistics about any state. For a party that preaches not to stereotype, you guys sure do it quite often when it suits you.

So let me get this straight. You want to disenfrachise millions of poor and young people (because they vote Democratic) on the claim that voter fraud is widespread, but proving that it is occurring is "too time consuming". You guys have been making these claims since 2000, you've had 21 years to prove them

If they want to vote, then can get an ID. Again, not difficult. Yes, they must put forth SOME effort, much like if they wanted to buy a beer.

Really, when was this "proven"? Did they have a receipt showing that Hunter bought that particular laptop

The FBI never said it was not his laptop. I can assure you that would have been the first thing they would have said if possible. They are crooked, or haven’t you figured that out yet?

The cities are the engines of our economy, not the rural inbreds of Jesusland

And much of the food to feed that engine is not grown there. The red states can stop growing food for you imbeciles and how quickly would that engine die?

Check it out, this is what America CEO's make compared to CEO's in other countries.

Yeah, because we are the Superbowl champs and we need to continue taking advice from the losers. Only Democrats would be so giddy to ”fundamentally change” a winning formula. But then again, I have come to expect nothing less.
Only good enough if you don’t really want to enforce voting laws. You clearly don’t.

Because you guys have historically used that to disenfranchise people.

At least your know your demographic. Yes, you vote with the poor people who clearly haven’t been very sucessful and kids who are too young to know make truly wise decisions. It should make you question why is it that you vote for the same politicians as these folks, but alas, it doesn’t. When my political opinions, which have been formed over a number of years based on experience and observation, coincide with the majority of high schoolers, it is time for some serious introspection. Children aren’t as wise adults...never have been and never will be. This is why I always call Democrats children, because frankly, no matter the age, they think like immature adolescents.

Really? Because most of the childish behavior I see is in the behavior or rightwingers. "Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine" they whine like small children refusing to share a toy they'll lose interest in five minutes later.

The thing is, if you aren't rich, you have no business voting Republican. And I really doubt you are rich, Cleetus.

If they want to vote, then can get an ID. Again, not difficult. Yes, they must put forth SOME effort, much like if they wanted to buy a beer.

Why should they have to put in an effort to exercise a RIGHT. Particularly when you know that effort will be selectively enforced.

the thing was, you guys didn't find any voter fraud. But you want to make it harder for poor and minority voters to use their right because you don't like the way they vote.

The FBI never said it was not his laptop. I can assure you that would have been the first thing they would have said if possible. They are crooked, or haven’t you figured that out yet?

The FBI largely kept out of it because if they had said that, Trump would have fired them. Either you can prove he purchased it, or you can't. No one has proven he or anyone associated with him purchased those laptops. It's not difficult. Computers are serial numbered. More often than not, they are bought with warranties, which have to be registered. You should be able to prove who bought them if they were legit.

And much of the food to feed that engine is not grown there. The red states can stop growing food for you imbeciles and how quickly would that engine die?

Most agricultural work is done by the Illegal aliens you want to throw out. Cleetus and Billy Bob don't want to work on the dun-der farm, they want to run their meth lab.

Yeah, because we are the Superbowl champs and we need to continue taking advice from the losers. Only Democrats would be so giddy to ”fundamentally change” a winning formula. But then again, I have come to expect nothing less.

Except we aren't the superbowl champs.. Give people a choice, they'll buy German or Japanese products every time.. because German and Japanese means quality.

So how is it the Germans and Japanese pay their CEO's reasonable salaries and outperform us on efficiency and quality?
I was going by your data
No you weren’t. I didn’t provide any data that said “66 votes was the maximum” that any county found.

But while we’re on the subject, 379,000 illegal votes per state times 50 states comes out to 18,950,000. That’s 19 million (slightly rounded) for those who aren’t good with numbers.

You know what’s extra crazy about that number? If you take 18 million away from 80 million, you end up with 61 million. Or the number that Joe Biden was expected to bring in!!! Coincidence? :dunno:

Peter Navarro = fake news!
Just a review:

The OP presented a link from the Heritage Foundation: Here is a screenshot from the home page:


1,311 proven instances of voter fraud.

That wasn't 1,311 in 2020. Some of the charges go back decades. Here is the cases from the year 2000...21 years ago:


Anyway, the OP has gone from providing a link of 1,311 cases that go back decades to the latest incredible and non-sourced accusations such as:

And that fact is, we know there infinitely more in massive counties like LA county. In other words, millions of fraudulent votes across the US.
Somehow the 1,311 cases extrapolate to "millions of fraudulent votes across the US." Holy baseless allegation Batman.

And then there is this classic.

But while we’re on the subject, 379,000 illegal votes per state times 50 states comes out to 18,950,000. That’s 19 million (slightly rounded) for those who aren’t good with numbers.

379,000 illegal votes per state...just in 2020 alone.

The OP is clearly not aware (or perhaps more accurately doesn't care enough about honesty to care) that 4 states and DC didn't even have 379,000 votes in total.


I'm all for making our elections more secure but the OP is just spewing out nonsense.
Because you guys have historically used that to disenfranchise people

I guess we also deny folks the luxury of drinking a beer, flying on planes, getting any government benefits including social security and unemployment, driving a car, getting a passport, buying cigarettes, opening a bank account, renting a car, renting or buying a house, opening a bank account, getting married, picking up a prescription, et al. You are being intentionally obtuse as usual to support a nonsensical agenda that you feel obligated to defend.

Really? Because most of the childish behavior I see is in the behavior or rightwingers. "Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine" they whine like small children refusing to share a toy they'll lose interest in five minutes later.

The thing is, if you aren't rich, you have no business voting Republican. And I really doubt you are rich, Cleetus.

I was always taught that you must earn your keep. That is quite the opposite of what Democrats teach. They some can get what other people have earned by simply sitting on the front porch. After all, it is ALWAYS somebody else’s fault for their failures and those that succeed are ALWAYS simply “lucky”.

I am “rich” according to you. Anyone with a job should be voting Republican. Anyone that doesn’t think handouts are the way for our country’s to succeed should vote Republican. Us “rich” folks are smarter than folks like you, thus why we are “rich” to start with. Go ahead and think you are “smart” all the while being paid what any average Joe can make.

Why should they have to put in an effort to exercise a RIGHT. Particularly when you know that effort will be selectively enforced.

the thing was, you guys didn't find any voter fraud. But you want to make it harder for poor and minority voters to use their right because you don't like the way they vote

In order to be guaranteed any of the rights afforded to US citizens you must be able to prove you are a citizen. I guess you missed that part.

The FBI largely kept out of it because if they had said that, Trump would have fired them. Either you can prove he purchased it, or you can't. No one has proven he or anyone associated with him purchased those laptops. It's not difficult. Computers are serial numbered. More often than not, they are bought with warranties, which have to be registered. You should be able to prove who bought them if they were legit

The FBI is not going to comment on it, particularly now with daddy Joe in office. You would NEVER believe any source that verified it was indeed his laptop because your programing won’t allow it. Hunter’s signature was verified on the paperwork from the repair shop. I mean, there is that.

Most agricultural work is done by the Illegal aliens you want to throw out. Cleetus and Billy Bob don't want to work on the dun-der farm, they want to run their meth lab

Sure, done on land in red states by red blooded Americans. Missed that part did ya?

Except we aren't the superbowl champs.. Give people a choice, they'll buy German or Japanese products every time.. because German and Japanese means quality.

So how is it the Germans and Japanese pay their CEO's reasonable salaries and outperform us on efficiency and quality?

No, we are the Super Bowl champs. Once again, you lefties have been taught that Europe is a bastian of greatness and the US horrible. You can’t help it, I know, but it is very sad.
I guess we also deny folks the luxury of drinking a beer, flying on planes, getting any government benefits including social security and unemployment, driving a car, getting a passport, buying cigarettes, opening a bank account, renting a car, renting or buying a house, opening a bank account, getting married, picking up a prescription, et al. You are being intentionally obtuse as usual to support a nonsensical agenda that you feel obligated to defend.

None of those things are rights.... Voting is.

I was always taught that you must earn your keep. That is quite the opposite of what Democrats teach. They some can get what other people have earned by simply sitting on the front porch. After all, it is ALWAYS somebody else’s fault for their failures and those that succeed are ALWAYS simply “lucky”.

When did they teach this? Again, when you guys demand we get rid of middle class entitlements that go to white people who are no longer "earning their keep", then I can take you seriously. Here's the thing. When TRUMP PLAGUE hit, Trump insisted on paying $1200 to everyone AND expanded unemployment benefits... Why? Those people aren't "Earning their keep".

Sorry, bud, we are all socialists now.

I am “rich” according to you. Anyone with a job should be voting Republican. Anyone that doesn’t think handouts are the way for our country’s to succeed should vote Republican. Us “rich” folks are smarter than folks like you, thus why we are “rich” to start with. Go ahead and think you are “smart” all the while being paid what any average Joe can make.

Again, Cleetus, nobody believes you make that much money. Anyone with a job should realize that the ONLY reason why they enjoy a middle class lifestyle is because FDR, Truman, JFK and LBJ fought to get that for you.

The working class has been in decline since Tricky Dick.... It's not a bug, it's a design feature.


In order to be guaranteed any of the rights afforded to US citizens you must be able to prove you are a citizen. I guess you missed that part.

Not true at all. Everyone is entitled to freedom of speech, religion, assembly, privacy, right to a day in court. Whether you are a citizen or not.

At least if you are white.

The FBI is not going to comment on it, particularly now with daddy Joe in office. You would NEVER believe any source that verified it was indeed his laptop because your programing won’t allow it. Hunter’s signature was verified on the paperwork from the repair shop. I mean, there is that.

ACtually, any fool can forge a signature... Where's the serial number traceability. The problem is, no one would use these laptops in court because chain of custody can't be established.

Sure, done on land in red states by red blooded Americans. Missed that part did ya?

Who bring in Mexicans to do the hard work.

No, we are the Super Bowl champs. Once again, you lefties have been taught that Europe is a bastian of greatness and the US horrible. You can’t help it, I know, but it is very sad.

Actually, I can do math... that's the thing. The Europeans beat us on nearly every quality of life metric.


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Your fantasy about this is so ridiculous and you're so ignorant about voting...the "379,000 per state" you're putting out is more votes than were cast for (both candidates) in 4 states and DC. So, according to your "logic" no valid votes were cast in Wyoming!
It’s what’s known as an “average” (ie “per state”). We all know that Wyoming would have hardly any, while California would have millions of illegal votes (half of which coming from actual illegal aliens :laugh: )
Your fantasy about this is so ridiculous and you're so ignorant about voting...the "379,000 per state" you're putting out is more votes than were cast for (both candidates) in 4 states and DC. So, according to your "logic" no valid votes were cast in Wyoming!
It’s what’s known as an “average” (ie “per state”). We all know that Wyoming would have hardly any, while California would have millions of illegal votes (half of which coming from actual illegal aliens :laugh: )

Its also known as pure folly.

1,311 confirmed cases of voter fraud do not equal "millions of illegal votes" except in your mind.
As with most problems we face, the solutions are quite simple. Here is all we need to do:
  1. Eliminate all campaign finance. Not a single $1 permitted for a campaign
  2. Eliminate party affiliations on ballots
  3. Moved to a “ranked-choice” ballot (but with different “scoring”)
  4. Secure elections and arrange for transparent audits
That’s it. That’s all it takes to solve all of our problems with regards to politicians. These steps will ensure better candidates, a better informed electorate, and restore faith in our election process.
....meanwhile, as predicted / expected Democrats are going full speed in passing/ imposing rules, laws, & systematic election fraud that will guarantee they never lose another election again.

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